A Strange Story About Luck & Love

Set your life on fire & seek those who fan your flames -
Live life as if everything was rigged in your favor, Rumi
A text by: Firesoul
All Notes   |   End Note
By: Firesoul
I advice you to read the books always having the truth in mind. I don't take responsibility for these texts. Because of © copyright, some publications can't be downloaded. Problems reading the texts? You need a .txt, PDF or ePub reader app.
I advice you to read the books always having the truth in mind. I don't take responsibility for these texts. Because of © copyright, some publications can't be downloaded. Problems reading the texts? You need a .txt, PDF or ePub reader app.

Introduction Part I: "The God"

god is very present in most social and historical contexts. But clearly, He emerges such as Allah in the Quran, God of the Bible in various languages or as Bhaga (The Lord in Sanskrit), Brahman (The Omnipresent Originator of existence or the spiritual eternal core of the world, which all souls try to reach, according to Hinduism) etcetera in the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas and the Upanishads and more. God when written in definitive and singular form - the God - actually gives a more accurate description as a concept of an unseen, benevolent, and Omnipotent Creator & God. But this abstraction also refers to this super-existence as a given force and power, where the bare term "God" does not say as much about Him as the more directed word - "the God". And, this is also visible in religions such as "New Age" or Islam (a god is written as "ilah", in-definitive form, while "the God" is written as Allah in definitive), but also in older scriptures and languages; for example in the Slavic countries (a god is called "bog" while the God is written "Boga") and in minor as in the Rwandan language "Kinyarwanda" where one god in in-definitive form is called "mani" and the God is called "Imani", not to mention my mother tongue Albanian where "Zot" is a general word for a God whereas "Zoti" is, so obviously now, the God.
"In the beginning, there was nothing except the Creator". This idea is of course supported by anthropologists and scholars of religion, even if they rarely dare to go further and accept it as a truthful theory, as they solely cozy up with religious concepts. Most humans have disbelief in a Creator, probably mostly because they have deep and serious private problems, but also due to misunderstandings and preconceived ideas of Him being an old beardy dude in the skies, who dies or gives birth, or to some God is just abstract energy with no juridical or personal properties,- a philosophically contradictory perception merely based on influences from highly authoritative religious institutions with biased doctrinal philosophies and domestic agendas. And just as the Creator is referred to in the singular definite form, He is correctly called "the God". For those who do not know Who or What the Creator is, it's recommended to read the Quran, the Bible, or the nearest traditional, any monotheistic, religious record. As a matter of fact, I believe that all religions have basically the same Creator, but they call Him in different ways and languages, it seems. Allah, Bhaga, or God are therefore synonyms, and so also other names of God, for that matter. This topic will be addressed more thoroughly later. The Creator is said to be close to the believer, who should fear and trust Him so that He can guide her to Himself. I will argue, through some simple rational reasoning, that if man would understand the concept of God without judgmental approaches, she would understand that the world is most interesting and that the God is a power and a continuous Creator. If you then, which with religious records can do, shatter the myth that God does not exist, you can strike a blow for that He continues to be the only party man can be subjective and personal around.

- Who is our maker - "the God"? -

As told initially, the methods for studying different ideas regarding religious phenomena, are firstly to cross-study terminology, mythology, rituals, etc. And secondly, a dissection of metaphysical and physical understandings & concepts is also and only briefly & roughly presented. These are intended more as means of interrogation and examination from a historical point of view, and less as a display, manifesto, or subjective claim of so-called truth, facts, and evidence from religious dogmatics. Therefore, when trying to interpret and mix religious scriptures, it is done so solely to show how humans (our ancestors) have dealt with "mega-questions", in the presence of a Creator, to understand the meaning of existence and also the truth behind the mysteries of their, and now also our, marvelous, grand & bountiful world. It is not righteous for honest humans to try to understand what's intentionally hidden (nonvisible, nondetective), spy on co-citizens, lie, and try to manipulate empirical facts. Knowledge is only as wide as the space of people's minds. Ambition, egoism, greed, sensualism, etc., are reasons why weak humans succumb to deception and mortal perishabilities, while the ultimate reality seems to be the eternal & limitless sphere. What else is there to try to reach in life? Or, is someone scared of what would be presented to their eyes, while others seem so self-satisfied and arbitrarily sure of what life will become? God is the Mercy, the Initiator of life itself, scriptures say. Let's see what's up with these ideas of hidden beings & realms, shall I!? Let's holistically play with some thoughts, and have a fun time. Oh, oh, and glory be to you the God then.
The Creator-God is an entity that says to mankind, in books, and usually by prophets and other holy people, figures, or beings, have created our world and another for man invisible world. He is also said to have created all the worlds in the universe, animals, nature, and all other imaginable and yet not possible worlds and beings. A Creator symbolizes and is often the core of many religions. Thus, all names are His, as it is for example further said in the Quran, 59:24:s
He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms [or Colours]. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise."
Here in the above-quoted surah (a surah is a chapter of the Quran), one finds the reason why all of God's names are good, regardless of language differences and barriers, despite everyone's be-calling or image of the Creator. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krshna presents himself as a variety of characters and idols before Arjuna, as an example of his various names:
The Holy One said, -'Well, unto thee I will declare my divine perfections -///- I am Vishnu among the Adityas, the resplendent Sun among all luminous bodies; I am Marichi among the Maruts, and the Moon among constellations. -///- Of all the Rudras I am Shiva -///- ", says The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10:19, 10:21.
God is not "he" as a man or woman, even though the word "he" is used when speaking about Him. Usually, beings with a personality or consciousness are addressed with "he" or "she", and impersonal objects with "it", just to clarify the gender perspective, and no one has decided so, and why this is so is, of course, a mystery, esoteric and touches a subject in metaphysics. If I start rambling to reveal what no man would, without the leave of my God, be able to do - make esoteric knowledge obvious,- I would thus become a magician, prophet, and not a simple reporter in religions. In order to distinguish the word he for man and He for God, use a small "h" for the man and a big "H" for God when writing.
One day, everyone will adapt to a single major power, it seems, it is rather the end result that is important. It's like the famous folk and rock singer Bob Dylan's song "Got to serve somebody" where he sings:
You may be an ambassador,
To England or France,
You might like to gamble,
You might like to dance,
You may be the heavyweight,
Champion of the world,
You might be a socialite,
With a long string of pearls,
But you're gonna have to serve somebody,
Yes indeed, you're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well it may be the Devil,
Or it may be the Lord,
But you're gonna have to serve somebody,
Might be a Rock-n-roll addict,
Prancing on the stage,
Money, Drugs at your command,
Women in a cage,
You may be a businessman,
Or some high degree thief,
They may call you doctor,
Or they may call you chief
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody"
The strange thing is that the word God is not made itself more dominant in the relics that are of Norse and English traditions, when this word popped up as a name is actually an interesting conundrum yet. But, one might see traces of this word in for example Swedish names, with roots from the iron age. Gudrun is a female name, meaning "the rune of God",- Gud is God in Swedish and there is a saga in the Edda called Guðrúnarkviða (kviða means rhymes). Another Northern Germanic name is Gudmund, but we don't find the word in old scriptures so often. One important remembrance which is most often overlooked in the study of old Norse mythology is the belief in a supreme God of the Asirs and in Völuspå of the Edda there is an interesting story about Ragnarök (the end times when the world will perish and a new one will emerge) where the God is portrayed as one Ruler of all, similar to the Quranic and Biblical perspective:
57. The sun turns black, | earth sinks in the sea,
The hot stars down | from heaven are whirled;
Fierce grows the steam | and the life-feeding flame,
Till fire leaps high | about heaven itself.
58. Now Garm howls loud | before Gnipahellir,
The fetters will burst, | and the wolf run free;
Much do I know, | and more can see
Of the fate of the gods, | the mighty in fight.
59. Now do I see | the earth anew
Rise all green | from the waves again;
The cataracts fall, | and the eagle flies,
And fish he catches | beneath the cliffs.
60. The gods in Ithavoll | meet together,
Of the terrible girdler | of earth they talk,
And the mighty past | they call to mind,
And the ancient runes | of the Ruler of Gods.
61. In wondrous beauty | once again
Shall the golden tables | stand mid the grass,
Which the gods had owned | in the days of old,
62. Then fields unsowed | bear ripened fruit,
All ills grow better, | and Baldr comes back;
Baldr and Hoth dwell | in Hropt's battle-hall,
And the mighty gods: | would you know yet more?
63. Then Hönir wins | the prophetic wand,
And the sons of the brothers | of Tveggi abide
In Vindheim now: | would you know yet more?
64. More fair than the sun, | a hall I see,
Roofed with gold, | on Gimle it stands;
There shall the righteous | rulers dwell,
And happiness ever | there shall they have.
65. There comes on high, | all power to hold,
A mighty lord, | all lands he rules.
("Rule he orders, | and rights he fixes,
Laws he ordains | that ever shall live.")
66. From below the dragon | dark comes forth,
Nithhogg flying | from Nithafjoll;
The bodies of men on | his wings he bears,
The serpent bright: | but now must I sink.
Solarijóð - "The Song of the Sun" - which tells about a man who kills his host, gets avenged, and goes to the afterlife "Hel" (Hell), where he meets the three Norns (The wise women weaving fate), Oden who here is not the Lord, and the Virgins (probably the Valkyries which in old Norse mythology was believed to take the souls of the fallen soldiers to Valhalla - an Iron age Northern equivalent to Paradise) after he sees the Sun for the last time, is a syncretic saga combining Norse mythology and Christian dogma. Here one reads of one Creator God - Guð - but with the old elements and ideas in regards to the existence, molded together with Christian redemption and spirituality. It was written in Iceland in the 12:th century, just after the Christianization, called "Kristnitaka" in Icelandic, of the country. And in this period the belief in one God only and the word itself automatically becomes more prevalent:
24. His soul summoned home
the true God
into his joy to come;
but the evil doers
will, I ween, late
be from torments called.
The theses here regarding social sciences, the creation of life, and religious ideas are my own and so are those further on without any reference to an established theory based on emic religious dogmas or scientific sources. Yet they are mentally engaging and interesting, in an honest original investigation without superstition-based- and self-driven motives! Speaking of other stuff, one thing you will notice further on here is that the Arabic Quran is mentioned more than you are used to in the Western humanistic popular studies of religion, because it's an important scripture to approximately one-fourth of earth's population, meaning it has a big significance to the common understanding in society.
Just because people call a tree by different names, depending on the language, does not mean that the tree's attributes are changed. The same applies therefore to the Creator, people can call Him by different titles or names but His mystical properties are unchanged and for man inexplicable. There are those in Science who want to try to philosophize about this, despite that the conclusion often is that it is not possible. John Hick, a noted postmodern philosopher, is trying in his book "The Existence of God", to compile various thoughts on the philosophy of the existence of God. He says there are two kinds of thoughts on the debate about the existence of God, especially in Science. One is of those who have a theistic position and the other is from the atheists who want to claim that God does not exist, with impact. Hicks's conclusion is thus superfluous since he in need of philosophical reasoning still wants to prove that it is not philosophically possible to prove God's existence, but Hicks is smart nevertheless. A chapter, where he tries to clarify this dilemma, is dedicated solely as an attempt to bring esoteric proof of an existence of a Creator deity, which he matter-of-factly begins with: "I shall discuss That philosophical proof of God's existence is impossible". The easiest way is therefore to start from the books of the religions. So, God is not like anything in creation as the planets, Moon, Sun, or stars- the one God is the Creator of them. He is not a particle, God creates both the small substances as the astronomical forces. Neither is the God these words, names, or concepts. But rather, He is believed to create with words and for this wants men to admire through His beautiful names so all can understand the concept of a single "Omnicreare" - He is far from the mind to grasp by any means from the material presence and world.
The Creator of all religions wants everything and everyone to worship and honor Him alone for having created the world. Jesus says for example in the Quran surah 3:51 that: "It is Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way that is straight". Allah says something similar in surah 2:208: "O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy". Regarding deniers and believers you can also hear in the Quran 67:12: "As for those who fear their Lord unseen, for the is Forgiveness and a great Reward". Please see the next example:
The Holy One said, Fixing (their) mind on me, they that constantly adore me, being endued (besides) with the highest faith, are deemed by me to be the most devoted. They, however, who worship the Immutable, the Unmanifest, the All-pe vading, the Inconceivable, the Indifferent, the Immutable, the Eternal, who, restraining the entire group of the senses, are equal-minded in respect of all around and are engaged in the good of all creatures, (also) attain to me", says the Bhagavad Gita in Chapter 12.4.
If someone denies his God and at the same time is a bully of some sort, who then is the omnipotent? The Creator forgives much of the bad, many religions say with their specific messages and laws. This, that to some God created all faiths, means that man must follow a path they are destined to follow no matter what, but with a positive reflection on others, according to many religious documents. Start by reading the short surah 87, the Bible in Genesis 1:1-3, Bhagavad Gita 3:10, or an equivalent text, as an introduction to religion, and what is to come if you're not familiar with the emic cosmogonic nature of these important religions ("cosmos" means the world and "gonos" birth, in Greek, cosmogony means the creation of the world. Emic means inside perspective - a word commonly used in the religious studies of Science). Just because the only God says to have all the names and titles as Allah, God, or anything else of good character, one does not need to conclude too fast and believe that anyone who claims to have created and maintain the world is the true God. In the end, it's all an aspect of Him like a mirror image is of the viewer. The true God is beyond the material world and awaits the creation of a new world where the faithful can live in the good for all eternity and those who deny His existence and omnipotence have a penalty to wait in another world, also created by Him, says most religious scriptures. If not, the answer may be that religion is either completely true in all areas and texts, or on the contrary that it is not at all true - it has to be worked with in the same way it's worked in Science and everything else. Is there a text correct, logical, and also true in its whole, one now may ask? Some pretend it to be a book from God, while others do research and base ideas on assumptions, yet they share the similarity in the belief of them being reliable sources. The best approach to critical ideas and knowledge has always been by "logical belief" and rational thinking in regards to that. One way to do so is to get results through empirical analysis, however, necessarily not always through testing or experimentation as some seem to do. Sadly, many times humans do it by absurdity and through decadence, and by some sort of sacrificial animal,- societal- or human experiments. This is a limit to how far scientific philosophy reaches, because if humans excessively test, then she must accept that the consequences could easily be the opposite, that man himself gets tested or something else disastrous happens to everyone. According to all major beliefs, the God has set a few comprehending laws for men to follow and not to transgress borders, or else their books tell of tragic events which are claimed to have been inflicted on past nations. Everyone has probably heard of Noah and Sodom& Gomorrah, right? These are the outermost extreme ones from their God, as no one except their messengers or prophets were spared of their life.
Human souls and God is the opposite of everything in this world and a variety of the world, rationally reasoning, He is the One as its antithesis. If worship is given to plural things, it can be given to different persons or people as well, for otherwise, it will be difficult with a polytheistic homage to one, in etymology, singular entity. But how can someone choose whom you shall worship of all people and nations, for there is only one God, the Creator of heaven and earth? To understand, imagine that everything has an opposite - the Sun has the Moon, the night has the day, humans have animals, and life has death as the opposite - and thus the whole manifold existence (with millions of animals, matters, or metaphysical beings) have a Creator. There, the existence of a Creator can be shown from both philosophical reasoning, and logical analysis of being. There are then those who claim to be gods, which further led to many religions' decline and extinction and that they became myths. The so-called idolated gods killed others, or got killed themselves by others, which further should reflect the end of their religions, - they obviously met the same fate:
And Allah has said, "Do not take for yourselves two deities. He is but one God, so fear only Me". -///- "In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. Say:" God is one. God is first. He is not begotten, nor has He begotten. And no God can take His unity", says Allah in the Quran, surah 16:51 & surah 112. -///- "Thou shalt have no gods before Me", continues Exodus 20.3. -///- "I will reward all of them in accordance with their assignment to Me. All follow my path in all respects, O son Parthas", concludes Bhagavad Gita 4.11.
Even in polytheistic religions, the individual, in the end, chooses a personal deity among the pantheon of gods. He, the Creator is One God. Imagine if there had been several Creators, then they would certainly have fought with each other to own the world and see what happens with polytheism. They, the alleged gods of the polytheists want to fight constantly for power which none of them seems to have in the end. In Kojiki, the book of Shintoism, an attempt is made to separate the five original gods from one another, as much as possible:
The names of the deities that were born in the Plain of High Heaven when the Heaven and Earth began were the deity Master-of-the-August-Center-of-Heaven; next, the High-August-Producing-Wondrous deity; next, the Divine-Producing-Wondrous deity. These three deities were all deities born alone, and hid their persons. The names of the deities that were born next from a thing that sprouted up like unto a reed-shoot when the earth, young and like unto floating oil, drifted about medusa-like, were the Pleasant-Reed-Shoot-Prince-Elder deity, next the Heavenly-Eternally-Standing deity. These two deities were likewise born alone, and hid their persons. The five deities in the above list are separate Heavenly deities", says Kojiki in chapter I.
Thus, God is one, and also in Kojiki, they try to keep the faith away from an otherwise obvious war, in mythology. The separation of the Shinto "Kamis" in the above quote has no meaning for Kojiki's output except to explain how these five were born and how they were separated. In the same manner, the children of the Earth and Heaven are hidden at the beginning of time, according to Greek mythology. The Antique poet Hesiod writes:
For of all the children that were born of Earth and Heaven, these were the most terrible, and they were hated by their own father from the first. And he used to hide them all away in a secret place of Earth so soon as each was born, and would not suffer them to come up into the light: and Heaven rejoiced in his evil doing.”
Again, this is my own study the metaphysical power of religion and not a compilation or a positive generalization and equalizing of religions or other social systems for that matter either. People used to worship men, nature, phenomena, and/or simply made-up names and persons. And there exist powers yet to be understood by us, but this doesn't have to mean that they are understatements of good, or even worse- being gods.
There are two worlds mentioned many times in most religious records, which are prominent and important to know, being obvious in most religions. One is the everyday world where people work, eat, sleep, and do other activities and it can be seen and perceived by ordinary senses - the profane world. The second reality is a spiritual one and for man invisible and imperceptible world of senses - the sacred world. This "second reality" is the "unseen", called "al ghayb" in the holy Arabic Quran and its counterpart in English is metaphysics, although it is used too seldom, instead of the complicated and lengthy sentences that try to describe it. Metaphysics means "the super-physical world". The term is used as well as in religious contexts, but also in Science and then to describe, among other things, the cognitive world, McIntyre says in his works extensively with later-day academies in the book "Metaphysical beliefs". The mundane and material world is subordinate to the metaphysical, says for example the Quran in surah 17:21: "See how We have bestowed more on some than on others; but verily the Hereafter is more in rank and gradation and more in excellence". The metaphysical world is also eternal which the secular is not:
I will now, without leaving anything speak to thee about knowledge and experience, knowing which there would be left nothing in this world (for thee) to know. One among thousands of men striveth for perfection. Of those even that are asidous and have attained to perfection, only some one knoweth me truly. Earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, also understanding, and consciousness,--thus hath my nature been divided eight-fold. This is a lower (form of my) nature. Different from this, know there is a higher (form of my) nature which is animate, O thou of mighty arms, and by which this universe is held. Know that all creatures have these for their source. I am the source of evolution and also of the dissolution of the entire universe", continues the Bhagavad Gita 7.2, 4-5.
Metaphysics can not be explained in other ways than by being granted permission from God, the one told in the sacred records, otherwise we inevitably exercise Magic. (More about how the occult works we can read in the later chapter "Magic and Medicine Men & Women".) In short, - the two main worlds are "the material and mundane" and "spiritual and metaphysical" and both are created and managed under a lot of power and are thus also completed. The same mindset exists also in Islam, the Quran, in 2:1-4, 67, 16:77 says:
This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah; Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them; And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and [in their hearts] have the assurance of the Hereafter". -///- "He Who created the seven heavens one above another: No want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of [Allah] Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw?" -///- "To Allah belongeth the Mystery of the heavens and the earth. And the Decision of the Hour [of Judgment] is as the twinkling of an eye, or even quicker: for Allah hath power over all things."
In addition, there are other beings than animals and humans, for example, spirits, devils, and angels. Some of these creatures are said to live as far as in the seventh sphere of the universe, but since they are unmaterial they are hard to place, both in time, space, and relative to matter, but also in terms of their construct. So it is believed that they are dwelling in the "unseen world". Those who live on the outer edge of the universe sound a bit like aliens. These surahs are many times interpreted as pointing out to Aliens, meaning that those who try to contact these will see a meteor fall from the sky, this is because they require precise co-ordinations to get to Earth, or otherwise they slam into these flames of the sky, says surah "Al-Jinn", "the ways of ascent" (chapter 70:04) and surah 55:33-:
O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it be ye can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass ye! not without authority shall ye be able to pass! Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? On you will be sent [O ye evil ones twain!] a flame of fire [to burn] and a smoke [to choke]: no defence will ye have: -///- The angels and the Holy Spirit ascend to Him in a day the measure whereof is as 50 000 years"
If one analyzes those breathtaking verses, it seems that for humans to come to the everlasting place, Paradise, it takes 50 000 years; but by having some divine knowledge we could do it as the angels and the Spirit, in one day more or less. Further Vedas describe Vimanas, planetary flying objects hovering above the water. The prophet Ezekiel sees these round flying objects when God chooses him to be a Prophet, with cherubs (angels from Heaven) and with light, across the Jordan River. The Bible says in "Prophets, Ezekiel" that:
Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their work [was] like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they went, they went upon their four sides: [and] they turned not when they went. As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings [were] full of eyes round about them four. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up", says Ezekiel in chapters 1:15-.
Babylonia had for a long time written down on "Nibiru" (there are pictures & texts from them theoretically showing the nine planets around the Sun, and the Earth is shown with its Moon and even a distant mysterious planet), a twelfth planet where Nefillim and Anunaki lived. Anunakis were in appearance very similar to Cherubim, they had wings and came down to Earth on discs or wheels from the sky. Some of these were from heaven, and like the Cherubim, had an appearance similar to animals in combination with man. This was written down during the time of kings and as Ezekiel prophesied to the Israelis that they really existed, as to overcome the dilemma they had about creatures from outer places, they did not believe him. Ezekiel warned them that Babylon will later enslave them (their scholars from Babylon and kings already knew about Nefillim and Anunaki from Nibiru), and so it became when the Jewish kings did not want to hear even though they had the same thoughts all over the world, much proof reveals. Among others, the following sources of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) from the UFO religions are in the Bible - 2 Kings 2:11, Psalms 68:17, Isaiah 66:5, Jeremiah 4:13, Zechariah 6:1. In the zodiac sign, "Orion" who is aiming or shooting arrows at the night sky, Orion, with the hunter's belt of three stars, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt points at, while Sirius points at Orion's three stars which in turn points to the "women", "sisters" or "ladies" of the Pleiades, and the three was in Europe, Asia, Americas, Australia, and Africa believed to be a gateway to eternity. This and God are considered to be infinite as per knowledge in Islam and so difficult to explain that even the language puts an end to the exertions. The only way to understand God seems to be the way He shows humans through knowledge from written scriptures.
Vedas describe those spirit creatures having different groups; they are Asvins, Rudras (while Rudra in the singular form is the Vedic name of Shiva), Maruts, Adytias, Vasus, and others, but also in surah Al-Jinn (jinns - unidentified creatures in Arabic) they are divided into "clans" or people, tells Rgveda, Atharvaveda, Somaveda & Yajurveda and surah Al-Jinn. The surah further says that jinns one day heard the Prophet Muhamed recite the Quran as they were inspired by God to connect with him to tell what jinns are, and also "whisper" the Arabic Quran to the people as a sign of Allah's power and performance of miracles. You are surely familiar with Aladdin and the Genie in the Bottle - a story from the Arabic book "Thousand and one night", telling us the influence these creatures have had on the people of the Quran. Anyway, the surah says that some are believers and those who are unbelievers among the jinns (they can make sexes, and create communities - which is not the angelic attributes - the angels are unlike without gender and obey mostly only God). There are on the other hand angels who know how to teach Magic and two "Grand Masters" are Harut & Marut, mentioned in the Quran, surah 2:102, They are believed to be the ones who taught Magic during ancient Babylonian times, but they never learned out the practice without warning that it is only as a test from God. And the chapter further narrates for what purpose people used these lectures - they fell for "Black Magic" trying to divorce couples with metaphysical influence. This also could contradict that angels do not have free will since according to the Quran, some Magic practices are "Haram" - illegal, such as trying to predict the future by a certain practice generally known in Magic as throwing arrows. And since they assumedly only obey the God one may wonder why they then taught witchcraft? But, it also shows that what He wishes to give, man cannot interfere with it, and what He doesn't want to give, no one can complement without His leave. In Zoroastrianism, they got two similar names for "powers" or "energies", who also are seen as two sister spirit creatures, named Haurvatāt and Ameretāt which some came to interpret as they must have been known long before Zoroaster, later Islam and Sanatana Dharma. The word "genius" also comes from the word jinn, since they in Islam are believed to be very clever and powerful at the same time. Evil unseen creatures are called daemons (though originally the word was Greek and Latin and only meant a lesser powerful unseen creature who assists humans) and they often use 'suggestation' to communicate. It means their language is transmitted through 'metaphysical energetic words' (dark matter?) rather than ones of physical wavelengths. But not only the daemons do use so-called "whispering", but also the believing spirits do the same.
Often God speaks of Himself as "We" in the Quran, but it's considered by Muslim scholars to be the angels who speak in these verses, but more interpretations can also be made (He may mean "we" as in when it appeals to a Lord in aristocratic language). Religion also describes how man was created and what is beyond what man can see, and it's really another name for Science or Knowledge:
We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape; And the Jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind. Behold! thy Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man, from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape; "When I have fashioned him [in due proportion] and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him." says the Quran in surah 15:26-29.

- The End Ideas -

The believers know these contexts, but for the curious and the rest, it can be very important to know the above and more. Clay in this theory must surely address ground substance or matter which man is made of, consisting of five different substances, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals mixed with water (what else did you eat?). The idea of us being created from the soil is somewhat of an evolutionary thought. Soil, as we know, consists of base material from bedrock but later also organisms developed, and so the earth in which we live and grow is more or less other forms of dead bodies of other creatures. Thus we humans are placed at the peak of life itself. Furthermore, the time when the first created human was placed on our planet corresponds roughly with the same time given in both the Bible and Islamic sources. Around 7 000 - 20 000 years ago a new period started, known as the Neolithic period. It's a time between creatures (Neanderthal, Cro Magnon, Denisovans, etc.) living in caves as hunter-gatherers and the time of agriculture & pastoralism. It is assumed by historians and archeologists that modern humans must have mixed with those since a small percentage of our DNA consists of theirs. And in the same way as donkeys can mate with horses, or a tiger with a lion, human similarity with them enabled cross-breeding between us. Now we are the sole ones alive, and if we go back to religious myths, the Noahic story must be a logical deduction to the answer of why we are still here but no other humanoids. And Noah descended directly from Adam. Actually, "son of Adam" is the most common reference to humans when Allah addresses us as a collective in the Quran. (Interestingly, the Bible states a seemingly contradictory story,- that Adam's first son Cain had murdered his sibling Abel, and after that, he withdrew to the wilderness to marry and live with other tribes. Who are these tribes now? Surely, even being such premodern scholars and writers, the scribes of these stories couldn't have missed such a contradiction, and yet they believed in it) According to the Quran and other sources from Islamic ideas, Adam was the first man and Hawa (Eve) was the first woman. They descended to earth after being created in the upper realm. Eve landed somewhere around Mecca, while Adam was brought down to Sri Lanka (still to this day the islands forming a bridge looking line to mainland India is called Adams bridge by some, and by others, it is believed to be Rama's bridge which he used to save his wife Sita from his nemesis Ravana. While yet others claim it to be built by some other lost pre-Noahic civilization). Anyway, Eve stayed put, while Adam, of course, pursued to find her, according to the sources. As they, just like in a romantic story, met in the desert again, Adam was given a meteor from God as a sign of mercy for him to be able to continue his belief and righteous path. This stone he placed in the corner of the temple which he had built, and which later was rediscovered as ruins by Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ishmael (Ismail). The temple is according to the Quran the oldest in human history and still stands today, although it must be said that it was previously destroyed a couple of times but people rebuilt it at the same spot and architecture all again. So, am I only making assumptions or are there bits of informative messages in religious texts which could be used as means to knowledge? Sure, the ancient religious scribes were not conceptually advanced, since they mostly wrote for analphabetic farmers or shepherds, yet their naive narratives are somewhat coherent and always struggle to lean on the truth itself, and not to forget that some actually also maybe are from the metaphysical world.
Moreover, there is in every man a soul that is part of the Creator himself (the souls of the spirits/devils/jinns are made of a smokeless fire, hence also invisible, the angel's spirit of metaphysical light, the humans from the ether as Gods own breath, etc. - from explosion comes fire and from that derives light or vice versa, and later smoke considering the creation of the universe in the sense of spiritual evolution - read more in the next-coming chapter). Besides humans, some beings are invisible to our normal senses, and some people are equipped with the Creator's gift to see that world, but not without his presence or a spiritual gift. Satan is a being of such a nature and is considered an enemy of the believers and their souls as he, as continues the last quoted surah, refuses to bow down before Adam (the first man) seeing himself as greater than earthly material and therefore gets Allah's wrath upon himself and gets kicked out until the Day of Judgment comes, but Satan regrets a little and says that he only will mislead the unfaithful, says the Quran in surah 15:30 and the Bible in Genesis. The same idea as above is in the Bhagavad Gita, but a little more indirect, see 10.20, 04.17. Spirits, angels, kings, fate, presidents, psychologists, professors, prophets, spiritual leaders, etc. are not God. Or compare with this quote: "You shall have no gods beside Me", says God YHWH in the Bible chapter Exodus 20.3. God's power and He is everything and everywhere and implicitly this means that a Creator exists, for the believer in this.
In the so-called metaphysics, the Creator works, and there happens that which is not to be seen by those who do not believe fully in the truth, namely the mysterious, according to the monotheistic religions. God is in Heaven and has all power in His created worlds, He is the most interesting figure in spirituality, or? Yes, God is the one who makes the summer solstice in the north, while at the same time it is the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. And also, if God is the initiator of the world, He must logically be the terminator of it. Well, this is what the world religions have taught mankind to believe in, from the dawn of time up till now. But, if we can't see Him, or when people have a faith in polytheism, how can we be so sure that the God is real then? So, therefore relatively: there exists no god but the God.

Introduction Part II: "World Religion"

Erst was the age | when nothing was:
Nor sand nor sea, | nor chilling stream-waves;
Earth was not found, | nor Ether-Heaven,
A Yawning Gap, | but grass was none."
The Edda of Sturluson, in chapter Gylfaginning - Here begins the beguiling of Gylfi.
Praise be to Allah, Who created [out of nothing] the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four [pairs]: He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all things. What Allah out of his Mercy doth bestow on mankind there is none can withhold: what He doth withhold, there is none can grant, apart from Him: and He is the Exalted in Power, full of Wisdom", says the Quran in surah 35, Al Fatir -///- "O ye who believe! if ye fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion [to judge between right and wrong], remove from you [all] evil [that may afflict] you, and forgive you: for Allah is the Lord of grace unbounded", says the Quran in chapter 8:29.
one can fully explain what religion is (or how it has become a tool for understanding life, up to the 3rd millennium AD) since it touches on the subject of the hidden aspects of experience - the metaphysical -, but it's also very important enough to get a small idea of it though. It's such a vital part of human interaction and lifestyle that it has yet to be written about in general again. Human Rights of the United Nations says in Article 18 that "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion". While we know that religion has been a vital part of the human development of thought and consciousness, we usually don't understand what it actually means and how it came to be in the first place. The word itself comes from Latin and means "to bind". It is believed that religions are that which binds men with God - like a contract, but also to abide by rules and be bound to the law of divinity, according to Ingvild Sælid Gilhus & Lisbeth Mikaelsson, Norwegian religious scholars who try to do religious studies in paradigms that exist in the post-modern society's new rules, in the book "Nytt blikk på religion" (transl. "New perspectives on religion"). This is the etymology of the word but the meaning has a more deep and spiritual consensus. In a religious sense, you can compare it with having a blessing. And those who can teach religious faith are often said to have a blessing. Blessings and miracles are ways for men to have a relationship with the adhered, be it a God or whatever man is devoted to, as a symbol is according to its Greek meaning "that which can be united", like a contract. "Originally, it (symbol) was an identification mark (a symbol in two or more parts, concluded together like puzzle pieces and which then could be identified by stakeholders) that linked two or more parties", (my own transl.) explains Gilhus & Mikaelsson further. It may be added that the word symbol also refers to symbiosis-benefit of each other in a definite plan, like destiny and blessings, as in the case of Zechariah, a prominent figure in Abrahamic religions, asking for graces, and blessings from the Lord. The faithful pray to the worshipped for tangible assets such as spiritual knowledge and skills, as well as for material abundance.
There did Zakariya pray to his Lord, saying: "O my Lord! Grant unto me from Thee a progeny that is pure: for Thou art He that heareth prayer! While he was standing in prayer in the chamber, the angels called unto him: "Allah doth give thee glad tidings of Yahya, witnessing the truth of a Word from Allah, and [be besides] noble, chaste, and a prophet,- of the [goodly] company of the righteous", the Quran 3: 38-39. Say: "All bounties are in the hand of Allah: He granteth them to whom He pleaseth: And Allah careth for all, and He knoweth all things" in chapter 3:73. "Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran above all people,- ", says the Quran in surah 3:33.
This is also mentioned in the Gospels in the New Testament, which describes that this, mentioned above, happened to Zechariah despite his old age and while the Virgin Mary got the "Jesus-annunciation" by the Archangel Gabriel half a year after, according. It's about, in the world of religion, either for the good to bless others, ask for blessings and hope to get blessings for herself from the worshipped or followed, or for the evil to curse and contrary to avoid getting cursed or avoid cursing others. An idea which of course shall be taken up more thoroughly later on. Some are premade as souls in Heaven and thus apparently simply in advance blessed and those who hope to receive gifts, as blessings also can be called, has an implicit contemporary hope that everything rests with something slightly higher. In Zechariah's case, it is to ask, or as in religious terms it is rather to pray for blessings. The opposite of blessings are curses, but both work or get an outlet through wishes, prayer, or formulas. Some may seek forgiveness and protection from so-called sins and bad spiritual influences. And according to the Quran in chapter two, those who curse the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and other angels, the Prophets, and God himself, are cursed themselves. So indirectly, those who do not follow that which is good and also brakes the law are most likely the ones to get a curse and thus, in those cases, becomes separated from God:
But for any disaffected one who shall defy what he has heard, he shall be one condemned, the god shall curse him", says Katarina Nordh in her book "Aspects of ancient Egyptian curses and blessings", on page 39.
And so on in the same study by Nordh:
As for him who shall confirm them (i.e. the terms of decree), his son shall be established on his place, from son to son, his name shall not be destroyed, forever and ever. As for he who shall annu them -///- his children shall not succeed him."
If not the Creator is the largest in the position of religion, you will not see any similarities to Him in the records, reality, or metaphysics. And as you can notice from the quote, He is termed "The God" in Egyptian sources as well from ancient days. In addition to Akhenaten, Tutankhamun's father (originally Tutanaton), who believed in one God (that he was the Sun, or on the other hand that the Sun is only a symbol of one God), one can see from older sources that there formerly was or may have been a monotheistic religion in Egypt. The Bible and the Quran confirm that a God curses similarly, in Exodus. 20:1-:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
On the other hand, if one abides by the rules set by God, he receives blessings. Every soul is blessed by their God, but their self or "I" is what either will make its destiny a bad one or a good one, depending on actions in life,- be it believed to be conscience, Karma, DNA-mutations, or the writing of the book of life. The thought expresses the same outcomes and phenomenons. But few realize it, and according to monotheistic believers it's only those who believe in the Creator and that He is One, which are the ones to have access to His blessings. Yet, in the same belief systems they seemingly contradictory think that He already preselected some. And also this ambiguity - the free will contra the predestined - will be discussed soon as well. Everything has a cause and effect, it is just the perception of where it begins as it differs. Some people say that life begins with parents and others with a greater Creator. Fate is thus clearly an important aspect in most if not all religious traditions, in the belief of predestination. Most commonly, you get to know fate by what is destined for something good (luck) or bad (unluck). The belief in fate, for example, is closely associated with the power of Allah in Islam. The Quran in chapter 32:5 says:
He created the heavens and the earth in true [proportions]: He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the Sun and the Moon [to His law]: Each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power - He Who forgives again and again?", says the Quran in chapter 39: 5. -///- "He rules [all] affairs from the heavens to the earth: in the end will [all affairs] go up to Him, on a Day, the space whereof will be [as] a thousand years of your reckoning".
The following verse from the Bhagavad Gita may be interesting to compare: "They who know a day of Brahman to end after a thousand Yugas (ages), and a night (of his) to terminate after a thousand Yugas are persons that know day and night", says the Bhagavad Gita 8:17. If one then calculates a person's life by the quote from surah 32, the life of man is about three weeks or as most a God's month.

Fate in Life

According to the Quran, everyone's name and life are inscribed on a plaque in the sky. These books and records will by will or coercion, be read up on the Day of Judgment, when the heavens collapse, the ground falls into the ocean and the stars fall from the sky. The notes are made by angels and other beings that are specifically created for this purpose.
Islam has a special relation to the belief in destiny or fate, as the predestined also is called. It is one of the six doctrines of Iman (faith) of Islam, the other being the belief in the oneness of God, the Angels, the books, The prophets, and the day of judgment. Even a Christian tradition made its mark visible in the liturgies, through the preaching of punishment in the afterlife, in relation to the caused actions of the human self. This mixed up with the faith of the common and those who were punished in this life already, got themselves to blame, people thus believed. These ideas could have pagan roots, as many other beliefs had in Christianity and also later in modern spiritual thoughts. For example, Odin was upheld as one knowing human destiny which he assumably got through the exercise of Seidr (a kind of ritual with the help of runes and chants). Hence, there's the idea that people and things have a destiny and that someone knows or could know this. Odin is in turn part of the Asirs,- the old Scandinavian idols, or as many pagans do think, that those were merely workers for a major power and/or personifications of natural forces. Two black crows, Hugin and Munin, sat on Odin's shoulders and were messengers who gave him information about people's destinies, hidden knowledge, and other important information. He was believed to be wise and literate, knowing "the secrets of the Runes". In the Iron Age (Viking era) the Northerners thought that the Runes had mysterious powers and were used both as means of keeping traditions and transmitting knowledge & information, but also as energetic forces in the conduct of Seidr (forms of Magic), through Galdr (the songs or formulas during the comprehending ritual Seidr). Famous Runes are for example Fe, Fehu - ᚠ - (F); Tiwaz - ᛏ - (T); Othal - ᛟ - (O); etc. Fe was, for example, believed to be the Rune of cattle, wealth, and the motion of life associated with luck and good fortune, and in modern Swedish, the word for cattle is still Fä (pronounced Fae). It was believed that there was no chance, but instead, things happened in accordance with a greater plan & luck, and Fehu was somehow the Rune of this expression. In Seidr, Fehu was used to attract "Hamyngja" - the believed force of luck, by chanting through Galdr to control destiny. But Fe as its worse and opposite meaning had a slightly more negative connotation and makes one reconsider the wealth and pursuit of luck in this life, or as the Neo-pagan band Wardruna sings in an interpretation of a very old poem of the Vikings from Iceland:
Fe causes strife amongst friends
The wolf feeds in the forest
Fe is joy to man
strife amongst kin
path of the serpent
The snake lies coiled
Hidden, it waits beneath
like a frost-covered field
Strife that kinsmen suffer.
Othal, on the other hand, was the Rune of inherited wealth & ancestry, and in the Futhark circle (the Runic alphabet), they are to be side by side to say that one leaves his wealth so the other can inherit it. In Havamål, in "The Edda" one can read the following about Hamyngja:
Wealth will pass,
Men will pass,
You too, likewise, will pass.
One thing alone
Will never pass:
The fame of one who has earned it.
Fehu was also associated with the Asirs Frey & Freya and Frigg but also with Audhumla - the primordial cow who unintentionally, by licking a stone long enough, was thought to have created man & woman and thus life itself, and so further one Fehu was also associated with sexual energy, children and wealth/inheritance. The belief in fate is central as a metaphysical power in World Religions. Today many do not believe directly in the old Norse mythology, but destiny, as an old Scandinavian belief, does show up in modern paganism, popular art, and literature.
JRR Tolkien's tale about the ring has much material from Norse mythology and the Edda. Gandalf, known in "Lord of the Rings" as the elf with Magical powers and a wand that saves Middle-earth from the evil Sauron, is mentioned already in the Edda and so also the place the book portrays. Gandalf is mentioned as a dwarf who becomes an elf with a wand (Gandalf actually seems to mean "elf with a wand), as are the dwarfs of "An unexpected journey" - Nori, Fili, Dori, Bofur, Gloin, Dwalin, Thorin, Balin, Oin, Bombur, Bifur, Ori and Kili, but in the original inspirational scripture, in a slightly bigger crowd:
10. There was Motsognir | the mightiest made
Of all the dwarfs, | and Durin next;
Many a likeness | of men they made,
The dwarfs in the earth, | as Durin said.
11. Nyi and Nithi, | Northri and Suthri,
Austri and Vestri, | Althjof, Dvalin,
Nar and Nain, | Niping, Dain,
Bifur, Bofur, | Bombur, Nori,
An and Onar, | Ai, Mjothvitnir.
12. Vigg and Gandalf | Vindalf, Thrain,
Thekk and Thorin, | Thror, Vit and Lit,
Nyr and Nyrath,-- | now have I told--
Regin and Rathsvith-- | the list aright.
13. Fili, Kili, | Fundin, Nali,
Hepti, Vili, | Hannar, Sviur,
(Billing, Bruni, | Bildr and Buri,)
Frar, Hornbori, | Fræg and Loni,
Aurvang, Jari, | Eikinskjaldi.
14. The race of the dwarfs | in Dvalin's throng
Down to Lofar | the list must I tell;
The rocks they left, | and through wet lands
They sought a home | in the fields of sand.
15. There were Draupnir | and Dolgthrasir,
Hor, Haugspori, | Hlevang, Gloin
Dori, Ori, | Duf, Andvari,
Skirfir, Virfir, | Skafith, Ai.
16. Alf and Yngvi, | Eikinskjaldi,
Fjalar and Frosti, | Finn and Ginnar;
So for all time | shall the tale be known,
The list of all | the forbears of Lofar.
Furthermore, one can be learned from the wise woman Valan that the first people were Ask & Embla, and before them was the Dwarfish race. When people then multiplied, the three - Urd, Skuld, and Verdandi - who created the laws and weaved destiny for the people, came to Middle-earth. Weaving the fate is also seen in many other traditions,- for example, Neith in old Egypt or the Moirai in Greece who also were believed to weave the fate of people on earth. Another important pagan figure of Old Scandinavia was the Asir Thor. He was related to thunder, happiness, and cure of illness as he, as some kind of roamer of the skies, also was thought to give rain to the fields and plants. In that way, his adherents lay their faith in him to come and protect people from diseases, if they also sacrificed or prayed to Thor.
His hammer Thor hurled against giants and other enemies which always hit its target, according to the Norse myths. This symbol was common among the Iron Age Northerners (or Vikings, as they are now named) and has for example in Sweden become revived among Pagans where Thor's hammer is sometimes used as a talisman, many times hung on jewelry, for patronage and as power by these kind of neopagan believers. As a result of 19th- & 18th-century national romanticism with attractiveness towards pre-fascistic inclinations, Thor was popularly in his whole transformed into a kind of buff war symbol and the hammer became primarily a weapon, although it used to symbolize much more than that. He was actually also believed to be a wise Asir, who could penetrate all obstacles, both secular and knowledge. Thor flew in the sky on a chariot with lightning and light, drawn by billy goats, and was constantly looking at war and frolic, as a counterpart to the Greek Ares or Roman Mars.
To go back a bit now. Cosmogony in the North says that Aurgelmir, also named Ymir, was the first creature who by himself gave birth to the giants, and was nourished by the cow Audhumbla (meaning humming) who in turn was herself nourished by licking a salt rock. By licking long enough a man was formed - Bure, the grandfather of Odin. Ymir was also a giant and the origin of life itself, the people thought, and he was later pieced up by Odin and his brothers. Ymir's or Aurgelmir's body thus became the world; the blood became water, hair became trees, skin crust, and so on. But this is a merged reconstruction made by modern religious scholars, who by comparing the Old Edda with the Snorri's counterpart, summarized and concluded the Norse myths of creation. Btw, there are two versions of the Edda, one called the old Edda and the other is Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda. Even in Chinese mythology, cosmogony says much the same thing, that in the beginning there was nothing but a giant cut up whose body, like in the north and also in India, became the creation. In the Chinese language destiny is referred to as "order" or also "send down", and is summarized as "Ming". About Ming, Confucius says in "Analects", book 16 KE SHE, Chapter 8, that:
There are three things of which the superior man stands in awe. He stands in awe of the ordinances of Heaven. He stands in awe of great men. He stands in awe of the words of sages. 'The mean man does not know the ordinances of Heaven, and consequently does not stand in awe of them. He is disrespectful to great men. He makes sport of the words of sages."
Just like in Western mythologies, destiny has a major, if not a prevalent role in the spiritual practices and belief systems of the Far East. As a profane concept, fate is linked with choices of daily life and as a spiritual idea, it's universal enough that it interferes in most if not all religious and psychological rituals and actions. Confucius, or Kung Fuzi which is his Chinese name, was a moral teacher in ancient China who preached about different rules and were more some kind of knowledge of state governing rather than a religion, even if his reminiscence can be considered a religion due to its longevity up till today and which, not to forget, also has ceremonies around Confucius and his teachings. Daoism or Taoism is the religion in China that in many ways compensates for this spiritual loss of primarily Chinese, and Eastern thoughts. Daoism is thought by most historians and followers to have been founded by Lao Tse, who further ascribes the book Dao De Ching (also known as Tao Te Ching) to him. Lao Tse, shortly taught that everything is Dao, yet as close as it may be, men are far away from it as a truth. And by different parallels and symbolism, Dao De Ching engages a reader to understand the meaning of life. There are actually different thoughts if Lao Tse, Lao Zi, or Lao Tzu as he may have been called, lived for real or not. Nevertheless, his teaching falls down to one of the three Chinese major religions - Sanchiao - the road with three branches: Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism (with more Far Eastern elements for example more focus on the coming Savior Maytreia, and a more laymen-embracing version of Buddha's way, etc.). Universal in East Asian religions is the belief in Yin & Yang - -. Yin symbolizes the earthly, dark, wet, and feminine, while Yang is the heavenly, bright, dry, and masculine in the world. A balance between their two Chi, an energy associated with the power of creation and sexuality, gives an ultimate and perfect existence. There are a lot of different ritualistic or performative practices dedicated to this strive, where some can be profane while others have a deeper spiritual aspect attached to them. It is also this borderline between profanity and metaphysics, which characterizes Dao De Ching & Daoism, and so also many other Eastern religions, to the extent that without its major purpose, this religious shade or Geist is somehow the base note of Confucianism in some mysterious subconsciousness,- mostly as a strong faith in fate and unseen forces sometimes being personified. The other major characteristic of, at least, Chinese faith is that it is missing a central Creator. Yin & Yang is common in China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan, but is visible in the rest of Asia, but mostly in Daoism.
Japan, on the other hand, had originally a belief in animism, ancestor worship, as in Africa, and in many gods and myths, but converted from the religion gradually to Buddhism and Shinto, and is there called Zen Buddhism respectively Kami. Zen Buddhism is a more mysterious kind of Buddhism that tries to find relief through riddles and meditation (Zen means just meditation) and teaches that liberation is from within, but that inspiration comes from above surprisingly, and is called Satori. Kami, like Dao, is anywhere in the world and maybe ancestors, God, spirits, holy persons, etc., while Shinto is originally a Chinese word for this religion, which means the way of God (Shen/Shin- a God, Do/Dao - way). Kami is certainly one of the most common emic-used terms of this kind of nature religion in Japan that also inspired their art of war in the form of the samurai and the extreme way of death by suicide in loss of honor or defeat in war - "kamikaze" or "harakiri". If the goal of Zen Buddhism is to be relieved of being and becoming a Boddhisattva, the goal of Shinto, in comparison, is to be a Kami. Shinto/Kami is not great in practice today, even though it used to be the core of nationalism in Japan a couple of decades ago, although it remains an important cultural aspect in the popular arts, traditions, and national bond.
In addition to these three paths, it can be said that there is also a fourth and more popular belief, with occult elements of Magic and Shamanism. Fengshui is for example included in the rest of Eastern beliefs,- a religion that is based on finding places, colors, fragrances, or in other words atmospheres around religious activities in the belief that everything is a cosmic event, like astrology that lets the stars/heavenly bodies positions decide fate. Chi gong can also be added here as an interesting part of folk beliefs in China, which teaches how to accumulate Chi energy. This group was earlier heavily criticized by the Chinese government who imprisoned, tortured, and also killed many followers. What unites these strong beliefs is, interesting enough, the belief that heaven gives a sort of mandate to a selected one so that he can rule or convey spiritual messages - a so-called Tiang Ming, meaning heavenly destiny. Without Tiang Ming no one would have been able to understand the world, a belief that is found throughout East Asia, such as China, North & South Korea, and Japan.
In Mesopotamia (Assyria, Babylon, Sumer) on the other hand, they believed in the same way as in East Asia, namely that fate, Shimtu, are rules or powers that allow kings to govern. Shimtu were recorded in paintings and contracts which are regulations and are referred to in the plural as fates. These "paintings" or rather an ancient book form, were buried and later found around the tomb of the prophet Jonah, and say for example these following sentences:
1. To Nebo, the mighty son, director of the whole of heaven and of earth,
2. holder of the tablet, bearer of the writing reed of the tablet of destinies,
3. lengthener of days, vivifier of the dead, stablisher of light for the men who are troubled,
4. the great lord, his lord; Ashur-bani-pal, the prince, the favourite of the gods Ashur, Baal and Nebo,
5. the shepherd, the maintainer of the holy places of the great gods, stablisher of their revenues,
6. son of Esarhaddon, king of all, king of Assyria,
7. grandson of Sennacherib, king of all, king of Assyria, -///- ".

Free will contra Fate

Fate is so on a kind of control mechanism of the world, hard to explain, although this phenomenon is sometimes said to be autonomous. In Science, belief in fate is studied as the concept of "fatalism", says Helmer Ringgren in the book "Fatalistic Beliefs". Fate is also luck, as well as a gain or victory with great force and power. Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher of the Enlightenment, believed that all forms of belief in fate are "Amor Fati" (extreme love in fate) and that man may be stuck in fatalistic tendencies that may be similar to obsessions in extreme cases, but seems to give satisfaction in others. Amor Fati is actually the concept that follows a red line throughout his ideas, so much that it can be attributed to his idea of Übermensch (superhuman), where he links the personal love for human's own fate to becoming a super-kind of being, without a God, spirits or gods. The idea of Übermensch was probably misinterpreted by Adolf Hitler and his followers, as they attributed the other nations to being Untermensch (subhumans) in contrast to the Aryan superbeings. By love to fate, Nietzsche meant to embrace his fate to become who one really is. On the other hand, he acknowledges the failure of his ideas not being so great or rather, he discussed, they could be a plain danger since his own strive to become a superman never where realized. Instead, he meant that his theories maybe are more interesting than the theorist himself. And so, he concludes that he must somehow have lacked in having Amor Fati.
It seems that destinies are made to control the existence. Free will, on the other hand, is to comply with this intrinsic truth or to reject its reality. In a car ride at work, my colleague asked me how fate can co-exist with free will, while this obviously looks like a contradiction. Not that I didn’t know, but I hadn’t formulated a thought or conceptualized it yet, - what a personal surrender I felt inside my, at that moment, confused chest. But, in this challenge, my answer was that what man decides to believe in and what attitude or lifestyle she chooses, will automatically direct her life/path to a certain way – she will meet this or that person in this or that situation and she will act this or that way depending on the moral and religious inclination of her heart. Magical results are achieved by directing willpower toward desired wishes, while religious results come by putting the personal destiny in faithful actions, thoughts, and prayers in accordance with the will of a Deity. While in profane manners, as in Nietzsche's idea, men strive to maximize their destiny by showing affection for their fate and putting it in their own hands. without superstitious or supernatural help. Still, there seems to be the old paradox of fate as well as Nietzsches's love for it, as free will has a metaphysical origin, and as such one follows what is esoteric. So, how can they exist at the same time then? Another way of explaining this dichotomy is with the example of a teacher and a student. The teacher gives a test, knowing the answers beforehand, and the student answers according to his motivation and smartness, without knowing what will come. And everybody knows that a teacher never will give up the answers until the test is finished. Fate works in the same manner. God, as per religion, knows what will happen but leaves us to decide what of the outcomes we choose; for every single action has a cause, leading to specified future results and events. But, as religions so often teach, man can pray to her God for her faults and directions in the world so complex and challenging. In Magic, the idea of a striving willpower must have negative results since the individuality of the human self is overconfidently competing with the individuality of a higher being - God - a struggle always to the disadvantage of personal human identities. In the secular or profane aspect, the paradox lies in the strive of knowing what is better but powerlessly not being able to achieve that marveled higher life,- not to mention the use of an originally religious word in a non-religious context. And, religiously speaking, how can God judge humans according to their actions if everything is already fated, and where does chance or coincidence fit in this oxymoronic organized mess?
Truly, We did offer AlAmanah (the trust or moral responsibility or honesty and all the duties which Allah has ordained) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it (i.e. afraid of Allah's Torment). But man bore it. Verily, he was unjust (to himself) and ignorant (of its results). So that Allah will punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the men and women who are AlMushrikun (the polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and in His Messenger Muhammad SAW). And Allah will pardon (accept the repentance of) the true believers of the Islamic Monotheism, men and women. And Allah is Ever OftForgiving, Most Merciful", says surah 33:72-73.
Now, one thing you should understand about the translations of the Quran, is that the parenthesis are not part of the original message and often they are interpretations made by the translators, and by implications, it shows us what sectarian branch they follow. In regards to free will, Judaism and Christianity hold the same stand. The Bible says the following in Deuteronomy 30:19:
I [God] have set before you life and death, blessing and curse: therefore choose life"
You can find the same assumable contradiction between free will and determinism in the Bhagavad Gita:
I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come, says The Gita 7:26.
From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the self", Bhagavad Gita 6:26.
There are many paths, but they all lead to the same place. Choosing the road is like free will, but like fate, it will still lead to a particular place. If you study the routes carefully, you quickly realize that the adage "all roads lead to Rome" is true, but they will not only lead to Rome, all roads lead indeed to all places. For example, you can go to the North Pole to get to Rome, and how is this possible? If you live in the North Pole it is not very difficult, but if you live south, as in south Sweden, you go northward towards the North Pole then back to Finland to Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, and then Italy. Admittedly, it would be easier to choose to go directly to the south, if you are in southern Sweden. And, if there is no path, one can make one instead of blaming outside factors for being unsatisfying, difficult to walk, or dull. Another example is food. One can, for example, eat boiled potatoes or turn them into mush, but the sentence is still that they should be eaten when cooked for it. This leaves room for humans to worship only the Almighty. When Abraham was visited by angels they told the good news and bad for him. The good news was that Abraham would have a son, the bad was that the cities where his nephew Lot lived, would be destroyed. The angels rescued Lot and his family, except Lot's wife when she did not want to listen and cheated, says the Bible Genesis and the Quran in surah Abraham and 51:24, 29:31. Why did God change Lot's fate if it was predetermined that all would die in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, where fornication was conducted? The answer is that Abraham's prayer was answered, and when Lot was visited by the angels Abraham had, he was just and protected them against the men penetrating other men who were highly intoxicated and now extremely excited and therefore wanted to rape Lot's holy people, according to the scriptures. Or why not take the example of Abraham and the question of his age and becoming a father or Zechariah's similar fate - both were really too old for children. This might clarify that "Amor Fati" is not just a personal choice, but that Science must believe in something higher to operate as humane and be based on truth. Good fate and luck affect the righteous, while the unlucky affect the unrighteous man. Compassion and belief seem to generate luck, while its opposite evil leads to bad luck. Would not fate be the from any higher wouldn't it not disclosure belief in the one omnipotent God? Luck is therefore also associated with a surprise and that fate is often hidden to man may let happiness and good fortune accumulate and have meaning, but bad luck leads to disappointment and thus is initiated to faith or unbelief.
The common fate is that man has free will that will be used to achieve the best destiny. The Creator has marked out, for example, three major "paths" or "roads"; for the day of judgment, left for Hell; to the right for the ultimate blessing in Day of Judgment, and in the center that leads to the best forever with the Ruler where a life of royalty is offered, according to the Quran surah 56, Bible New Testament about the Son of Man and Garuda Purana chapter 1 verse 1, 4, and others. Humans, for example, paradoxical but true enough, choose which of these paths they want. Free will exists in symbiosis with fate and destiny and can be seen in the remarkable results of choices. In the Quran, surah 25:1-5, the word Qadr comes up as the way Allah rules His world by measuring the fate of all things, but Qadr is at the same time also His power to rule and which He sometimes grants to the believers in wars. Qadr means to measure and is referred to as fate in Surah Laylatul Qadr - The night of destinies. Since Fate is created by a powerful Creator, He is thus also in metaphysics and a large force.

Theories about the creation of the world

Another common term in Science today is metaphysics, coined by the philosophers of Hellas and made famous by Plato and Aristotle. In his book "Metaphysical Beliefs" McIntyre tries to describe what's in Science by seeing Science as contemporary mythology. Typically old and incomplete religious sources are termed myths, but in our world characterized without religious dominance, seen from an institutional power, researchers are trying to see our contemporary knowledge already extinct, so on they do not give the concept of mythology a new meaning. The word myth is originally Greek, like many others of Western science, and simply means story, lore, legend, etc. The stories must be of a spiritual or religious type to be categorized as myths and they are in the modern tongue often referred to as not being true, as said, but the true meaning is a story containing metaphysical characters or beings with a supernatural and special outcome. For example, much of ancient Greek history is written in mythological form, containing religious belief systems and elements, except for Herodotus who doesn't use myths for his historical teachings. Much of what we know about Greek religion actually comes from Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, which speak of Zeus, Poseidon, Pallas Athena, Hades, the Nymphs, and so forth. The theogony, Theo=god, Gony=birth, or the so-called birth of the gods, and beginning of existence is much learned in Hesiod's poem "Theogonia", another great religio-historical source, where he writes:
Verily at the first Chaos came to be, but next wide-bosomed Earth, the ever-sure foundations of all the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus, and dim Tartarus in the depth of the wide-pathed Earth, and Eros (Love), fairest among the deathless gods, who unnerves the limbs and overcomes the mind and wise counsels of all gods and all men within them. From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Night; but of Night were born Aether And again, she bare the Cyclopes, overbearing in spirit, Brontes, and Steropes and stubborn-hearted Arges and Day, whom she conceived and bare from union in love with Erebus. And Earth first bare starry Heaven, equal to herself, to cover her on every side, and to be an ever-sure abiding-place for the blessed gods. And she brought forth long Hills, graceful haunts of the goddessNymphs who dwell amongst the glens of the hills. She bare also the fruitless deep with his raging swell, Pontus, without sweet union of love. But afterwards she lay with Heaven and bare deep-swirling Oceanus, Coeus and Crius and Hyperion and Iapetus, Theia and Rhea, Themis and Mnemosyne and gold-crowned Phoebe and lovely Tethys. After them was born Cronos the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children, and he hated his lusty sire."
There's everything from cloning and photographing the spirits, not to mention the threats of war. Terrible events occur hypocritically in the name of religion and knowledge. In shelves after shelves and archives for archives theories of ego and super-ego are found, terms that are now believed to have physical nature but are ascribed abstract concepts and are commonly called metaphysics. The way to celebrate, honor, and marvel the Creator is seen as something impossible to incorporate into our fabricated everyday world, says McIntyre 1957:175. But if the desire is to remove themselves from this, in that the text is hostile to the fabricated world man lives in, then should not acceptance lie in precisely religious practices, or at least give them a chance, not the religion of man, as Humanists say while they deny religions to exist, but in religion and God's name, without hypocrisy? Furthermore, many in Science point to the invisible force and mean it to be difficult to build anything on continues McIntyre 1957. How many people have actually read the scriptures carefully who certainly can clarify this problem assumption? Just give it a chance. All knowledge is necessary but it is little that man can understand and more important is to use it wisely. The Creator is forgiving and says in the Quran in 67:12: "As for those who fear their Lord unseen, for them is Forgiveness and a great Reward". Despite their often small scopes, religious scripture can be used equating, or at least complementary to the current scientific. In the Quran, chapter 24:45, 21:30, the evolutionary theory already looks like being sprouted, if you have a sharp eye and are analytical to see it.
And Allah has created every animal from water: of them, there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills for verily Allah has power over all things. -///- Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together [as one unit of creation], before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? -///-Then He (rose over) the heavens while it was something like smoke, and said to it and to the earth: Come both of you willingly or unwillingly. They said, We come willingly."
Yes, this could probably be parts of the evolutionary theory appearing in a book from the 600s. Life began in water with fishes, then reptiles, birds on two legs, and mammals on four (interesting that Allah categorizes the animal world by their feet, just as Science does with insects. For example, each spider has six legs, more or less). There could also be interpretations made for personal force, but most translations are equal. The Bhagavata Purana states Vishnu's 24 incarnations which are commonly divided into 10; his first form was a young or small (perhaps bacteria), a fish, a turtle, an eagle, a lion, a human king and to return as Kalkin in the future:
When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma, and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon earth: he will be born in the family of Vishnuyas'as, an eminent Brahman of Sambhala village, as Kalki, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties", says Vishnu Purana in chapter 24.
Instead of an eagle, however, some Purana texts have mentioned the boar and mention neither the first, young or small, thou the eagle - Garuda - is more famous also being a flying vehicle for Vishnu which also is thought to have an "avatar" as "Ganda Berunda" - the two-headed eagle. Gandaberunda is still today a state emblem of many Indian states as for example Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh but it is also believed to have migrated along with the Indo-Europeans to the west and further to Sumeria where it was a royal emblem of the empire before later being adopted by the Persian empire. Kalki is also said to come to fight with a comet-like sword against that which is not fair, on a white horse or he is a white horse and has a connection to the iron and therefore it has been interpreted to mean that he might be a robot. Compared with the metaphysical idea that God pervades everything, as found in the Bhagavad Gita, it sounds more possible for the tradition: "I am the Supersoul, O Arjuna, located in all living being's hearts. I am the beginning, middle, and end of all beings", continues Bhagavad Gita 10.20. In contrast, says Islam and the Quran, 21: 30-33, which states:
Do they not, those who want to deny the truth that the heavens and the earth (once) formed a single, cohesive mass and (that) We separated them? And they do not know that we have let all life arises out of water? Also the night and the day is His work, like the Sun and Moon, which moves each in its circulation." -///- "And ye shall be brought back to Us."
Muslims believe that some are blessed and some are not and that the earth one day finally will go under, which also Shaivas think. According to contemporary geological theories, the Earth is constituted by the same mass, in the Science called "Pangea" and also that universe is expanding from one mass, and about planetary cycles and the expansion of the universe, man is familiar since the late Middle Ages. A new Astronomical theory tells us that eventually, all that exists finally will implode into one singularity, meaning the world underwent a phase from expansion to undergo into reduction. Note, for example, in the Quran, in the above-quoted chapter, that man should know how creation is built, thus there is no contradiction between faith and knowledge. To think logically must of course be a way for us to rationalize, get knowledge, and understand a God. The believers are encouraged, in the Quran, directly to also be a knowing being. In Vishnu's known avatars, you can follow in chronological order the creation from fish to reptiles to birds to mammals and then humans. It's just human hard-headiness that puts an end to just knowledge.
Religious signs are not scientific evidence, but they mean to inspire humans to investigate, do research, and discover,- to ask and to accept the truth. Scientists have still no answer to how a fish became a reptile and then a bird because there is no link between these species, or others secure for that matter. This problem still mystifies researchers while God teaches man in Quran 13:2 and 41:11 that:
Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; is firmly established on the throne [of authority]; He has subjected the Sun and the Moon [to his Law]! Each one runs [its course] for a term appointed. He doth regulate all affairs, explaining the signs in detail, that ye may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord." -///- "Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been [as] smoke: He said to it and to the earth: "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come [together], in willing obedience".
Note this: "raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see"; sounds a bit like what Science calls gravity, an invisible but indispensable force for everything to be kept together. Although the idea of how the universe was created according to Science, is mentioned in the records of religions, Scientists don't want to embrace it. It is also said in astronomy that after the ignition of the hydrogen combined with oxygen "The Big Bang" happened and that after the Big Bang gas-like clouds were created and beside it also dust scatter or earthly material, which when both of them merged formed the planets and other celestial bodies. If God created it so, with explosive expansion, we must conclude that only He can bring it back to Him as well.
If there is a thought of chance how can the night be without the day? Can randomness be without the predetermined? No is the answer, just as negative as the hypothetical assertion that there are days but not nights. Tao Te Ching has a striking verse about opposite sentences in chapter 2:
All in the world know the beauty of the beautiful, and in doing this they have (the idea of) what ugliness is; they all know the skill of the skilful, and in doing this they have (the idea of) what the want of skill is. So it is that existence and non-existence give birth the one to (the idea of) the other; that difficulty and ease produce the one (the idea of) the other; that length and shortness fashion out the one the figure of the other; that (the ideas of) height and lowness arise from the contrast of the one with the other; that the musical notes and tones become harmonious through the relation of one with another; and that being before and behind give the idea of one following another."
Compare this with the Quran:
And of everything we haver created pairs, so that you may remember", says The Quran 51:49.
You need to remember that the traditional language of religious texts is very simplifying and is thus not what you would call scientific theses, in the matter of sentences, but is rather in an inspirational view. The quote above means so forth that everything has an opposite. So the created presupposes an Uncreated Creator. Instead of trusting that everything is created in destiny, the researchers replaced it with the genetic material premise for confirming how future development will look. Where is the difference? Nowhere. The Sun is still the same regardless of where it shines. Nothing wrong with that, just know that there are inspiration to these theories in the older sources. In comparison, all other theories are untested to the point that the religious are, by traditional use. In Genesis, it is about how the world was created, but you have to understand this critically. When it says that God did this job for seven days, you should, for example, know that it could mean "in periods", Universe days, or something unseen for us. As an example, the planet Venus is good to take up. Venus's days are more different from the Earth's as it spins differently around its own axis, at a different speed, and a lap around the Universe's own axis takes a few million or billions of years but is claimed by critical Christians to be a few thousand years instead. As religions see God's day as several thousand human years, Universe days are thus longer than the Earthly. And if God made the day first and the Sun later, according to the next quote from Genesis, how could day exist before the Sun? It means that the light source and meaning of the word "day", as in a way of measuring time is not dependent on light or darkness, it could have another meaning simply. Rather, it is a misconception of the words used, and mocking the believers is crimeful. Many assume the stories told from ancient books were scientific, and although some may be, the ones addressing religious phenomena could instead come from an unseen source rather humanely theorized, and thus they speak to the unseen soul which later affects the heart, whereas empiricism addresses the mind and further on the rational or logical thinking of the self. So, for example, to note is that God did not rest because He was tired, but because he did not perform more during creation, on the seventh day (to rest could mean to be clear or to have achieved a new state, in this context):
Genesis Chapter I:
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Genesis Chapter 2:
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
Note that my personal and somehow inspired idea is that the first substances in the Universe must have been hydrogen and oxygen, which are dependent on each other. Hydrogen explodes but needs oxygen to "survive", and together they form water, thus the water the biblical creation story tells in the beginning. And even in the Bible, as earlier mentioned, there is something similar to the theory that Science calls "evolution", namely that in the oceans God created the first life (Chapter 1:20), then in the sky (Chapter 1:21), and then on Earth (in Chapter 1:24), only that the crawling creatures -insects, snakes & lizards, more likely came before the birds. In the Quran, surah Hud (one of the specific Quranic prophets was Hud, who was accused of obsession when he warned his people Ad in the Arabian Bay, a people who were wiped out), states a similar thought as the Biblical story about this first ocean:
He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days and His lordship was completely covered with water to test you and to distinguish those among you who work righteousness. Yet, when you say, "You will be resurrected after death", they just say, "This is Magic"."
Notice again that Allah has distinguished people to test and to see which one of them is the best in faith, and in a way, this is an indirect learning that everything else is divided and tested as well, so also water which becomes hydrogen and oxygen if separated. Note also Surah 79:30 which is interesting for the modern understanding of the world - “He made the Earth "Dahaha”. The old Arabic word "Dahaha", can be seen as an oval hole where ostriches lay eggs, which was used in Classic Arabic according to renowned Islamic scholars such as Dr. Zakir Naik and Dr. Kamal Omar, while others instead translate it as "stretched out", "expanded" and yet others claim that "Dahaha", in strong contrast to the rest, means to bring forth livelihood. And also embryology, which here developed in the late 1700s, is explained in detail in the Arabic book. In the Babylonian legend of creation, one can read how the ancient people of the Middle East thought the world came into existence. In the beginning, they thought that two waters existed - Tiamat the salt waters, and Apsu the sweet waters. When Tiamat was slain the World came into existence out of chaos:
1. The holy house, the house of the gods in the holy place had not yet been made.
2. No reed had sprung up, no tree had been made.
3. No brick had been laid, no structure of brick had been erected.
4- No house had been made, no city had been built.
5. No city had been made, no creature had been constituted.
6. Enlil's city, (i.e., Nippur) had not been made, E-kur had not been built,
7. Erech had not been made, E-Anna had not been lm1lt,
8. The Deep' (or Abyss) had not been made, Eridu had not been built.
9. Of the holy house, the house of the gods, the dwelling-place had not been made.
10. All the lands were sea
11. At the time that the mid-most sea was [shaped like] a trough,
12. At that time Eridu was made, A and E-sagil was built,
13. The E-sagil where in the midst of the Deep the god Lugal-dulazaga2 dwelleth,
14. Babylon was made, E-sagil was completed.
15. The gods the Ammnaki he created at o~e time.
16. They proclaimed supreme the holy city, the dwelling of their heart's happiness.
17 larduk laid a rush mat upon the face of the waters,
18. He mixed up earth and moulded it upon the rush mat,
19. To enable the gods to dwell in the place where they fain would be
20. He fashioned man.
21. The goddess Arum with created ~ the seed of mankind.
22. He created the beasts of the field and [all] the living things in the field.
23. He created the river Idiglat (Tigris) and the river Purattu (Euphrates), and he set them in their places,
24. He proclaimed their names rightly. 25. He created grass, the vegetation of the marsh, seed and shrub ;
26. He created the green plants of the plain,
27. Lands, marshes, swamps,
28. The wild cow and the calf she carried, the wild calf, the sheep and the young she carried, the lamb of the fold,
29. Plantations and shrub land,
30. The he-goat and the mountain goat.
31. The lord Marduk piled up a dam in the region of the sea (i.e., he reclaimed land
32. He . a swamp, he founded a marsh.
33. he made to be
34. Reeds he created, trees he created,
35. in place he created
36. He laid bricks, he built a brickwork,
37. He constructed houses, he formed cities.
38. He constructed cities, creatures he set [therein].
39. Nippur he made, E-Knr he built.
40.[Erech he made, E-Anna] he built. "
A similar story of the primordial waters is recalled in the Edda. But in this story, it's told that Ginnungagap (the nothingness) was first and when Muspelheim (the world of the fire of stars and heaven) and Nifelheim (the world of ice and the underworld) were created in this void, the rivers of Elisvågor or Elisvagar were made as bridges between Asgard (home of the Asirs) and Jotunheim (home of the giants).
"Gangleri asked: "How were things wrought, ere the races were and the tribes of men increased?" Then said Hárr: "The streams called Ice-waves, those which were so long come from the fountain-heads that the yeasty venom upon them had hardened like the slag that runs out of the fire,--these then became ice; and when the ice halted and ceased to run, then it froze over above. But the drizzling rain that rose from the venom congealed to rime, and the rime increased, frost over frost, each over the other, even into Ginnungagap, the Yawning Void." Then spake Jafnhárr: "Ginnungagap, which faced toward the northern quarter, became filled with heaviness, and masses of ice and rime, and from within, drizzling rain and gusts; but the southern part of the Yawning Void was lighted by those sparks and glowing masses which flew out of Múspellheim." And Thridi said: "Just as cold arose out of Niflheim, and all terrible things, so also all that looked toward Múspellheim became hot and glowing; but Ginnungagap was as mild as windless air, and when the breath of heat met the rime, so that it melted and dripped, life was quickened from the yeast-drops, by the power of that which sent the heat, and became a man's form. And that man is named Ymir, but the Rime-Giants call him Aurgelimir;", teaches The Edda of Sturluson, in chapter Gylfaginning - Here begins the beguiling of Gylfi.
Ymer actually means voice/scream and, as said in the above-quoted verse of the Edda, the sound was the first that came forth when the flowing ice hit the blazing fires. Relate it to the "Big Bang". It is unclear though when or how the flows came into existence. Similarly, it's not quite sure what the Elisvagar is but it seems to be that which is between the worlds and according to the Edda these waters are the abode of Ymer (the first living creation):
5. There dwells to the east | of Elivagar
Hymir the wise | at the end of heaven;
A kettle my father | fierce doth own,
A mighty vessel | a mile in depth.", says the Poetic Edda, Hymiskviða - "The Lay of Hymir".
In the Popul Vuh, the Mayan myth of creation, the same idea of a first ocean where the world sprung from is mentioned:
THIS IS THE ACCOUNT of when all is still silent and placid. All is silent and calm. Hushed and empty is the womb of the sky. THESE, then, are the first words, the first speech. There is not yet one person, one animal, bird, fish, crab, tree, rock, hollow, canyon, meadow, or forest. All alone the sky exists. The face of the earth has not yet appeared. Alone lies the expanse of the sea, along with the womb of all the sky. There is not yet anything gathered together. All is at rest. Nothing stirs. All is languid, at rest in the sky. There is not yet anything standing erect. Only the expanse of the water, only the tranquil sea lies alone. There is not yet anything that might exist. All lies placid and silent in the darkness, in the night."

Religion and Psychology

It would probably also be possible to make a comparison between modern Psychology and traditional Religion. The most interesting aspects of Psychology, when addressing religion in the context of metaphysical phenomena - psychosis and schizophrenia are what create a division between those two knowledge areas. Most people assume and take for granted, that psychiatric methods, thoughts, and diagnoses are medicinal facts. But, I wish to be critical and plainly ask, are these something scientific or something man invented? The tradition these concepts belong to is in Psychology & Psychiatry, which has roots in some cases, among others Freud's and Jung's Psycho-analysis or Analytical Psychology as Jung calls his branch, and which is the substitute for religion in the so-believed secular society. Modern societal approaches, concerning life in general, have traceable roots in either Plato's thoughts or Aristotle's dito,- the two philosophers in ancient Greece. Plato was in turn Socrates' student and Aristotle was in turn a student of Plato and the prominent teacher of Alexander the Great. Aristotle had an idea that existence was natural, in turn, he stated that it was man who created the social security units to understand the fact that he existed, but is said to have believed that that spirituality was important and used the word metaphysics for "the spiritual", says L.S Hearnshaw in the book "Shaping Modern Psychology". Today you do likewise, get involved with understandings from the understanding that society is a human-created understanding by socio-biological or economic conditions. This is rather a self-justification rather than truth justified. Because, how can anyone say that in today's "post-modern" thinking scientist can not create their own theories while at the same time working with these created theories, self-made theories that say that simultaneously states that by herself, man has created conditions which lead to anti-religion, with psychological and sociological premises? The way Psychology laid its foundation, was inevitably by rejecting and ridiculing traditional faith in metaphysics. The theories that established the modern era are in turn also created by a methodological view, so many times disapproved by postmodern scholars, because of subjective manipulated empiricism which with the false inclination and fundamentals is thought to have given rise to extreme racial, metaphysical, economic, and social ideologies that led to some cataclysmic results of the so-called the second World War. Yet still, no one actually knows how, when, and who invented for example ordinary tools such as the wheel or the ax, or simply make a comparison to the debate in our own era regarding the invention of the radio, which at least three people have a patent for - Marconi, Tesla, and Branly - while religious thought, with a more humble approach to metaphysics, teaches that God is the Creator and Evolver in all aspects. Meaning, inventions are usually developed by small achievements over time by different means, wills, powers, and ages. As an example, the gear by itself is a great invention, but by combining it with ball bearings, and shock absorbers, we now have a wheel that makes it more obvious to invent the car. So, the automobile was thus not made by some person but by a lot of driven thoughts. As God is shunned in our days, people instead uphold men as if they were above everything, also in singular forms - it would take a lot of effort and unnecessary words to, let's say, establish who actually will have a Nobel Prize since, to be honest, the scientist would never have invented or developed things if the conditions where not available - e.g a gemologist would have hard times discovering cures if the microscope was not invented, and if the lens, prior to that, was not discovered, then we could not have seen small substances or distant objects for that matter. So, who actually is the one who deserves these recognitions of inventions or discoveries? Another question is who discovered America. Columbus, Leif Eriksson, the Egyptians? Was it not obviously the natives themselves? The one who gets credit is usually chosen subjectively depending on geographical & historical contexts, race, time, and meaning - shout loud and all will hear, just like newly hatched birds who survive by chirping loudest and push their sibling out of the nest. Charles Darwin's saying "The survival of the fittest", also fits inventory success.
They, the natural scientific theories are also in so many ways the foundation of Psychotherapy and thus Psychology. Plato thought, on the other hand, of "the world of ideas", like dreams, where the soul came from and said that there were two worlds, but on the other hand, he had a morbid picture of society in terms of classes, and people who were born with defects would be killed, and he paid more attention to the supernatural rather than mathematics or physics. Many of these so-called ancient philosophers, were actually really weird with positive inclination to ideas about pedophilia and death as a means to knowledge. At the peak of the Hellenistic civilization, "Pederasty" and "Pedophilia" were seen as normal and it used to be common for the teacher to "get to know" their students in Hellas, by sexually approaching young kids, and the word itself derives from the combination of the Greek stem for "boy child" with "eros" for love, says Marguerite Johnson, Terry Ryan in "Sexuality in Greek and Roman Society and Literature: A Sourcebook". This is, since the new adoption of ancient cultures, again seen as normal in society. Sleep about these facts and think why Greek mythology ultimately failed to succeed, before being reawakened end freed again after the two millennia of memorial imprisonment. Or maybe it just escaped somehow, when not guarded safely.
Well, these are just my own ways of trying to rationalize facts, and one should more or less rather just stick to conventional religious dogmas and scientific proofs. So, while modern humans question naturally understood truths, such as whether males and females are biologically or ideologically constructed, we have still not discovered if life exists on other planes,- we actually have not even explored more than 5% of our oceans. Although psychology is the dominant and constitutionally enforced institutional basis of the knowledge regarding mind, spirit, and consciousness, humans still have not given a satisfying theory about the nature of sleeping and dreaming. But, scientists have divided sleep into different phases of which deep sleep known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement), is a state when man dreams, and when they become controllable it is called "lucid dreaming". When we are in the deepest sleep we start to dream and the eyes move in fast motion - hence the term REM. The time frame is different in dreams as being relative and is confirmed by the traditional religious belief that one day in metaphysics is in comparison thousands of years of physics. Matter in dreams is visible but not factual, yet we marvel at us going to the moon. According to the Quran, dreams are a divine medium and a sign of the existence of miracles. Psychologically, dreams are believed to be profane and ways in which the brain processes experiences during the waken hours, while they at the same time paradoxically are thought to have a deeper meaning in which lies answers to questions about social or psychological issues. So, also in religious traditions, there seem to be two kinds of dreams - the usual ones which can either be meaningless or easily forgotten, and nightmares & very mysterious ones, which have a more metaphysical origin.
So there is a power struggle for the use of concepts between confessionals and academics, although similarities are obvious and shown. For example, the concept of metaphysics in one's operating area is denied when understood by others. Why do people take these concepts so selfishly? Thoughts about life as socially constructed and that humans can perceive reality through this thesis, and even relate to it as well, shaped modern Psychology and probably has their roots in secular Aristotelian philosophies. They do, on the other hand, get extremely visible in the Jungian interpretation of religious activities. Religious activities are within the category of "symbolum" - which means that the religious dogmas are anthropomorphic, humanized, phenomena, or merely symbolic expressions that can not be justified or understood rationally, says Carl Jung 1929-59. If religions are anthropomorphic, Science researchers need not even attempt to discover the motivation or decipher it, which many claims to have stopped doing since the modern era, but their monopoly of justifying truth has social and juridical power with integral consequences, such as defining spirit, mind, and diseases related to these. For example, although a scientific fact as to what the mind is or the fact that metaphysical diseases are placed in the somatic field, without medicinal proof is many times forcefully applied to intervene in the people's personal sphere. It should be obvious now that the word Psychology simply etymologically means "the knowledge of the soul", yet this field of understanding denies the notion that spiritual aspects even can exist. Psychiatry, on the other hand, has the meaning of "Healer of the Spirit". Would it not be easier to heal if they accept the origin of the sickness first, one might suggest? In old Greek, Psyche was the name of the spirit and was believed to be the divine breath dwelling in the chest of humans. As scientists can't show empirical evidence for such phenomena, they instead give it a new meaning and places it to be thought of as the "self" or "I" instead, or places it as a part of the complex human self-identity. While putting the soul in the abode of the "I", which as we all now understand is the brain, they get a mandate to physically try to cure spiritually or socially inflicted diseases by medicinal means, and often it is done by the fascistic use of power, where personal integrity is sacrificed to arbitrary assumptions. People are, for example, sentenced to imprisonment on a prejudical basis, in the belief that they "will commit a crime". So, to stop it from being realized, the sick person must in those cases be forcefully put in jail. Wow, the movie "Minority Report", with Tom Cruise trying to stop pre-crimes is not fiction but it seems to be very real. Sometimes it's justified to detain some violently behaving people, but could all mentally ill patients have violent tendencies? Maybe psychiatrists must deal with the premise that their field should convince jurists that they are endowed with prophetic divination and know if future crimes will occur, and based on this fundamental claimed right, they thus must place their occupation above people's common law. Or, otherwise, we all could be religiously affected instead, and so the subject of an existing soul is rather a struggle of who will have the metaphysical hegemony and its juridical monopoly. Had it been possible to decipher the symbols and religious subjects and reasons when it is most interesting or most powerful, a mystery enigmatic even for prophets had been solved? The real God is alone in creating the world and the only one to know about it. Or, are some still believing in some parts of religion in subjection as useful, for example, terminology, while others are rejected as impartial or rather alien? Religion confirms automatically your devotion, it is visible in the results of the work. There is always a Creator with His team, according to most religious books.
There are researchers who, by bridging the two fields of science and religion, try to empirically prove spiritual aspects and phenomena - parapsychologists. With scientific tools, they reveal to an extent that metaphysical beings are real. But, as it is contradictory in the meaning to reveal a secret, they are seldom taken in serious forums as giving facts. Other aspects of metaphysics are aspects of friendship, love, thoughts, motives, ambition, hopes, patients, etc. Why are these daily parts of humans an unseen aspect? The question lies more or less in the religious dogmas, who has a longer history and experience, thus a bigger advantage on the conviction of the "I". An example is the common Psychiatric or Psychological use of Schizophrenic symptoms as "voices", which are often seen as expressions of different hallucinogenic paranoic diseases. Voices are commonly understood as something heard & physically perceived, and thus diagnosing a patient with paranoid schizophrenia, leads to the assumption that outsiders also can hear the voices. While instead, in religious or/and shamanic traditions, these problems or aspects are rather addressed as "whispers",- not in the meaning as we normally understand them, like someone close to one's ear speaking softly, but more in the sense of those being part of the unseen realm, the metaphysics, thus being silent to other persons. One can hear the "I", and we are sure now that when humans read, our "selves" becomes a whispering narrator of some sort, which is called the reading voice. But, when an uncontrolled whisper or voice, as it is called in the opposite field, becomes foreign and uncontrollable, it is many times developed into a mental or spiritual problem, which of course can be cured.
Through various theories, psychologists attempt to say that religion and religious phenomena are human cognitively constructed, even among psychologists with a more empiric approach to human consciousness. They, psychologists have simply and seemingly made up their own traditional faith. Why would not religious dogmas work in religion but well in Psychology? The word psyche meant soul in ancient Greek, by the way, and the word was revived in modern Science. It's not the first time scientists reject religious terminology, which is intimately bundled with methodology, to then use it themselves in their practice of the profession, by also denying the original useful methodology, which recently was clarified in the above problems.
Psychology teaches that man has a mind (which is the whole psyche function) that is divided into two and sometimes three main parts, one super-consciousness or the super-ego (often comes up in difficult situations positively, or negatively, in extremely ill behavior of oneself or an object); and a subconscious or the "Id" (the processed beneath the surface of the "anima" (another word for the soul as it is referred to the related person, known in religion scientific community in the study of animism of nature religions and in its belief that all living things have a personal soul - anima), also known as the unconscious in the general language). The third part is related to the aspect of the "self" or "I" and its attributes, such as the ego, which is associated with conciseness. In Hinduism, as well as in other religious traditions, all of the self-identical expressions are known as the inner mind, or simply the "I". Some have pressed traumatic parts to the subconscious because of shame and guilt and the belief that they are hidden deep in there, but the psychologist tries to bring them up as these depressed feelings run high in the psyche storage - the subconscious - and can "explode" or come out in abnormal ways. But can't reopening soars sometimes also be bad for the patient? Traumas are always best dealt with immediately and then left to the past, otherwise, people will suppress the negative thoughts and feeling, thus making the mind struggle in normal routines or interactions. The worst outcome would be considered to be rage after mental frustration. However, some things will automatically fall into the subconsciousness if it is controlled in super consciousness and result in deja vu, "I knew it experiences" or "insights".
From Freud and to an extent also Jung, we have been taught that religion is a collective neurosis, a mental illness, consisting of archetypal symbols in the mind, and is the same for all people. Thus, it has become better known in Psychology that - all people are crazy - but only those who recognize the help and the first stage of healing which is to get past the denial stage, will get helped (is then all men religious, and does it also mean that the psychologist is also sick and if so, can the blind lead the blind as Jesus once said, or a sick and weak heal another sick?) or healthy are those who control crazyness.
They believe, in Psychology, that religions are stuck and inherited in everyone's subconscious, as a collective system of symbols from our previous generations with the whole psyche referring to knowledge through these symbol systems, ethically uploaded from the "id" to the super-ego, controlling the choices which the self makes and the faith it has in the perceived world. Do they mean that the believer is forced by illness to get help? Hospitals in "the West", have both their own police, own courts, and a private prison and soon they may well even own a country. Why should not everyone want that for themselves? If the law force would be given a choice to either take sides for citizens or state officials and public workers, they mostly would choose the latter side, making them a free service and fascistically empowering one side and oppressing the other. What is the difference between the Inquisition during the Middle Ages and the Western forced treatment of the "mentally ill"? They seem to be very similar - they lack compassion towards human beings, lock at all differences as sickness, and then torture out Satan or the illness of deniers of the diseases or God. How should the average person be able to act differently than their intellectuals? The other question is whether to treat mental illnesses with the help of talking therapy or medication or a combination of them. Despite the image, many people have of Islam and that it forces people to faith, it is ironically contrary. Freedom of thought, expression, and speech are in reality only available to same-thinkers, while others are either frozen out, mocked at, or in worse cases driven to insanity and self-destruction- which one later can feel sorry about, wishing it never would have happened. The Quran says that people have a right to argue, both in speech and writing (but considers in a bold way that there are no contradictions in Allah's revelation) and says in surah 2:256 that:
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things."
Medication came in the '50s but not until the '80s psychologists began to question this approach. They noticed the fact that sometimes illness increased with drugs or neuroleptics. Many times they create more somatic diseases, but also other psychiatric complications. Medicines in general and the medical industry has led to a "biologism" in metaphysical traditions as traditional Psychology.
Sonja Levander leg. psychologist and psychoanalyst with experience of working with psychosis, is trying in a chapter in her book to explain what psychosis is, but changes the question by instead responding to how and where you can see psychoses, as she says that rational answer can not be given. If so, then why make a problem of an unseen force or religious theories and why not believe in Islam or another faith? Like other books on the subject of Psychology, the answer is often based on its symptoms rather than on what it means. How can they try to cure something they themselves do not know? In reality, this means that this institution believes and teaches that the symptoms are the disease,- instead of, by common sense, addressing the symptoms as having risen from an affliction or some somatic disease, which in turn can have roots from elsewhere, for example from poor hygiene or bad influence from the spiritual. Schizophrenia is a form of psychosis that is larger than a standard, they try to reason further without first carefully explaining what psychosis is, says the well-known psychologists Read, Mosher, Bentall, and Levander. But they try to agree that psychosis is a condition that can lead to schizophrenia. Today, Inquisition should sometimes be known as a mental hospital. But more important, psychology in its real form is rather only neurology or should at least be called in more physical terms, as the school of psychiatry rejects the notion of metaphysical personalities. Knowledge about schizophrenia has roots in the 1800th- and 1900th centuries, a time when subjectively humanistic ideologies arose,- and having direct and strong criticism from postmodern scholars regarding the methods and mindsets of these eras, says Strauss, Carpenter Jr. 1981: Chapter 1. We certainly come from a time where scientists disagree sometimes with old modernistic mindsets but still allow these methods and old patterns of thought to be approved in the field of scientific empiricism. Imagine the dilemma of euthanasia. If you can force caring people, who in some religious cases are healthy, how can you not authorize euthanasia or even why not allow any use of violence? God condemns such in both cases unless reasonable suspicion that the law says and the offense would be psychological, but surely it is time to stop punishing each other as if some were bad and the other good, which ends with all accusing each other in the end. And how come some call punishment for care?
All observe each other and subjectively do things in the name of objectivity, as we generally know that the viewer might only want to be viewed by or get feedback and confirmation. According to some post-modern psychologists, the Creator would give knowledge to psychologists about the origins of diseases and thus the cure, as He sees and hears everything. Or is there someone who claims that God is not omnipotent, in that case rational, logical, and true evidence should be given, if it is successful, which in this case would still be inconsistent regarding the concept of God as he precisely means all power and worship and creates by words; when He says to something to "exist", it exists? Satanism is a religion in form that could take the position that God is not omnipotent, but then why even devote themselves to a religion or a "slightly higher" if the desire is also to put an end to it? In certain ideas, it would be so illogical, but also in Satanism God prevails. Put therefore no bad names of your God if it is He you describe and give not people offensive nicknames. Logically, this was a generalization as there are different kinds of believers in all traditions because the logic is that knowledge is difficult to understand unless it is relevant. As regarding methodology - to honor the Creator is a way to understand, Him, and possibly even accept the fact that God is flawless.

The importance of thoughts & scriptures in religion

Who can prove that a super-ego or atoms exist yet? These old ideas from ancient Greece, coined by philosophers, are interesting but actually, a bit too much to bite in. For a time, some philosophers debated the origin of matter. Some claimed that water was the origin, others fire, air, or numbers. Mathematicians who followed Pythagoras said that the figures could tell you everything and that Phi -  φ  (pronounced Fi - letter F in Greek or P and Ph to include languages without the letter P, and also called half Moon with the symbol -  Φ  - to show that) was ultimate and infinite, the Golden ratio. This number, 1.618 ... and so on ad infinitum, is used today by, among other architects, but also in other designs, as all and ending with Phi is proportionately superior to all others, and the root of creation, so also Pi and other mystical numbers. The Pyramids of Giza also end with Phi and so even ordinary cards. The easiest way to calculate the golden ratio of an object is to take the "a" plus "b" divided by "a" (ex. the girth of a pencil "a" and length "b") - the closer the outcome, of the calculation, is to the golden ratio, the better and perfect it is - for other forms to estimate, it is little more complicated. The one who seemed to have managed to unite all was a philosopher named Democritus - he said that the round small atoms were the smallest component that arises from matter at their collisions with each other. 3000 years later it is still a philosophy, a mind game not proven to the origin or form. Certainly, there are such things as atoms, but perhaps there is also something that looks like lines or waves, or the word might be the smallest and also the largest material and a tool for creating, argues some others (now think about the sound and that it is a wave, heat, in turn, derives from speed motion and if God said, with a special voice, to the world "be" then the sound waves heated the hydrogen which in turn exploded with oxygen and thus creating our existence?). Equally difficult is it to prove the existence of God or the existence of spirits, unless God himself wants it, due to the fact that this requires faith which is not reserved only for old religion with a view to future affections of modernism.
The church, in the Middle Ages revered the ancient philosophers of the past, whose books were translated by the colonizing Muslims who made these books available in contemporary languages, which was part of the factors that contributed to the Renaissance. The second factor to the Renaissance was the printing machine, made by the German Johan Gutenberg in the 1400s. Man could now for the first time mass produce texts and knowledge flowed from all sides. A new genre of books developed, a so-called journalism, and which today is seen mostly in Media. When the media developed the distribution of advertisement of industrial productions grew to shape modern capitalistic society, while agriculture got rather marginalized. But journalism is also an important way of spreading information in most religions and society as magazines of churches, mosques, institutions or even in Science which on the other hand bases its knowledge on firstly academic scientific literature, secondly on their compendiums and thirdly on scientific articles and reportages (also some times called essays in Science, or ordinary presentation of proofs, ideas/theories/dogmas or confirmations in textual form as called in regular terms), who are bridging between different world views and can be short and small ones. But also the secular world is using the media by writing articles or reportages etc.

Myth & rituals in religions

Many think that religions divide people, but in most cases that's the way religion operates, it seems. For instance, if God is a testing Lord, it indirectly suggests that some will succeed while others fail this experiment. So, two types of persons are thus created. On the other hand, something big at the same time unites all religions, for the small differences create large distances sometimes and religions in between. For example, Phoenix is a good example. Phoenix is a mythological bird that appears in most mythologies as Greek, Roman, Arabic, Chinese, African, and American mythology. The bird is said to be immortal and is regenerated, and by arising from the ashes, through a fire flame, shall at end times come back again. It symbolizes both spiritual knowledge and God's promise of reward in the afterlife. Phoenix's name is not so in all languages and does not have the same background story. Some seem to think it is an eagle, while others a peacock, but most agree on the belief in a "firebird" and that it possesses knowledge and power, and symbolizes reincarnation and also sometimes world beginning & end times. Another example of phenomenons that link and separate religious views at the same time is the "World Tree" - an "Axis Mundi" of religious studies ("shoulder of the earth", meaning the center of belief in a system, for example, the Quran in Islam is the "Axis Mundi" or Jesus in Christianity). It is a tree whose branches cover all Universe or more as the object that connects metaphysics with physics or "The Underworld" and "Sky" with the Ordinary World and is mentioned in all major traditions and religions but differs in name depending on the language - "Yggdrasil" in Norse mythology; "Ashwattha" in Hinduism; "The Tree of Wisdom" in Abrahamic traditions, etc.
Perhaps it is important to know the demographic and geographical part of religions. The major religions are Islam (Sunni, Shia, Ismaili, Sufi), Christianity (Protestantism, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Kopticism), Hinduism (Shaiva, Vaishna, Vedanta, etc.), Buddhism (Theravada/Diamond craft, Hinayana, Mahayana), the Chinese and East Asian (Shinto, Daoism, etc.); nature religions (Magic, Sami, Central African, Pacific sea religions, native American, etc.). In short, we can say that Shamanism/Magic is found mainly in natural religions and peoples of North Asia/China/Mongolia; Africa - mostly in the central part of the continent as well as northern Europe among Sami performing "Sejder"; America - among Eskimos, tribal Indians of northern Mexico and the southwestern United States and among the rain-forest living people; Australia with Aborigines and in the Pacific islands who believe in the spirit world and animism and Shamanism, and like other uses rhythms and ecstasies. But Magic is also found in other religions as a remote branch, part of folklore, or in the West as the New Age - a new but not a uniform group that inspired much of occultism, ancient knowledge, Eastern philosophy, and Shamanism mixed with the new and old knowledge that came after the discovery of new worlds on Earth. Nature religions have a common denominator and that is nature and its holiness and its adherents tend to live in harmony with the natural and usually in such a close relationship that they simply live out among rainforests, deserts, polar zones, and so on. Usually, there is also a common belief in animism and spirits in nature but also gods and a central God show up in certain regions and groups. What also unites nature religions are ecstasies, the belief in fetishes, medicine and herbs for spiritual traveling, musical instruments, and transnational knowledge. From North Africa to Indonesia extends Islam and represents approximately 21% of all religions. Christianity is found mostly in the northern hemisphere, South America, and Australia & New Zealand, and is about 33%. The third major religion is Hinduism, which is most widespread in India but has also elements in more countries to the east and constitutes about 14%. There are about circa 30 million Jews, 7 million concentrated in Israel, and also Baha'ism (a belief from the 1800s, that the Muslim Savior has come, that all religions are one and the Baha'ullah (originally Mirza Ali Muhamed) promised a future Prophet and Messiah and further that God was one and would be the next prophet, which he was killed for) has its roots in the Middle East, but are scattered throughout the world and has a few million followers. Other religions are minor but worth mentioning sometimes. Examples of small but significant religions are Judaism (Liberal, Zionism, Orthodox/Ultra-Orthodox, Reformed, Conservative), Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc. Zoroastrianism is originally Iranian but exists also in India. Shinto, Taoism, and Feng shui are the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese religions, with approximately 6% of all followers. Buddhism exists mostly in North India, Tibet, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia as well as in the Western world such as Europe and America and is about 6%. Nature religions also represent approximately 6%. The statistical data, about religions spread, is taken from the website adherents.com by reference from SCB (Sweden's Central Statistics), all of which are based around this time. These calculations are based on the tradition-born persons in number and location and not a personal choice or beliefs such as politics or philosophy. You could say that the above and coming are among the main living world religions.
Among other beliefs from modern secular time, such as New Age, Science or non-religious groups that make up 16%, one can also say that there are philosophies and movements which try to give answers to the questions of life, and these include: anthroposophists (a spiritual movement around a philosophy of the spiritual or religious man); astrologers/Spiritualism/New Age (known among other in media where they make contact with the spirits of the dead, or have charismatic beliefs about Jesus and where ancient astrological doctrines is believed to provide knowledge of problem solving); Bakhti Vedanta - ISKCON - International Society for Krshna Conciseness (Krishna Movement in the West); Darwinism (the belief in the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin in the 1800s), existentialism (the philosophy to be close to existence as a human being), Philosophy (ancient Greek approach to knowledge acquisition, expires to think and dialogue his way to the theses on life and preserve them either in writing or in closed lectureships), Children of God (a sect from the 60s. Parents of this movement were worried that their children had been brainwashed. They think they are children of God, not begotten of Him, however, related to Him as children); Ideologies (Marxism, socialism, fascism, racism, communism, capitalism, democracy, humanism, liberalism, fundamentalism, etc. believe in love, hate, compassion, evil, understanding, generosity and so on, in less ritual than the traditional where the practitioner subconsciously or "ad hoc" expects to acquire these characteristic feelings and experiences in either a social group or in solitude. Ideologies also include compounds such as the United Nations, Liberals, Amnesty International, NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, etc.), the Illuminati (A mysterious but hidden group with roots in the Middle Ages, whose adherents are often rich or important people from all nations, continents, and religions, who believe in God but struggling in some cases against Christian doctrine, and perform rituals and plans to develop community-based on the requests the group sets up and usually this is done in secret with symbolism), Jehovah's Witnesses (missionary with their journal and follow a special verse in the Bible that calls to testify to the Jehovah-YHWH. They are recognized as the "door knockers" and have several million followers around the world and many here believe that human beings are living in the end times), Mormons (Mormons are Christians from the United States who circumcise, fast, and follow what they believe to be the origin of the religion, but also believe, like Jehovah's Witnesses, that man now living in the end times); Paganism, or a non-generic group (Scandinavian Asatro or Celtic mythology), Psychology (the knowledge of the soul in Science); Rastafari (Based on the thoughts of a prophet and the Messiah will come and liberate Africans and former slaves in the colonies, who will return to Africa. Marcus Mosiah Garvey from the end of the 1800s - and the beginning of the 1900s, the founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, is said to have predicted this would happen during the 1900s. When Ras Tafari, later called Haile Selassie was crowned king of Ethiopia in the 1930s, most people thought that Garvey's prophecy had started kicking in and people from Jamaica and former colonies began to plan the way back to Africa, but not until the 1960s the former colonies began to become independent from colonial powers. A significant personal and lifestyle have been Bob Marley and Reggae music. Rastafaris has a lot of inspiration from the Bible, Prophet Solomon & Queen Bathseba/Sheba/Saba, Ethiopia where even the Ten Commandments are said to be in the city of Aksum), Scientology (a church based on Science), Satanism (The belief that Satan is God), TM - Transcendental Meditation (a belief among other things, that if everyone would meditate at the same time, the whole world would be fine and was founded by the Indian Maharishi Mahesh Yogi); UFO religions (A modern belief in the existence of life we can not see or identify and who can live on other planets than Earth whose flying crafts are seen as UFOs - Unidentified Flying Objects), according to some postmodern thinkers - Science (that knowledge to know/confirm and communicate, which in turn is theorized by experiments built on an issue with the method of connection, rationality and repetition); Vampirism (is a faith from Romania and Transylvania, the mountains there, which says that some people need human blood to survive, which they suck out with their sharp and hollow teeth, a belief that has been common in popular art and literature in Europe and the U.S, the most famous vampire is perhaps the tropical bat, unless not Count Dracula, actually a converted and fictitious picture of Vlad Tepe from Vllakia who murdered and impaled people at the stake, the Transylvania Mountains), Wicca (modern witches); and others.
Only Islam, Judaism, and Christianity make up about 55% of all religions, and together they are then in the majority, during this time. They come from the same person, Abraham. However, one should be a bit critical of these kinds of statistics, given that today, in the Christian world, the Church has disappeared from the Constitution and has been replaced by scientific academies. Oddly enough, the same thing keeps happening to Islam or rather the countries with Islam as the state-organized religion. Christians see Jesus as the last king while Muslims see Muhamed as the last prophet and perhaps this is the foundation of the distancing society that seems to have so-called rulers and scholars. There are more movements and to this, we may add that there have been religions that do not exist in the historical scene of the 21st century.
Religious syncretism has occurred many times throughout the history of religion. Many myths represent real persons or events, while others could be made up. For example, according to Aristotle and Plato, Pallas Athena was originally an idol from North Africa. Also, many Abrahamic stories are thought to have been taken from other civilizations, as forms of religious or cultural theft, when logically their evidental visibility in different texts and traditions could instead be telling a whole different story. They may have been recorded and remenered as factual incidents with real persons involved, and thus they are upheld by many religions even if they can differ in some aspects. Going back to the Greek heritage, the mythos could be deduced to show the origin of the Greeks. This, originally a Middle Eastern, belief went on to Crete, where a great civilization was built with Mycenae and Knossos, while another group came from Turkey and Phoenicia (present-day Lebanon), and a third from the northeast, wandering towards the south. They met in the Balkans, where Hellenism (Hellas is the native name of Greece) began to germinate. Hellenism was started thus by Europeans (Illyrians, Thracians, Dachians, Vllaks, Hellenes, Macedonians, and others, an origin typically called the Pelazgians as a common denominator), Asians (Phoenicians), and North Africans (Berbers, "barbarians") met and was inspired and cultivated, says, for example, the article "The religions of ancient Greece and Rome" by Clyde Curry Smith. The rest of Europe came certainly from the Caucasus in two big innings and a third with the Aryans, or what remained of them (the Aryans and the origins of Europeans must have differed on the Caucasus before the colonized India respectively Europe). From the horn of Africa to the west & south and also to Egypt man went, but the desert of Sahara stopped man from entering Europe through Gibraltar for a while, so they went east and from Caucasus and Iraq were divided with one part going West and another East conquering Asia, Americas and Australia with the Pacific, according to the modern theory about man's history, being three major groups.
The most famous mythologies are maybe the ancient Egyptian; Babylonian/Assyrian - Mesopotamia in the Middle East; Mayan; Incan; Aztec; Aboriginal; Japanese; Greek; and Roman (identical to the Hellenistic, just that the Romans renamed the figures. Out of the box, Pandora opened Xaos/Chaos and from Gaia (the Earth), and Uranus (Heaven), had children together. Gaia has also inspired the New Age movement believing that she is Mother Earth. Gaia and Uranus begot Kronos (Cronus in Latin), which in turn begot Zeus (Jupiter), Hades (Pluto), and Poseidon (Neptune). In Greek, the etymology regarding Kronos is "time" (for example the words chronicle, chronology, and as such they believed that the worldly life is dependent on time while that of the eternal is not. In The Aeneid of Virgil one can understand who these personifications were believed to have been the story itself is not a religious scripture by itself but one learns a lot in regards to Roman mythology and how Rome came to lay its foundations by offspring of the Dardanian Aeneas, whom the book is attired to), and he was a "titan" from the Illyrian Alps, in some cases the son of Gaia and Uranus and in other cases the creator of them, and also created the world. He was removed later by Zeus and the others, which in the beginning led to the chaos of the world, thought the Greeks. Kronos cut off his father's sex (Uranus, the sky was believed to be the creator instead, but then not) with a curved small sword or dagger and perhaps reflects the debate whether the Creator begets or not); and the northern European - Scandinavian and Germanic; Celtic; Baltic and Gothic myths; shamanic myths and so one.
Mythology is many times focused on the belief in many gods, and that people can be gods or demigods. Etymologically this Greek word means "report a story", and is often used as a concept for religious storytelling. The oldest known textualized myth is the epic of Gilgamesh, found in Nineveh in the Middle East. The myth shows similarities with the one of Hercules's twelve miracles, but here with the hero Gilgamesh as a protagonist instead, who performs twelve wonders at the beginning of time. Even the story of Uta-Napishtim, Noah's counterpart who saved the world by building a boat with wood and nails and bringing two pairs of all living he could find during a flood, the rest evolution took care of, was found simultaneously in Nineveh and new-found as old writings. Uta-Napishtim is mighty similar to the story that the Bible & Quran tell of Noah's ark, but is older than these. It's a story that is also found in Chinese mythology, among others. This syncretism is interesting but only temporally and locally. They mingled their original stories with others and as such it is Gilgamesh that meets Uta-Napishtim, who has become immortal, and raised to the sky, and questions him about wisdom, which leads to Uta-Napishtim's re-telling of the Flood. The epic "Gilgamesh" says the following, in a translation of the original texts from Assyria in today's Syria, which was found in the ruins of Nineveh and the king's palace:
Uta-Napishtim said unto him, to Gilgamish:
9. "I will reveal unto thee, O Gilgamish, a hidden mystery,
10. And a secret matter of the gods I will declare unto thee.
11. Shurippak, a city which thou thyself knowest,
12. On [the bank] of the river Puratti (Euphrates) is situated,
13. That city is old; and the gods [dwelling] within it
14. Their hearts induced the great gods to make a windstorm (a-bu-bi),
15. There was their father Anu,
16. Their counsellor, the warrior Enlil,
17. Their messenger En-urta [and]
18. Their prince Ennugi.
19. Nin-igi-ku, Ea, was with them [in council] and
20. reported their word to a house of reeds."
21. O House of reeds, O House of reeds! O Wall. O Wall!
22. O House of reeds, hear! O Wall, understand!
23. O man of Shurippak, son of Ubar-Tutu,
24. Throw down the house, build a ship,
25. Forsake wealth, seek after life,
26. Hate possessions, save thy life,
27. Bring all seed of life into the ship.
28. The ship which thou shalt build,
29. The dimensions thereof shall be measured,
30. The breadth and the length thereof shall be the same.
31. Then launch it upon the ocean.
According to the Mesoamerican myth of creation, mostly found in the Popul Vuh, written in the Kiche language, you learn about the thought of the Mayan people. They believed that man had been made in different forms before she was made from mud. The first form, according to these myths, was out of wood. But the makers didn't like what they did so they sent a flood to kill all:
THEN came the end of the effigies carved of wood, for they were ruined, crushed, and killed. A flood was planned by Heart of Sky that came down upon the heads of the effigies carved of wood. The body of man had been carved of tz'ite wood by the Framer and the Shaper. The body of woman consisted of reeds according to the desire of the Framer and the Shaper. But they were not capable of understanding and did not speak before their Framer and their Shaper, their makers and their creators. Thus they were killed in the flood. There came a great resin down from the sky. There came the ones called Chiselers of Faces, who gouged out their eyes."
Maybe this story only tells of the technology men had at the time of this supposed flood,- being merely wood. Both Christian and Islamic sources like to highlight the fact that Noah built his survival ship out of wood, just as Uta-Napishtim did. Mesopotamia was between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates in modern-day Iraq and Syria and had as many as 3000 gods in their pantheon but elevated Ashur, Baal, Marduk, Enlil, Ea, and Anu, and others, as the largest. Anu also had links to Anunaki, aliens they believed lived in the ruby red 12:th planet Nebiru. This planet, Nebiru was said to come every 3600:th year and cross the Earth's orbit causing chaos and inspiration at the same time. That there were nine planets plus the Sun and Moon the people knew long ago, and in surah Joseph, in the Quran it is mentioned how Joseph dreamed how the eleven planets bowed before him, plus the Sun and the Moon included.
Anunaki was seen by some as gods, but by others as demons. But interestingly enough, Science has not been able to find these planets until the 1930s, when Pluto was discovered (and after the 1500- and 1700- century astronomers discovered Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and others), although this small planet is questioned as such in later times. The thing that Pluto has a strange about 300 years rotation period around the Sun, which makes it a candidate for mistrusting it as one of the main Planets, and also against the fact that this period is many times used as a means of calculation for the Astrological star calendar, as a fixing point (all calendars need a focus point and for those in North and South the Sun plays the major part, but for those around the equator with 12 hours of day and night, the Moon is more likely to represent this fixation). In 2005 a remarkable group of senior astronomers (scholars of planets and planetary systems) from NASA (National Aeronautics & Space Administration) and ESA (European Space Agency) decided that there were eight planets instead, plus three or more "dwarf planets" (Pluto, Ceres, and Eris) and several smaller ones in the second Asteroid belt the Cupier (Kuiper) belt.
If one is to follow the surah "Joseph" and "the winged board" (a drawing showing contemporary Mesopotamian astronomy knowledge) from Babylonia, showing eleven planets around a twelfth (The Sun), one can see that it may be that there exist as many planets as the original tribes of the Israelis and the Arabs. Which the planets there are, remains a mystery now to some. Before the 2000s NASA and other astronomers believed that there were nine planets, but reduced them to eight plus 3, in the solar year 2005, says NASA at www.nasa.gov and Zecharia Sitchin - a fighter in this thesis on the planet X. However they introduced the concept of "dwarf planet", and Pluto was now such along with Ceres and Eris. Planets mean, by the way, items with an orbit, unlike the more immobile and fixed stars, Sirius, Polaris, or the Pleiades. In the religious sense, the name of the planets forms a vital link for the knowledge of the ancient mythological belief of the past. They, planets have courses and life that violates the otherwise quiet everyday life. From Earth, the Sun is visible walking from east to west (but it just looks so, rather it is the Earth that revolves around the Sun), the Moon cycles and orbits (around the Earth), and the other planets - Mercury (messenger of the idols in ancient Greek mythology), Venus (Aphrodite, believed to be the goddess of love and beauty in Hellas), Terra (Earth), Mars (considered a god of war in Hellas), Ceres (the planet between Mars and Jupiter in the closest asteroid belt, in Hellas - Demeter - agriculture goddess, according to Ancient Greeks), Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology), Saturn (agriculture patronage in ancient Roman mythology), Uranus (Heaven, created by Kronos), Neptune (Poseidon, in Hellas Poseidon, had a trident and was believed to be a sea god), Pluto (Hades in Hellas, the king of the dead and the underworld), Eris (further out than Pluto in Cupiers belt, goddess of disagreement in the ancient myths). Then as some said, there may be one more of the planets - Nebiru or the 12th planet, Planet X, which may replace the Eris and Ceres, as Ceres might as well be a meteor, when it is in the Asteroid belt, but the original is 11 including the Sun and Moon.
From a mythological perspective, we shall mention Orion's belt, Sirius (the dog star in common mouth), and the Pleiades. The Pyramids of Giza are built in an alignment with the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel (not the belt as it is mostly believed), and in the same way, many of the Central American pyramids are aligned with these stars. The pyramids in Egypt are in consensus thought to have been built as a gateway to the Sun, Ra, for Pharaoh Khufu,- the initiator of the construction of the largest pyramid at the site. The idea was that Ra would descend, via the passages in the Pyramid, to take his soul, sending it towards Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades. Pyramids were built in all places on this planet, from Africa to America, India, China, and Cambodia, but also in Sukhu in Indonesia, and they are always facing the equinoxes and many times these constellations. The old Göbekli Tepe in modern-day Turkey is also believed to have been constructed to point to Sirius. This star is called Svana in Hinduism. Svana was the dog of Yudhishthira who according to the Mahabharata went to find the kingdom of heaven with his four brothers. One by one they die, except for Yudhishthira and his dog. Suddenly, they see flying crafts descending from heaven, and out of them comes the old "rishis" (the wise). These persons offer him a trip to eternity, but not to the dog. Yudhishthira refuses to leave his fellow pet behind, which is precisely what they want to hear. If he had left the dog Svana he would not be let to board the ships, and so he passed the test and they leave this planet with lights behinds as they swoosh to the skies. According to Greek myths, Apollon the Sun was born from Sirius, and the temple of Epikourios Apollon, near the town of Andritsaina in the South Peloponnese, is made to always point to Sirius and to be rayed by the first summer solstice light. Sirius and Orion's belt are exactly behind the Sun, in the northern hemisphere, during the summer solstice and can thus not be observed at this particular time, but they can be seen during sunrise and right after sunset at 73° south. The ancient Greeks thus offered gifts to Zeus, so that he would give back this star to them and to revive Apollon. In Mittelberg Hill in the Saxony-Anhalt region near Leipzig in eastern Germany, some looters came across an old treasure, consisting of bronze and golden artifacts. One of these was the Nebra sky disc, made of gold and manufactured approximately 2000 years BC. Many believe it is a map of the skies showing the Pleiades, the Sun, and the Moon with a ship beside, bringing in thought ideas of intergalactic travel, or maybe it could be just a metaphor for the soul's journey to the hereafter. Why almost always are these constellations and stars central in geometrical constructions based many times on myths of ancient religions and cultures?
It seems that Israel's, Christianity's, and Islam's God was the cause of the fall of ancient mythology in Europe, Africa, the majority of America, some of Asia, and the Pacific as well as in the Middle East, if you study the Bible and the Quran but still some fragments of these as Diana and her symbol - the crescent Moon is still believed in. It was and still is common that some believed in the goddesses and "the mother cult" of the thoughts that the Earth is a mother and the sky a father. Mother Earth goddess idols are surrounded by a lot of magic and were central to most of the major myths, such as the Egyptian with Isis and Horus, a cult of mother and son. Horus is said to have been born by Isis fertilizing herself with the first dead man in the world - Osiris who had previously been king but was murdered by his brother and rival Seth. In their future, a great fight, a cosmic rehearsal would take place between the nephew Horus and Seth for power in Egypt. This story is not only interesting from a goddess aspect but also represents the mythological story of Upper and Lower Egypt, which may be part of the now-forgotten original history of the Egyptians. True is that the ancient Egyptians rather thought that the Earth was the father, Geb, and the sky was the mother, Nut. If these mythological persons were humans but later elevated to gods by some, is a question that at first may seem uninteresting, but that may provide answers to the origin of these people, or perhaps the whole world. They built pyramids, temples, and cities with so large rocks that it must have required either extensive knowledge or great power to lift them into place. Speaking of cities and buildings, it is said that the people of Israel were slaves to a pharaoh who built the city of Pi-Ramses before they became recognized as an ethnicity. It has been interpreted to mean that it is one of Ramseses, during the 1200s before Christ, who is the person responsible for the bad in Genesis, while others argue that it would be about Thutmose III or at least one of Thutmosians, during the 1500s before Christ. The Arabic Quran in chapter 10:90- says, indirectly, that the Pharaoh is a famous one. It says that when Pharaoh drowned after chasing the Israelite people, his body was brought back to be shown as a sign for mankind:
And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them in tyranny and enmity until, when drowning overtook him, he said, "I believe that there is no deity except that in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the Muslims." Now? And you had disobeyed [Him] before and were of the corrupters? So today We will bring your body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign. And indeed, many among the people, of Our signs, are heedless."
The same thing actually happened with most of the ancient myths and most went under but were replaced by a monotheistic faith, but on the other hand, some are revived again. There is The best way to learn about these myths, by heading out into the world and studying their ruins. They have left their mark on history and received human imagination to dream away to other potential worlds and have somehow been revived by science researchers in academic science, albeit slightly to the conformity for post-modern societies and people.
So, to understand the concept of religion, it is important to know that it was originally in Latin meant to indulge in rules, to be faithful to the traditions and rituals, and is just one of many concepts for the same knowledge. In the beginning, religion seems difficult to understand, but if you give it a chance, it will be like child's play and approaching the truth. On the other hand, many see religious myths and rituals just as naive mindsets and obsessive behavior. Religion could be seen as a collective term for spiritual knowledge and is somehow like the science of the world with an abstract perspective. The concept of religion in the singular can be understood if one compares it metaphorically with the Earth's ocean mass. Man has named and divided the water mass of the Earth into "The Pacific", "Atlantic", "Indian Ocean", and so on, but it's still one big ocean. Certainly, there are many religions with their rules, but these are unitary systems and laws created by one God afore time via inspiration, probably, according to monotheistic faiths. The hungry would eat considerably and the full can hardly think about food before it becomes too much to bear. If you want to know what religion is, you should deal with the idea of a God.
Those who believe [in the Quran], and those who follow the Jewish [scriptures], and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve", the Quran surah 2:62.
This, God's categorization mentions Muslims ("those who believe in this scripture"), the Jews, the Christians, Sabians (ancient religion), and those who have a faith of personal kind ("yes (all) who believe in God and the Last Day and are living righteous and doing righteous deeds"). Those who follow their religion must therefore understand that the Creator has given knowledge to all others as well. According to the records and those who believe in a God, it is only those who can handle different tests to worship their Lord and God, without seeing Him, who are the ones to receive blessings, guidance and the ultimate best Destiny and Fate.

"Abrahamic Religions"

braham is certainly the one who technically is the origin of the traditions and customs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, but God probably is more associated with being the believed Initiator of existence rather than a human being. Ibrahim, as Abraham's name is called in the Arabic scripture - the Quran -, is the first common denominator of these spiritual or religious branches. Islamic history and scriptures such as the Bible & the Quran tell the story of him being the ancestor of the tribe of Israel and as well the father of Ismail, who more or less was the forefather of many tribes merging from the Arabic peninsula, who further also had most ideological, political economical and religious dominance in the area, and a such also being the custodians of the Holy Kaaba in Mecca. In that case, Ibrahim, in Islam, is the crossroad where the lines of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are separated. Worth noting is the unitarian idea of Islamic tradition that also Moses & Aron, Jesus & John, David & Solomon, etc., were following the Muslim path, as it came to be preached by the late Muhamad. Prophet Muhamad is thus simply believed to only be a messenger of the Maker, in the same tradition and line. To begin with, Abraham, was according to the scriptures of the Abrahamic religions, promised by his God to be a great father of many nations, but he did not beget a child until late in his life, and then it happened with a former maid (who now gave birth to Ismail, the prominent figure of Arabic political power), and eventually later also with his first wife (who gave birth to Isaac, one of the Patriarchs and forefather of the Israeli nation). There are even speculations that he would have had several other wives, but the main thing is that from his children, arose the nation of Israel, many tribes of the Arabic dito, and also other people of the Middle East. These are historical areas that have had great influence on the West in various forms,- one being the alphabet, and the other the construction of civilized administrations, and not to forget the impact of old Christianity. The wives of Abraham, however, had difficulty agreeing with each other (as is normal in polyamorism in general) and Abraham was forced to abandon one and take another. During Abraham's time, the foundation was laid for the faith's following only one God, but also unfortunately for today's conflicts between Arab Muslims, Westerners/Christians, and Jews/Israelis, probably due to human jealousy and greed.
However, the Abrahamic traditions can have common traits, for example in the idea that there is only one Creator and that we are tested by this Force. God further gives the believer a choice over and over again to do right or wrong. This is both similar and different from Hinduism, where souls are said to reincarnate in the opposite of the Middle Eastern traditions, where religion is reborn in different forms but maintains common central doctrines of faith, on unnecessary conditions which are believed to be pristine. All three religions have the same God they believe in, but, the Muslims say that Allah, God in definite form in Arabic, is everyone's God while the Christians claim that Jesus also was the Messiah, the Son of God, Savior of the Jews and mankind and the God incarnate Himself, while the Jews are still waiting for Messiah and are strictly racial and monotheistic in their faith. The Quran wishes to clarify its position that the book also is sent to Christians and Jews and not only to the believers in Islam:
Verily this Quran doth explain to the Children of Israel most of the matters in which they disagree", says the Quran in chapter 27:76.
Christians, in turn, would like to make it clear that Jesus was the Messiah (royal predicted prophet in Semitic tongues, and "Christ" in Greek) who was sent specifically to the Jews to become a savior for the world. According to their scriptures, Jesus had a kinship with Israel's kings and prophets, for example, David and Solomon, even though Jesus himself never directly claimed what others claimed about him, despite that he was related to David and Solomon. About Jesus it is said in Luke 1:32:
He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end".
Because there is somewhat of a "common thread" in the stories, but from different sources, it's sometimes interesting to study each Abrahamic religion as a unit,- the same narratives in everyone's contexts and books. The Quran is important, not only for Islam, but vice versa the Bible with the Torah and the New Testament isn't only fundamental to the Israelis and Christians, so the knowledge of the people and traditions of Abraham is fetched best in all religions and their scriptures.
All three religions have faith in God, prophethood, and apocalyptic beliefs (focusing on the Day of Judgment), which all three characterize these religions. Adam is considered the first man and has a wife, Eve, which is taught in all three religions. One can find the common belief but also beef (the three religions have a diverse epistemology and differ in small details between themselves), regarding the first man and woman both in the Quran surah 3:59, Genesis 1, and Luke 3:23-39. The Pentateuch are the books that form the basis of the Jewish faith and according to all three religions, Moses was a prophet and the first to receive a scripture for the Jews.


- Judaism -

The Israelis call their God YHWH (meaning "I am That I am"); Ellohim; Ellah, and also Adonai (Lord), says Bereshit (Genesis) 2:4 - Shemot (Exodus) 3:11-19. Their head prayer or rather Creed "Shema Israel, Adonai Ellohenu Adonai Echad" (translated into English: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord God, the Lord is One") is said to come from Moses and describes the core of the Jewish faith. Adonai thus only means lord, and Ellohen is The God. Moses in the Bible, according to Exodus 3:11-, asked his God if he could find out His real name, whereupon He replied "I am That I am" - "YHWH" -, and Moses then received the tablets with the commandments. The Quran says instead, in surah 7:140-145, that Moses asked if he could see the Creator in real life, then God turned the rock mountain into dust, Moses fainted, woke up gradually, asked for forgiveness, and later received the Torah. Anyway, since then, the Israelis never dared to write God's real name, but shortened it to these four letters - YHWH - יהוה‎ (in Hebrew), which led some to read the name to become "Jehovah" or just "Jah" as in Rastafari. The cosmogony (Genesis) is so famously retold in the Tanakh/Torah. This text corresponds to The Old Testament of the Bible in Christianity. Other central writings are the Mishnah & Gemara, and the Talmuds. In many of these texts, both mythological and ritualistic aspects are brought to light. They, for example, state the important Jewish traditions such as central holidays. One is how created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, and the seventh day became to be followed by Jews, who are not allowed to perform any labor during the seventh weekday,- the renowned Sabbath (also the word for the number seven in Arabic and Hebrew). As most know, no work may be carried out after dusk on Friday until nightfall on Saturday. Note that in the old calendar, the week didn't start on Monday but instead on Sunday, making Saturday the last one.
There are different opinions about Jewish origin among themselves. But, you can probably say that the promise of such a nation was already given to Abraham as well to Muslims. Abraham had received a promise from his God that he would be the father to a great people. His name means father of a great nation or dad. But it looked pretty dark out and into late life he kept hope alive of getting an heir. His God gave him instead of a son, Ishmael, through his servant Hagar, whom he of course married, who also was promised a great nation, as described in Genesis 1:16. About Abraham's tests and difficulties, much is also told in the Quran, 1:124, 37:106 and surah Ibrahim (Abraham in Arabic), and tells also about tests of belief, which characterizes these religions.
And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I [am] the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant [is] with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee", says Genesis 17:1 - 17:10.
"-///- Remember that Abraham was tested by some commands, and he fulfilled them. God said, "I appoint you to a leader of men." He said, "And also my descendants?" He said, "My covenant does not apply to the transgressors" -///- "Abraham and Ismail said: send a messenger from them (not by us) to them to teach them." -///- Say: "We believe in Allah and in what was sent down to us and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and all the prophets, from their Lord . We make no distinction between any of them. To Him alone we are submitters", Quran Surah 2:124-.
An interesting and most important difference between Judaism and Islam is the story of the "Huge Sacrifice" of Abraham to his God. Jews regard Isaac, who was Abraham's second son, as being the one who was to give his life as a sacrifice. Au contraire, the Quran never actually reveals which of Abraham's sons was the blood offering. However, they agree that God changed His mind when both Abraham and his son were obedient and instead replaced them with another victim, probably a buck, or according to some, it was circumcision (an important and great sacrifice). Interestingly to also notice in the above quotation is that Abraham bowed before his God as Muslims do - the forehead, face to the ground. Ishmael/Ismail is described in the Bible as a savage whom everyone fights against while Isaac is more gentle and withdrawn. Muslim sources tell a different story regarding Ismail - he is, of course, tough but also soft and just at the same time. (Some Muslims point to verse 129 of surah 2, mentioned previously, and say that it is Muhamad it talks about, while others believe that there is a future figure from other people, depending on how you look at it. Muhamed preached himself about a creature/figure that comes in the future to preach the truth, according to Surah 27:80-.) Abraham asked the God he believed in if He could give him a sign, so he would believe, and He revived slaughtered birds for him and took solemn vows from both Abraham and the other prophets with whom He created a covenant, says Genesis and Surah 37. From Abraham derives, therefore, the three religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the peoples Israelis and some Arabs in present-day Saudi Arabia, which also mixed with other peoples.
Isaac begot, in turn, Jacob (who also was called Israel and was a descendant of Jesus) who in turn had twelve sons and a thirteenth a bit later. One of these sons was Joseph who, because of jealousy from his brothers, was sold into slavery and ended up in the household of a great man in Egypt. Joseph got the reputation of being able to interpret dreams, which Pharaoh took well for he needed a dream interpreter. Joseph was advised and his interpretations of God struck right, leading to freedom and great service to Pharaoh. Israel or Jacob got wind of it and moved the whole family to Egypt where they were forgiven by Joseph and where they lived for many generations until the day the next Pharaoh forgot who they were and made them into slaves, says Surah 12 (Joseph) & Exodus 16 -50. During the struggles and oppression of the chains came Moses & Aron, with their God, and demanded justice for His people and faith in the Lord. He had nine plus one signs or miracles to present to Pharaoh as evidence of their God's message, who calls himself "Lord of all" in both the Bible and the Quran (the Israelis didn't get a name of God revealed, and He instead is simply called "The Lord" ). After the liberation of the Israelis, both Jews, Christians, and Muslims dedicate the miracles that followed in Moses's and Aaron's presence, to their God alone, the Lord of all. Later on, Moses and the Jews received the Ten Commandments on the Sinai mountain, and Exodus 19-21. According to some modern ideas, the Jewish tribe also went to the Kaaba, during the times of living in the deserts. As per se, some also mean to say that the Jewish ritual of wrapping the cube-shaped Teffilin seven times around the upper arm and forehead is a ritual performed as a remembrance of the Hagg (the word of the Exodus in the Hebrew Bible, which according to Islamic scholars corresponds to the Islamic Hajj - the grand pilgrimage). The Islamic religion has another viewpoint on the scenes of the liberation, it clearly seems. The Quran for example says that the Israelian tribe would also have honestly had the land of Israel, but since they firstly were too afraid to meet the huge postured Philistines and the second time they were about to enter the holy land, they instead became too prideful, and so the curse of the God came upon the Jews, says Surah 20, 20:9-15. This is of course a big difference to the domestic Jewish narrative. Just compare it to the Psalms of David to see how much glory they seem to emphasize in owning that geographical place, and how that dominion is in simple ways justified:
1. You shall not have gods beside Me
2. You shall not bow down to them or worship any other god but Me
3. You shall not make for yourself images of Me and my creation
4. Thou shalt not take the name of God for granted or abuse your Lord
5. You shall keep the Sabbath from Friday evening to Saturday evening
6. You shall honour your father and mother
7. Thou shalt not kill anyone
8. You shall not commit fornication or adultery
9. You shall not steal or ask for your neighbour's possessions, livestock or wife
10. You shall not lie or bear false witness
It is now the Jewish people, coming from Judah one of Israel's twelve tribes, for the first time after the Patriarchs' time from Abraham to Joseph, step into the world scene, according to Islam but according to Jewish scholars also the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Josef) were Jewish which is strange thinking that according to Genesis Abraham was from Ur in Babylonia who also begot Ismael which in turn would oddly enough make him a Jew as-well and not the ancestor of many Arabs; but also interesting to bring up is the fact that the Jewish tribe of Israel came later after the enslavement in Egypt. It's a common nationalistic trait to assume that the ancestors were identical to the different nations developed out of them, a topic which will be addressed more later on. These events of redemption and freedom from the chains are celebrated during Easter as a memorial of God's miracles that happened, reminds Genesis 2:23. Jews are the only one of the twelve tribes of Israel, which play a major role for these religious people. After this, they also got the Land of Israel with both kings and prophets in the land of which the books Kings, Prophets, and Psalms, appeared and later formed the Bible. One of these is David who was both king and prophet. David's legacy is the city of Jerusalem, which he developed, the Israeli Star of David as a symbol, and the Psalms, and he is mentioned in both the Bible and the Quran as an important religious figure. He was known for singing the praises in the palace and was the one who delivered Israel's people against some bad-minded neighbors:
Psalm 124: A Song of degrees of David. If [it had not been] the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say; If [it had not been] the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us: Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us: Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul: Then the proud waters had gone over our soul. Blessed [be] the LORD, who hath not given us [as] a prey to their teeth. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. Our help [is] in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth."
"And to David We gave the Psalms", continues the Quran 4:163. He, in turn, had an heir named Solomon who is reported to have been a wise prophet who talked to animals and was listened to by the winds, and more, it says in the Quran 34:1-14 & Samuel 1, 2:12. The Ten Commandments, the Torah, is thus the foundation for the writing that then on was worked by Jewish leaders, rabbis, and scribes to become the Tanakh, later comments on those are Mishnah and Gemara and finally the Talmud (commentary on the Mishnah). There is a scientific consensus that the authors of the Torah and Tanakh wrote the books much later than the events the accounts they tell happened; sometimes centuries after. For example, in the first books of the Bible, the word for God is more of a personal kind - JHWH, while in the later ones, the name becomes more general - Elohim. And also the languages used in the original scripts defer to each other, showing us they were influenced by time and different cultures. This further shows that either religion developed or someone changed the tradition. So, there are no historical facts that prove that the Torah and Tanakh are the original ones, but there are few facts to prove the opposite, so it all lands on the basis of faith. The Muslims believe thus that the Quran was revealed to never be corrupted and act as guiding lines for knowing what to believe. On a contrary basis, the Ten Commandments and the Torah can, according to Judaism, be found in Shemot (Exodus) 19-21.
The Jewish religious collection is called "Torah" in Hebrew,- Tawrah in the Quran. It's only the Christians who has named the Torah to "the Old Testament", given that they want to emphasize the Gospel as being "the New Testament". Also, it's only the Pentateuch which is called the Torah, while the other collections are divided into "Prophets" and "Scriptures".
Another important piece of information about Judaism is circumcision, which is considered a covenant between the believer and the Lord of the Jews, and which also appears in Islam (by Ibrahim, although in the latter case is not mentioned in the Quran, although it has been interpreted by some that the book indirectly says that "there are those with non-circumcised hearts", in surah 4:155, and that the word "Sunnah", beyond references made to "the road to Islam", also means male circumcision among many Muslims). Genesis chapter 1:17 says: "On your skin, you shall be circumcised, and this will be the sign of the covenant between me and you". In this verse, Abraham gets a revelation from God who tells him that he and those who follow him should circumcise themselves as a covenant between them and their God.
So, we can say that YHWH or Elohim has thus chosen the Israelis to be a particular people (the people with many miraculous blessings and having a specific folk-bound holy revealed text), gave them Torah and among others two important festivals, Passover and the Sabbath to celebrate, and circumcision as a symbol. Their prophets are the same as the ones of Christians and Muslims, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elias, David, etc. Adam is the first man. Noah was a doomsday prophet and a survivor of the Flood. Elijah appeared to his currents to tell them not to emerge around the idol Baal/Bel. His task was to stop them by his miracle of God and repent the royal couple in Israel who had started to forget the God of Israel and instead started worshipping Baal. Despite his success with great achievements, he felt inferior compared to Abraham and the other prophets and went to the desert to die, but an angel promised him that his task was great. Elijah succeeds in his mission to defeat the Baal leaders by generating fire from heaven to destroy them and later leaves the world by ascending to heaven before his disciple Elisha at the Jordan River, but loses his mantle during the trip. He is said to be the one who will herald the return and coming of the Messiah, says the Book of Kings 2. There is not much doctrinaire in Judaism regarding the "end times" and life after death, but one can find traces of it, in particular, in the book of Daniel chapter 12:2-3: "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame [and] everlasting contempt". Hell is named Gehenna and Paradise Adn, both in Hebrew and Arabic, in Islam and Judaism. More common is the idea of a Messiah, a deliverer that will rule the entire world before God's presence, an idea which naturally leads us to Christianity and Islam, who already got this thesis revealed and accepted that the Messiah already arrived.


- History of Christianity -

Christianity of course preaches about Jesus Christ and his teachings, which were written down in the Gospels, glad tidings, and are preached throughout the world as God's word, says both the Bible and the Quran. There are few sources about Jesus, mostly because of his short activity, but the knowledge that is followed by the Christians is written down in the New Testament, but he also pops up again later and then mostly seen in Islam, as a central figure of faith in God and is one of Allah's prophets. NT (New Testament) consists of four main Christian gospels written by Matthew (has an angel in human form as a symbol), Mark (the lion as a symbol), Luke (the ox as a symbol), and John (has an eagle as a symbol); were the others are is not known (besides the apocryphal texts such as the Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Judas, Gospel of Mary etc., where the Thomas Gospel actually confirms the Quran's 25 prophets), and includes other texts as Acts, Book of Revelation (, and Apocrypha). The Bible consists of a total of 66 books, with the Christian supplements included, and the very word Bible means books in Greek, deriving from the word "Biblos". Christ was born of a virgin named Mary of Israeli descent in the land of Israel/Palestine. Mary was considered to be chaste and received the miraculous message of Jesus' birth from the angel Gabriel. This event is mentioned in both the NT and in other sources for example the Quran, 3:45 -. She was only thirteen when she got impregnated and never got married, according to Muslim sources,- this is a difference compared to Christian scriptures telling that she was married to a guy named Joseph when she begot her son. It looks like a hard social clash to be married and have a boy, single-handed, without this Joseph character. The major theological difference is, however, that the Quran in chapter 4:157-158, claims that Jesus never died on the cross, but was instead taken up into heaven, just like the prophet Elijah. This says something contrary to what Christianity preaches, about a person many argue about in most parts of society. Jesus is here, in Christianity, said to have died on the cross to atone for man's sins. With his death, the Christians believe that sin died. This may sound like a paradoxical idea as they continue to believe that Jesus was resurrected. Christians also believe that Jesus later ascended to heaven, after he died on the cross, after being buried, and also after he was resurrected on the third day, in difference to Muslims. The uptake into Heaven is called the Ascension and is celebrated during "Ascension Day". He is seen as both the Creator, His son, and part of a trinity, in Christianity. John in the Gospel 1:1-3: 14 says:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
This shows that there is a Christian idea that the Word also was God who became man, as Jesus. He had twelve disciples as the closest according to NT (The white-robed according to Quran). The first and probably only known Western people and areas to follow their gospel are Anatolia in modern Turkey, Hellas, Illyria & Dardania, Rome, southern modern France, and what today is known as Spain, according to the "Acts of the Apostles" in the New Testament of the Bible. The idea of the Trinity is a later idea in which the Christian doctrine is "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit". This, which now will be said, is not easy to embrace and is factually entangled much due to nationalism and territorial claims by extreme regimes from all sides, with the use of anti-Islamic propaganda and antialbanianism in general and only the God is the ultimate truth, to the followers of Abraham's monotheistic religion. Christianity itself, and this dogma was established in 325 in the city of Nicea near Constantinople when Rome adopted the Christian faith after having persecuted them for 300 years. Constantine the Great, from the Dardanian part of Thrace in later Moesia which was an ancient part of the Illyrian tribal commonwealth (in the city of Nishi) the son of Constantius I Chlorus (Flavius Valerius Constantius), an Illyrian army officer, born in Dardania - present-day Kosovo, who became one of the four emperors of the Tetrarchy, who should be addressed in more light if you are interested in history in general, was the first emperor of Rome to be baptized a Christian and stopping the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, through miraculous signs he saw in the sky. Some say it was a cross, some say it was Jesus, and yet others an eagle. The eagle, and especially the double-headed one, was believed to have been used by him and before him by the Roman Empire. Dante Alighieri writes in his strange and fictional Christian dogmatic-inspired book, "The Divine Comedy", from the 13:th hundreds, about his visionary visit to Hell and Paradise, in his meeting in Paradise with the last Roman emperor Justinian I from Dardania in the 6:th century, after who's rule Rome was divided in East Rome (Orthodox Church) & West Rome (Catholic Church), that he told him the following narrative:
The saved soul spoke, “The story of the Roman Empire is the story of the Roman Eagle. The Eagle followed the course of Heaven. The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, and Aeneas, the prince of conquered Troy, journeyed West to Italy, wed Lavinia, and became an important ancestor of the Roman people. “Constantine, however, reversed that direction. He took the Eagle Eastward, from Rome to Constantinople. In doing so, he went against the course of Heaven — the Sun travels from East to West, and taking the Eagle to Constantinople reversed that course. “For approximately 200 years, the Eagle remained in the East, close to Troy, and then my day came, and I and people under my command reconquered Italy for the Empire. “I was a Roman Emperor; I am still Justinian. I, inspired by God, reformed the Roman law. -///- “Aeneas established the imperial Eagle at Latium, but his son, Ascanius, moved the Eagle to Alba Longa, where it stayed for more than 300 years. By then, Rome had been built, and three heroes of Alba Longa fought three heroes of Rome to see which city would be superior. Two of the Roman heroes died, but the third Roman hero killed all three of the Alba Longan heroes, and the imperial Eagle went to Rome.", The Divine Comedy, Paradise, Canto 6.
Some older books can't be understood in modern contexts and "The Divine Comedy" would probably not pass through European GDPR-laws, when mentioning people Dante personally or discoursely didn't go well with as sinners who would be in the "Inferno". The prophet Muhamed is portrayed as one going to the eighth sphere,- according to Alighieri being reserved for the ones who created disorder and "schism". But also Pope Boniface VIII, who was the number one personal enemy of Dante, would according to his vision burn in the pits of Hell. The frame story of the book is quite fascinating and marvelous, though the story has much taken from dogmas adopted by Christian inspirations from the revelations of the Quran, which before its time was the ultimate recount of Paradise & Hell. Still, these proposed dimensions of course were mentioned before Muhamed, they were not reported as widely and graspingly until the descending of the Quran. After the separation of the Eastern Church and the Western one, the double-headed eagle became the prime symbol of Orthodox Christians. Constantine founded the city of Constantinople (today's Istanbul), which was built in the area still today known as the Dardanelles (the coastal western part of Turkey was a former Dardanian territory, colony, and probable origin of both Dardania and Ilium. The ancient & mythological city of Troy (also called Ilion) was located in the territory of Dardanoi, according to Homer in the Iliad. The Dardanians were an ancient people and an Illyrian tribe living in present-day Kosova and this country was actually called Dardania in those days before the rise and up till the fall of Rome. Prince Aeneas of Ilion, after the lost war, fled to the place that later would become the city of Alba Longa and the neighboring city of Rome and is the ancestor of Remus & Romulus, built on and near the Alban hills which is the original area of the Latium and later Latin people, and so also according to the Roman poet & historian Virgil in the Aeneid and Roman mythology in general with consensus and without any impressive doubts. In the epic story, the Dardanians protected the walls of Troy against the Greeks, if this really happened as told by the Hellenes to begin with. Priam was the king of Troy and father of Hector and Paris while Aeneas was the first cousin to Priam's family, and the greatest warrior on the battlefield, the Greek Achilles, who killed and dragged Hector circumambulating the famous walls, was the son of Thetis the sea nymph (not to be confused with Thetys the wife of Oceanus who was Thetis sister), and the king Peleus and even to this day the similar Albanian word for the sea is "Deti". Aeneas, in Roman mythology, was believed to be the son of Aphrodite herself. In the Iliad, he says a very interesting thing about Dardanian history:
Learn, then, my lineage if you will- and it is known to many.
'In the beginning Dardanus was the son of Jove, and founded Dardania, for Ilius was not yet stablished on the plain for men to dwell in, and her people still abode on the spurs of many-fountained Ida. Dardanus had a son, king Erichthonius, who was wealthiest of all men living; he had three thousand mares that fed by the water-meadows, they and their foals with them. Boreas was enamoured of them as they were feeding, and covered them in the semblance of a dark-maned stallion. Twelve filly foals did they conceive and bear him, and these, as they sped over the rich plain, would go bounding on over the ripe ears of corn and not break them; or again when they would disport themselves on the broad back of Ocean they could gallop on the crest of a breaker. Erichthonius begat Tros, king of the Trojans, and Tros had three noble sons, Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymede who was comeliest of mortal men; wherefore the gods carried him off to be Jove's cupbearer, for his beauty's sake, that he might dwell among the immortals. Ilus begat Laomedon, and Laomedon begat Tithonus, Priam, Lampus, Clytius, and Hiketaon of the stock of Mars. But Assaracus was father to Capys, and Capys to Anchises, who was my father, while Hector is son to Priam.'"
In Virgil's Aeneid one sees the same historical idea of the Trojans, and Aeneas in particular, being from Dardanus and the ancient Dardanian tribe. Dardanus is the ancestor of the Dardanians and ancient Kosovoalbanians/northern Albanians or the Gegës (if one believes & follows the commonly recognized Illyrico and Thraco-Dardanian ancestry theory of the Gegës in particular, and the Epiro-Illyrico counterpart in regards to the southern Toskës. The other less accepted idea is the Caucasian theory which points to the ancient "Hispania" and "Albania" in the Caucasus range, so named by ancient Greeks, after the mirroring of this region as the microverse of Europa,- Hispania being the western part, Spain, and Albania the Eastern, rather than being the factual birthplace of ancient Albania. The Causacisan idea has no other reasons other than falseness and must be seen as a misunderstanding of ancient maps, and assumed sources regarding those nations of old. In other cases, the argument that the name disappeared during a period, could also be applied to other occupied states, for example, Norway during the second world war, or Denmark claiming to have the oldest continuing flag, but likewise they had to remove it during the invasion of the Nazis. The nationalistic extremism must be put at a halt, ladies and gents), who was born in the mythological Arcadia but lived in Hesperia - the name given to Italy by Virgil. Augustus Caesar wanted to be associated with these, Romulus and Remus, and the contemporary belief of that time was that they descended from the Trojans and built Rome in what they first called Albania on the Alban Hills. This is the main topic of the prose Aeneid by Virgil. In the first chapter, he writes:
Arms, and the man I sing, who, forc'd by fate,
And haughty Juno's unrelenting hate,
Expell'd and exil'd, left the Trojan shore.
Long labours, both by sea and land, he bore,
And in the doubtful war, before he won
The Latian realm, and built the destin'd town;
His banish'd gods restor'd to rites divine,
And settled sure succession in his line,
From whence the race of Alban fathers come,
And the long glories of majestic Rome."
Aeneas "banishing gods" and "restoring divine rites" could point to a reversion to a monotheistic type of pristine faith, during pre-ancient times in Europe and among his people. Ancient Dardania at its peak stretched to Nish in today's Serbia but was in name in the end by the Roman conquerors instead changed to Moesia Superior, and for now, this land is in dispute regarding whom it belongs by historical facts but also by its worse twin- the historical falsification by liars. The Dardanian/Illyrian nations played an important role in the religious and Christian formation of Europe since it was the birthplace of the first Christian Roman emperor and later the starting point of the Ottoman conquest and Islamization in Medieval times (double parenthesis - Greek scholars tend to claim that all the best were Greek and that they were better than the rest, which by the way Hellenes used to call Barbarians. And they, the modern Greeks, claim that Alexander the great was pure Greek, while the most famous ancient Greek historian Herodotus claims that his family had fled to Illyria and lived there before conquering Macedonia, and his grandmother from his father's side was Illyrian according to the only or very few ancient sources from both Plutarch and Libanius, and his mother was from Epirus, an ancient tribal state which today is located in modern southern Albania and northern Greece which further is held by both countries as being theirs. The Greek part of Epirus has a majority of inhabitants of Albanian descent. Pirro, an Albanian form of Pyrrhus the king that gave us the saying "Pyrrhus victory" - when winning with losing equally, and who was raised by the Illyrians and called "the eagle", is a common name among southern Albanians. Vikings were not Swedes either, and Albanians are not Illyrians, Romans were not Italian, modern Greeks are certainly not ancient since they culturally and linguistically are changed and mixed and Alexander was not full-bred Greek or Albanian for that part either as non is his father or his son, but we have common denominations and he lived with them and fought bot against and together with Dardanians and other Illyrians. History is not written by victors but by future fate. Who doesn't know that Alexander was followed by an eagle throughout his life, which always marked victory every time it flew over the battlefield? Does anyone want to debate inspiration in regard to the founding of democracy? You are misled by warmongers, land thieves, and hypocrites in schools. In contrast, the Albanian church never systematically killed or imprisoned anybody, since the Albanian ancient and medieval codex "Kanuni" from Lekë (Alexander in Albanian) Dukagjini in the chapter “Nderen e Kishës e lypë Famullia.”“Kishës, mullinit, farkës e tragtores nuk i pritet kush mik”, says that "the church is not to have either swords or ropes", as so it is believed to be Christ’s true preaching, a code followed by the Albanian mosques as well,- an early predecessor form of secularization. All Hellas got out from the Troyan war was ruins), which was and is located in western modern Turkey at the Aegean seashore) a city held dear by the Orthodox Church up to this day, since it was the founding city of the Eastern Church - also known as Orthodoxy - until the invasion of Turks from Asia who came to conquer Anatolia (former name of Turkey, where an ancient people used to live but who today are extinct due to this invasion in the Middle Ages). He, Constantine was baptized by Arianus, who on the other hand was murdered because he believed that Jesus was subordinate to God - a Christian dogma called ”Arianism”. Anyway, the question is who Jesus was? Bosnia had for example, before Islam, the Bogomilian & Bosnian church that was neither Catholic nor Orthodox, but saw Jesus more as a human & one of the Prophets, and his God as Boga, in some branches. The Bosnian form of Bogomilism was harshly persecuted by the crusaders who saw them as heretics and nontrinitarian, though there are sources that some parts of this diverse belief to some point believed in the Trinity. Bogomilism was a form of faith concentrated on devotion to God - Boga - rather on the materialistic premises and was an ascetic form of Christianity with dualistic features and non-sacramental rites, and many times rejecting the trinity. For example, instead of holding masses in churches, they went out in nature and places they felt were beautiful or special. After the Islamization of Bosniaks and to some degree Bulgars, the Bosnian church and Bogomilism disappeared altogether. Many hold this being the real reason why Bosniaks converted to Islam, in the first place. The first Christian state, on the other hand, was actually Armenia (which during the 100's BC, conquered much of the Middle East and became an empire that few know about), which further is a reason they never accepted Islam. But, before the Roman Empire accepted the path of Christ, the Christians were marginalized and were also persecuted. They slowly spread to all provinces of the empire through Jesus' disciples. As recorded in the NT, the 12 disciples first went to Hellas, Rome, Illyri, Hispania, Anatolia, Africa, and so on, and slowly this belief grasped its precious and strategic spiritual positions. The foundation of world dominance in the next upcoming two millenniums was thus established, by the disciples.
Christianity is divided into three major groups - Catholicism (the general branch, with the conductor the Pope, the ruler of the Christians from the Vatican - a sovereign state in Rome. The Pope is considered Peter the disciple himself, but also Jesus deputy on Earth. They believe in saints such as Saint Nicholas, Saint George, Saint Valentine, Saint Bridget, Mother Theresa, or Saint Lucia); Orthodoxy (the pure doctrine, from the word "ortho", meaning clean, and "Doxa" meaning knowledge or doctrine. In the Orthodox faith, iconography is important and their worship of them is characteristic. Icons often represent pictures of Jesus and Mary from scenes taken from the Gospels, and they tend to be decorative, large or small) and Protestantism (those who protest against the Catholic Pope, against indulgences, and saint worship. Protestantism divided Europe into two parts and traces of it are still visible, including the conflict in Northern Ireland. Protestantism was founded by the reformers Martin Luther, the priests from Germany, and the Swiss Jean Calvin). In addition to the three main branches, there are smaller groups around the world, inside and outside the more traditional three branches, for example, Mormonism, Jehova's Witnesses, and the Amish society, etc. Outside the West, the first Church as a social institution in history is the Coptic one, spreading from Egypt up to Iraq and down to Ethiopia. The Ethiopian church claims the lineage of King Solomon and the queen of Sheeba (Queen Bilqis in Islamic tradition) who got a son, based on the Kebra Nagast - the unique Ethiopian religious record. Further, this faith believes they are custodians of the Tabernacle - the original tablets with the Ten Commandments - assuming they were brought to this place with the allowance of God and the Jewish king, a tale told in the Kebra as well. Therefore they have a Judeo-Christian heritage and religion. According to some Islamic vague sources, Queen Bilqis of ancient Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Yemen never married Solomon and therefore had no son with this prophet and king.
Both the Quran and the Bible reveal that Jesus was born of a virgin, did miracles, and preached about the kingdom of heaven. He cast out a spirit by speaking strictly, says Matthew 17:14. He healed the blind, Matthew 9:27, resurrected the dead, John 11, saturated several thousand with only five loaves and two fish, Matthew 14:13-25, etc. In the Arabic Quran, Jesus says the following:
And Jesus said: I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I will shape up for you in mud something like a bird and I will breathe on it and with God's permission, it shall become a bird, and I will heal the blind and the lepers with God's will, I will bring the dead to life", Quran 3:49.
The making of birds is actually mentioned in the Apocrypha, but not in the four main Christian Gospels. The late found Gospel of Thomas says the following about the incident where Jesus makes birds of clay who become alive and upsets the Rabbis:
II. 1 This little child Jesus when he was five years old was playing at the ford of a brook: and he gathered together the waters that flowed there into pools, and made them straightway clean, and commanded them by his word alone. 2 And having made soft clay, he fashioned thereof twelve sparrows. And it was the Sabbath when he did these things (or made them). And there were also many other little children playing with him. 3 And a certain Jew when he saw what Jesus did, playing upon the Sabbath day, departed straightway and told his father Joseph: Lo, thy child is at the brook, and he hath taken clay and fashioned twelve little birds, and hath polluted the Sabbath day. 4 And Joseph came to the place and saw: and cried out to him, saying: Wherefore doest thou these things on the Sabbath, which it is not lawful to do? But Jesus clapped his hands together and cried out to the sparrows and said to them: Go! and the sparrows took their flight and went away chirping. 5 And when the Jews saw it they were amazed, and departed and told their chief men that which they had seen Jesus do."
(That Jesus, according to Islam, survived the crucifixion, which explains to the believers that he had God on his side who gave him patronage. We can read that Jesus as a baby said: "God's peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I have awakened again", the Quran, 3:35-37. The same word was given to John the Baptist according to the Quran, this term concludes that both were promised peace and salvation (Messiah - al Masih & Yahyah - John.) Indirectly this promise of theirs also explains what happens after death - we simply leave this world to enter a new one, and when we are brought back to account for the previous living, we enter life again. Further on, it means that Jesus is alive but in another dimension, so in a worldly view, from our perspective, he is dead but in the other one he is just waiting to return. This world is an example of what eternity is. Eternity is to never die and to experience the written destiny forever and ever, all over again in an unpredictable eternal loop - in accordance to your imprinted actions, be it experienced good or worse. To measure the time you do need a reference point with a start and a finish. The sun goes down starting at night, obviously, and goes up starting day. When it is in zenith it's noon, and so on. The moon's phases can be a point of reference to calculate months and further on the stars are for remembering generations and for guiding. The worldly life is limited to time, space, and matter, according to the laws of physics in existing contemporary physical sciences. Time in space is the limitation of life as the matter is, whereas eternity times instead are superfluous since there are no reference points with a start and finish, extinguishing matter and space who are dependent on time, making that dimension surrealistic. The other life is simply mysterious).
Another important figure in Christianity is John - the only one with his name at that time of being, who was a relative of Jesus and is considered to be the prophet who would prepare the way for Jesus, according to the Gospel of Mark 1, and whose birth also was foretold by angels. The Christians also believe in Heaven and Hell as Muslims and Jews, and Jesus himself prophesied of a coming time when terrible things would happen. He talks about friends and families who betray one another, and some are saved and others are not:
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man", Luke 21:34.
Notice that in the verse above, Jesus does not recommend drinking or intoxication in other forms,- funny considering that wine is used in sacramental rituals. When the end times are near a major war will start, with fire from large wagons that breathe fire both from the ground and from the sky, but before it goes too far God will stop it in advance, ie before the actual time, says The Book of Revelation at the end of the NT. In addition, Jesus preached, about a person whom he calls the Son of Man, a title he also used about himself, and it has been interpreted sometimes that he will come from the sky and collect all to face judgment one day. (Ben Adam as the Son of man is called in Judaism, is believed by some Jews to be the Messiah, and Talmudic scriptures also write that he will be tested by God by a snake biting him, but if Ben Adam (son of Adam in Semitic) comes before the snake into the water he will pass the test and survive, but if the snake comes first into the lake, Ben Adam will die. The true meaning of the title Ben Adam is simply: the righteous one). In some sects of Christianity, he comes like a Savior from heaven with his wife the Bride of Christ. This "Son of Man" is also mentioned in the book of Enoch, where he is described as being in heaven now. Idris, a Quranic prophet, is Enoch according to scholars of Islamic religious history, and is here believed to have been the first human writer using an alphabet. This book is one of the Apocrypha, but due to its apocalyptic tendencies to an unorthodox view of God, it was considered a heretic scripture and was thus removed from the Bible, though it has a central role in the Orthodox and Coptic churches of the Middle East and Ethiopia & Africa. The book of Enoch, eg., describes how human females & men and the angels from heaven interbreed and whose offspring gave rise to the giants. It also shows the beginning of man as actually initiated in a heavenly abode, and further what is to be expected during the last days. A central theme in "The Book of Enoch" is angels especially the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, etc. In these coming destructive ages, a "gifted" man, as the book describes him, awaits to save all from sin. The history of man is here thus not originally from this planet. NT says the following about the Savior during the Day of Judgment:
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left", Matthew 25:30-34.
"And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for any shall come in my name, saying, I am [Christ;] and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them", Luke 21:8.
"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh", Luke 21:24-28.


- Islam -

The religion that tells most about this day, the Day of Judgment, is Islam, which also got the epithet "the religion of peace", whose specific task is to get the believers to subdue (Islam is devotion/submission in Arabic) to the god Allah and warn: "And listen (after the call) the Day when the caller shall call from a place quite near", warns surah 50:4. The God of Islam is Allah. A God is called "ilah" in Arabic, they put the definite form "Al" before "ilah" which becomes "Al ilah" and is written together - Allah. According to hardcore Arab nationalists, Allah is the name of the Creator and not only a word for Him - thus making Him an Arab, meaning to minimize God to worldly attributes where language is a part of human culture and serving. Compare the name Allah with ancient El, or the Aramaic Elah and Alaha - the language spoken in Israel during Jesus' time!
- Allah written in Arabic. The Arabic written language is read from right to left. First comes a diagonal line, then a round bottom W or an upside-down small M, with a bow, like a half Moon at the end of the wave-like word. The line in the beginning is the letter A, and sometimes I, (Alif in Arabic - Alpha in Greek) and the arch at the end is the letter H, and what looks like a W between these is a double L, and the line before H is of course A.
In the Prophet's time, during the so-called "Jahilya" (the time of ignorance personified) man worshipped a range of idols as Baal, or the sisters Alat, Uza, and Manat. These were, for example, the goddess of the Moon or of fertility, which later came to be abandoned and replaced by a monotheism based on Allah - the God. For some reason, Islam's opponents, right up to these days, do propagate against Allah and say that it is the Moon goddess Alat the word Allah aims at, which is wrong according to Islam's domestic learning (Or could you call USA for Uza just because they sound similar? No, the U.S.A (United States of America) is a country, and Allah is not believed by Muslims to be Alat or some other idol, it is only God in a definite form). The religion of Islam is strictly monotheistic and so also the sister religions Christianity and the Israeli faith. There did exist many sorts of faiths in pre-Islamic times such as polytheism, magic, Christianity, Jewish, and Hanafi monotheism but also people who were non-believers as well. Many also had local traditions and rituals such as the burying of infant girls and promiscuity was widespread. There are also a lot of inscriptions found mentioning Allah as "Al Ilah" and "Ilahan" or "Rahmanan". In ancient Arabia, there were different tribes with their own customs and dialects and so, for example, the singular and definitive form of a word was written with "an" at the end, while in the south and around Mecca they instead used "Al". Christians, for example, used to inscribe prayers on rocks and many of those, say "Al Ilah" when praying to God in Arabic. Nationalism may have a role to play and could have influenced modern Islamists to conclude that Allah is the only name of The God but they are not in the majority and if they were not then all would speak their language further, they think that metaphysical language as well (for example angelic and God's speech) is Arabic. As said before this is a physical and logical contradiction. Further on, most of the "Ulama", scholars in Islam, believe that their Deity can only answer prayers made in the Arabic language, which would be to limit this God's omnipotence and reduce this to nationalistic desires and motives.
How did the religion start? Some sources say that Prophet Muhamed got a revelation from Allah while meditating in a cave during the fasting month of Ramadhan in "the night of destinies", and his prophet-hood lasted for the rest of his life and he received a total of 114 chapters recited by Allah and the angels as they are trying to convince him of his prophet-hood. They want to teach him to read and write through the promises of this and urge people to believe in the illiterate prophet. Islam is not saying that Muhamed is the founder of the religion, but rather that it is Allah who is. Muhamed is considered to be a predetermined prophet, according to the Quran:
And Jesus, son of Mary, said: 'Children of Israel, I am sent to you by God to confirm what is still of the Torah and to proclaim to you the glad tidings of a messenger who will come after me and his name shall be Ahmad. But when he came to them with clear signs and testimonies, they said: "This is obvious eloquence dazzles and bewitches", says the Quran 61: 6.
Muhamed is a form of Ahmed from the root HMD, meaning honored or praiseworthy. A name similar to his is also mentioned in the Puranas, claiming to be a vision about him:
Then the king went along with Mahamada, the preceptor of mleccha-dharma, and his followers to the great god, Lord Shiva, situated in the desert”, Bhavisya Purana 1:2.
This Hindu book tells more about this figure and according to it Mahamada is from the Mlecchas, the non-Indians, and he preaches about a foreign Dharma to them. Some Hindus don’t accept it as him being the Prophet, but rather as someone closer to the Indian subcontinent. In the New Testament, John 14:16, Jesus says to his disciples that one is to be coming after him, and he shall be called "Comforter" and in Aramaic, Jesus' native language, called "Mawhamana", which according to Islamic scholars meant “Praiseworthy” but changed to “ho Parakletos” - “Comforter”, by Greek translators:
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
But also in "Songs of Solomon” or "Songs of Songs" an Arab man is mentioned to preach in the future whose name is written "Muhamed" in Hebrew, in chapter 5:16. Jewish scholar opposes this idea by claiming the word in the Bible means “altogether lovely” and is not in regards of Muhamed the Prophet.
Muhamed recited the Quran but was attacked and war arose, called "jihad" in Islam. Islam is a great tradition with laws regulating what people eat, and wear as clothes, and the social/familial, economic, and spiritual life with laws waived down from Allah. The most common way to categorize Islam is by the five pillars and the doctrine:
Belief in One God
Belief in the Day of Judgment
Belief in the mysterious - Ghayb, angels, and jinns
Believing in God's envoy, prophets, messengers, and saints
Belief in the holy books, for example the Quran, the Gospel, the Torah, the word ...
The belief that everything is already predetermined by Allah with great force - Fate, Qader
1. Shahada, Creed - "La ilah ila Allah", "There is no god beyond the God". Sunni-Muslims say "Ash-hadu an La ilah il Allah, wa ash-hadu an Muhamed Razul Allah", Shia-Muslims also often adds "wa ash-hadu an Aliyan wali Allah" (I bear witness that Ali is an authority by Allah), the Quran, 38:65.
2. Salat, Prayer - "And call upon the name of your Lord when the day dawns and when the night is near and fall in adoration before Him during the night, and glorify and praise Him without interruption for a whole night" -///- "and when the day leaning towards evening and when dining height passed", Quran 76: 23:26, 30:18.
3. Sawm, fasting - Fasting during the month of Ramadhan, and neither eat, drink, or have sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk, the Quran surah 2:184.
4. Zakat, Charity - give to the poor - "And give to the closest what he rightly expect and give to the needy and hiking man, but do not waste for it is the path of Satan", Quran 17:26.
5. Haj, the pilgrimage - "The oldest workable temple is in Mecca", says surah 3. "The first temple erected for human use was certainly the Shrine at Bakkah (Mecca). The pilgrimage to this shrine is a duty to perform", the Quran 3:96.
The Arabic Quran is Islam's holy book, a coherent and "rhyming" great book, made easy to remember. Here is an example of the first form of revelations given to the prophet Muhamed, with this type of style - Surah Al Fati'ha - The Opening/Key:
- Bismi-LLahir-Ralmanir-Raheem
1 - In the name of the God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
- 'Al-lIamdu li-LLiihi Rabbil-'iilameen
2 - Glory be to God, the Lord of the World.
- 'Ar-Rahmanir-Raheem
3 - The Merciful, the Compassionate.
- Malliki Yawmid-Deen
4 - King of the Day of Judgment!
- 'Iyyiika na'-budu wa 'iyyiika nasta-'een
5 - Thee do we worship, and to thee we cry to be helped!
- 'Ihdinas siratal-Musta-qeem
6 - Guide us to a path that is straight
- Siratal-lazeena an-'amta 'alay-him gayril-magdoubi 'alayhim wa ladhalleen
7 - the path they walked who You have blessed with Your gifts, not affected by Your anger and not the one that is lost!
This chapter is mentioned in the Quran as a special kind of one to repeat and use during prayer, which Muslims and believers usually do. "We have given you seven (verses) to constantly repeat and the Quran in all its majestic beauty", says the Quran in surah 15:87. Allah also says in the Quran that He is the Gracious and Merciful, the Lord of all that should be praised everywhere and Who established the Day of Judgment. The day is a fact and implies that this is a message for all mankind, as the Quran says other religions preach, with the rules of the Lord. Just like the Jews, who may accept other peoples, Islam can accept other religions but call them " the people of the Book" (Jews, Christians, and others), or guarded by God. According to the Arabic Quran the only prophet, of 25, who managed to cope with a mission was Jonah, and the only people to simultaneously believe at once was Nineveh, the people Jonas preached to. He deserted from the call of God, was swallowed by a whale, regretted and changed his mind, got freed, and convinced an entire people at the same time, that people should not do the same but instead just listen to him, the Quran says in surah 10, 10:98; 37:139 -, 68:48 -. Muhamed is believed to have had a kinship with Abraham, Ibrahim in Arabic ("aba" means dad and "Rahim" gracious - Abraham means "father of grace" or "merciful father" but also "One of Mercy" - of Rahim). Then, after some decades some differed and were divided into sects or groups at the same time as most of the Hadiths were written down. "The Hadiths" are said to be the personal narratives of Muhamed and are also called "Sunnah", the way of the Prophet, thou all of them are not fully believed in as "sahih" - true - and also not every believer trusts them as a reliable source for "one true Islamic faith" or more accurate the different narratives differ so much that it created a schism in their faith. But still, those of the faith claim that without the Ahadith they would not know how to pray or perform Hajj. First and strange enough, the Quran tells about all the rituals during Hajj except the stoning of the Devil, and not all agree that the last one is a part of true Islam anyway. Secondly, if the Ahadith is meant to specify how to pray, then why do every branch of Islam pray differently to each other, while all holding hard to their consensus and following the same source? For example, one Hadith says that Aisha, Muhamed's wife was nine when married, while others say sixteen, and yet others that she was over her twenties (Today you have the hardest and loosest marriage laws of the world coming from so-called Islamic countries. Saudi Arabia 16 years, Algeria 21 and Yemen 9, to get an allowance for marriage). The Quran states that you bow, put your head to the ground, and meditate (dhikr) - why, one might wonder, don't they follow the command, or do Sunnis and other sects think that Allah measures the space between their feet with a ruler and not the concentration worship? And now many Islamic scholars claim that no one should read the Quran because only the muftis/imams/mullahs can understand it. Some go to extremes claiming not to follow anything except the Quran - the Quranists - while others say that one is an apostate if they do not follow their Sunnah/path as well, as the Quran advises mankind to follow prophet Muhamed's path. Allah's Arabic Quran states:
And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember; then is there anyone who will remember", 54:17. -///- So what hadith (in the Arabic version - AN) after this ˹Quran˺ would they believe in? 77:50. -///- These are Allah's Signs that We rehearse to you in Truth. In what Hadith after Allah and His Signs will they, then, believe? 45:6. -///- It is He Who has revealed the Book to you. Some of its verses are absolutely clear and lucid, and these are the core of the Book.5 Others are ambiguous.6 Those in whose hearts there is perversity, always go about the part which is ambiguous, seeking mischief and seeking to arrive at its meaning arbitrarily, although none knows their true meaning except Allah. On the contrary, those firmly rooted in knowledge say: 'We believe in it; it is all from our Lord alone.'7 No one derives true admonition from anything except the men of understanding, 3:7. -///- We have appointed you a nation of the middle way, that you may be witnesses against mankind, and that the messenger may be a witness against you, 2:143.
Believers have the promise of eternal victory, according to Allah, in the Quran - Fat'ha (victory in Arabic). "We have given you a victory to be met one day at a profit", says surah Al Fat'h. And in short surah 108 Al Kawthar (the gift, or the river in Heaven), Allah says:
1. To thee have We granted the Fount [of Abundance].
2. Therefore to thy Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice.
3. For he who hateth thee, he will be cut off [from Future Hope].
In a dream Prophet Muhamed sees how miraculous the world is and how the words of Allah turn in with force, receiving the measurement - Furqan - the divine law. He also traveled to Paradise and Hell, which was not made at the same level before, and was also promised victory in war. In surah 55 (& 8), "The Merciful", Allah says:
This is Gehenna that the guilty used to deny. They will circulate between it and an impatient inferno. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? For those who reverence their Lord's majesty, two gardens. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Full of gifts. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Two streams in them, flowing. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Two varieties of all the fruits. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? While resting on furniture upholstered in satin, with the fruit within reach. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Their beautiful spouses have never been touched by any man or jinn. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? They are like pearls and coral. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Is the reward of goodness anything other than goodness? Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Beneath them are two gardens. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Tile. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? In them, wells to be pumped. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? In them are fruits, date palms, and pomegranate. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? In those are beautiful spouses. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Separated in tents. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? No human ever touched them, nor any jinn. Which of you Lord's marvels can you deny? They relax on green carpets, in beautiful surroundings. Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny? Exalted is the name of your Lord, Possessor of Majesty and Honour". -///- "Remember in thy dream Allah showed them to thee as few: if He had shown them to thee as many, ye would surely have been discouraged, and ye would surely have disputed in [your] decision; but Allah saved [you]: for He knoweth well the [secrets] of [all] hearts", says surah 8:43.
That no jinns have touched the virgins, means no masturbation or/and sex outside marriage and to show that they are secluded, and in heaven, the spouses are not touched by man or jinn and the lovers meet again, forever, at the age of 33 years. The ones who died for the cause of the God, Allah, and without a partner, will have many being also virgins, in Paradise. For some Islamic critics, the Quran is "the different" in the sense that Muslims are viewed by non-Muslims as the "other", and misunderstood as the indulgences of lusts, superstition, and dumbness in contrast to the so-called "civilized", which actually is a post-colonial trait still thriving well mostly in "West" even though "Orientalism" both as a scientific field and as a concept is long gone forsaken in the academic study of Geocultural Islam. This is much due to Edward Said's theories in his book "Orientalism" from 1978 exposing and revealing the biased research among early studies of Islam, Africa, and the Middle East which aimed more or less to paint a picture of these as being subordinate to the European Colonial cultures - the Occident. But, the belief that one will reunite with their spouses after death is a universal idea, not only reserved in the Muslim religion and Quran, though it is in the latter mentioned more or less as a dogma and truth, which some critics of this take for being a mere cultural aspect, only sprouted among Arabic speaking people and cultures. Christians, on the other hand, believe that the afterlife is something more spiritual, and according to the NT, Matthew 22:30 says that humans will be like angels:
For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven".
They simply believe that sex is only for making children, without regarding the fact that humans, in contrast to most animals, don't have specific mating times, giving indications that maybe sex for humans is also a means of love, bondage, and good times. So if one wonders what will happen with their loved ones, the Christian dogma simply says that Jesus has married the Church as sufficiency for the one who wonders. In Judaism, they have a different view of this and the afterlife. According to Jewish tradition, everything in this world will be annihilated, and thus also the bonds of marriage would be broken, so the spouses must remarry in Heaven again.


- Conclusion -

The similarities and differences in the three religions, among other things, are for example that all three are basically monotheistic, apocalyptic, and prophetic, primarily based on divinely revealed scriptures, but have different books or resources to go after. They claim all three to have the same father, Adam, the first man, but what happened next is something that they have different perceptions of each other:
I shall create man from clay of malleable mud and when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, then you fall down prostrate to him. Then the angels fell down on their faces, all except Iblis (Shaitan, Satan) who refused with pride, and became one of those who disbelieve", Quran surah 15:27-32. -///- "And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought [them] unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field". Genesis 1:15. -///- "And we said, "Adam! Take, you and your wife, your abode in this garden, and eat as you feel inclined to its (fruit), but do not approach this tree, then you can resort to shame! But the devil made them violate this (ban) and caused so their fall in sin", Quran surah 2:35.
Eve is thus the first woman, according to the Bible, and was created by one of Adam's ribs. However, the Bible says that it was Eve who was deceived and tricked into doing the forbidden, from a gender perspective, but Adam was also gullible if she then went to deceive her husband? Hard to say if you do not see that Satan took advantage of weakness and who does not wrong if our ancestors are said to have done it? But they were forgiven. All humanity is said to come from these two whose name means man and woman. These two people lived then in a paradise, but ended up, because of disobedience, on the material Earth. Although God had already planned to let people thrive on Earth, because of disobedience this was done with drama and obedience. What happens then is a mystery. What is known is that they had twin sons - Cain and Abel, where the latter was murdered by the former. (God had commanded both to sacrifice something, and Abel was more generous, which made Cain jealous enough to kill his little brother Abel. A crow showed him indirectly how he would bury the body but God caught up, and as punishment, he was given a sword and to walk on Earth as an outcast.) Later Cain married a woman from another place, and Genesis talks about other tribes. Adam is believed to have lived for over 1000 years and was the first prophet and father of the first peoples. All three traditions believe that the God of Abraham is to be feared and that the Earth was and is to test the creatures to see if they merit punishment and annihilation or reward and Paradise, from a God. Islam says that one day is set up for everything to be destroyed, but that the believers in some way will survive. But after the downfall, some will be spared from the fire and punishment. The believers will have eternal life in paradise while those who did not want to believe will end up in an inferno of punishment. However, all the Prophets and Messengers (Islam preaches and practices that many of the Bible's characters are faithful and obedient to Allah) witnessed this and warned and promised that "God" judges, but that He also is a generous and forgiving God.
The Christians think that Jesus came as God's son and also as the prophet who would stop the abuse of legal, financial, and social character, and preached that everyone would live in harmony together if humans believed in His miracles. Jesus says according to Christian Gospels that it's Jonah (the prophet who was the only one with success), which would be a sign of this.
The Israelis believe that it will be a King who is true and who shall initiate the eternal kingdom in the end. Punishment awaits those who are unfaithful and reward the one who is faithful to the One God.

"Indian & South East Asian Religions"

hat is polytheism? How is religiosity being expressed, in both ritual and myth, around the Southeast Asian countries? Well, firstly, it's not easy to categorize the many beliefs we can find in India. One may wonder if it's a possible task anyway; you can't do it without simultaneously opening a new subject and title. As regards other religions also or the phenomena of human beliefs in general, you can't simply argue that India has a unified faith and one major religion. Rather, there are diverse ways of thinking in different countries, from India to Indonesia, Tibet to Japan, and Asia to Latin America -, ways of philosophical faith, commonly and easiest summarized as Indian traditions or simply many times with the misguiding term "Hinduism". In India, however, what many may refer to as Hinduism is emically called "Sanatana Dharma", meaning "the eternal religion", in Sanskrit (the ancient Indian language of the Indo-Aryans). Dharma is a central and much-used word among the religious traditions of the very East part of the world; a word which more or less means "order" and it represents the world at large as a legal system, but of spiritual character. Therefore, when put in a metaphysical context, the term Dharma is instead the ancient Indian word for "Religion", a term on the other hand which we in earlier chapters made clear has the same meaning,- abiding by rules or having organized ideas of existence, and so often also putting life on a higher force, being fatalized for the struggle to achieve better qualities, hopefully even in a so-called afterlife. Here, in Sanatana Dharma and the many other Indian spiritual philosophies, we instead more often deal with concepts of reincarnation, the cycles of physical rebirths; and the worshipping of statues, objects, and the metaphysical embodiment in idols, etc. This is, of course, a very compressed explanation, as the spiritual philosophical base, also being part of the terminological methods here being used (eg. Yogic mantrism), in many of the beliefs in Southeast Asia would take shelves with books to explain in more detailed and satisfying shapes.

- The beginning of human life as part of the Dharma -

The born is first said to have a soul, "Jiva" and the self "Atma", which somehow descends into Dharma and then is incorporated into a material or worldly cycle called "Samsara", with the goal of being freed from this repetition of rebirth and so achieve a so-called "Moksha" - liberation or to become a God himself. The belief that there is no distinction between a personal soul and God, is very common in Hinduism. This philosophy regarding a "non-separation" is called "Advaita", meaning "not-two". In Western philosophy, there is a similar term called "monism",- the opposite of "dualism". In the long sense, Advaita teachers preach that everyone can become the one and only God (becoming one with the Brahman is like a drop of water in the sea - where the drop symbolizes the personal soul and the sea is an expression for Brahman. Here, the soul is instead called Jiva or Jivatman, which is a personal self while the Atman is instead the all-encompassing conscious human spirit, as an inseparable part of the super-soul Brahman). To achieve this, the Hindus are taught that one must be pure of the consequences of performed actions; to not create karma. Also so conveniently, the believer can get many chances to do "the right thing" in life, by reincarnation in the material sphere in an eternal cirque. Samsara, in many Indian traditions, may refer to suffering which in the religious sense means to be reborn in the physical everyday world, again and again, until becoming worthy to attain Moksha, through various methods for improving their Karma (which by the way and superfluously explained, is said to be man's composite conscience). Jaina Sutras, book (lesson) 1 chapter 2:3, says the following about Karma: "Karma is that which darkens our intellect. Its performance is suffering for mankind, its cause is action". Moksha is believed to be achieved any different ways, depending on which tradition they follow, but common is meditation and prayer with hymns and recitations (and for laymen, the rules are somehow less),- methods that are concocted in the religious Hindu collections Vedas (written in Sanskrit) and Puranas. The collection of Puranas is, by the way, of great value to many Hindus and is classified as much as Vedas by some. So, birth is just rebirth, and death could mean creating actions or Karmic footprints in the cycle of Dharma - life is in the Samsara.
Everyone can't become a Hindu, they are taught, and only those who are born into it can achieve Moksha,- an excluding idea common in all major religions. But, how did Hinduism, or Sanatana Dharma, start as a religious tradition anyway? It's contemporarily believed that the history of Indian & Southeast Asian traditions began around the Indus River, in present-day Pakistan, and more specifically around the "Mohenjo Daro civilization". It's one of the first human cities and major human enlightenments. Around 5000 years ago, the people here had different rituals around Shiva and his "Youni-Linga". Later a group of this civilization moved eastward and also came to settle between the rivers of Ganges and Yamuna, while simultaneously the so-called "Shramanas" also arrived there - a new doctrine in the form of asceticism from the east. These mixed and formed the basis of many of the ideas Indian spirituality teaches today. The area in north India, at the foot of the Himalayas, has had, and still has a huge importance to this religious development, by the way. Even the Buddha made his "great sermon" in Benares, or Varanasi also called, at the river Ganges (adored by most there as Mother Ganga), a pilgrimage city that is also sacred to hundreds of millions of people. In Sanatana Dharma, Hinduism, it's said that the dead bodies should be burned on pyres. This bizarre publically performed tradition of human cremation, instead of interment or inhumation (earth burials), is done preferably in Varanasi, to make sure to achieve liberation and reach the God,- the Brahman -, considered the unmanifest Creator, and the goal, moksha:
Learn from me, only in brief, O son of Kunti, how one, having obtained (this kind of) perfection, attaineth to Brahma which is the supreme end of knowledge", Bhagavad Gita 18.50.
Regarding creation, the learned disagree among themselves. Ideas can range from thoughts on a "first sacrifice", often referred to as Purusha. In Hinduism, the term has different understandings. By some, it's considered to be "the self-awareness" or "the universal principle", that was sacrificed, whose dismembered body and limbs became the creation, or they try to deduce the creation to any of their adhered objects and names. More central are thoughts around a great first sea on which creation took place. Brahma is paradoxically said, in the Bhagavata Purana third chapter, to have been born out of Vishnu's navel, lying on a giant snake in this sea, to then create the world himself through his balanced energies during meditation (perhaps there may also be a link between Brahama and Prophet Abraham, given that he is considered to be a created creator and also according to some subordinate Vishnu, but also being the father in the Hindu pantheon is interesting). His neglected appearance in the layman's world is in the fact that there are so few temples in India dedicated to him, despite his being mentioned in the whole aspects of Indian belief systems. There are some myths though which try to describe why there's only one temple built for Brahma. The only one to his honor is said to be the Brahma Mandir in Pushkar, Rajasthan, despite much focus laid on him in other contexts, such as in the clergy, mythology, and metaphysical practices. Brahma is not the same as the Brahman or the Brahmins btw (the Hindu priests) but is instead believed to be a manifestation of the Brahman, just as all their gods are believed to be - simply incarnations of the World Soul, as told earlier, known as Brahman. But not everybody thinks that the unification of the personal soul and the Brahman means to become God (it would be blasphemous in the sense of Bhaktism - devotion to one God only, often the "Ishvara" - to consider a way for us to achieve godliness. Instead, Bakhti devotionals see Ishvara as the only Lord with the right to rule,- a topic later being addressed as well), rather they suggest that it's a dissolving of the Jivatma into the realm of truth and a clear realization of existence,- a state of consciousness and feeling of relief you can achieve in this life while meditating; very similar to the Islamic idea that everybody and everything will, in the end, go back to God. In the Hadiths, Ibn ‘Abbaas narrates that he heard the Prophet Muhamed say: "When all those who are in the heavens and on earth die, there will be none left except Allah. He will say: 'Whose is the dominion this Day?' And no one will answer Him, so He will answer Himself and say: 'It is Allah’s the One, the Subduer'". Shankara was a Hindu thinker who is said to have been the most prominent founder of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, in around 700 AD. Vedanta means "end of the Vedas" and marks a period after the writing of these Sanskrit scriptures, where commentaries of the Vedas and so on the development of, for example, the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Aranyakas came to form what we call modern Hinduism. Advaita is considered as easily interpreted as being very contradictory; eg. if the Brahman was eternal then how can the assumed inseparable person die becoming immortal, or, If everything was Brahman, as Shankara preaches, and the view of the world is falsely or illusionary (meaning the world is Maya - illusion) projected rather then perceived as it is - being the Brahman, then everything would be immortal as is its non-dual Creator, or in contrary, the Creator would thus be mortal? One of the most prominent opponents of the Advaita philosophy, Ramanuj, argues that it is a contradiction to say one follows Bakhti Yoga (there are four types of religious Yogas - Bakhti Yoga, meaning devotion or love to the God; Jnana Yoga, meaning "knowledge yoga"; Karma Yoga, meaning yoga of actions or good or no deeds; Raja Yoga, the yoga of meditation) and in the same time believes himself to be a god. Ramanuj's idea of Vishishtadvaita is itself also a non-dualistic approach to existence but with a more uniqueness towards a God who is not independent of anything while the human souls are dependent on Him - the personal God. If man was a part of God and with man's flaws, he argues, then God would have flaws also which further would degrade God's highness and perfection. This created a schism in Hinduism, obviously. While the Advaita followers try to be a God, simplified, the Vishishtadvaita followers instead wish to feel, connect, or understand their God by devotion; but in the same manners as traditional Advaita believes that the world indeed is part of God and that there is no separation in sense that the world is autonomous, the non-dualistic thought of the Vishishtadvaita philosophy is rather connected to cause and action - the actions we do here will affect the soul and therefore they are inseparable; and further on, a body is composed by many aspect and organs but together forms a singularity. So, why not then go all the way and say that man's soul is a part of God and as such he can reach godliness, counterargues the Advaita philosophy, and so on? It is also worth noting that it was during Shankara's time the Hindu idea of a trinity started to form. It is interesting because during this time Christianity had spread to the Sub-Indian border, a territory Islam came to conquer during the 700-900s. Christianity preaches about the trinity, while Islam preaches about strict monotheism, and syncretically, Hinduism went further - they established an idea of a strict pantheism (that the God is everything) in antinomy with the extreme idea that all can become an emanation of the Supreme.
An important aspect of religious practice in India is so famously the meditation and the pronunciation of the letter and syllable Om - ॐ - A.U.M, which is considered to provide relief to those who have heard or pronounced it. Meditation is a part of most religions, but in India, it's of course central. The method can be found in the Vedas and the Puranas and is briefly about praying, either on knees or cross-legged, deep in mantras and hymns and recitations, seeking spirituality, holiness, or contact with the Lord. In India, the technique is summarized as "Yoga" and is considered by most traditions to be a way to achieve Moksha. Yoga is a Vedic term translated as "to join" meaning to become whole as a unit with the body, mind/self, and soul. Something else, that also characterizes Indian traditions, is "Ahimsa" - non-violence. This is a path to Moksha as violence leads to bad karma, which is also difficult to control yet in its own way explained.

- The worship of Vishnu -

Vaishnava thinks that it’s Vishnu who maintains Dharma and who has many avatars but ten are the most prominent, the so-called "Dashavatara" meaning the ten avatars in Hindi - 1. Matsya (fish), 2. Kurma (tortoise), 3. Varaha - (wild boar), 4. Nara Simha (lion-man), 5. Varana (dwarf - might be humanoid or "caveman"), 6. Parashurama (Rama with the ax), 7. Rama, 8. Krshna, 9. Buddha, 10. Kalki, says Vishnu- and Bhagavata Purana. All have come except Kalki (he will arrive in the last age, the Kali age, and have a comet-like sword destroying evil) and in some Puranas, the first avatar is a thing called "the small" (which has been interpreted as bacteria), and instead of Varaha some state that it's Garuda (an eagle, who also is the craft Vishnu flies and descend to earth on, and which in turn also has an own avatar - the double-headed Gandaberunda who symbolizes royalty and abolishment of evil forces) who is the fourth avatar. One of these, dharma protectors, is Krshna and another Rama, who are the most worshipped avatars. Krshna is spoken much in Indian literature, he is famous as the spirit of the Bhagavad Gita.
Bhagavad Gita is actually only one of the 18 episodes, from a larger work, called the Mahabharata, which is said to be about five thousand years old, and which also started our time called the Kali age, with dark elements that mark it, says the Bhagavad Gita. In this epic, the caste system can be seen clearly - in Sanskrit "varna dharma" (order or colors). It is a material characteristic and socially constructed hierarchy, consisting of four categories into which people fall, automatically by birth. These categories are called "Varnas" or casts (in English) and consist of: Sudras - servants (not to study the Vedas); Vaisya - workers (farmers, day workers); Kshatriya - warriors (patrons, kings, soldiers, etc.); Brahmana - clergy (performing sacrifices and worship services, etc.). The structure can be seen in the Bhagavad Gita, chapter 18:43. This system is strict with not having social interaction between castes and certainly not intermarrying with the lower castes. In addition to these, some are excluded from the system, the so-called untouchables who more often are seen being homeless. But as time goes by towards new thinking, this system loses its social value, although it still prevails and dominates in some quarters. Btw., Bhagavad Gita (which means Krishna's song, or the song of the fortunate)in its 18 chapters, describes the Varanas system concretely. So it's retold that Arjuna was a Kshatriya in the Pandu family and a close relative and friend of Krshna who in turn was the eighth incarnation of Vishnu at this time.
Arjuna and his four brothers were banished after a fight with their relatives in the Kuru family and had after an unfair decision in a coup lost their right to inherit the kingdom after their father's death. The five Pandu brothers were banished to the forest together with the woman Draupadi, while the Kurus are believed to have been promiscuous, intermarried, lost their "genealogical purity", and more. This perceived injustice led to war between, basically, the same family or genus. The narrator of the poem is Sanjaya, a wise man with a supernatural force who tells the blind king Dhrtarashtra in the palace, who opposed the inheritance by the family of Arjuna, what happens at the war site. The epic is a lesson talking about the dharma, at the Kurukshetra field near today's Delhi, between Arjuna and Krshna as they are established between the two armies in anticipation of war battle. By going to war he would indeed follow his path and doing the right action, and he is persuaded to think that the war is an effort to relieve his soul, achieving a higher goal (reaching his God), and so his efforts are condensed to simply a duty of his cast, and as such also being only a "job". Spoiler alert! - but the war ends with almost everyone dying except Arjuna, his four brothers, and Krshna, they leave this world taken to heaven or northwards - (depending on how you interpret it). This war is placed around 1700 BC (about 3700 years ago) after the beginning of the writing of the Vedas and is the second last of the four eras, viewed from Brahma's perspective through his ages - the last one being this present time of ours.

- The epic tale of Rama & Sita -

As a prominent figure, Rama is said to have thus been the seventh avatar of Vishnu. Rama is connected with honesty, the kingdom, and a love story ending with a restoration of the Dharma. The epic of the story, narrated in the Ramayana, begins with how Rama got his wife Sita after he won the bet about who could manage to bend Shiva's bow. Because of jealousy, Sita was kidnapped to the island of "Lanka", being present-day Sri Lanka according to some (but according to others a different location), by the demon king Ravana, who abducted her on a flying ship. Rama and his brother Lakshmana, start a war with Hanuman's monkey-army against Lankan demons & Ravana (perhaps this also could be seen in a political light, as a message that could, or has been used as leverage in the conflict between India and Sri Lanka). During the furious fighting, with flying objects and weapons of mass destruction - having light and heat as ways to attack enemies -, Lakshmana gets badly wounded and Rama asks Hanuman if he could try to retrieve the sacred healing plant of the Himalayas. As Hanuman is obedient to Rama, also often portrayed as sitting down at Rama's feet, he swiftly flies to the range of the highest mountains. But he couldn't find the particular plant. So on the way back to the scene of war, he instead brings the whole mountain with him, as well as the Sun, and these herbs help to heal the wounds of the companion and in the end, win the war. And although he had been away from his loved lady for a long long time, Rama takes Sita back and becomes king of the country, it's narrated in the Ramayana, in some of Mahabharata's 18 episodes, et al. Rama is considered by most Vishnuits, to be a god himself when he as king represents all that Vishnu is - eternal protector and restorer of Dharma. Rama is portrayed with a bow, between Lakshmana and Sita, and Hanuman sitting in a position of prayer at their feet. Krshna got the flute & peacock (peacocks are considered royal animals). Vishnu, has the discus and the lotus flower in his hands, Brahma in the navel, and a wife Lakshmi/Padma, but they go easily into one another. There is a mantric hymn that honors these, which is recited endlessly:
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Hare Krshna Hare Krshna, Krshna Krshna, Hare Hare. Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare ..."
According to Vishnu Puaranas, the Buddha is also considered to be an incarnation of Vishnu - the ninth Avatara to be more precise. As one of the important religious Hindu scriptures, the Ramayana is regarded as more exclusive and more popular than, for example, the deep and mysterious Upanishads, Vedas, or Mahabharata. In contrast to solemnly being a book dedicated to a singular person, as Rama's book the Ramayana is, the other texts are an important inspirational source to other traditions and religions. In this context, even Buddha's teachings are for example already enlightened in the Bhagavad Gita (8:16), which point to the same principles or the two central ideas of Buddhism - "Dukha" - (suffering) and - "Nirvana" - Moksha's equivalent:
All the planets in the material world, from the highest down to the lowest, are places where suffering, repeated birth and death take place. But, oh Kuntis son reaching my abode means to never be born again."
Buddha's philosophy, namely the causal chain, which is understood by the four noble truths, to attain moksha and heaven Nirvana;
1. life is suffering;
2. caused by desire,
3. that may cease
4. through the Eightfold Path;
right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right occupation, right effort (the right life), right mindfulness, and right concentration (right meditation), says Jacobsen in the academic book "Buddhism."

- Who Buddha was -

While the warlike episodes of the Ramayana and Mahabharata teach duties and different social classes, Buddhism is more about equality and mental awareness on religious complexities. Buddhism differs also from the caste system, by having a more universal expression of faith and leaning toward more equalistic premisses in practicing religion. The eight-armed wheel of Buddhism is said to have been set in motion by the Buddha, which also symbolizes his teachings. But how did this figure become a spiritual guide? Originally Buddha's name was Siddhartha Gautam, and he was a prince in North India. His father had been told a prediction by an ascetic. The king's son by himself would either become a great king or a wise man after he had seen a sick, an old, and a dead. Buddha's father, the king, surely preferred that his son also would become a king as an heir, so he locked his son in the palace. All who were sick, old, or dead were hidden away, from the presence of the boy. Mahamaya, Siddhartha Gautama's mother (maha means great, "Maya" means illusion or the world), had a dream about how a white little elephant entered her womb, shortly before she became pregnant. Elephants are considered sacred in India, just like cows, especially white ones which are rare. That it was a kid means she would become pregnant and give birth to a holy person. When it was time to go into labor, Mahamaya chose a shady grove, under a tree, and soon after birth, the Buddha began to walk. Lotus flowers grew following his footsteps and he also started to talk as a newborn infant. When Buddha became an adult, he married and had children but he had not yet seen the world outside the palace walls. One night, he decided to escape and see what the world out there was like. He was desperate to see a sick, an old, and a dead,- and the only thing that gave hope was an ascetic. This ascetic led to the inspiration for the Buddha to test the spiritual ways of understanding the ultimate meaning of existence and life. He starved himself half to death, tormented himself with extreme yoga exercises, and lived outdoors with other ascetics. One night as he sat under a Budhi-tree, (a kind of fig tree) in a datura forest and meditated, the Buddhist alleged God Samamtakusuma came first and inspired the Buddha to understand why he had chosen the path to meditation. Buddha responds to Samamtakusuma by saying that as the old ones did before, so also the new Buddha shall do.
The encounter with this God is interesting considering that most of the Arhats, Lamas (a great lama is the Dalai Lama) and scholars believe that Buddhism has no significance towards God or gods, when in fact it is more important than anything else in the narrative of the "Mukti" (liberation from Samsara in life) of Buddha. It's actually the first thing he sees before the Enlightenment. Satan, Mara, came later attempting to deceive the Buddha from the spiritual. Satan promised him all the wealth and all the power, and that Buddha would become the King of the universe if he gave up his meditation that night He refused to obey Satan, whereupon Satan with his three daughters tried in vain to seduce him, and with his army, Mara later shot arrows of fire at the meditating Buddha. As the Sun rose, Satan's darts fell down to the ground, and in came the inspiration that led to a lifelong sermon on the Golden Middle Path.
Sidharta was later named after the tree he was meditating under which also means enlightenment. Buddha believed in flame-out of the consciousness through meditation, which leads to Nirvana (an Indian word for what could be an equivalence to a mental Paradisial state) where Bodhisattvas (the enlightened) & spirits live and bliss prevail. He felt that the right thing was to follow a path of the medium, and religiously speaking, in between Vedas and Shramanas, says the books "Buddhist Scriptures" by EJ Thomas and the Buddhist book "Buddha Karita Asvaghosha" book 15 Part 1. The next Buddha is said to choose the date, place, and family to be born in, by him/herself and some say spring or November while others in June:
Such a bodhisattva in Tushita-heaven decides when he wants to be born as a human being, and the place and the family where he will be born." -///- "Buddha's mother undertook a day in June", says Jacobsen 2003. "Now it was so that in the city Kapilavathu (north of Varanasi at Nepal's border), the midsummer celwastion were held, seven days before the full Moon, when Mahamaya got the dream of Buddha's birth", says "Jataka" and "Buddhist Scriptures" by EJ Thomas.
In the retrospective Buddhist book Jataka, you can read about who the Buddha is said to have been in previous births. He was, among other things, a king who was happy when he got a brother and a deer who through cunning escaped a hunter's snare, and more:
Travellers in caravan in a desert, happens to toss their water. In his desperation, the leader begins to dig a well, until the water far below is found, and patience saved the caravan from death", Jataka Chapter 2.
A key God is missing in Buddhism and Hinduism, but the spiritual message seems to be more interesting than physical assets, to study, given that the traditions managed to survive until now and also shows where a lot of people are putting their souls into.

- Shiva, Lingam-Yoni, and Shaktis -

Shiva, on the other hand, is the supreme God Mahadeva (Maha - great, Deva - God) and the destroyer of the universe (which is the manifestation Dharma) and thus the creator, according to some traditions. There is a perception in India that the world will finally collapse and be reborn or created in a new form. Shiva also means good fortune or luck and is to his original nature transcendental. He is ascetic and usually sits on some sort of plateau on the mountains with his legs crossed. Most often he meditates in different waters, holding a trident with the river Ganges flowing from his hair. He founded and lives in Varanasi and is also known for being a bit bizarre, creating and smoking cannabis (and then under the name Bollinat and so smokers say the mantra "Boom Bolle" before they inhale cannabis smoke) and have the three Sati, Kali/Durga and Parvati as Shakti (energy, accumulated by Chakras, meaning "wheels", consisting of energy of which there are six of them, plus the seventh - the transcendent source of energy which comes from the top down to the crown of the head; forehead-chakra for illumination and enlightenment; throat-chakra designed to convey information; breast-chakra for guiding energy; belly-chakra for accumulating the above received energy out & in, around or otherwise (even protect against invasive energy); stomach-chakra for intuition; gender-chakra as reproductive and for material labor (also called root-chakra or Kundalini). A yogi tries to control energies through yoga or meditation, and the ultimate is to unite the forehead-chakra with Kundalini, but in tantra, which has been affected most by Shaktis and sexuality, the ultimate is to bring Kundalini (in appearance as a snake) with the head-chakra, from bottom to top and affirm human need and lust as eating and sexual intercourse). Shiva is believed to be the ultimate yogi and ascetic is wild with dreadlocks and has the ashes of dead and burned bodies smeared on him, wearing a cobra around his neck, while he is a good father and husband at the same time. He is called the red; Pashupati (friend of things, animals), Rudra (the crying); guardian of poison, the blue throat and is generally considered to be androgynous and half-woman in its material form. His Shaktis are also his wives, who pray by "ShivaLingam" and so Parvati alone begot Mahabharata's original writer the half elephant, "God of destiny", Ganesha by "Lingamyouniyoga" ("lingam" is the man, "Youni" is a woman. They pour milk flowing from the lingam then on the Youni and finally on to the ground, symbolizing the birth of life). Shiva meets Ganesha, also called Ganapati, at the door of his house, but after being in long asceticism he does not recognize him, and in the belief that Parvati got the wrong company, Shiva chops off Ganapati's head. When Parvati sees it she yells at Shiva who in turn promises her to replace his son's head with the first creature he sees, which proves to be an infant elephant. Later, Ganesha gets the glorious task of recording the origin of the Mahabharata, as later thinkers believe. Shiva gets himself the son Skanda. The world was about to go under and all the heavenly gathered to get the former ascetic Shiva to marry with the hope that the child he begets can save the world. But in the belief that the child may be too powerful, they cut Parvati's and Shiva's sex act, but Shiva's seed ended up nevertheless in the sky, and Skanda was thus born in this way, was taken care of by the wise women, the stars of Pleiades, and later rescued the world.
Belief in Shaktis has led to the third major Hindu faith - Shaktisism - a tradition built around the belief that the female essence is worth adhering to as power. Shiva is said, among other things, to have a third eye on the forehead for enlightenment and destruction. The way he is said to destroy the world is by a cosmic dance and often they portray him so, as "Nataraja", a prince of darkness/night with fire around him (cosmos) and a dwarf (ignorance) under his feet. He is paradoxical and contrary to all good but is at the same time the one who destroys evil. Kali/Durga (Durga was created as a Kali avatar to kill a vicious bull demon, and Durga's anger can only be calmed by Shiva) is "the shakti of death", with skulls, fire, and sword over Shiva's avatar or conversion to a child, which is the only one she leaves alone to live. The third, Sati was Shiva's wife but because her father would not let them marry, or more directly he didn't want to invite Shiva to the big sacrifice ceremony, she burnt herself up. This has led to a vast tradition of the Indians burning themselves if their spouse dies before them. Not everyone believes in "widow-burnings", they believe that Sati later was incarnated to Parvati, the Shiva Purana says and points out.
Shaivism exists even outside India, in the more eastern countries like Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. One of the oldest Lingas was found near Indus. That being so, confirms that Shiva was the founder of early Sanatana Dharma, and is seen already in the Indus civilization (in the city of Mohenjo Daro, in the center of this civilization there were built sewers, water pipes, and other good systems to use water in a cleanly manner, already several thousands of years ago), Pakistan was the origin of Hinduism having Shiva as a transcendental God, with the symbol Lingam as a miracle. And in the Vedas, Shiva's name is Rudra, but Vishnu is also mentioned in the Vedas, argues others.
In the same manner, as in other religious traditions, many different sacred days are celebrated also during the Hindu calendar. Some of the most important include "Holi", "Diwali, "Ram Navami", "Vaisakhi", and "Ganesh Chaturthi". But also, the Lingam is honored with a sacred day and night. The belief that Shiva descends to earth, after Vishnu leaves, has raised somewhat a discussion on which day it occurs. The holiest among the Shaivistic celebrations is held during the "Maha Shivatri". On the day of the 13th and the night of the 14th during the waning moon in the month of "Phalguna" (February-March). "Maha Shivatri", the adherents commemorate the wedding between Shiva and Parvati, although some don't accept this particular holding it. The consensus is rather that it's awaited to contemplate the Lingam and how it once was revealed to the gods, to show the promiscuous belief it has power and greatness without borders. As such, neither Vishnu nor Brahma could find the beginning and end of a huge Lingam when they, as a challenge, were supposed to search for it. During these tests, Shiva also showed his real face and nature. So, "Maha Shivatri" embodies the enlightenment that Shiva received at "Mount Kailash" while meditating, simultaneously as he confused Brahma and Vishnu, sometimes also depicted smoking Cannabis Sativa. During 24 hours, the Shaivists fast by abstaining from drinking, eating, and having sexual intercourse. It's the day when the Lingam is adored, to signify the union of a generative power with Shakri, and emphasizes the Lingam as a representation of Shiva.

- Jainism, Sikhism, and Rishis -

Also, another common philosophy in India, Jainism, has received much of its character from Shramana as wanting to be the backlash to Vedic traditions, just as the founding principles of Buddhism are. Their leader Mahavira is worshipped as a God and is believed to be one of the largest out of 24 Jin (the religion's original founders). They preach a form of strict ahimsa and vegetarianism, inspired by the holy book of Jainism - "Jaina Sutra", but also emphasize the importance of meditation, or yoga, and lastly also to calculate time and being aware of the orbits of heavenly objects, as stated in the "Agama" - the teachings of Mahavira. Supporters here promise to renounce killing (some wearing masks to avoid inhaling insects and others sweep the ground before walking, to avoid hurting creeps) and sexual intercourse to become a Jaina or Jina - meaning "the winners". Both Buddhism and Jainism arose simultaneously and were backlashes against Veda clergy, forming a movement called "Shramana" and have thus many similarities, for example, the focus on self-reliance and liberation to achieve Nirvana, which exists in both philosophical religions and to be illuminated - called "Kewalgyan". It's complicated to categorize these two movements, and in Western societies where religion is in decline, many tend to contra-react against organized religions and so don't want to classify them as religions but rather name them "philosophies". Since most of India's traditions are metaphysical and some with lesser importance on worldly laws or God, it's normally more correct to call similar forms of faiths "Philosophical Religions". India is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and ideas. Being between the Far East and Far West, naturally, the subcontinent has influences across all the world. When an empire dominates these lands, they always transfer the cultures and faiths of the region. Such are the newer, modern Indian religions. One of these more modern characteristic forms of Indian beliefs is "Sikhism".
Sikhism is a monotheistic religion, probably influenced by the Islamic conquest of North India. They think briefly of samsara, but that only one God can liberate the soul and they also reverence their charter Adi Guru Grant Sahib as one of their 10 gurus (Guru - a spiritual leader of India) beyond the founder of the religion - Guru Nanak. Every man is named "Singh", a lion, and carries on the five K: Kirpan - knife/dagger/sword; Kaccha - pants to the knees; Kara - steel bangle; Kangha - hair comb; Kesh - uncut hair and beard. Every woman, on the other hand, is named "Kaur" - Princess. Sikhism is most prevalent around Punjab in Northern and Northwestern India and abroad in the diaspora.
In addition to the dominant beliefs are also tales of wise men and women - rishis. Many of these are hagiographies about people as "Sannyasin", a person in the four stages of life. Hinduism preaches that men and women go through four levels, "Ashramas", of life - the first is a child being a student, the second is a father (householder), the third is the retired (withdraw or "going into the forest" to seek knowledge and truth), and the fourth is Sannyasin to live in asceticism as Sadhu, which is not reserved only for old people. One of these stories is the one of Sai Baba, a fakir who did wonders in a small village in the 1800s and succeeded in uniting Hindus and Muslims. Among other things, he made oil of water that he used as fuel to light the mosque and preached about both Islam and Hinduism as a single religion, basically, and said that he followed one God. But even Mahatma Gandhi, India's peaceful liberator from England's colonial power is seen as a modern rishi, whose favorite piece was the Bhagavad Gita and he followed both ahimsa and preached the equality of castes. He was sadly enough assassinated by a Hindu with extreme religious views. Mahatma Gandhi means great soul, by the way.
Other than the more Sanskrit-characterized religions of India & the Southeast Asian areas, there is also Islam, two-tenths, and Christianity 5 percent. There are also so-called holy teachers with lessons in their knowledge, with a large proportion of European spiritual tourists who often live in temples.

- Tradition, History, and Context of the Rite & Myth in Indian Religions -

In India, religion is commonplace and it is possible to say that these traditions are most extreme of all in the sense of how much space and time it occupies of everyday life. A typical day begins with the believer performing a small sacrifice - puja, also called "yajna". Milk is usually poured on the statues; burned incense, rice, and flowers are attached to the worshipped idols. Common is also to pray in front of them in most if not all the traditions in East Asia. The pujas are believed to have the most energy and power during certain periods,- during the so-called festivals and celebrations. With modernity and the electronic age, the television has also become a kind of altar in India. Families gather around it and follow the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Ramayana in the form of media shows where it is not uncommon for the audience to participate with for example whistles, marvels, and cheers for the heroes Indra, Rama, and Lakshmana as if it were an arena of religion or in the belief that their commitment means something for the end and outcome. The heroes on the big screen may have Vedic names such as "Indra the Tiger". By the way, Buddha never wanted to be portrayed, to have a book or get a statue made after him, but gradually his word got forgotten and followers first began to pray in front of the places Buddha preached at, then they marked his footsteps, they gradually and finally made portrays and statues, just like in Hinduism and Jainism.
The Aryan (meaning noble in Sanskrit, Aryan language) people are mentioned in the Vedas and may have influenced Hinduism, if they ever existed. Most scholars, scientists, and Hindu gurus agree that the book Mahabharata tells of the Aryan foray into India's history, however, there is some disagreement about whether it was through a military invasion or through agriculture, or another form they colonized the country. Not to mention the historical problems we have to face only mentioning them as reality and factual people. About assumedly the Aryans, the result of the epic war of the Gita and their desertion of Bharat, contemporary India, Mahabharata tells the following:
Turning next to the north, those foremost ones proceeded on. Observant of Yoga, they were desirous of making a round of the whole Earth", Mahabharata Book 17 Chapter 1. -///- "Vaishampayana said: "Those princes of restrained souls and devoted to Yoga, proceeding to the north, beheld Himavat, that very large mountain. Crossing the Himavat, they beheld a vast desert of sand. They then saw the mighty mountain Meru, the foremost of all high-peaked mountains." -///- "Vaishampayana continued: "Then Dharma, and Shakra, and the Maruts, and the Ashvinis, and other deities, and the celestial Rishis, causing Yudhishthira to ascend on a car, proceeded to Heaven. Those beings crowned with success and capable of going everywhere at will rode their respective cars. King Yudhishthira, that perpetuator of Kurus race, riding on that car, ascended quickly, causing the entire welkin to blaze with his effulgence", says the Mahabharata Book 17 Chapter 2 & 3.
When the characters of Mahabharata later came over Himavat or the Himalayas, they arrived in a desert, assumed to be either the Gobi or the Takla Makan in West China, lying in the north of India, and then they migrated towards all the Earth, while the faithful were taken up to heaven in celestial vehicles, the book continues to tell. Yudhishthira (Arjuna's eldest brother) was taken up to heaven alive. Veda divides India into two parts - Arya and Dasa. Arya's are bright as the Sun, meaning noble. Aryans are Brahmins and are often polarized with their opposite Sudras - servants - and when these breeds were created night and day became their wives, as to say what their attributes were:
They worshipped with nineteen, and the world was created, and Prajupati was its Lord" -///- "They worshipped with nineteen, Sudras and Arya's created, day and night were their masters", says the Black Yajurveda Prapathaka II.
"With nineteen they worshipped, Sudra and the Arya were created, day and night, were their respective ladies", says the White Yajurveda. "Heaven forehead, the Earth center Agni (fire god) was a messenger for the Earth and Heaven". "Vaisvanara, Gods produced thee, a God to be a light to the Aryans", Rig Veda Hymn LIX. Agni.
"The meek clans Arya's turn first to those who perform miracles", Rig Veda Hymn LXXVII. Agni.
"Even he, the Heavenly, who came for friendship, Vishnu to Indra, the good to the better, creating, towering in the three worlds, helps the Aryan man, and gives him the worshipper's part of the sacred law", Rig Veda Hymn CLVI. Visnu.
"He got possessions from the Sun and Horses, Indra got a cow that feeds many. Treasures of gold he won, he humiliated Dasa, and gave protection to the Aryan colour", Rig Veda Hymn XXXIV. Indra.
"I have given the earth to the Aryans -///- you alone, have tamed Dasa, only you have subjected the people to the Aryans", Rig Veda Hymn XXVI. Indra, Hymn XVIII. Indra.
"Both races, O Indra (heaven, thunder god), of the opposite looks, O hero, both Aryans, and Dasa, have you struck with your well-shot flashes: turning them into nothing, the most masculine, you determiner!" -///- "Their face shine lights through their powerful forces and have found radiance from heaven to man, the Aryans light" -///- "to the Good Lord of wealth all Arya and Dasa belongs to", Rig Veda Hymn III. Indra.
Mahabharata's characters are described as noble and Aryan, while Krshna is a dark Dasa prince and paradoxically has relatives of the Pandu family. Aryans are believed to have written the origins of the Vedas (it was originally just one book), in Sanskrit, an Indo-Aryan language, and so there is talk even about Indo-Aryans. Modern scholars, however, disagree if these ever existed, due to opposition against the historical stigma caused by some abuse of Nazi Germany, and since the only sources telling of their existence are mythological, postmodern scholars can assume that and this with the hope that no one thinks differently. They probably left for today's East Russia and later to the European peninsula, having in mind the similarities between Slavic languages and also west Europeans. Boga, Slavic for God, is very similar to Bhaga, and "dva" or "do", Slavic for number two is also the same word in Hindi & Sanskrit, and many European languages, etc. The truth is sometimes like a shade in the heat or a mild shelter in the cold, to some grey looks like dark white, and to others like light black. Some must have gone through the Middle East as well, passing Persia, Syria Palestine, Turkey, and finally Europe. When they came to India, they had the fire with them (which seems to be explained as Agni, the fire, was created exclusively for the Aryans), with whom they sacrificed and they had a brighter appearance. During the Dwarpa era, they took over the country and introduced the caste system in which they belonged to the highest suit, while Dasa belonged to the lowest. But, one can also study that from a higher perspective. There does not seem to be a big difference between Aryans and Dasas; Indra strikes both with thunder and lightning and both belong to the Great Kingdom of God. It is also confirmed that both the Arya and Dasa were wiped out or punished extensively and probably it was done in conjunction with the introduction of the Vedic figure Indra and his renaming to Prajupati. When Prajupati later sees Rudra crying over that he has no name, he comforts him giving eight names linked to Rudra, where Mahadeva and Shiva - the greatest god - are one of them. Thus even when the age of Kali begins, Kali is Shiva's consort, which in a way is preparing the way for the final destruction of the universe by Shiva's avatar Nataraja and his cosmic dance. Kali - death - thus begins Shiva's age and Shiva, in turn, initiates a new creation and the great time - Mahayuga - after the destruction of the former, while Vaishnavas say that Kalkin must first set up an initial belief from the first era.
The four Brahmanic ages began 12,000 years ago, explains Jacobsen in "Hinduism". Krita Yuga is the first epoch and lasts 4800 years, the second is Treta Yuga, and lasts 3600 years, the third Dwarpa Yuga lasts 2400 years (around the year 1600) which is also the time of the clash of epic the Bhagavad Gita when dark Kali's time begins, and the Aryans entered into heaven, assimilated but also leaving a legacy. The last era began in the year 800 and ends about 1200 years later - Brahma's time is thus 12 000 minus 2000 = -10 000 minus 4800 = -5200 = -1600 minus 3600 minus 2400 = 800 - 1200 = 2000 in Brahmanic year - this is one cycle. Man's time is about 300,000 billion years and is a Mahayuga (great age), says the book "Hinduism" by Knut A. Jacobsen and Bhagavad Gita 8:17. This means that the world, in this century seen from Brahma's ages, would be the end time. And even during this era, the downfall was to be, for 36,000 years, as all the books say that man now is living in the Kali Yuga. Would they follow Brahmayuga, the 2000s would thus be the end times. Brahma's night and day are equal to 1000 human years, which means that a person's average life is approximately one month of Brahma (which is so also in Islam as one day for Allah is 1000 humans, says surah 32). But every cycle that ends is the beginning of a new Brahma age until the Day of Judgment comes, and this means that the world does not go under, but a new time begins from the beginning, like timely reincarnation.
Once time has passed, everyone's souls get a new goal, according to most Indian religions. They believe that some end up being reborn, others will end up in a heavenly environment, while those who were not believers or gooddoers in first life get a sentence in a hellish place and then just to be reborn again as a bad thing, a creature, or human. God in Islam says that Hell is guarded by nineteen and that He knows who ends up there or in Paradise. In Hinduism, however, it is believed that even God or gods can get into something like Hell, and this is further described in detail in the text Garuda Purana. The eagle Garuda, who is Vishnu's vehicle, asks death about Hell and Heaven, and the answers he gets are similar to the stories of Paradise and Hell found in the Abrahamic traditions but written down until around and after the year 700 as Puranas.
Vishnu is associated with the Sun (he also ascends down on a heavenly vehicle during midsummer in an avatar, for praying and fasting during this Hindu day of fasting, to give forgiveness and material stuff) and therefore ultimately takes Indra's place as king of heaven while Indra, on the other hand, gives power to Rudra and thus the dominating branches - Shaivism and Vaishnavism are created, from an emic perspective. He, Vishnu takes three steps to maintain the worlds and rests on his giant sea with the giant serpent Shesha, until a new Mahayuga will occur (new great era) or a new descent, says Veda and Vishnu Purana.

- A Summary -

Vedas have thus characterized much of the Indian faith and the Bhagavad Gita is just like a letter in a large alphabet. Hinduism has many records, although some Hindus show opposition to the texts. Their central records are of course the Vedaic four books (Atharvaveda, Somaveda, Ayjurveda, Rigveda); Purana's 19 books; the Mahabharata; the Ramayana; the Bhagavad Gita; Upanishads; Aranyaka (Shramana "Forest books" during Vedic times from the word "Aranya" for forest); Brahma Sutras; and others. Religiously speaking, there are many traditions in India including Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Magic, and more. In Hinduism, there are also three major traditions and they are Shaivism (the religion around Shiva and his LingamYouni), Vaishnism (the religion around Vishnu and his avatars), and Shaktism (religion around goddesses and female energies of creation, dharma, and destruction). In addition to this diversity, there are the stories of the rishis and the teachings of the gurus which have become the way for many Westerners to take, as knowledge of medicinal herbs from Ayjurveda and Tantric sexualism from the manual and the book Kamasutra.
In short, one could say that there is a modern Hindu belief that Brahma creates the world in meditation, Vishnu maintains it by taking three steps, and Shiva destroys it in the form of Nataraja in a cosmic dance (one trinity called "Trimurti" which appeared recently about the year 400-500 AD., probably in the encounter with Christianity). From the world standing still, it is created, and, like a child taking his first steps, it develops and finally falls together in drama like a fiery dance. Just as the four ages shorten as they are followed by another, thus also the world time-lapse accelerates from standing still to three steps and finally to a dance. Although many alleged gods exist, 33 in Veda and some 500 million gods in the popular tradition emerge in the pantheon, one God is raised as the Supreme Highest aspect, - Brahman, Bhaga, or Mahadeva.

"Magic and Medicine- Men & Women"

In the position of the God with arms across your chest, raise the ancient powers by chanting their sacred names -///- e shall arise and raise the Star, holding it upon your heart", says "Book of Shadows" - Book of The Whole - Liber II - chapter/rite "Ank -  -Sha-Saron".
hat is magic? This question is indeed something that one who is on a path of knowledge tackles, sooner or later, by either accepting it as a factual existence or rejecting it as merely a "made-up thing" of naive, wishful childish minds. If we look closely, we see resemblances between different magical practices around the globe. It's a knowledge to consider, just as you would with God. What magic is, will be what your will directs you to act upon. And to understand is not the same as to do, and to do is in contrast not always the same as to understand. James Frazer, a notable anthropologist and a scientist of religious studies at Cambridge University, coined the term "Sympathetic magic" in his book "The Golden Bough" from 1922. It's a typical book of its time. In the 19:th century, modernism had made its entrance and it did it with large theories upholding the human being and putting man in the center. Nietzsche, for example, famously said that God was dead, meaning man now had left religious theories to replace them with materialistic goals. Sympathetic magic tries to explain the relationship between the magician, the means of ritualization, and the end result. Frazer writes the following about his idea:
If we analyze the principles of thought on which magic is based, they will probably be found to resolve themselves into two: first, that like produces like, or that an effect resembles its cause; and, second, that which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. The former principle may be called the Law of Similarity, the latter the Law of Contact or Contagion. From the first of these principles, namely the Law of Similarity, the magician infers that he can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it: from the second he infers that whatever he does to a material object will affect equally the person with whom the object was once in contact, whether it formed part of his body or not. Charms based on the Law of Similarity may be called Homoeopathic or Imitative Magic. Charms based on the Law of Contact or Contagion may be called Contagious Magic".
It's more or less self-explanatory - you can either imitate the wished result or you could have contact with that you try to influence by magic by a fetish tied to the person being affected. Where is the thought of insight here? I would also remind you that witch-craft also includes animism, words, and knowledge and is not restricted to objectification. A good example is the use of transcendental achievements and states, either by using natural narcotic herbs, emotions, or spirits, to gain insight into the unseen to later empower it, or try to do so.

- Don Juan’s Ideas on the Unpercievable Dimensions, Spirits, and Medicines -

The abuse of many forms of intoxicants is illegal and also, in many religious traditions, damned if it does not benefit such as in medication, and then by a medical expert, without deliberately abusing drugs! Despite its risks, hallucinogenic drugs are used a lot, in the Magic sphere. Carlos Castaneda was, for example, an anthropologist in medicinal plants from UCLA (the University of California in Los Angeles) and his books were a cult already when they came out in the '60s and are rated by many as unscientific although he claimed they had roots in cultural anthropology, although they might not have been anthropological in their true sense. He wrote nine or twelve books about his meeting with the Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan from northern Mexico whom he met during his research on native medicines. They disagree on how many books they really were. Castaneda became an apprentice to this Don Juan and learned from him various varieties of Magical skills. In three of these books, he uses hallucinogenic plants (Castaneda had to use three kinds of plants; Peyote cactus which grows only in the neighborhood the book describes and contains the hallucinogenic alkaloid mescaline and which is also sometimes called Mescalito (Mescal is actually the animistic name of this plant's spirit in the native language of the area); Datura also called "Jimsonweed", and a smoke, probably Psylocybins mixed with other herbs that grow on fields, forests and grasslands across the world) to seek "higher knowledge" (with higher knowledge it is meant, by them themselves, the kind of knowledge man can not understand with normal senses, but that requires faith and understanding of the other kind, namely spiritually inspired knowledge). He also describes in his books how he got to experience amazing events in both affected stages as in sober. He has learned that man can teach how to win over death, not becoming immortal but receiving knowledge about it, by making a somersault with the senses so the perception can break the barriers that keep humans trapped in the daily life routines. In one of the events surrounding how the wizards are trying to convince him of what to do with power (which spiritual knowledge is referenced by these magicians) and how to see reality as it is, according to sorcerers, he witnesses how a single leaf falls from the same branch and place and in the same way over and over again. In another event the magicians make his car disappear. Not until after a manipulative Magic trick by Don Genaro, Don Juan's friend, and magician, he finds the car a bit further away and drives it back home with the sorcerers childish laughing and Castaneda stunned and amazed.
The wizard Don Juan talks accordingly about unseen spirits - "the Naguals", which the magicians through rituals try to control. According to "Nagualism", by Daniel Brinton from 1895, in his study about central American belief systems, a common faith is also the idea of a "Notal", the "self" of humans, who makes up the persona.
As I have said, nowhere in the records of purely Mexican, that is, Aztecan, Nagualism do we find the word nagual employed in the sense given in the passage quoted from Herrera, that is as a personal guardian spirit or tutelary genius. These tribes had indeed a belief in some such protecting power, and held that it was connected with the day on which each person is born. They called it the tonalli a person, a word translated to mean that which is peculiar to him which makes his individuality, his self", "Nagualism" page 6.
The "quote from Herrera" mentioned here above is about the historian, Orozco y Berra describing the Naguals in a more Eurepoena way, although some of his tellings are in accordance with what Brinton himself portrays. The Naguals are shapeshifters and having a Nagual, they believed, gave them the ability to master this power - which, by the way, further also is a name for a sorcerer here. A common way of doing this is through "the nightshade", the spiky and smelly kind of life, which is also sacred to Meso-American sorcerers. These and also other herbs were kept in small pouches or bags ritually made from animal skins, and one can find carvings in old ruins of the area of "men" holding similar bags. Nightshade was also used as narcosis during operations in the West, but because of its "aftereffect" of mystic seeing, or more correctly hearing, it was of course replaced by other less hallucinogenic preparations during the 1960s. The Naguals were also destined by a "High Power", they believe, and further, by searching the constellations they find out what it has prepared for them. In this sense, destiny is most sacred here but also knowledge of what has been, and one way to get to know it is by necromancy - to magically summon the dead and speak to them. According to the book of Brinton, these magicians make use of the rituals seen in other parts of traditions and places around the planet. Numerology is so mostly implemented to see the future and destiny. Here, as in other contexts, 3 times 7 is most sacred, and of course their sum, number 21. As we now know, for hundreds of years the Spanish crown pursued to convert them, and most of the time the Naguals only did it temporarily, just to heed back to their old rituals and enchantings. The Conquistadors were harsh, least say, and "Nagualism" tells of political magicians as well. This era has of course left deep marks on their identity or belief.
Magic is the "science" of how to influence the metaphysical to one's own advantage or the advantage of someone else, through manipulation to control powers, or take as much "power" as possible or all the "power", it says for example in the books of Castaneda and Michael Harner's ABC-book of shamanism - "The way of the Shaman". It is customary to define Magic or Shamanism in the categories of how it presents itself. The word Shaman is difficult to translate but comes from Siberian witchcraft. Probably the word became known by Mircea Eliad's (religious scholar in Science) categorization through his research of these areas' witchcraft. The term Shamanism is also used among the New Age movement, even itself equally difficult to define but probably worth thinking about. The interpretation made is that the word can mean "to know" from the beginning of the word "sha", which in the language of the people in Siberia means knowledge or seeing the truth. Magic is most usually categorized by it being about:
Contact with spiritual beings, the ability to deal with the spirits, the ability to achieve a state of shamanic consciousness (trance, ecstasy), travel spiritually and also to heal", says Thomas Larsson in his book "Shamaner".
The same categorization as Larsson makes in the above quote from his book from the year 2000, is also made by the magician Don Juan and Castaneda himself in the first two books, "The Teachings of Don Juan" and "A Separate Reality". Also, a vital part of shamanic or magical ritualism is divination (predicting events from different spirit games with ad-hoc as a method, ad-hoc roughly means "without the expectation of a specific result"), numerology, astrology, and interpreting signs. In magical examples, another characteristic aspect of the subject is worth noting, namely to "see" as described by the magicians in Castaneda's books. Seeing in the magician's world is not the same as common seeing,- rather, it's a knowledge of how to retrieve information from the spiritual and interpret the meaning in everyday life with a different perception. Magicians can also be called seers in English and Magic is called see-hir in Arabic and those countries with a majority of Islam as a religious tradition. In Norse religion, those who engaged in Magic or Sorcery were called "Seidrmen- and women", explains Carl-Herman Tillhagen (1958). Whether this indeed is random or not, nobody knows, but it's an eye-opener nevertheless. In Castaneda's case,- most of his education in Magic is about how he must understand how "to see". Mircea Eliad differentiated the term shaman from the ordinarily used word magician, in the way that a shaman is a kind of sorcerer whose method is the achievement of undergoing trances for tripping to unseen dimensions.
One technique used by Don Juan in teaching Castaneda how "to see", is the method of "Not-doing". This technique, and the other one "stopping the world", is never explained clearly and Castaneda often asks Don Juan what he means and how to do "Not-Doing". In principle, this method is the magician's way by suggestion or via ad-hoc, to try to understand reality and decrease the influence of the worldly, by opposing sentences so he can get the desired impressive results from the metaphysics to the normal life. Wu-wei in Taoism is a similar idea which also roughly means "not-doing" - it teaches that you should do without doing:
A truly good man is never doing, yet leaves nothing undone. A foolish man is always doing, yet much remains to be done. The sage focuses on non-action in his works. Accomplishes work but does not focus on it", teaches Tao Te Ching chapter 2.
But there are also similarities with the "not-doing" from the books of Castaneda, with the usual belief in the magic of the spirit world, and it's usual to also think of it as being opposite to the ordinary. Which brings my mind to a passage from Aldous Huxley's (writer of the dystopian "Brave New World") famous drug-induced experiences with mescaline, in his book "The Doors of Perception"
I spent several minutes - or was it several centuries? - not merely gazing at those bamboo legs, but actually being them - or rather being myself in them; or, to be still more accurate (for "I" was not involved in the case, nor in a certain sense were "they") being my Not-self in the Not-self which was the chair".
Why is this so interesting to compare, you think? I wonder what's up with hallucinogenics and the separation of self-identity and the perception of the dualistic nature of existence,- which further on is what contrasts the material world with the metaphysical realm, so it (the self and its actions) becomes so far-fetched and non existing to the point that there is nothing as important than coming back to the "I" and what it is and what place it has/used to have in life itself when this is so obvious the moment before the intake of the medicine? So it seems for the outsider and analysis made by the intaker "the day after"; but paradoxically the experience during the "journey/trip" most likely is the opposite - it is rather a feeling of being one with the other and "the self", dissolving the dualism into a hard to grasp idea of singularity experienced as self-fulfillment. Why and how this temporal schizophrenia happens is interesting and could give answers to how more permanent psychotic diseases work, taking into consideration that a lot of people are addicted to hallucinogenics (yes, it's possible to be, despite the argument that it's natural and all perfect) usually develop these diseases of, most commonly (up to 90% of the medical cases) hearing commanding voices or in more magical terms - autonomous whisperings. In The Quran, the last chapter (114), there is a prayer for protection against the bad whispers of evil forces among the unseen creatures and men:
In the Name Of God the Merciful, the Compassionate
1. Say: "I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind,
2. "The King of mankind,
3. "The Ilâh (God) of mankind,
4. "From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws,
5. "Who whispers in the breasts of mankind,
6. "Of jinns and men."
But it's crucial to not mix the inner spiritual dialogue, or "the reading voice" or the loud thoughts humans have, with the outside metaphysical voices. God knows for example so much that He is aware of our inner whispers, according to the Quranic philosophy: "And We have already created man and know what his nafs (Eds. Arabic for the self in contrast to "ruh"- soul/spirit) whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein.", says the Quran in chapter 50:16.
Thoughts about a "not-self" are not surprisingly called "the Non-self Theory", shortened to NT, in Western psychology. In this school, it's assumed that for someone ill they should satisfy, maintain, and strengthen the self - the opposite of religious thought where it's, in contrast, believed that one should master the self instead of being its servant or submitted. Islam is famous, with misunderstandings and bigotries, for its "Jihad", meaning struggle in Arabic, where it's thought of as only killing non-believers when this actually is the last struggle out of five - the first being the Jihad against the self. This form of struggle is meant to take control over the self and its ego, so the soul can reach the higher reality. Sufism (the mystical branch/sect of Islamic ideas) calls this form of state "Fa'ana" - the annihilation of the self. The term Fa'ana means "annihilation" in Arabic and is for example found in the chapter "Al Rahman", The Merciful of the Quran:
All things in creation suffer annihilation and there remains the face of the Lord in its majesty and bounty", 55:26-27.
The purpose is thus to extinguish the self of its ego, the part of the self that strives for lusts, power, pride, recognition, and all that we associate with lower qualities of man, according to Sufism. Rumi, the most appreciated Sufi of all time, has an interesting view of this in his poem "No-self":
No Self
Think of the phoenix coming up out of the ashes, but not flying off.
For a moment we have form.
How can we be conscious and you be conscious at the same time and separate?
Copper when an alchemist works on it loses it copper qualities.
Seeds in Spring begin to be trees, no longer seeds.
It’s not that I’ve done anything to deserve this attention from you.
Predestination and freewill: We can
argue them, but they are only ideas.
What’s real is a presence, like Shams.
Open Secret"
When he writes "How can we be conscious and You (God) be conscious at the same time and separate?", he teaches how to try to be one with God with poetry. But to go further and associate this experience of a not-self as being a god is also a form of losing the struggle against it, the mainstream Islamic thinkers argue. But the same kind of thoughts exists in Hinduism and Buddhism as well, where the belief of an "Anatma", meaning not-me or not-self in Sanskrit, which further on learns that man has a dynamic and changeable self, as everything in the world is in motion and constantly in change, and is thus never the same and therefore the self is an illusion and a part of the suffering of the worldly. Compare this thought with Rumi's poem above saying "Seeds in Spring begin to be trees, no longer seeds", pointing to the perishability of the "self" or "nafs". Actually, the theory of the not-self could in this matter be seen as an excuse for not accepting the soul as eternal, superior, and belonging & longing to a higher power, when the searcher finally meets it after "long times no seen". The loss of control over the annihilation of the self's ego, which some prefer to attach to worldly desires, leaves loneliness interpreted as monism or being one with everything by inexperienced magicians, witches, or (paradoxically) self-indulgers, regardless if it's by using narcotics or self-control with manipulations when it's (the experience of a so-called "not-self") submission of the self to the soul's yearned contact with the Ultimate. Naming this feeling as "not-self" is paradoxically enough still a perspective from the self of course, as the "self" seeks for recognition as told before, so thus the soul cannot be understood. The shaman Don Juan is full of vital quotes and many relate to consciousness, acts, and knowledge. He has similar thoughts regarding the self:
Forget the self and you will fear nothing, in whatever level or awareness you find yourself to be. -///- To be a warrior a man had to be, first of all, and rightfully so, keenly aware of his own death. But to be concerned with death would force any one of us to focus on the self and that would be debilitating. -///- Dwelling upon the self produces terrible fatigue. A man in that position is deaf and blind to everything else. The fatigue itself makes him cease to see the marvels all around. -///- Self-importance is man's greatest enemy."
Souls seem to be the highest metaphysical parts of the oneness of the human being. Christianity, on the other hand, had some personal issues regarding how to relate to the "three in one" doctrine when searching for the Jesus-nature; not to mention the Greek and Roman influences in language which led to thoughts of a "persona" that could be changed just like the word's true meaning - a mask. To change yourself to someone like Jesus was to strive for and thus also take the role of a spiritual and kind being with a good heart as well. Interestingly enough, even hearts are in magic, and religions are believed to have metaphysical characters, being the pump of blood and thus also hormones secreted as a result of destinies, actions, and convictions leading to backlashes and eternal results, to consider before undertaking a path. In many religions, the heart or chest is the abode of the soul, in contrast to the brain according to scientific medicine which takes "the self" as the soul instead, because of the materialistic approach of unseen identity units and a higher I. This is why diseases are treated with medicine trying to stop the symptoms rather than the cause itself. Inner whispers are thought to arise from a dysfunctional nervous system and not spiritual and social problems, but they can in this way never understand.
To understand the nature of magic, it seems one must let go of what she used to know before the undertaken journey so that she might turn back to the world knowing that truth and knowledge was, is, and always will be omnipresent and further on is something higher than this ordinary reality; and therefore be careful of the possible destructive forces she knowingly or subconsciously used to fend herself of before, which now have been awakened and invited to the abode of the eternal soul. Finding the truth is more exciting and in the end more satisfying than actually knowing it and mastering the reality, but for the practitioner of magic, power is addictive and unsaturating to the point it sometimes can be blinding and harmful only to themselves. Is Castaneda aware of the fact that magic to the Yaquis is their central identity, meaning he is in the hands of something, for him, culturally unfamiliar and outside his secure environment? One might wonder what will happen in his quest for the knowledge of Yaquis and the effects of natural plants.
Funny, it looks like Don Juan is "messing" with the conquistador-like Castaneda, as revenge for what the Spaniards did to the Yaqui natives and the rest of the aboriginal Americans, but without Castaneda being the least aware of it. Among other things, Carlos Castaneda wrote all the books as an assistant or rather writer slave to the Wizards and Don Juan. Carlos is tied like a dog and is called "little Carlito" by the sorcerers. In another episode, they say right out how bad they think about Castaneda and how bad the Spaniards treated the people who already lived in the country before them, as a lesson in Magic as well.
The thing is that despite the criticism these books received from scientists whether it is Science or literature or an own category, the criticism somehow manages to go by the written actual content. In one section Castaneda tells how he had to jump out of a cliff to become a fully trained magician. Perhaps it is merely metaphorical narrated, who knows or cares? But, in a drunken state, man can take on strange acts and after reading books and knowledge that are said to be complementary to hallucinogenic drugs, the result can be fatal, although Castaneda was sober in all these cited cases. There seems to be no respect for the unknown, in the secular sciences, which becomes apparent in the lack of criticism concerning the acts of the witches (brujas in Spanish, as they are referred to in the books) in the thesis of Castaneda. It's more important to science how you came to know and not what you know, nowadays it seems.
Much energy is also put on the world of dreams and how to learn to control them. Don Juan wants Castaneda to learn to find his spirit and train it to do wonders in dreams. An entire book was written by Carlos Castaneda just about dreams and the art of mastering them.

- Tribalism and Magical Traditions -

It is also common for shamans and medicine men to have a belief in Totems and Taboos. A totem or a fetish (a more commonly used word, meaning an amulet in Portuguese) means an object, animal, or plant, being elevated spiritually. The tribe believes in it as a person or family founder, patron, and donor of wealth, food, and also knowledge. In the western part of the U.S., you can see logs carved into various spiritual beings, animals, or plants that will act as a ceremonial spiritual place. "Taboo" and "Mana" are concepts that come from the indigenous peoples of the Pacific islands and mean dangerous/prohibited, and respectively fine/commanded. In an animistic belief of the world (the belief that everything has a soul, animals, rocks, sand, clouds, spirits, etc.) the taboo forces are believed to be in everything, and so they are also believed to be subconsciously easily invited. These forces are allowed to operate throughout an individual's life and are mostly centered around a totem, in some religions. It's the identity that the members of the group protect and die for. They sing hymns, dance around the totem, and in some cases, even sacrifice food for protection, advice, and spiritual forces. In some traditions of the Pacific, worship of volcanoes is a common faith, where volcanoes and other natural phenomena are personified and elevated to gods or believed to be so. Even individuals associate themselves with the totem and in ecstasies try the trip to the "underworld" (metaphysics), by the phantasma, visualizing a hole, inspired by nature, where they enter, and try to find a special shelter animal or spirit-animal friend. But not only the Magic world uses faith in the totem. In other forms of faith (in monotheistic in polytheistic religions) totem & identity are seen as something normal, but in the Magic world, it has become extremely important. Just as in India, a shakti-like faith in goddesses is seen in the Magic world and further important is also the God.
Among the Central African tribes, there are a special people, the Fon. They've specialized themselves in divination. Fate is here called Fa and is believed to be a big shot in predicting with ad-hoc methods, as he is a man, and in a spiritual sense, he is the origin of all stories. Most commonly, the medicine men throw stones or by geomancy, they draw lines in the sand and also throw tiles, and branches to see what the pattern, number, and so on are to say about the future, diseases, and more. The belief of the ancestral spirits prevails, and so also does animism, polytheism, and the idea of the opposite spirit world - briefly one can say that metaphysics is the opposite of this world, and there the spirits and ancestors are upside down, the day is night and night is the day, etc., and which one can compare with the not-doing in Castaneda's case. Another way to show how much Magic is different from the rest of the traditional religious world and the importance of the contrary, are the masks they have to represent a large demon, spirit, or fetish. The mask, the medicine men put on, is to scare away other less powerful spirits. But many African tribes and nations are Muslims, who more frequently are found in the north, and Christians we count more likely in the south of this huge and marvelous continent. Despite their new religion, some seem still to retain some of their natural religions, and statues of Mary and Jesus begin to take the place of the altar instead of the old spirits. This syncretism appears, moreover, much in the former slave colonies in Latin America and the Caribbean where Voodoo and Umbanda have become the main religion, with a mixture of French Catholicism and traditional African Magic in the case of Voodoo and African-Portuguese in the case of the Brazilian popular religion Umbanda. Voodoo comes from the peoples of Central Africa, Fon, Yoruba, and Congo, and means God but despite this central belief in a Creator is also another form of Voodoo Magic where lesser spirits take place in the ritualization. In the ritualization of Voodoo traditional Magic from Africa, but also statues and concepts from Christianity may take place. The rituals performed are often by the sacrifice of a rooster, with music, rhythms, drums, and dolls as fetishes (mostly shown in media as a mix of Imitative magic and Contagious ditto a'la Frazer, where this form of witchcraft is performed usually with needles that puncture the locations of the doll lookalike the person charmed, which correspond to places the magician wants to harm or cure on a person) to achieve ecstasy or to retrieve Magical powers. Magic and divination are central in Central Africa and Zulu tribes, Fon, Yoruba, and Dogon with several, which mostly are oral traditions and have the same parentage – namely the Bantu tribe. In The colonies of South America, the religion "Candomblé" is like the African syncretisms, a blend of Christianity, Islam, and Bantu/Fon/Yoruba magic. In Candomblé, they believe in one supreme Deity called Olódùmarè, who created everything including smaller "Orixa" - thought to be deities under the supreme Olódùmarè. The Islamic influences perform their ritual and rites on Fridays while others like to see the Orixas as similar to the saints of Catholicism. The syncretism is more emphasized in the cultural mixes of African traditions, such as the Orisha worship of Yoruba and Vodun/Voodoo practices of the Fon. A special and important part of Candomblé is religious dancing and music, with influences from traditions of West Africa, but it would be to go too far to propose that this is actual African arts.
Mayans had a special way of figuring out time; through astrological methods. According to their calendar, as follows, in particular by the Sun and stars, they split time in different eras. Such an era is 380 years, so-called baktun. The 14th period has a starting point on December 21, 2012 - Winter Solstice, and is thought in its coming to even end future and to result in a doomsday-like existence, which also presents a new major era - a great cycle of about 5000 years (perhaps a final baktun of this era ending around the year 2300 will continue, say some). Then, on the winter solstice, there is no day on the Arctic Circle, and is the opposite of the summer solstice. But this is over the equator, which means that when it is the winter solstice in the north it is the Summer Solstice in the south, which in turn means that the Mayan calendar ends and all these new times begin during the Summer Solstice in the south. Some interpretations made, by religious extremists "predicted" that the this "last time" or Baktun would be Judgment Day, even though the Mayans never claimed this themselves. The Mayan calendar stopped at this date, because their leaders were killed and stopped working, and their religious institution thus dissolved, which contributed to their knowledge of the time not fully developed, despite the potential they had to count the solar time. They could count up to 63 million years but had vague ideas about their faith and about the conditions to be able to see in the future as well as the significance of chronology. In that way, you can, relatively, say that the Mayan calendar continues at least till Doomsday. And then, on the Day of Judgment, the sacred and flying, feather-winged snake Quetzalcoatl comes into the sky. The Mayans were polytheists, and had many gods in the pantheon but used Magic, spirits and ancestors, astrology, and more natural forms of religious ceremonies before they became completely equal to the great mythological civilizations. They lived in Latin America along with other people as Toltecs, Aztecs, Mazatec, Inca, and tribal Indians. They had a common faith and built pyramids. It is believed that most died out because of the Europeans' diseases and firearms and that they sacrificed humans and thus committed a form of collective suicide.

- Folk Medicines -

It would, according to Norse beliefs, be fortunate to be born before or just during midsummer day's dawn, that fell on a Thursday, with the waning Moon phase, during a storm and on a slope with the wind blowing from the south, either to engage remedial knowledge or to pick 3, 3 times 3 or 12 pieces of medicinal herbs and not encounter a fox or local promiscuous women because then it was destroyed, says Tillhagen. This day is considered so important to the medical experts in the Nordic countries that Tillhagen decided to take it up the entire nine times in the index in various forms such as Thursday children and Thursday morning, as many times the word cure in various forms appears although the book, for the most part, is about curing and not Thursdays in special. Still, girls pick seven or nine flowers on the midsummer night to later dream of the one they will marry.
About Thursdays, there is more to say, and the day is dedicated to Thor. He was associated not only with thunder and storm but he was also believed to be the God of fields and the military machine against diseases and evil forces of nature; the machinery of happiness, luck, and prosperity. He was married to two wives, Sif, Sibil or Sibylla, and Freya. Sif means bondage through marriage and she was believed to be the barren or unfertilized earth, while Freya was the seed of life, and in modern Scandinavian languages, the word for seed is "Frö". Sif's hair was believed to be golden as the wheat fields and thus she also, of course, represented the growth of the former barren lands and she & Thor had at least two known boys - Ullr and Loridi. According to the Prose Edda compiled by Snorre Sturlasson, Thor and Sif here called the prophetess Sibylla, were from Troy and Dardanus. As a young boy, he was raised by the Thracian/Dardanian king in Asgård, and later he and Odin traveled to Germany and Scandinavia.
There were twelve kingdoms and one High King, and many sovereignties belonged to each kingdom; in the stronghold were twelve chieftains. These chieftains were in every manly part greatly above other men that have ever been in the world. One king among them was called Múnón or Mennón; and he was wedded to the daughter of the High King Priam, her who was called Tróán; they had a child named Trór, whom we call Thor. He was fostered in Thrace by a certain war-duke called Lóríkus; but when he was ten winters old he took unto him the weapons of his father. He was as goodly to look upon, when he came among other men, as the ivory that is inlaid in oak; his hair was fairer than gold. When he was twelve winters old he had his full measure of strength; then he lifted clear of the earth ten bear-skins all at one time; and then he slew Duke Lóríkus, his foster-father, and with him his wife Lórá, or Glórá, and took into his own hands the realm of Thrace, which we call Thrúdheim. -///- The lineage of Sif I cannot tell; she was fairest of all women, and her hair was like gold. Their son was Lóridi, who resembled his father -///- Odin had second sight, and his wife also; and from their foreknowledge he found that his name should be exalted in the northern part of the world and glorified above the fame of all other kings. Therefore, he made ready to journey out of Turkland, and was accompanied by a great multitude of people, young folk and old, men and women; and they had with them much goods of great price. -///- After that he went northward, where the land is called Sweden; the king there was named Gylfi. When the king learned of the coming of those men of Asia, who were called Æsir", The poetic Edda:prologue.
The historical accuracy of this ancestry of the Asirs can be debated of course. If you notice, he wrote Turkland in regards to Anatolia which was the name of modern-day Turkey before the Turkish conquest two three centuries before Snorre wrote the Prose Edda, which reveals most of the biased and misunderstood reality of the meaning of the Norse pagan idols and the myths that follows them. Priam and the Trojan Dardanians probably lived thousands of years prior to the Islamization of these lands. This Euhemeristic approach was a very common method used by Christian historians in Medieval times, who tried to turn the myths and idols of Pagan tradition into real accounts and factual humans. Lorik was, by the way, a chieftain name in ancient Dardania and is still a common name in modern Kosovë & Albania. But the idea of him having these two wives associated with fertility shows us the belief in his energies as a ruler of the growing plants and medicinal herbs. Thor as associated with the idols in Ancient Scandinavia was thus connected to the highest feasts - "Blot" - sacrificial ceremonies which took place in Spring, Midsummer, Autumn, and Mid-winter. Many times Blot was performed by sacrificial killings mostly of animals and in particular horses, but many times also humans. The word Blot is believed to derive from the root of the word for blood. Therefore, it was considered that those who were born on a Thursday became specially gifted and were called Thursday children, but the Sunday children were likewise considered to be sacred. Even the ancient Greeks preferably healed on Thursdays. Even Nostradamus's prophecies seem to substantiate this even though he does not emphasize its importance for medicinal plants:
In three waters, be born a man shall, whose feast day on Thursday will be, his power and reputation grows as a song by land and sea, a storm for the east. The great rebellion must be frozen dead from earth and space when the Holy Thursday is celebrated: so lovely king never before encountered, from the corners of the earth to him garlands are wrapped." -///- "In the years with the many sevens, men shall rise from their graves and gather from all sides", says Nostradamus centurion X-.
Here Thursdays are mentioned twice to confirm their importance, although this is mentioned in other contexts. Nostradamus was a Jewish and French soothsayer during the Middle Ages and in the year 1555 on May 5, he published a series of predictions. In the end, it is not enough to deduce something of a concrete phenomenon and suggest that any rise is located therein. According to the lunar cycle, it's best to start growing during the waxing Moon and reap at the waning Moon. The Moon affects the oceans with high and low tides and the growing power of nature. Which one you choose of the two in the waning Moon, will certainly lead to reaping in the waning phase, during a phase when the plant approaches its maturity, if it is September and autumn for most plants or midsummer for medicinal herbs. In Islam, however, it is more important with Fridays, as an example, and Quran 62:9 says:
O you who believe! When the call to Friday prayers are heard, hand away from trade and merchandise, and hurry to where God's name is invoked, this is for you for the best - if you could know."
Also Sunday children were considered to be able to know metaphysics and so even mentally ill or disabled, probably inspired by Christians. The weekdays are important and each day seems to have its importance and significance, depending on belief.
Tillhagen was a pharmacist who wrote a treatise on folk medicine in Sweden during the 1800 and 1900 - century. Even though he worked on this book back in the '50s, the similarities with his writing and what Castaneda wrote in the late '60s - and early '70s, are strikingly similar. The similarity lies mostly in the idea the magician had about cures. According to the sorcerer Don Juan, one could injure others by shooting the so-called spiritual arrows that in turn are brought down from the spirit world or through various strategically placed outlays of various fetishes (objects of power or force, which besides are common in the Magic realm). The Quran states the following about magical arrows: "O believers! Drunkenness, games of chance with money, idols and sacrificing to them, and divining arrows (azlam) are a clear abomination and some of Satan's work", Quran 5:90. You could also use the smoke for this purpose - burnt herbs. According to the Quran, the Bible the Vedas, and others, all seed-bearing flower plant herbs are for cooking, cures, cosmetics, and other healthy purposes:
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth", says Genesis 1:29.
The magician shoots either spiritually, as in seeing, or having any tool to simulate firing. Tillhagen adds that the magician also could cure with "shots" while what Castaneda describes involves injury or having to protect or destroy someone by sending these dart strikes. It sounds strange to cure diseases with something sick. Castaneda's first followers are said to have disappeared without a trace, soon after his death. Mysteries are common in Magic so is also the hidden knowledge. Aleister Crowley writes in his book 777, for example:
Chokma is the Logos, the messenger, the transmitter of the influence of Kether, and this is shown, in a lower mode, in the Sephira Hod. He is also implied in the 11:th path, for the Fool also transmits the essence of Kether, he is in the 12:th path", says Aleister Crowley in "777".
This he does to describe the feedback that is said to exist between the transmitter of power and receiver of power. This not only sounds advanced, but it is also so. Aleister Crowley was an occultist from the 1800s - and the 1900s and was involved in a variety of controversies about this very subject. Barbara Bush, wife of U.S. ex-president, is said to be Crowley's child, he had with an already married woman, in secret during a sexual ritual intended to beget a child who would be his power, but most people around him and the family went bad fates to meet.

- Modern Ockultism & Magical Practise in Religion -

In the book 777, a collection of Aleister Crowley's texts, various symbols, numbers, words, formulas, and names, lined up in tables, charts, and lists are described which he linked together depending on the value, context, and meaning, to easier use in occult or astrological practice, but especially in Qabalism, Jewish mystery. He studied Qabalah and also Greek, Latin, Hindu, Taoist, and Arab mysticism and symbolism. The number 1 and 10 are for example named Kether & Malkuth (Hebrew). Kether is believed to be the ultimate magician of magicians or God himself. Chokma (Hebrew) is the number 2, which is the creative energy that utilizes possibilities/wisdom/choices. This energy can be in prophets, who have direct contact with Kether, and is therefore called the Logos - the word for Kether, and is also the receiver and messenger. It may also be an impersonal and abstract energy. This can be seen for the practitioner on the protective spiritual spheres, "ruh", and is measured in terms of arch-angel accumulation on contact (in Aleister Crowley's case, the angel Sephira). Anyway, the practitioner's path is mapped out in a special way given that the Fool also he can also be a recipient of Kether.
But it is important to recall that these books and bits of knowledge sometimes led to excessive sacrifice rituals with people who have been killed. As a defense of the reputation Magic had and has, many practitioners defend Magic tradition by splitting it into two parts - "White Magic" & "Black Magic". White Magic aims to include all, find peace, or use for human good, while black Magic is usually understood as being performed by malicious individuals for personal power, and to harm life as it is. To further develop the division you can say there is some difference between Magic and traditional religions. The difference between traditional dogmatic religion and Magic is that magicians are trying to find their own personal power or force, while religious often hand over to a higher power, God, Spirit, or Creator, and send messages to the whole of mankind. But there is also a difference between metaphysical Magic and the kind of Magic where tricks are behind the art, as seen sometimes on screens, such as Harry Houdini or David Copperfield who actually are called "illusionists" rather than magicians.
As regards the rest of the book "777", the title is inspired by the numbers 777 representing Qabalah, and together becomes 21, thus being an important value, according to Crowley. The number 21 also symbolizes/has the numerological value "the wheel of fortune", in T.A.R.O.T. cards but is number 10 among the deck; the planet Jupiter; Ra in ancient Egyptian mythology associated with the Sun; and the eagle among animals. The letter Shin (sh sound) which is available in both Arabic and Hebrew, is the character nr. 21, has value 300 and is Ruah Elohim in Hebrew and Ruh Allah in Arabic and is a symbol of Allaha, says "777". Shin means opening or days when everything is revealed with great power, it says in the Quran. Furthermore, Crowley categorizes each letter in different tables and these methods to do this are 21,- there are seven "links"/methods/Hebrew letter times three "columns" = 21+1 major and holding paths in occultism/spirituality (then you can add a so-called ALB method, which together is to communicate spiritually). "777" also steps in the field of numerology and places 1-10 as separators of the paths & columns: "This arrangement is the basis of the whole system of this book. Besides the 10 numbers and the 22 letters, it is divisible into 3 columns, 4 planes, 7 planes, 7 palaces, etc. etc", says the book "777" about its inner structure. Continually, the septagram, in the sigilium of his Order, shows the "all-seeing eye" (one of some Illuminati symbols) &/or the "half-moon" (symbol of the eternal knowledge), and around it the numbers 77++77 &/# 7+7, 7, just like the writer's interpretation of the Tree of life, as it is seen both as the numbers 1-10 + 21+1 = 32, whereas number one symbolizes the first plane & column while the 10:th is the seventh plane & third column. More about this deep focused insight on the fate of the celestial three sevens can be checked in one of that book's many numerological charts. "The ten sefirots", or values, are the ones that constitute the so-called tree of life, in Jewish Qabalah. It takes years of practice to just understand this mysticism, and more to master it, but the core idea is based on "sefirots":
1 Kether - "Crown"
2 Chokhmah - "Wisdom"
3 Binah - "Understanding"
4 Chesed - "Kindness"
5 Gevurah - "Discipline"
6 Tiferet - "Beauty"
7 Netzach - "Victory"
8 Hod - "Splendour"
9 Yesod - "Foundation"
10 Malkuth - "Kingship"
There are many methods and different traditions in the practice of Magic. They differ linguistically perhaps but are united in expression and design, as in the meaning and the way they are carried on. The belief that the number 21 is Magical or sacred is visible in all contexts. 777 is a common number in the "game of chance", such as Blackjack, also known as the 21. The idea is that the player will get the cards closest to the number 21 without going over that limit. Not to mention the 'Bandit' "777" 'fruits' & symbols.
Tillhagen's thesis regarding folk medicine in Sweden seems to have been influenced by Christian faith as evidenced by the formulas containing the name of God. And the word of God was seen as a protection against all forms of extermination or illness. The Magic savvy could even have quotes taken from the Bible to either protect themselves or use as medicine or formulas for curing patients which was an important part of their jobs. Even some within Islam have been influenced by Magic and some Muslims call these pieces "Hajmelia", these folded notes only contain recitations of the Quran and are not preferably used in Magic. Medicine men and women could be under oppression from the church or other institutions of power. Important was also important that the patient prepared herself to believe in the doctor and that he would succeed. The patient's faith gave so much that the doctor could cure at a distance. The scientist and botanist Linnaeus, has recorded, in the meeting with a drug knowledgeable or wise as they are also called, that:
When someone was sick, the patient needed not to be seen by her but enough was that she saw a sock or cloth, of the sick person, of which she could determine the cause and its cure."
Otherwise, bizarre cures are common to believe in and although the above example sounds like such, it is also common for healers to heal at a distance. Another common thought in the Magic world is that diseases are considered to be of malice and from bad people or spirits, but rationally even ordinary circumstances could cause them as for example overworking, famine, drunkenness, etc., Tillhagen makes clear 1958:18. But to know a disease or get information on the nature of the disease the magician often uses drums, actually simultaneous throughout the world before being discovered by Westerners, says Larsson in the book "Shamaner".
In some cases, Magic is thought to be superstition, which is a form of biased belief, and often this kind of faith has no real connection to the logical and rational. To believe that black cats crossing the road from left to right leads to bad luck, or that you should not break a mirror because it also brings bad luck, for seven years, are forms of superstition. Medicine knowers or magicians are instead trying to find the links of the metaphysics and the ordinary, in the "journey", and use the information brought back from the tripping, in the context of ordinary life.
By rhythms on a drum, or something else, the shaman takes into metaphysics through ecstasy or trance, a spiritual journey, and from there he tries to get help from either spirits or other fetishistic power, says Harner and Larsson. Today, this is comparable to what DJs do at "rave parties" with psychedelic trance music. The style of trance music has a monotonous rhythm in the background just like shaman drums, though the similarities should be taken with "a small amount of spice". Plain to make is also that the magician is sometimes intoxicated with either herbs or drinks for the trip, which is commonly called experience. As for spirits and to follow them, you can read the following in the Quran surah 6:100, 69:40:
They have wanted to make invisible beings as God's helpers - (essences) that God created" -///- "Certainly this is a noble Messengers words, not the words of a poet - few are the things you believe in! Nor word of a soothsayer - few are the things you devote an afterthought ate! (This is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds!)"
In old Judaic historical narratives, which have influenced the Qabalistic tradition in a very significant thought pattern, we find the original idea that King Solomon practiced Magic and that he wrote a secret book on the topic which now is lost. Qabalah is said to be older than this religion itself but was practiced among others by him. His magical book, written in a way only few would understand, is in some Islamic traditions thought to have been taken by the two angels Harut & Marut, but this would contradict the Quran which says:
They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their ownselves, if they but knew", Quran 2:102.
Witchcraft, or Magic as it is also called, is thus fundamentally spiritual manipulation, and hidden or esoteric knowledge but have different knowledge among themselves, whose practitioners through various kinds of controls want to take much or all the power they can find, with fetishes, herbs, and ecstasies through contact with metaphysics, but is also a branch with many names such as "witchcraft" and "divination". They are mentioned in many contexts, in other religions, folklore, and popular arts. In the Quran, they also convert to Moses' & Aron's religion:
And the magicians (who saw themselves defeated by Moses) fell on their faces and cried out, "We believe in the Lord of Aron and Moses." (Pharaoh) said: "Do you believe in him before I give you permission? He must be your masters who have taught you in witchcraft, I will surely cut off your opposite hand and foot, and I will crucify you on the palm trunks without sparing anyone, so that you will get to learn which one of us impose the harshest sentences and whose punishment lasts longest. They replied: "Never shall we put (allegiance to) you and not in front (faithfulness to) Him Who created us! Decide now what you have put yourself in mind - the only thing you can decide is related to life in this world, we now believe in our Lord and ask for forgiveness for our sins and the sorcery you have forced us to carry on. God is Dear, and He lives forever, 20:70-73"

"The Truths VS Tales"

If any chance has hither brought the name
Of Palamedes, not unknown to fame,
Who suffer'd from the malice of the times,
Accus'd and sentenc'd for pretended crimes" The Aeneid of Virgil.
Creator of all of you, who now also knows everything that you do, and who is the Maker of entirely everything else too, is mentioned in various forms in most religions and traditions. And, this presence of God in religious environments, rites, and scriptures is described in my text. Can one really see those as truth, and be sure that their dogmatic documents have a factual basis? I asked myself this, and now wish to present some experiences I've had during my research, solely conducted to give an answer to the one big human question. "Is there a Creator"? And, having an answer to this, I think, would make other existential queries either fall in affirmative or negative conclusions as well. Anyway, this story is actually initiated by an event that came to drastically transform me and the path I used to take. Although the book, awkwardly reveals a few metaphysical arguments of a god's reality, in other chapters, I am also here going to upfold a personal experience of the religious world, in more subjective journalistic ways. In my sense of thought, Journalism is an eternal subject, that shall prevail over technical developments in communications as many of the observed superfluous and temporary cultural trends out there more or less can be perceived as being. To report incidents of importance has of course been an idea and occupation for as long as we have had stories to tell. The big difference between us and the old ones in history is what the reporter's achievements lead to, and why and by whom they were transmitted. Although Journalism has always been a dream job, I could never, through my odd imagination, plan for writing the upcoming story, not to mention even thinking about ideas of digging into unseen worlds. The internet, however, as a form of new Media, is both relieving and a challenge to traditional Journalism, obviously. The need to also follow influencers and "Me Me" shouters, and attention seekers in general, unfortunately, suffocate what is valuable texts, and this materialistic egocentrism is mentally and physically exhausting, and a very prevalent and characteristic trait of our societies. How to pass by, to think? But we could create secure, good-looking, and user-friendly platforms for digital communications, sharing information, and E-learning in ways our forefathers never would have been able to do or even imagine. Therefore, it's crucial to have a good tone, on the net. Then also, why do I consider it necessary to deal with the old traditional religions, on modern platforms? This era, is it not built on top of the old ruins of former societies that were based on traditional belief systems and not Science, and whom our late generation violently struggled against? I wish I could answer it another way, but am compelled to reply "I have little to say in this question". If not, Metaphysics is just a very interesting subject anyway. We are a knowledge-seeking age and see no frontiers further than what is worthless and wrongful. Nothing is impossible. The truth is thus a liberating wonder, that has come to me, and it is only for those who are fighting for God or justice. Movies, fairy tales, and most novels, however, are more or less fictional stories, while religion claims to be the truth from God, if you believe in certain facts. I am to say that this upcoming story is only one example as a symbol, and I will not judge anyone or aim to be a Magician, the Messiah, Prophet, Doomsday Prophet, or a God like Allah. Religion claims to be the truth, and in the Quran, in Surahs 25 and 23, it's made clear to our times that also people from the past likewise thought that religion was the tales of former backward generations, so nothing new under the skies:
They also said, "Tales from the past that he wrote down: they were dictated to him day and night." Say, "This was revealed by the One who knows the secret of the heavens and the earth. He is Forgiving, Merciful", says the Quran surah 25. -///- "They said the same thing as their ancestors. They said, "do we get resurrected after we have died and become dust and bones? 'Such promises we and our parents got before. It's just tales from the past." Say, "Who owns the earth and everyone on it, if you know?" They will say, "GOD". Say, "Why do you not then take heed?" says the Quran in surah 23.
There are movies and fiction which I actually do appreciate thou. Little cheesy, but "Schindler's List" and "Life of Brian" are movies I like - The former because of its documentary yet cinematic depiction of man's horrible crimes against ourselves. The Quran says that:
Then Allah sent a crow who scratched the ground to show him to hide the dead body of his brother. He (the murderer) said: "Woe to me! Am I not even able to be as this crow and to hide the dead body of my brother?" Then he became one of those who regretted. 32. Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. And indeed, there came to them Our Messengers with clear proofs, evidence, and signs, even then after that many of them continued to exceed the limits (e.g. by doing oppression unjustly and exceeding beyond the limits set by Allah by committing the major sins) in the land!", 5:32-33.
Oscar Schindler was a real figure of Nazi-occupied Europe, and as a businessman, he first forcefully employed Jews in the camps, but drastically ended up being a German hero, saving thousands of those lives. He had to escape, unfortunately, due to his former connections with the Nazi party but before doing that, he received a molted ring from "his Jews" with an inscription with the same verse as cited: "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire". Similarly, the Quran states that: "Good deeds are not equal to the evil ones. Repel other’s evil deeds with your good deeds. You will see that he, with whom you had enmity, will become your close friend", 41:34. If Jews, Christians, and Muslims could share that land, the entire Universe would probably embrace truth and understand the meaning of love.
The later, "Life of Brian" is hilarious and I sense The God in almost each and every scene. It's true in a sense that Jesus never died on a cross, not to say the parody on both the Roman Empire and Jewish- & religious sectarianism in general. I especially like the one where they are to stone a man who spoke God's name, since Jews, as told before, think that God's real name is not revealed. The poor guy defends himself by saying that he just appreciated his wife's cooking so much that he thought it was fitting for Jehowa. As soon as he says that he gets stoned, for saying the "unspoken", but the judge stops the mob and says that no one is to throw a stone before he says so "even if they do say Jehowa", and so instead he himself gets stoned for saying it unintentionally. Yeh, "wait till Biggus Dickus hears about this", ba dum tsh! Jesus, according to the Bible, was tested by the rabbis and scribes, who wanted to know how he judges and by what moral so they asked him if stoning an accused woman for adultery was right? He, as we all know, says that the one not guilty should cast the first stone, and by this, he stops an innocent human being from being murdered. But there is a very wise teaching in this which not so often is taken up. The Quran says that:
All food was lawful to the children of Israel except that which Israel had forbidden to himself, before the Taurat was revealed. Say: Bring then the Taurat and read it, if you are truthful.", 3:93.
This shows that the Jewish ancestors made their laws besides those claimed to be from God, even if God accepted some. Also, if the Tanakh (Hebrew name for the Bible) would today be intact, we could believe that there exists a complete truth in the 613 Mitzvot - that Moses received 613 commandments on the mount. Maybe some foreign enemy stole the original tablets? But the challenge from the verse above is also to convince us of the light in the Arabic Quran. It is still today remembered in whole by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, believers by heart, and here is yet another challenge: do we know any other bigger book people can recite from start to finish with the same ease? Let us have an epic battle then! I'm just being witty, so don't expect some armed Jihad, with me yelling Allah Akbar yall. No, seriously, I did try to find one verse from the Bible to be impartial, firstly from the New Testament, but I thought it would be too "Christocentric", and the Torah/Tanakh is, though I've read the whole of it, to big for the moment to go roughly through, so I settled we this quoted. And to be consequent now, if Jesus would say that stoning was wrong he would have been stoned himself, and if saying it's right he would appeal to his people but not his Lord. He was clever to free that woman so he would be cleaned from evil later himself. The same type of thinking is now infecting the so-called Islamic Sharia (law). For example, the Quran says that the punishment for adultery, for both men and women, of course, is one hundred lashes and only if four trustful witnesses have seen the sex act, but "if they repent then Allah is merciful". Man is used to murdering fellow men just to hide their own crimes and ignorance, as did Cain when killing Abel and trying to hide his lifeless body. Firstly, adultery is a degenerating disease and an abomination, of course, but what we think or feel is not always what corresponds with reality. Many feel dishonored if the one they married cheats on them, but to say that we should kill them by stoning just because some books we don't know are saying the truth or not, and which were written a long time after, says so? If that was true, then books would through the stones themselves just to protect God's and the Prophet's true sayings. If there are not four witnesses then, and only the spouse accuses the other of cheating? In those cases the one accused should swear four times that she is innocent and the fifth time curse herself if she is lying, and the accuser should do the same - four times say that he is telling the truth and on the fifth curse himself by God, if he is telling a lie, roughly according to the Quran in 24:6. Some can argue and say, what if one catches a cheater but is alone and instead summons four witnesses by forcing the adulterates to not leave? Then one could argue against it and claim it was a setup since no one knows what happened before they came to see it. And we have so-called “photo evidence”, but honestly I wouldn’t even believe in Moses if he showed me a pic of something from the metaphysics in the era of Deep Fakes from all sides. It’s very uncommon for four (and not to mention trustworthy) people to witness a sex act, if it's not in a brothel of course. The God only wants us to fear Him since these kinds of behaviors are not acceptable in a thriving society. The fate of the state of Israel after Jesus’ lifetime wasn’t a happy one, so you know. Instead, I say, we should through books to the ignorant people, so they can be illuminated and act righteously before their Creator. It's the life you were playing with! Secondly, the Ahadiths cannot be above God's true eternal words, is my personal belief. He, the God is kind, just, and forgiving. So, before we go deeper into the realm of the unseen, I want to clarify some issues.
As you already know, religions are known sometimes to be very apologetic in nature, though they are considered to be quite the opposite by their opponents, and this story is not an exception, but the real reason why I was and continuously will be very polemical sometimes has to do with my meeting with ignorance and people with hard hearts and no compassion. I want, above all else, to mention to the reader that I believe that the Creator exists and that what was said, and later will be said is what I believe to be the truth. I wanted to find out if a God existed or not and the journey to this answer is one I wish nobody would experience again. I've lost all I held dear and the only one to blame is myself. I found out who I am, both the dark sides of humans as the bright ones and the miraculous fate predestined by the seeing and hearing God.

- A simple reportage revealing the existence of a God -

The Reportage, this short but consistent text, is a mixture of articles and miscellaneous and a narrative through my eyes. As said, I have no interest in partiality so therefore when directing the text one interested in metaphysics, I try to choose a journalistic approach to the writing. And, sorry, but I'm not, either openly or covertly, one God, prophet, or any other in these contexts, besides a writer, and I also apologize for my necessary subjectivity coming to speak about the God. Yes, this story is the truth! With this, I hope to be overlooked for my shortcomings. These narratives are not Magic, Philosophy, a new religion, Science, or an ideology, it is instead a different kind of reportage book with interviews and information from the metaphysical realm, believe it or not.
The aim here is not to try to overturn, compete with, or beautify the Quran, the Bible, or other religious scriptures, or even try to teach religion, such as Islam. I try only to be impartial, for "God loves the non-partial", as it's called in the Quran. Eg. in surah 60:8; and in Indian religions, most people pursue work without wanting to access the "fruits of labor", and journalism is to be relevant, transparent, true, and impartial/objective. Why tell a fictional story when you can tell reality truthfully which, in the case of my mysterious research, is more marvelous than anything anyone could come up with? The reason for telling this upcoming narrative is to show God's omnipotence and to give sustenance to the previous facts so people in my times can believe at least in the possibility of Him existing, more or less. And if there are ambiguities, errors, or incorrect facts in the story, I go on to change this, if reliable evidence is presented.
He, The Creator, and my God exist as surely as man can see and hear this story and remember it being told,- He is the Almighty, Most Wise,- He who appeared several times to me in my dreams with signs realized in daily life. Therefore do not expect me to bring down a book from heaven, the Philosopher's Stone, the staff of Ra, angels, pictures of the unseen, or any material evidence of its existence. The day someone does this huge thing all matters will be settled and no respite will be given to regret or believe - compare it with the metaphysical aspect of "loving". Who has seen love itself personified or touched it? Love is what binds humans together and with something Bigger, but the moment you start to demand evidence for love from your spouse or friend it becomes instead a disease and an obsession, losing its meaning and purpose altogether. Instead, we give each other gifts, kind words, and appreciation as signs of the love felt. I wish I could have powers to show you God or life after death, who doesn't? Would it be honest thou, to claim that one believes just because the eyes are satisfied and the brain thinks it knows? To believe is to love and true love is to be able to forgive those who repent and are willing to walk the path of the good and righteous. On the other hand, we have the gift of dreaming and the one who has had a special dream knows how convinced you become of unseen realities when contemplating around it as soon as the eyes open the following day, am I right? It's contradictory to provide evidence of unseen to be seen if it's unseen, otherwise, it just wouldn't be unseen anymore, with risk ultimately leading to indifference towards life. We are all different with different views of life, and this is a sign of how complex existence actually is. (Don’t now go thinking that everyone saying they are truly are so, we have rationality also as a means of knowing and understanding). It doesn't need to be harder than that, considering that faith and belief are important parts of the concept of God when speaking about the Creator in other words. I can attest that the evidence also is of natural character, so I take it from the beginning in the form of a story about my destiny as a living Fate.
The Me Notes
Date & Place: Written and experienced during my tumultuous, hobo bohemian and adventures days with guidance by my God, the Loving Maker, the Word, the Truth, the Fate & all omnipotent,- the Mercy to us all, during these times of egoism and individualistic yet global societies.
Text: "Firesoul"
My birth
"Jantelagen", "The law of Jante" is a very Swedish "folk law" and is roughly understood as "no one should think they are more than they are" or " no one is better than anyone else". Sorry, but I will break it, least said, not as in me believing myself to be better than others but more as the Swedes actually implement this; as someone being a Besserwisser, Chutzpah, or just an attention seeker which can be misunderstood as a "social sinner" ala Northerners. But Swedes break this all the time as we claim that we are the only ones having the concepts of "Lagom" and "Allemansrätten", roughly translated as "All men's rights" meaning that all are allowed to be in lands owned by private owners (except for plots and gardens of house owners without permission), camp, light up a fire, pick berries and mushrooms, etc., in public nature, as long as one keeps rules of taking care of the lands. And when I try to conceptualize "Lagom" I find it very difficult, but we can see it as "the middle". "How was the Thai meal, Britt-Marie?", one Swede asks another one. "Lagom starkt" - In English "Lagom hot", she answers back trying to say it was not too spicy, nor too bland. Also in Turkish & Arabic, they have the same idea, but they instead say "Taman", which is not exactly like "Lagom" but similar and which also is adopted in Albanian where it has the exact meaning as the Swedish version. Albanian and Kosovan laws, lastly documented in medieval times, also allow people to do the same as that which "Allemansrätten" defines, but with an extended right to also hunt as long as you have a license for firearms (though not many do this, except as nature conservation in desperate situations, as killing cute and beautiful animals is considered heartbreaking for most Albanians and many go beyond and seeing it as a sin of some sort. At least it used to be this way. Albania has in recent years banned hunting altogether after the devastation of wildlife due to hunting tourism from abroad and in Kosovo people with old traditions in mind don't respect the modern laws for a license which has had a negative impact on the country's fauna), which later made them popular places to visit among hikers or "backpackers" who like to be free in the sacred wilderness. Sorry again. So, my life journey begins with the God and my soul existed before my body, and that is how I know who He is and He knows who I am, in a special way.
In a dream, I saw friends talking kindly as youths, but something was stressful. I was challenged by someone or I felt that something told me that I would now for a while be living on Earth to get the word from God The Lord and return to win what I saw in the dream, or else! And a cousin told me that the one who does not believe in fate will burn in Hell. Then I was transported through the Universe and the star constellations and finally to our blue and beautiful Planet. Anyway, I have had much luck, but like an Indian proverb that says, "Before enlightenment, one must fetch firewood and water, after enlightenment one must still fetch wood and water", I can't say that I can do anything for myself. The good that comes to me is from God, and for the unconscious bad, I hope my God sees and hears me so I can be forgiven, for I am bad and He is the only One who has created life. And I ask you to have some understanding of small mistakes in this text.
In ancient Greek mythology, there were not just fairy tales, myths, or stories of "gods", but also other spirits and even people made themselves apparent. Such was the story of Icarus and Daedalus, the father and son who were detained but decided to flee. The father Daedalus had an idea. Daedalus realized that they could take the feathers from the birds and with wax to make wings which they would get help to escape with, and fly away to freedom forever. After doing so, they began to escape, but his son Icarus looked at the sky for a long time and got hubris. (Hubris is an ancient Greek term that means arrogance towards God, gods, or the high power.) Icarus's hubris was based on his desire to take a step further and fly to the sky and Sun, but instead, he was punished for it. The Sun's heat melted the wax that held the feathers of Icarus's wings so that he fell to the sea like a stone. The moral of this myth is of many kinds. One message is that you should always listen to the Father, God, or the high power - not getting hubris, as it is called in Greek. Another interpretation is essentialistic, which argues that the myth of Icarus and Daedalus has a message about what is possible to build and what is not. If man builds airplanes, this is good but if humans build UFOs, she will be punished like Icarus, who would not listen to his father's request not to fly too high and instead settle for just escape and freedom. Maybe if the God wants us to know, He will give appropriate knowledge of how to accomplish such a task, and maybe someone should ask why the Universe was created and what nothingness actually can be or do you not see that space is not empty but filled with small particles and unseen energies? Imagine if you somehow remove this and create nothing, then would for example 1000 light-years be long, or would it not instead be instant in between the start and finish? Perhaps Icarus even may have survived, given the importance attached to that he fell to the sea? But there is something else I believe in and follow, that is the Creator of the universe and Islam. What, am I not allowed to be free and have a private life?
There is nothing wrong with believing in a Creator and also being special as a human person. Problems start when belief in religion is confusing and deliberately corrupt. I can't really say anyone is perfect, but considering the concept of "God", He must be the Ultimate Perfection, Forgiveness, and All-Wise. By the way - hi reader, my name is Fatmir Ahmetgjekaj (or Good Fate AhmedJackson, roughly translated) the son of Osman, Zenun, Abaz, Beqir, Zekë, Kekë, Gjekë, Ahmet, Mustafa, Prekë, Lekë, Vukë Son of Lekë, way back to the late 15th- or early 16th century from the unique town Isniqë. A strange story goes that Lekë (Albanian name for Alexander) had three sons - Canë, Nikë, and Prekë, being from the clan "Shala" (there are 12 clans among Albanians and traditionally the Shala were the smallest and poorest of them, except for Isniqi, whose inhabitants are 100% ethnic Shqipetarë Muslims with all descending from Lekë's three sons and the "Qetaj", and where the richest of all. No worries about inbreeding because the marriage traditions among Albanians, generally derived from this region, and specifically Isniqë, follow exogamic laws, meaning we don’t recommend couples to marry from the same clans, and though it is not prohibited, most of us think it’s best for the identity and union of the people, at least in old days but even in those times young boys and girls dated each other but they were in the end married to someone chosen by their parents. And, although they could speak against their decision it was not socially acceptable to go against the family, which of course resulted in many broken hearts, and in rare yet extreme cases bloodsheds and feuds. The reason why my surname isn't Gjekëahmetaj ("aj" at the end means "of those"), due to Ahmet being Gjekës father, has to do with how Albanians used to take names from forefathers before it became mandatory with a population register during the early 1800s and late 1700s Europe, resulting in fixed surnames. The Orthodox Albanians and Muslims used "grandfather - father", while Catholics traditionally used "father - grandfather - grand grandfather". Prekë and Canë converted from Catholicism to Islam (but later Canë converted back to his old faith) and became leaders of the Valley by the leave of the Ottomans after saving the daughter of the Osman/Ottoman vizier or Bey of our land. According to the story, some 400 years ago, the Bey of Dukagjini region in northern Albania and Western Kosova (Dukakin sanjak in Turkish) with the center in Pejë, announced a reward to those who would save his daughter who was kidnapped by a band of rebels after she was recovering in the countryside from an illness. Lekë and his sons with the Bojkas family took up the fight and crushed the band of Montenegrins, but Lekë and his son Nikë died in the battle, sadly so did the young woman. No one knows for sure how she lost her life, but what is known is that the daughter of the Bey had a love affair with the captain of the band, alà the Stockholm syndrome. Some, say by an accident, while some believe that, out of a broken heart, she committed suicide, yet other men accuse her father of killing her as a punishment for sleeping in the bed of an enemy. The Bey, still feeling they should be rewarded for taking up the fight a winning against the band of criminals, asked what he could give to them. They replied that since the mission did not succeed, meaning the girl was not in life, they couldn't ask for anything. Seeing them as humble, the Bey then wondered what family they belonged to, since he indeed never heard of something similar before. Learning upon which tribe and lineage they had, the Governor let them then rule the land and build a town. They converted and to show their sincerity, Prekë constructed a mosque, dated to the first or second decade of the 1600s (I forgot the exact date), still standing and having Zekë's name on a memorial stone, who by the way was a tribal leader during the end of the 1700s and beginning of the 1800s, and who also is the first known to have taken the surname which we now got. This story used to be told at the end of Ramadhan at the feast of "Eid al Fitr", seen as an interesting myth in our region. This is a simplified version of the incidents which also are told, by the Norwegian social anthropologist and ethnographer Berit Backer in her work Behind Stone Walls". It's an ethnography of Albanian culture, derived from the mountain area of western Kosova and Northern Albania. The study takes up traditional aspects of Albanian householding, family life, social life, and traditions, focusing primarily on the traditions and laws of Isniqë, as it used to be the cultural Kosovar center. Isniqë is also the village where Isa Boletinis was from,- leader of the Albanians during the liberation wars against the Ottoman Empire and the Montenegrin & Serbian wars who aimed to share Kosova, which resulted in independence in 1912 for Albania. Though he was born in Isniqë he actually lived near Mitrovica in the area of "Shala e Bajgores" (the Shala of Bajgore) and was of course also from the lineage of Lekë. A famous story is that when he was in London for peace treaties he was asked to hand over his guns which he presumably did. After the meeting, the foreign secretary said: "General, the newspapers might record tomorrow that Isa Boletini, whom even Mahmut Shefqet Pasha could not disarm, was just disarmed in London", whereupon Boletini drew a small gun from his pocket and said: "No, no, not in London either”. Isa was in his younger days the commander of Sultan Abdul Hamid II’s personal guard for eight years before the Balkan Wars broke out and he then instead resisted occupations from all fronts. The war preceded and later ignited the First World War with the assassination of Prince Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian empire in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. The German Reichskanzler (Prime minister) Otto von Bismarck, aka “the iron chancellor” who united the German free and separate states into one country - The German Empire - once insightfully said “One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans”). It has been found, in the Ottoman population registration "Defter Sanjak Dukakin" ("The population register of the Sanjak of the Arnauts (Albanians) of Dukagjini") from the 15th century, that my name, Fatmir, at least goes back to the middle ages. In this register, and also those of the Serbian kingdom, one can see the attempt to forcefully assimilate the Albanians of Dardania which later changed to the Dukagjini area, by changing their names to sound Serbian. For example, Gashi became Gashic, Gjekë became Jekic, Gjon became Jonic, and so on, thou these are traditionally not even close to being Serbian sounding from the beginning, both phonetically and visually. The Serbian occupiers also changed the geographical names as a display of the view of that land being uninhabited before the Serbs. But who lived there in the first place and how did the Serbs come to occupy it, as they surely did not drop from the skies as an eagle does? My surname Ahmetgjekaj, also written as AhmetXhekaj, is both Arab-Islamic and Albanian, probably Christian or Hebrew as well. Ahmed comes from the root HMD which means honor or glory in Arabic and Gjekë is an Albanian name for Jack, Jake, which in turn probably derives from Zechariah, Mary's relative, or John, Jesus, or Jakob, as they could have have the same etymology and family strain. Gjekë split with the others from the lineage of Mustafa, creating my branch of the family (other surnames from the lineage of Mustafa are the Mehmetaj, Sinanaj, and Ahmetaj).
My Albanian descendency has affected my life very much and has meant a lot to my soul. From my grandfather Zenun up to Zekë there are graves and monuments to visit, and the earlier of my ancestors are renowned. From the area of Theth, the small clan Shala consisting of a handful of families who descended from the royal Dukagjini tribe, in northern Albania and western Kosovo, moved to the Dukagjini Valley during the 1500s & 1600s and founded the town of Isniqi. Theth is a small village below the Valbona valley and river, they and neighboring families are of the Shala family, living in the small Province of Dukagjini - the founding area of these tribes. There used to be 4 major regions that belonged to Shala,- the Dukagjini of North Albania, Isniqë in the Dukagjini valley, Shala e Bajgores, and Ulpiana in Karadaki, near the eastern border. Many prominent figures belonged to this, in number, insignificant family, and some are still remembered. One is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the Dukagjini Valley during the early 1800s, my great-great-grandfather Beqir Zekë Ahmetxhekaj. He got the lands of Rudi's village (named Rudica in Serbian. Originally there were two brothers - Rudi and Budi - Budi founded the neighboring village Budisallci (a Catholic Albanian village), and Rudi founded Rudina, Rudeshi or just Rudi, as it is called in Albanian (one in the majority Muslim Albanian village, with some rich Romani and Serbian houses)), a village in the conjunction of Kosova's and Albania's largest rivers Drini and Burimi (where they become one river named "Drini i Bardhë" - the White Drine). Rudi's village used to hold the only bridges crossing the rivers in the western region of Kosovë. But I also lived in the capital Prishtina, and later, me and my family moved to Sweden in the summer of 1991. Albanian tribal society is one of the last living ones in Europe, dating back to at least Illyrian times, known for being a community consisting of different totemic tribes and clans, and the tribal traditions were similar to those of the aborigines of different people around the world. The other nation is famous for wearing the Kilt, living in Great Britain's High Lands, and is called the Scottland. Just as the North American aborigines or indigenous people, Albanians had haircuts resembling Mohawks, Crows, Caddos, etc, but also a belief in totems and spirits affecting people's lives. The belief in Fate was and is still also an important part of the culture, where it is many times linked with different unseen creatures such as the warlike "Zanas", the soft "Mira", the beautiful "Ora", and the mysterious "Fati".
My land is formed like a square and is surrounded by mountains with two valleys in the middle (the eastern is called Dukagjini and the western Kosova - together in ancient times "Dardania") and a hill from north to south between the two valleys in the east and west, and the area around Isniqi is known to be the central location of many of the Albanian legends, situated between Albania and Kosovo. The town is, for example, central in chapter 17 of the legendary and historical chronicle "Lahuta e Malsise", "The Highland Lute", which was composed by the friar and poet Gjergj Fishta in a traditional musical and oral form (which was a common old way for Albanians to tell legends of heroes, mythology and significant events) and which also is called the Iliad of modern Albania. It's not mentioned before the end but paradoxically as the chapter is finished it calls for the start of a war between the occupiers at a meeting of the wise city. In the Mediaeval times, the Serbian king Stefan Dusan occupied the Balkans (except the Albanian Alps between Albania & Kosovo, and Athens in Greece) and also Kosova for some decades, becoming an important center of Serb nationalism, and the proud idea of it being the birthplace of them. Also, later the Muslims came there which we of course are familiar with as well. Like many other occupations, they are many times not just nor friendly. Some Albanians had fled to the mountains and were after Skanderbeg and Lekë Dukagjini heading back to their homes in the valleys, after being occupied by enemies, while the ones left were forced to adopt Serbian rules. There's also a world-famous monastery (Visoki, Monastery of Decani) near Isniqi and its river (1 km away), a UNESCO World Heritage site which the medieval Serbian king Stephen, who is seen as a saint in orthodoxy, rebuilt and is buried at (built on the foundations of a former Albanian church and which was, according to archaeological excavations, preceded by Iliro-Dardanian temples for prayer. According to over 40 inscriptions in the church, dating from 1330, it was constructed by the Albanian stonemason Don Fra Vita Kuqi on the land properties of Hak Kuqi),- a church historically and still much venerated by Albanians who until the early 1900s was guarded by assigned Albanians by the Serbian Orthodox Patriarchy. This temple is actually filled with frescos and some show images that are said to depict UFOs (one of the strongest "evidence" held by ufologists that man has had a belief in extraterrestrial life long back in history). Many times, the locals report strong bursts of light on the mountains and the valley. I came to hear a lot of these strange recalls from locals of the area, who with colorful detailing described bursting round light in the sky. One man told me that he, as a child, had been there, on the mountains, with his grandfather and another, when suddenly round, big and strong glows were revealed a short distance away.
- I asked my grandfather what it was, he told me further on.
- Let it be, do not look into it, his grandfather replied while he held his eyes.
- What was it you saw, I asked?
- I do not know, but it can be anything, he replied, and looked with a strange look to confirm the conversation beforehand about aliens and life outside our world.
My actual birthplace was in the hospital of Peja on the Summer Solstice of 1984. This particular night, I was later told, was a powerful such. It was a stormy Thursday morning with thunder rendering asunder, on the 21st of June, or 1404 in the Hijri calendar. More precisely, the night occurred during the exact last quarter of the lunar month, the 21st, 22nd, or 23rd of Ramadhan, depending on the time of crescent seen in the last quarter. To also compare with the medicinal thesis of Carl Herman Tillgahen, strange circumstances like the hospital being situated on a south-facing slope, and that the Moon was in the waning half phase, could mean I was meant to know herbs and the practice of them in Shamanic traditions. About storms and lightning, it says in the Quran, surah 13:12, that: "It is he that allows lightning dazzle you, and inspire you with fear as well as hope, and it is he who drives the heavy clouds". Also, Enoch describes thunder and lightning in the context of blessings, in 4:113.
The Moon has meant a lot to people, since ancient times. They said that the crescent Moon in the new phase symbolizes rebirth, a good time to start a new project, or a time to build strength. Full Moons was considered to be dangerous, yet very powerful. Instead of exploiting the danger during the full Moon, rituals of power were instead performed one to two days before and after. Those who wanted to rest well, have a good sex life, or understand death, could take advantage of the waning lunar cycle, pagans believed a time ago.
Midsummer is a peculiar cultural celebration, strangely celebrated in honor of the Solstice Day. The maypole is raised which symbolizes a male phallus, fertilizing mother Earth, and the rite may explain why it almost always rains on midsummer in Sweden - I mean, that's what the ritual is performed to do The sky will fertilize the Earth with moisture and earth shows its fruits filled with tastes, texture, and liquids. During the celebrations of "Midsommar", the Swedish party participants usually dance around the maypole (he phallus) and sing "små grodorna, små grodorna är lustiga att s"e - "meaning "the small frogs, the small frogs are peculiar to see", while simultaneously jumping around imitating frogs. I think this is indeed what James Frazer would call "Homoeopathic" or "Imitative Magic", in his theory of "Sympathetic Magic". Frogs, as we know, usually lay eggs and come out around during wet times, especially on rainy days. Few know the background of why Midsummer became such a big party in Sweden. Some do it for the fun of it, others because it is tradition and some do it because Midsummer is considered sacred. Still, girls pick seven or nine flowers to put under the pillow and hopefully see the one they will marry. It is said that this day was surrounded by sexual energy, which also explains why the pole is stuck to the ground. The axis of the earth towards the sun, during the summer solstice, is approximately 23.45 degrees. The solar calendar in use on these days is the closest proximity to the actual rotation of the earth in relation to the sun,- which in the Gregorian style calendar is calculated to be 365.2425 days, or also 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds. The actual tropical year is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45 seconds; thus 27 seconds shorter than the humanly assumed calendar. This means that every thousands of years the date on the Gregorian calendar on which the solstices occur will be one day earlier than before. This, and what is said by the anti-pagans from the Judeo-Christian institutions, means that for example during the peak times of the Roman empire around year 0, of the Julian (now Gregorian) calendar, the Pagans celebrated this celestial phenomenon around the 23-24th of June instead. So, for example, in the year 2084, it will thus more likely occur on the 20th of the same month, in a new era, falling on another date this time and forward. John the Baptist's day of birth was more or less deliberately placed during what at the time was the summer solstice, some others may believe. We'll see and know, one a New Time. And since the NT retells that Jesus was born half a year after John, some Christian believers think that he must have been born on the opposite astronomical phenomenon - the winter solstice - at the time of Jesus occurring on the 24th of December.
Date & Place: 2022.09.03, Gamleby, Laholm Sweden
Text: "Firesoul"
Once in a lifetime
In Prishtina, the capital of my homeland, there used to flow a river which now is dry most of the year, hence its nickname "the city without a river". It has no tourist attractions, rather it has a fun atmosphere with its eccentric, humoristic, and cocky people. So, there is no big difference to another bigger city in that sense. I grew up in the center of Prishtina, on a hill called "Bregu i Diellit" (Sunny Hill). It has a splendid view over Clinton Boulevard, the sports hall, and the odd-looking library, which has been dubbed to be the world's ugliest building, though I must say that taste is somewhat personal. At the time we lived in a small house, a little modest and spartan, but it was a friendly spot in peaceful times. This feeling came soon to be replaced by the horrors which marked the end of the 20th century, and which was the reason we had to move to Sweden. As a kid, I used to walk around the neighborhood and meet friends and hook up with girls, nevertheless, I had no friend I could call a close one. I instead used to go to the area's school to meet and play with the others, the older ones, as I was only a couple of years old. They seemed so brutally cool and funny to hang out with, but I had nothing special to offer, which I felt was required for a hard-demanded acceptance. One day my father bought some marbles for me, in different sizes and colors. From morning to evening, I used to be in our backyard, just training on precision, aiming to be the best in the area, as is usual for me to behave like. As the days progressed, I finally felt the extra heartbeat which convinced me that I was the winner in the schoolyard. Full of confidence for the victory, yet with shyness towards the "elders", I waited for the break of the classes when all rushed out to their favorite plays. One by one, their marbles came into my possession. I don't know how others play "kilikera" (Albanian for the game), but we used to win the other's balls if we hit the hole. Or more exactly, first, you had to, just like in golf, shoot the ball in a small hole dug in the ground, and the one who reached it first got the opportunity to hit the opponent's ball, and if doing so that one wone the other one's ball. Stop thinking stupid thoughts, please. Of course, I won all of theirs and had now a big bag full of those funny and peculiar glass things. My opponents were three others, going to 4:th grade, but in their loss, they seemed smaller than I at that time. Not in me being a "bad winner", but they as being the "sore losers". They threatened me with a beating if I didn't hand over mine and their balls back. I just took off and started running, so fast that I forgot to look where I was heading, having the three ones thrusting their anger at my back. We ran by our house and down the boulevard and into the main center and the crowded, busy areas of Prishtina. "Who are these folks", I remember asking myself, as the looser friends now also had lost my tracks and I could breathe out again. I remember this kindergarten, with big windows and beautiful teachers, always with wide smiles and vicinity towards the boys and girls playing inside. "Why can't I go to a place like this?", was my huge question and quest in life. That was the exact moment that I knew that studies were the only way to friends and a good future, me only being about 6 of age. From there on it became a dream to graduate. Beside a fountain, an old man was smoking cigarettes and just like me looking at all the people in their stressy routines, just "being himself" it seemed like to me.
- Do you know where my house is?
- What's the address, young boy?
I didn't know the name of the street but the area's name was catchy.
- I don't know but it is on "Bregu i diellit".
- It's just a couple of hundred meters straight ahead, he directed me.
I went back home with a smile and longing for my mother's warm welcomings and caresses, as always when I came back from my adventures. But she also has these embarrassing sides. One time I got a haircut. She simply took a bowl, put it on my head, used it as a template, and made me look like a medieval monk, now making it more difficult to get to know friends. Or so I thought. Many saw it as a cool look, and I'm not saying I had a play in it, but this style came to be the mark of the next decade and the popular look for pop music boys of the 90s.
I used to love summers in Rudina or Rudica, in our countryside, where we had the rivers to bathe in, the blooming fields to gaze at, the animals, and the adventures. Once I and my cousin got run over by a tractor, driven by his father and my uncle. He died, sadly and his father still has deep marks after that, of course. I survived thanks to a Serb and our neighbor Dimsha. He was the only one with a car at that moment, and he drew me straight to the hospital. Another time, my female cousins asked my mother if they could take me for a play around the lands. They liked my looks, something like an albino. We went to a deserted well where we used to watch frogs. Playing with frogs was my and my sister Majlinda's favorite game on rainy days. We ironically compared them and argued who had the most beautiful one. An inherited trait it might be. I once saw my daughter Mira picking up frogs, without being scared or disgusted, during our walks around Glänninge sjö (Laholm's small city lake), when she was only 3 years old having a cute pink beret and squeezing those tiny lives with gentleness. It was there I realized why we in midsummer in Sweden dance like frogs.
- Look at the frogs, Fatmir, look at the frogs, they said while trying to show them swimming down there in the wide and deep well which was used to water the crop.
Suddenly one of them lost grip and made me fall into the water. Had it not been for the uncle who accidentally killed his son and almost killed me, I wouldn't still be breathing and writing. The cousins screamed for help, and the only one around was Jashari. He ran as crazy, threw a bucket in but missed, threw it again but missed me again, yet a third time, and this time it hit right,- I got fished up. We also used to swim a lot in the two rivers, and one time a big stream hit my ears from both sides which gave me an ear infection, almost leading to deafness. On 1 May, we played Nazis and Partisans, in contrast to Cowboys and Indians, as normal children did. We also had to parade in uniforms and hail Communism. There's so much to tell about this wonderful place, with robes of tragedy and a walk of pride & joy, but I leave it for now.
Once I was at the city museum of Prishtina to see an exhibition of WW2. I remember it as being today. A big poster hung on the front wall, showing Adolf Hitler leading hundreds of people in a march. The Swastika was in the top foreground, giving a very powerful impression of the leader who I thought was a king or something similar. I actually enjoyed the tour but felt sorry for the humans around who seemed unaware and sad about the incidents. The people shown were dead or dying and seeing my lands being in the struggle itself by those similar to the evil embodied, I became scared of grownups and sad for my people and country.
I also remember me and my father going to our ancestor's "Kulla" (fortified buildings, some as old as 400 years, built when Prekë's mosque was built at the start of the 1600s, according to the inscription on it upon its completion) in Isniqi. There used to be over 600 of them around the area, but during the war between 1998 and 1999, most were deliberately bombarded and destroyed. Now only around 50 exist, which were rebuilt by Sweden (maybe because of the name similarity to Pippi Longstocking's villa called "Villa Ville Kulla" in the story by Astrid Lindgren). Still, after more than almost 150 years after Beqir moved from there to Rudi's village, they and we on important occasions, such as weddings, births, or burials, meet together. There, in the damp rooms of stone, called "Odë e burrave" (the hall of "men",- a title not based on the actual gender but prestige gained by honorable acts and wise sayings - my aunt Ziza is a "burrë", man. Actually a sworn virgin) decorated with wood and sheepskin having a sheep sweaty and wild smell, the elder leaders talked wisely. I marveled at their strange ways of weaving wise words, which convinced me that a God is a Creator of us and all. This faith I strangely lost in Sweden, as a child only being around 10 years old. But now I know that we are obliged to understand that there is some stuff that our senses cannot grasp and that it is not a loss to believe - since if there is nothing, we have at least tried, and if there is a greater purpose of our existence, then I win and can meet the God.
Back in Prishtina, or to be more exact nearby in Obiliqi, my father was a teacher of history and literature. After the death of Josip Broz "Tito", the leader of ex-Yugoslavia, Milosevic gained power. In Tito's times, Kosovo got autonomy, having its own constitution, flag, territory, and equal rights in the confederate. But Slobodan Milosevic's politics were much the opposite ones. He held a speech on the fields of the country, commemorating the death or murder of Sultan Murad and the loss of the war between the Ottomans and Balkan lands, which led to Islamic rule for over six centuries. The war of Kosovo was the turning point of the Ottoman occupation, and here the conquest of the rest of Europe began, which has yet to show gratitude to firstly Gjerg Kastrioti a.k.a Skenderbeg, and later to Lekë Dukagjini - the enigma of the Kosovars and North Albanians up to modern times - who defended and hauled this plan of the Turks. Now called Kosova was before called Dardania, then Moesia Superior by Rome, Dugagjini in the Middle Ages, and Kosova by Serbia at the same time. The Turks kept the Albanian name and called it Dukakin Sanjak Vilayet (Dukagjini Administration area, stretching to the city of Gjilan, the eastern border near Prishtina & ancient Ulpiana where Lekë Dukagjini was born), long before the conversion to the Islamic faith. After the battle of Kosovo in the 14th century, the Serb commander Obiliq stabbed Murad to death in his tent. Obiliq is now, by this somewhat cowardly act - to be the national hero of some sort. The successor, his grandson, Mehmed Fatih came then to be remembered as "the conqueror" after laying siege and taking over Constantinople, at that time the seat of the Orthodox church, built by the Thracian/Illyrian Constantine the Great who also converted Rome to follow Jesus Christ. The political climate of the 1990s was now very harsh for minorities of the former union, especially for the Albanians, consisting of up to 92% of Kosova, the others being Romani, Serbs, Goranis (simplified - Catholic or mostly Muslim Serbs), and Boshniaks. An example of this change from wealth and peace was the introduction of an apartheid system, the firing of state employees of Albanian ethnicity, the segregation between Serbs and Albanians, and the killings & imprisonments of protesters of injustice. My father took up the fight and with only five other colleagues he arranged an action in his school. At that time, Albanians were not allowed anymore to learn and teach their own language, and the Serbs had different schedules, in contrast to their contra nationals. So he and his 500+ High school students and colleagues went to classes as usual during the schedule for Serbs, just to be met by police and military.
- Do you want to come to the station or get shot in front of your pupils? the military police cynically asked them.
They were imprisoned and tortured. After my father's loss of his job and his political activities, we had a hard time, least saying. The nail "that closed the coffin" was my earlier ear infection, which the doctors claimed was about to destroy my hearing altogether and so they recommended me to travel to Sweden for treatment. My father sold everything we had, bought a ticket and we came to our friendly country in Scandinavia, on the last week of June 1991. Still, he held famous protests in different cities, and the biggest was the one in Sweden's capital Stockholm. After the war, he finally got to meet Ibrahim Rugova personally, close to the time of Ibrahim's deathbed and the proclamation of the land's freedom from Serb occupation and the sovereignty of the country which Rugova officially called Dardania.
This bus trip took our family almost three days, driving through eastern Europe and closing in to the final destination by going through Germany,- at that time to me only a mythological place.
- So, Germany does exist for real? I asked myself whatching at the Mark Pfennig saying "Deutschland" on it, which my father handed over to me from the exchange after bying ice cream.
Glad to be in my earliest childhood's favorite country, before only being a saga or a fairy tale made for and by grown-ups in my mind (what more can one expect from these confusing times?), I looked around licking the ice cream at the resting place beside "the Autobahn". "When my friends hear about this, they will be so amazed and jealous", I thought to myself not knowing it was going to be a "long time no seen". At last, we arrived in Helsingborg, Scania - Sweden. We moved a lot in the beginning. First to Göteborg (Gothenburg), then to Dalarna and Sälen, Backamo (Uddevalla near Ljungskile and the western Swedish archipelago), then to the Finish in the majority and woody Hyltebruk. Hylte had a strange smell due to the paper mill factory. We compared it as a fart of a cow, breathed by the pigs, and refarted again - stinking stomachturning sourly. In this small city, I had my first Lucid dreaming.
I saw myself being chased by a motorcycle guy with a shotgun. I hid behind some bushes afraid of dying. As he approached me after noticing where my hiding place was, I in my fright somehow realized it was only a dream and with willpower managed to change it into another. It continued by taking me to this endless hall having doors on both sides. They all teased me to open at least one of them, but I just kept marching in the stress and hope of finding the end. A while later, while still continuously walking, I finally got to reach the end door. As soon as I stepped out, an amazing feeling of joy and freedom came over me, as I saw the green trees, breathed the fresh air, and got the light over my face.
Lastly, in 1997 we moved to the place where we live now - amazing Laholm. It is the oldest city of Halland which has been settled since at least the early Iron Age, having mysteries under the ground as above the sky. Laholm is seated beside the river Lagan, and in ancient times it was a central hub since the only crossing of the river was here. Everywhere, there are small hills, the tumuli of the Iron Agers, which we call "the graves of the kings".
I honestly used to be nice as a child. By the time we came to our new city, I had just turned thirteen years old and got new friends, the closest both Swedish and Kosovars, and we were bad boys, in the least. The only three Albanians in seventh grade were me, Patrik, and Pec. Patrik is of Catholic origin. Our families were almost neighbors in Albania & the Dukagjini basin, but we have known each other since Sälen, being around 7 years old at that time in the refugee camp of the Northern Highlands. Burim Peci used to be a wise guy, and during the war, we had our own fight - tagging UÇK (KLA - Kosova's Liberation Army) on every public building. We decided to leave private places free to choose sides in this dreadful war, but the government had to pay for their actions. May we be in peace brothers. And, also, all three are from the same tribes of the Shala, Mertura, & Dukagjini families. For some destined and strange reason, we went to the same class out of six other classes. The things we did, were so funny, yet made the schools almost explode out of rage and main concern. We smoked weed, before even trying alcohol or cigarettes. We stole, fought each other and others, cursed, and simply acted as a no one else had will except for us. One time we were detained, as normal we sneaked into our history teacher Åke Sintring's (a former journalist who made interviews with both the Nobel Peace prize winner Mother Theresa and also Heavyweight champion Muhamed Ali, and more) drawer and took some old tapes with the recording of Hitler's Nuremberg speech. The loudspeakers vibrated through the halls of the school, to the yelling of Adolf, with us standing in a sarcastic give-guard position. There was also a girl with us, I don't remember her name now, and I'm sorry for not writing down everyone and also for telling secrets, which are so obvious - actually, also to our cannabis fascist Police chief as most probably would put me in jail for just showing off. To this day it is a mystery why that girl was detained with us three, as she was smart, studied a lot, and was most of the time quiet and friendly to all. Her expression while looking at us being silly said it all - "Is this normal or is the world upside down?", I assume she might have thought to herself. Boring it was, indeed, to guard the empty school at that time. So, we decided quickly to investigate the neighboring classroom for the "special needs kids with disabilities". Here we sat on their wheelchairs and started racing against each other, to the sound of the frantic "Sieg Heils" from the Nazis through the halls. We had just repeated the teasing conquest of social outcasts, similar to what Jesse Owens did in the Olympic Games of 1936 in Berlin. Åke Sintring had a bad taste for Nazism, he really really despised that narrow-minded ideology and another funny story about this is in class while handing out the corrected essays about WW2. Me and a guy, Sebastian Knutsson, were previously sitting in the library studying for the paper. Secretly he, I of course conclude, had written a Swastica on every page of my work.
- WHAT IS THIS, Fatmir! Åke yelled at me while smashing the paper on my desk and turning every page to show me his worst nightmare.
At first, I thought the anger came from me writing about a theory I and Sebastian previously had discussed together - that Adolf Hitler's mother had Jewish ancestry, making the ambition of the Nazis somewhat suspicious. Maybe Hitler was conspiring to give Israelis a country by giving Europe guilt after the holocaust, or something? But it sure wasn't that theory that the concerns were about, of course.
- I.. I.. It wasn't me, I didn't do it!
I wonder what this man thought about us after all of this strange stuff, which seemed we were having plans to chase Jews down the corridors of power, repeating history. My idea of all that happened then is simple. It's inspired by a dream, of course. Hitler didn't like to labor. His ambition was to become a renowned artist. And he never went along with females, as we now understand. To have a wife he needed power and the ambition was to overturn Communism, which inspired many contemporary Jews, according to Nazis. As a "media gay", he was talented in artistry, grasping the attention of desperation by trying to turn it from powerlessness and loneliness to "victory" and glory for the German people. Eva Braun was thus his prize. How could his "megalomaniac" persona cope with being ordinary while keeping such a gem, without it being stolen by some huge thieves, he must have reasoned with his "I"? He also must have felt the Allies’ presence as a "cockblock", as they approached the bunker where "the two love adlers" embraced one another and Adolf gave her the last kiss while cocking the famous luger which echoed to the heartbreak of Braun, or more probably the release of "the brown", as they both fell into each other's arms and the director behind the camera guy (in their head), in this melodramatic yet obscure love scene, shouted: "Cut - that's the perfect ending". Adolf Hitler was before the cock in "the chicken coop" and now the Germans faced losing face through the defeat of the Axis powers by the power of the war ax. But he loved Eva, sincerely. How is this possible, one might ask? Just think about it. Historians try to deduce these horrific incidents by pointing to madness, hypnosis, evil, ideology, hate, etc,- and there are hundreds yet more of these limitary and, most of the time, subjective theses,- while simply seen, it was destined by the God for the Israelis to recieve the land of the Palestinians, and also then to test how we all act - that's the big pic to contemplate! So naturally, as there are stars above, there are countless reasons for all actions that happened then, and also in life, generally speaking. This is now, of course, only my personal theory regarding WWII and how it came to happen. As said, I saw all this in one dreadful and heartbreaking dream, and now, who wants to know those of mine? Therefore, we all need responsibility.
After school, we had a gang, other than the three of us,- Lot, Sabri, Love, "Sumiqi", Mirza, Asmir "Asse", Elmir (who now has settled and has it straight for himself as far as we know), and others. Laholm is to some degree known for weed. It has been grown here forever, and by some, it is also thought that the word "cannabis" actually derives from here, since "the father of botanists" Carl von Linneaus' disciple Per Osbeck lived and died in Laholm municipality. He was a citrus expert and traveled to Kina, among other places. This is the reason why some argue that his theory of cannabis originating from Kina or the Himalayas also led to Linneaus naming it after the Latinized word "cannabis" after hearing the word "kanop" (meaning rope), among Balkan hemp growers. Still, others argue that the word itself is much older and has always been associated with ropes anyway. The word for rope in Albanian is for example "kanop", which was mostly made out of hemp due to its strong fibers and easy growing. But, Laholm was also the first town in Sweden that the EU allowed to grow industrial hemp, making way for other farmers as well. One time we had taken some hemp, from the fields, and sold it as "good shit", which now thinking about it actually was. Martin, with my blood, forgive me now, I am so sorry for 100% brother, "kompis". This is what many do here, grow weed and smoke it all day long, but still have the normal "svenneliv".
The place is marvelous with the only bigger hill until one reaches the mountains of Scandinavia some 1000 km to the north. If one travels from Malmö, Scania to Halland, one gets to see the municipality from a high altitude - the 300+ meter high hill named "Hallandssåsen". Other than this, South Sweden is flat like the palm of a hand or the sea of this city. The western area has the longest sand beach in the country, with a beautiful half-moon-looking bay. It's the perfect area for us originally from North Albania and landlocked Kosova.
But due to my misconduct, I almost failed to graduate from Junior High School - "junior high" is the keyword. "Aim for the stars and you might reach the tree tops", Inga my class leader as a cliche once said. I had never heard that saying before and thought it was meant for me only.
- Hey you, what's your name?
- Me?
- Yes, you, come here, my biology teacher urged me.
- You have been to class only one time this semester, and if you wish I can give you a chance to pass the class, by making a test, he said to me with understanding.
The school board and teachers had gathered to straighten "Padde", me, and Pec so we could find a good future. All of us somehow managed. I had exactly, and only, one point above the requirement to be approved for that test in biology. I remember it was around in ten subjects that I risked failing, but just in 4 months, we accomplished what most in that stressed situation wouldn't even give a chance to do. When we finally had to choose for Gymnasiet, I fell in love at first sight. In the brochure, I saw: "Read media and try different ways to communicate and have fun at the same time". I have never felt it with a lady or someone else, but am sure "Love at first sight" exists as a phenomenon due to this. Media with Journalism, it had to be for me! Sweden has a system for Gymnasiet, which could roughly be translated as High School. Here students choose among different subjects to gain experience and knowledge. It can be related to Social sciences, Health care, Media, Vehicles, Electricity, Production & Industries, etc.,- where some lead to a guarantee for employment in that sector after graduation, while others are more as a preparation for University studies. This marked a new chapter for me as an honest person aiming to become "someone". Some of my old friends and acquaintances are either buried, in prison, or alone in their abuse. Others are thriving with family, careers, and friendship, of course.
One doesn't need to be perfect at handling words to become a writer. Without a story, it doesn't matter how good you tell them. "Empty barrels make the biggest sound", they say. So many lives are wasted on dumb stuff and many people are left behind others. I say: "But, if empty barrels are used for drumming, they are awaking, and the best of beats and rhythms comes from the joyful heart". But this kind of storyteeling would with certainty be called "mallgroda" (model/template frog) in Sweden, simply being "as a high hat" of writings. By the way, Laholm sucks, all!!
Date & Place: 2003 - 2005, In India, Stockholm & Laholm, Sweden
Text: "Firesoul"
My first encounter with the metaphysics, or once apon a time in Asia
After "Gymnasiet" and my Journalism studies there, I applied to the University, specifically the Journalistic Program in Huddinge, Stockholm. For some reason, the start of the program was in the spring semester. So, me and a friend, who also faced the same 6-month gap, had both worked and saved money and decided during a basketball game to travel before the studies. Our first idea was to go to Ibiza. But, after a hectic teenage life, we were a little fed up with parties and stuff and decided to rethink. Papua New Guinea also came to our minds, but that was of course too far-fetched and also too expensive. Then, as lightning on a clear day, the third idea ultimately became the choice. During the end days of the trip to India, we found ourselves in the town of Pushkar, Rajasthani desert, in the northwestern region. The city is famous, mostly for its Brahma temple, which is said to be the only one dedicated to him in all of India. Brahma is the creator of all, according to most traditions in this very spiritually renowned country. Anyway, one day while sightseeing along the center lake (which operates like the main square and is the religious sacrificial area, having "Gaths" for prayer or other spiritual rituals), I met a street vendor who sold me a Shivalinga. A Shivalinga is, as many times said, a "phallic altar" used during worship of Shiva, and is available in different sizes. He is thought to be the destroying power of creation and he is also described as one riding a bull (Nandi), having a trident as a symbol, and the Ganges River flowing from his head, and he is assumed to generate a sexual force, hence the "phallic altar" which is connected to him. The following I found when I recently studied the Shiva Purana: "Just as Shiva's energy is considered the greatest of all goddesses so the earthly phallic emblem of Shiva is spoken of as the most excellent of all". The altar depicts a penis (lingam) in a vagina (yoni). Shivaits pours milk on the Lingam running down the Yoni, which finally runs down on the ground, to symbolize fertility. To me, it seemed suspicious, that someone randomly wanted to sell an altar. I saw that the linga was much older than the others I'd seen, and it had green algae around its circumference. The linga was actually a sacrifice, being sold for a small money to a tourist, my mind came to realize. People offer everything from food, money, jewelry, flowers, and similar objects to gods by throwing them into the center lake. Then, there are unfortunately those others who like to follow them by diving into the water, taking whatever out of value that can be found, and selling them forward.
The same night I dreamed that I met the owner of the altar, who wanted it back as someone had sacrificed it to him in the Pushkar Lake. Then, Shiva danced in my dream with red and furious eyes, in the dark of the empty space saying:
That Yoni-Linga was sacrificed to me and I want it back. If you don't return it, I will destroy your life"
The dance got more and more furious, and while dancing he slowly moved backward until completely disappearing. Instead, from out of the dark void, I heard a quiet voice that simultaneously took my soul to the most mysterious places in the Universe. The angel told me that the only worthy of belief was the Creator. "He is the God of Islam", he continued, and "He promises you a gift if you have faith", the angel ended the dream saying. I saw the stars fall, one by one, the Sun came up and the moon went down, in the dream, and I woke up with a troubled soul, but with a strong will to act. In my mind was:
Are they waiting (who disbelieve) for the Last Time to suddenly to come upon them when they least expect it (- and remorse time is up)?", "Greater is He in His glory, in the heavens and the earth, the Lord Almighty - and far from (the attempts of people) to describe (his essence)", the Quran 43:66,82.
I decided to return the Linga to the lake but strangely enough, I could not find my shoes, so I instead took my friend's slippers and went to the city center lake. When I arrived there, I immediately threw the altar away and turned my feet back toward the hotel. But, again, my soul was troubled. "Oh Shiva, if it really was you last night in my dream claiming the linga, give me back my shoes", I said with a loud voice in the middle of the town, and in English according to my memory. As soon as I entered the hotel's penthouse, one of the hotel workers came up with my shoes and told me that a monkey had just run down with them from the ceiling. Monkeys are thought to be helpers of the divine, in some mythologies, as the one with Hanuman & Rama, who retrieves the healing herbs from the high mountains to heal the wounds and save the life of Lakshmana (Rama's brother). This strange story came to evolve even more, later in Sweden, a story I sometimes get blown out by when contemplating the events, and do believe and follow whatever my God demands, out of my fear of me losing some special opportunities. Many years later the second dream, with the angel, could have come true. God gave me a shooting star as soon as I asked. Nobody, or few believed in me and the wannabe believers assumed that I was worshipping the person Shiva, or was possessed, until a dear female friend, whom I love very much, asked me if I indeed believed in Shiva, due to the incident? Unbelievably enough, I hadn't even prepared myself for such an obvious answer to an interesting and straightforward, but till then absent, question. "Yes, I believe he exists but I don't worship him!", I simply said. How could someone do such an ignorant and really evil thing? Why would I give up my belief in fake wishes?
Just as in the strange coincidence in India, one summer night in 2005, I asked God if He could give me that sign I was promised in the dream with the angel and Shiva in India. "God, if you really exist, give me a shooting star, and so I am going to believe in you forever", I said in Swedish. Lo and behold he gave me a cascade,- a shower of lights brightening the empty dark sky, filling my heart with happiness. The shooting star, or cascade, fell above me at the same moment as my question was over. And as the sparkling stars of the dark and tranquil night, for a moment, seemed festive and formel, and being put there solemnly for me to witness, I placed my forehead on the wet and soft grass,- to me smelling of soil and comfy motherhood. This incident completely changed my mind about my future. Without any preparation, I had officially now signed up to be a reporter in religion. Many would probably instead have asked for a big house or the love of this world, where I just couldn't find any other way to get evidence of the existence of God other than to follow my backbone and intuitive spirit. This led to the biggest tests of my life. I lost the old one and was given a new one. I lost all falseness and found one truth. I lost many companions but found the best friend in the world. I found out that most are being belied and are sleeping. We obviously don't see with the eyes but rather with the inner soul and unfortunately, the unbelievers fumble in the darkness of ignorance because of their sleepy senses but the one searching for the truth will surely find it. I will, display certain circumstances in the squared drama between religious traditions, scientific academies, institutions of society, and tales and show the God's eternal domination:
Blessed be He who has everything in His hand and whose power conquers all!" says the God about himself in Quran 67:1.
Now, becoming a convincial, I began to do my subjective, spiritual, and kind of a Gonzojournalistic research, by digging deeper into who God is and what value of fact and truth religions hold. As I got more familiar with my own path, finding interesting facts surrounding my birth and name, I also got more metaphysically aware and got more inspiration to the understanding of the meaning of existence. During a sub-train trip to the university, I opened the morning paper as usual. There used to be two main free news magazines in the Stockholm Metro, one called "Metro" and the other called "City". Now, I don't remember which of these two I was reading, and it's more peripherical facts anyway, but the contents of that day trembled my body and shook my mind. "The tower of the Stockholm town hall was on fire this night", it said. The Townhall is famous for being the place where the Nobel prizes are handed over and it's an icon and a landmark of Sweden's capital. What's then so interesting about that someone had brought fire upon the three crowns? I had a dream, that very night before, that I saw the tower and its golden crowns being lit by sky-reaching flames. In reality, the fire was actually small, but the emphasis lies more in that I had a vision of this the same time it happened, without knowing it beforehand. I had never before envisioned the future and it was so grasping that I, while reading the news, missed my station and had to take the next sub back. This was the first God-inspired dream I had, after the one with Shiva in India, and this was the terminal of departure into the religious and mystical world, which took my soul to unimaginable places and experiences, so much that I never will return to just being stationed amid stress seeing others travel while wondering where they are going. I have tickets, a passport, and a Guide to my special journey.
Date & Place: 2010 Rudina, Kosova
Text: "Firesoul"
Who are the Shqipetarians in myth and reality then?
A funny and fascinating thought which also is a common red thread throughout this text will be the focus on influential assumed to be Albanian persons, more as a gimmick if not as a lesson of power and speech, and that no one can stop or change the factual truth. So, there is an importance to thus address the emic belief of this nation of our times, in this wast and ethnic and spiritually diverse world in which we live. If I may. We, the Albanians have our own way of calling ourselves. "Shqipetarë", is the word for the "eagle's heir", "the children of the eagle" or "he who has an eagle's gift", which also is the official domestic name for Albanians. We, in addition to the Bosniaks, individuals, and Muslim immigrants, are the only European traditional monotheists. According to a "Shqipë" legend, that looks in many ways in addition to the most common, a young hunter was supposedly in the mountains hunting. He soon came up to the nest of a great black eagle, where it had left her baby bird completely alone with a snake as the eaglet's food, a snake the mother eagle assumed to be dead. The hunter sees the eaglet left out with a threatening snake suddenly attacking the little chick in an attempt to kill it. The hunter intervenes, grabs the snake, and smashes it against the rocks. The eaglet is his, he decides and begins to climb down. At that moment the eagle's mother screamed, asking the hunter to her little baby. The hunter surprised by hearing a flying bird talk, still feels an urge to respond, and warns the eagle. He had earned the chick because she had been uncareful towards it. The eagle, in turn, says that the man was indeed mightier, but that she cared for her young, promising the hunter that he would get the eagle's force and sight with the piercing of the unseen world, speaking the truth (Interpretations, translations and saying what the unseen says is called Shqiptim in modern Albanian), everything which he aims at he will bring down, and his people would see a king and call him "Shqiptarë" if he would just put the tiny chick back in the nest. The man felt compassion and understanding and decided to go along with it. Surely, the eagle's word came to be true, there was nothing that could beat the man. He succeeded in all situations and won wars and in hunting, success was always the outcome for him. The small eaglet, which he once had saved, later grew up and flew over his head throughout its life. His people who saw it all, called him "Shqipetarë", elected him as king, and began following him. This version is one of the more. Others appeared and were told at other times in different places. Although not all Albanians know all the legends, still, they still believe they have "the gift of eagles" or a relationship with the eagles, but also of course to Zoti (the Albanian name for the God). A second Albanian myth is about two eggs instead. Also, this one ends basically in the same manner. This story explains how the Shqipetarë wins a legendary war with the support of two eagles and becomes a leader. A black eagle symbolizes power over death and fear in only one God, and the modern red background means that it has required blood to win and love to believe. Two heads or two bodies close to each other protecting each other's back symbolize the two original tribes Gega & Toska. But of course, it's just an old European hereditary symbol. The double-headed eagle has also been found all across ancient Illyria. There it is believed to have been a cultural and tribal symbol. It was placed in art on for example war shields or in architecture and stone crafts - in contrast to the claim of the anti-Albanians with no knowledge, saying it's only Gjergj Kastrioti's, Skenderberg, family symbol (This Albanian king, born in 1404-1405, was the highest-ranked Ottoman general who was sent to conquer Europe. Riding to Hungary, he instead changed his mind and went back to Arberia. Skenderbeg means Alexander the Great in Turkish & Arabic and his helmet with the two-horned goat is now at a museum in Vienna, Austria to show his significance for European geopolitics. But after his death European countries betrayed the Albanians and would it not have been for the Muslims we would have been a memory of mysteries). The eagle was a coat of arms in many Balkanic states and Arbenitian clans. They used both a single-headed eagle as well as a double-headed dito. In 2008 I dreamed of Iskanderbeg.
In the nightly dream my soul was the battlefield, to become Gjergj Kastrioti's horse, and then to become his sword and then I was a Muslim cut in half by it, and I became his horned helmet and lastly his word, vibrating in the air which I saw:
- This land is mine and it's only for God's chosen people.
Keep in mind that to this day no one has ever worshipped eagles among Shqiptars, as far as known is. The second story, I forgot to say, is about a man who was shunned by his people, after a number of accidents he was accused of, and with ignominy, he lonely and hungry withdrew to the mountains, till he reached an eagle's nest where he found two eggs. After taking the eggs he went on his way down when the eagles suddenly called out for him to stop. He did not listen and continued instead with them, but the eggs were to be returned, had the eagles firmly decided, and shouted again and again. The man listened at last and now strangely he could understand their speech. He got a tip from the eagles - he would not be concerned over food and feel no guilt because of who he was. Just as the rivers carry the fish and food for the eagles, Zoti would carry the promise that the man would be called Shqipetarë and become leader, if he returned the eggs. After the eagle's promise, he succeeds. Among other things, he saves his people against the invading armies, by warning them since he sees them coming beforehand. And so he won the trust back. If these stories are true or not, are out for belief, and some may be and others not - but they tell about situations some strong men in hard times are forced to resolve by following the truthful soft heart and taking care of the earth. While we have the chance we would also like to remind you that man's first word on the moon was not the famous Neil Armstrong speech - "A small step for man but a giant leap for mankind "- but it was actually "The eagle has landed", which they said when their carrier "The Eagle" landed on Moon's surface! The Albanian legends can provide a new angle to the myths of Hellenism, given that they come from the same area and have similarities including the name of God, Zoti in Albanian. Zot is a God in the singular expression, while Zoti means "the God". Two other lesser-used native words for God are Hyji and Përendia (probably from the Proto Indo-European word for God - "Perun"; and "Dia" - Greek and Latin for God. Hyji is an Ancient word for light, star, or guidance - the root of the modern word Yjë or Yll, meaning star,- compare this with the old English "ysle". What postmodern influenced and false sources like certain Wikipedia articles claim, are thesis contradicting themselves. Serb nationalists and their contra-part the Albanian dito tell history as truth is invented. For example, Greek and Serb nationalists say that Illyrian is extinguished while at the same time for example Irish and North Europeans propose that languages such as Norse or Gaelic influenced modern Scandinavian and so on. One linguistic rooky easily finds at least 100 ancient words if you examine modern words in "Shqipë" - Albanian. The Illyrian tongue is indeed long gone, but the same rule applies to all and one must accept that we speak a language influenced by many generations and so to come. Had the biased nationalists known the future, sure enough, the ancient books would have been burnt to convey their ignorance towards Albanians. According to the Albanian consensus, Constantine the Great was from Dardania (ancient Kosova stretching to Naissus, or Nish in Serbian, the third-largest city of the country which was inhabited by more than 50% Albanians and the rest mostly Turks, before the 2000:th century and who were deported slowly to today's Kosovo and the Bosporus making the Serbs a majority by 1980 where there now lives approximately 80-90% Serbs), and had the double-headed eagle as a symbol which also is the symbol of the Orthodox Church. Constantine was the emperor who made the Roman Empire Christian or initiated the process and also created the city of Constantinople - the center of the Byzantine Empire or East Rome and the orthodox church, in what is known as the region of Dardanelles which in ancient times was a Dardanian colony and origin. The God knows best and is a real fact to believe in.
Date & Place: Laholm, Sweden
Text: "Firesoul"
Are we supposed to know all there is to know?
The day I was born was interesting in an Islamic and also a "hadithic perspective". "Hadith" means "stories, speech, discussion, or conversation" in Arabic, a word also mentioned in the Quran many times. In an Islamic context these mostly refer to the "Sunnah" of prophet Muhamed (Muhamed's path), may he rest in peace. In the Quran, the second surah verse 185 says, it is to read that:
To give people guidance, in the month of Ramadhan, the revelation of the Quran started, in which guidance is by which the right can be measured and distinguished from wrong. You who see the New Moon, feast the month out."
The surah is called "Layl al Qadr", which means " the Night of Power", "the Night of Destiny", or also translated as "the Night of Decree" - referring to the night when our lives are believed to be predestined by Allah via His angels. "Layl" means "night" and "Qadr" means "fate" (my midwife's name was Layla, by the way). Furthermore, it states that the down-bringing of the Quran took place during "the Night of Decree" and there is a whole chapter dedicated to this highly expected night, which also is said to be the night that the Prophet Muhamed was initiated to the prophethood and received the first verses and the revelation from the Archangel Gabriel. Surah Layl Al Qadr writes the following:
Verily! We have sent it (this Qur’an) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree)
And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is?)
The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months).)
Therein descend the angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] by Allah’s Permission with all Decrees,)
Peace! (All that night, there is Peace and Goodness from Allah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn.”
Sunni Muslims (those who follow the Sunnah - way) generally argue that this night might occur on the 27th of Ramadhan, while Shia (party supporters of Imam Ali, Muhamed's cousin, adopted son, and the first to become a Muslim) believe that it is the 23rd of the same month. Muhamed is to have said the following when he was asked about the occurrence of the Night of Destiny: "Who of you remembers when the Moon looked like half a bowl?" -///- "Search it in Ramadhan's last ten nights" -///- "Because of a fight between some, about what night it is, I forgot it when I was asked" -///- "After a follower of Islam, asked the Prophet, may he rest in peace, what night the Night of Destiny was, Muhamed said that it was the previous, current or next coming. This conversation took place on 22 Ramadhan!" -///- "The angels told Muhamed that the Night of fate would occur one night with rain, and when the Prophet woke up on the morning of 21st Ramadhan the Mosque had leaked water after a widespread rain during the night", says, for example, Hadith Sahih, Muslim, and Sahih Bukhari. Allah explains in surahs two and three that man never holds his word and that better is not to promise or swear due to the weakness of man, but still a follower of Islam swore that he knew when the night falls and thus many believe it: "I swear by Allah that I know which night it is. It is the night the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, ordered us to observe standing in prayer. It is the night on the eve of the 27th of Ramadhan", says Sahih Muslim. This is the only one Sunni Muslims believe is a "Sahih Hadith" - a confirmed true saying. There are three collections of Hadiths that are believed to be "sahih" - Sahih Muslim, Sahih Bukhari, and Sahih Tirmidhi, authored by these three imams. All of these claim though that the Night of Fate is a night at the end of Ramadhan. The only night the Prophet Muhamed says is possible is one of the last ten, but rarely also sometimes it can occur on another one, eg. on the full moon of Ramadhan (according to Islamic sources, the birth of Prophet Isa, Jesus). Most believers who fast, stay up all the last ten nights in prayer during the month, hoping to find the right night and have their debts forgiven and prayer answered by the God Allah. Two major groups discuss the relevance of the Hadiths. Are they complementary to the Quran or not? Those who claim that they are not, do it based on two or three verses of the Quran, as the surah 77, the last verse: "So what ahadith after this Quran would they believe in?", while those who believe in them do also on the basis of two or three verses: "Follow Muhamed's way", calls the Quran. The stories people had about the Prophet Muhamed were collected and named "Sunah" - "The Prophet's Way". And, many of them were written down 300 years after the Prophet Muhamed's death, may he rest in peace, and some 200 or - 100 years after. But according to the God of Muhamed, everyone's deeds will be weighed, on a big day, including the prophet's himself. But in the end, I aim not to teach about the religion Islam or some other faith, because "the scholars" do it better. According to a dream I've had, my job is rather to send news regarding metaphysics and also to clarify religious misunderstandings.
Those who want blessings in degree, for example, with the Israelis (a people the God probably gave the most gifts to), read the Quran as a basis of understanding and for reconciliation in the religious and ideological conflicts inflicting humans daily. The Quran reminds us to be charitable, follow law and order, and believe. Because, the day of Judgment is knocking on the doors of time, space, and matter, and it will open in a moment without anyone expecting it. And the ones fearing that something bad will happen to them that day, ask Allah for help and call to Him. The believers also ask for spiritual gifts, and some for guidance. Then they ask to be spared from the path they have taken, who don't have Allah's blessings, or who have been affected by his anger. They cry out to the God, bow, and go down with their forehead to the ground, ending while sitting on their knees. In Islam, it is very important to have good hygiene, and before conducting a Salah (the worship ritual), Muslims wash their hands, face, and arms to the elbows, with wet hands wipe their hair, and lastly take on the feet up to the ankles before prayer, as taught in the Quran in surah 5:6. If someone wants to learn this technique, then that person would turn to the one who can, or a mosque and follow the imam. The believers meditate in Allah's holy name - eg. "Al Rahma"n (the most beneficient), "Al Rahim" (the most merciful), "Al Aziz" (the mighty one), "Al Fatir" (the initiator), "Al-Malik" (the King), and so on. There is heated debate on how to correctly perform the rites of prayer. How many times are believers supposed to bow themselves? The Quran reveals all of the rites, and the hadiths give more details, although they most of the time have different statements in between. According to one hadith, it's two times all five prayer times; another says four in all; then there are the usual - 2 (morning prayer), 4 (dinner), 4 (afternoon), 3 (evening), and (4 night), according to Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. But, instead think of it as recited in the verse of surah "Al Isra Al Miraj" which says that man should use their common sense and not pray too loud or too low, and the same applies to the number of bowings, neither too many nor too few, depending on situation and belief. Allah decides between mankind, the situation, and the reason for prayer, so in the end, if not everyone thinks for themselves and uses their common sense, someone will come and teach them as if they were babies. What are hypocrites afraid of? God sees all and helps the believer.
Why do some speculate what Allah, Muhamed, and a few others know regarding Laylatus Qadr, hidden knowledge, the future, or the dreaded Day of Judgment? 1000 months is equal to 84 years, which in turn is the average age of human life. Being born the night of Power, and as mine, a suitable name would in a sense be a miracle, as a story to retell. The Ahadtiths are not followed by all the Muslims. The view of those being added to the religion is shared by some., The group "Submission" and also the group Ismaili, Shia, and Sufi are just some of those who object to obscurities mentioned as true in the Ahadith. Out of those, "Submission" is a group that is very unique in comparison to traditional Islam. Simplified, they want to choose only the Quran as a source of their religious practice. However, it's a marginalized group. Rashad Khalifa was the founder of "Submission", which really is the English word for Islam, which is one among other reasons, why he later was killed in a mosque. He argued, inter alia, that he was a Razul (messenger, Rashad is a form of the word Razul) but not a nabi (prophet) and therefore differed in these two concepts. He was a mathematician and an American scientist, who said that the entire Quran was a mathematical miracle based on numerological occurrences, and further claimed that he had calculated that the world would end in the year 2300 (1777 on the Islamic lunar calendar, speaking of Nostradamus prophecy that Judgment Day will be in a year of many sevens). Some, on the other hand, wouldn't even consider calling themselves a Muslim having no support from Hadiths. They seem to not know the Creator, and instead follow the scriptures in their belief that scholars are wiser and guide to a straight path, as practiced by the ”Salaf” - the first nations after the death of Muhamed, peace and blessings be upon him and may he have good in the afterlife.
Date & Place: 2008 Varberg, Sweden
Text: "Firesoul"
The Judgment day is approaching and God only knows how and when it will happen
No one but the Creator knows when Judgment Day occurs but be prepared that it's always getting nearer. But in a dream I've had, the God had a measuring stick with dates instead of lengths inscribed, and a lever that could be moved up and down on the scale and asked me when I believed it would occur. I placed the lever at the numbers around the year 2300. He said: "It could come later or earlier". Why so much "hush-hush" surrounding the idea of the End Day? My theories: 1. To show His power of knowing the unseen, 2. To test humans; if the exact date was, we could do exactly what we wanted and just at the right moment ask for forgiveness and repent. Isn't God the Most Forgiving of all? 3. Life is a game, having specific rules and destinies, which are meant to be followed. If we knew the predestined beforehand things would be meaningless, like a game result spoiler. I factually don't know the precise time of this Day. It's impossible to be exact about time and space, except for Him who knows the secrets of the hearts. The reason I believe it's going to happen around the year 2300 is not because of some foretelling, scientific research, what Hindu scriptures, or believers calculate. I rather think that the rapid development of technology and knowledge is limitless, not to mention the dream I just told. If we continue in this way to discover new facts and invent and innovate technology, maybe we will come so far that we either will come up with an idea of how to be immortal or how to reach the metaphysical realm or at least be very near to this. So, in each case, I don't think that the God will let such a thing happen, ever. Instead, He will initiate the destruction of everything before letting us do what we want. The tree of life is mentioned in the Quran as "the tree of immortality" (not "the tree of knowledge", in contrast to the Bible) and it's the tree, Adam and Eve, are believed to have eaten from, without permission. Everything man does, is always an implicit expression of the strive to be indestructible and never die, or what else would be the ultimate ambition? But since we've come so far, we could just believe in Him and He will give us what we need and transform our existence into an eternal gift of bliss, or contrary, give us respite before showing who has the real knowledge and power of the material realm. Muhamed was given a revelation initiated on a blessed night, Laylatul Qadr - the night of predestination, whose occurrence no one knows except my Lord, to tell us how to be morally high and which eternal rules to abide, to reach the goodness of Paradise and not the eternal torment of Hell. About Muhamed, the Quran says the following:
In the name of God, The Merciful, The Compassionate,
Y.S. (Ya Sin - the Arabic alphabet is mentioned initially in the Quran, to learn how to read it)
And the Quran is full of wisdom
Surely, you are one of the messengers.
On a straight path.
This revelation is from the Almighty, Most Merciful.
To warn people whose parents never have been warned, and therefore are unaware.
It is predetermined that most of them do not believe."
Although my birthday finally will be revealed in conjunction with when time has passed altogether, my birthday is still interesting to take up, as everyone is born as I am, but in their particular and fascinating way. John the Baptist's birth, according to Christian history, is said to be the first Sunday around the Summer Solstice, while in the past it always occurred at that time and is held in some countries during the Summer Solstice and this thus represents the Sun and fortune, or luck. Man is on a test site where there formerly existed dinosaurs (dragons), other humanoids, and much more, but as I said much is a mystery. According to Islam, God sent the Torah to Moses during the sixth or seventh day in the month of Ramadhan on Mount Sinai, and according to the Jews, it was done during Shavuot when a feast is celebrated around seven weeks after Easter and is called Pentecost, in Christianity on June 7. Religion and text are apparently inseparable and having an intimate link to the rituals and myths, they can't be dissolved of their unity. Religions also form a sense of close bond in many social groups and are a vital part of man's common history. Thus the concept of religion must be very important and valuable to man, as it was remembered and written down by several hundreds of generations continuously.
Date & Place: To all existence and times
Text: "Firesoul"
What place the Quran has in existence in comparison to its contrarities
The book that to my understanding has meant the most to the modern world, from both a religious perspective and profane, is the Quran. It tries to preserve the texts, myths, and history of other religious traditions in the same book. The Biblical books are more or less confirmed in the Quran and for this and other reasons, the Bible thus lives to this day. The Quran is a diverse book, which in simple narratives explores myth and tradition. Some stories are of European origin, yet others may be African, Asian, or American as well, of course. Some stories tell about the concept of birth & afterlife, perishability & eternity, morals & ethics, exploring marvels or miracles. Such a story is the one of "Dhul Qarnain" - the king with two horns, led by God, and who conquered the east where extremely sunburned lived, and the West where the sea was thick and built a protective wall of blocks and iron to a nation at a mountain pass against the northern tribes of Yajuj & Majuj, which, according to the King will fall and with that will also mark the Day of Judgment. That is an event preceded by a sudden attack from, all sides, and swiftly and briefly the tribes are believed to conquered Earth. Some are in the thrill of interpreting all they come across. An idea is thus, that Yajuj & Majuj are a people in the north of the empires, mentioned as Gog & Magog in the Bible as being part of the "Al Rush" region. It could be just a fantasy story, but to Muslims, Dhul Qarnain is a reality to contemplate. He was up till recent times, in consensus, believed to be Alexander the Great. He is often portrayed with two ram horns, which besides was a common symbol of the kings of Pelasgians. However, many Iranian scholars tend to, for obvious historical facts, dismiss the notion of him being Alexander. Instead, claims of him being an Arabic, Assyrian, or Persian king, are laid. Others also argue if it is Buddha or some Middle Eastern conqueror. Honestly, a conquering King being Buddha seems a little on the illogical assumptive side. The main reason for modern Islamic scholars tending to dismiss the theory of him being Alexander, though having so many resemblances with each other, is the ignorant claim he was a polytheist, although there is no evidence of him being that. What we know is that he only spread Hellenism with its philosophy, science, architecture, mathematics, state governing, etc. He went East, into hot India, and west seeing the thick Mediterranean sea, and built a unique wall, with brick and copper at a Caucasian pass, called "the Gates of Alexander", and unified the old nations under his embracing rule. In fact, his teacher and one of his closest friends - Aristotle - is famous for his Monism and belief in one God above all, which he called "Theos", meaning "the God", and he is also famous for not believing in superstition as well, something the modern metaphysical philosopher McIntyre strongly argues and is renowned for, not to mention the medieval Islamic philosopher Ibn Rushd, the rest and earlier Muslim scholars as well, who regarded themselves as Aristotelian. The ones who also reintroduced the ancient text to us. Aristotle could be called a "Theist" - a believer in God - but not so much a religious person, in the sense of organization or the concept of an Abrahamic monotheism, thou seeing and emphasizing its importance in ethics and morals. Alexander is in Judaic tradition one, if not the only, foreign ruler the Jews joyfully embraced and accepted, although the same can't be said about Alexander's successors - the Seleucids - whose descends were from the Macedonians and ruled until the Roman conquest. In Jewish history, Alexander was believed to be a Monotheist who was sent from JHWH and who interpreted the Tanakh and retold it to his men. In Islamic tradition, Muhamed got the revelation of Dhul Qarnain during a test from the Jewish Rabbis who asked him to retell the story of this ruler, who had traveled to the West and the East. Prophet Muhamad thus recounted his version and recited the verses of Dhul Qarnain. In the same chapter, the nineteenth "The Cave", the story of Moses' companion, the immortal green man "Khider" is also narrated, not to neglect the mysterious myth of "The Seventh Sleeper". These stories have one interesting common thread - eternity. Alexander was, according to "The Alexander Romances", looking for Khidr, who had found "the Well of Youth". In the Quran Khidr lowers a ship at a dock, kills a youth, and rebuilds a wall without payment, to Moses' confused and furious mind and expressions, with the explanation that he only rescued the sailors against a pirate king who killed and seized ships and that the dead youth's family would be replaced by a better son by God, as that killed youngster was about to do something evil against "pears", and the wall he built he did, without Mosies noticing it, to dig up a treasure which a father had hidden prior to his death and which now, of course, belonged to orphans. Everything he did without needing to know why, and explains to Moses that some things can not be seen. Then, there is the story about the young fellowship and their dog who escaped their society and its decay, hid in a cave, fell asleep, and were resurrected by God after 300 plus 9 years (300 solar years is equal to 309 lunar years). These are of course not counted into the genuine group messengers called Prophets, rather they are, for a specific task, period, or another number of reasons, chosen holy persons and many times also bringing important contemporary messages, whose life is the key. Prophets on the other hand are those who prophesize or have thus revelations and visions from God, sent one after another in a certain fated pattern. The Quran mentions about 25 prophets by name, and some without, but they referred to for example in forms as "the prophet who did Saul/Talut/Taul & David as kings", which is Samuel in the Bible, etc., (sometimes, God has also sent 300 or more or less at once, others were murdered and others mentioned in other books and have reference there). The Quran is thought of being complete and coherent. It also rhymes, and so should preferably be recited (although normal reading can be done) in entirety in Arabic, to grasp the message in its own way. The verses of the Quran cover and repeat everything that has been said, simply, and a contradiction in that would automatically imply a contradiction to everything else, even in the Bible, as the objective is to reach the same God.
This is the Book (the Qur’ân), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqûn [the pious believers of Islamic Monotheism who fear Allâh much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allâh much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)].
Who believe in the Ghaib 1 and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât),2 and spend out of what We have provided for them [i.e. give Zakât 3, spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, etc., and also give charity to the poor and also in Allâh’s Cause - Jihâd]. And who believe in (the Qur’ân and the Sunnah )1 which has been sent down (revealed) to you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) and in that which was sent down before you [the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell).
They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful.
Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.”, Quran, Surah 2:1-5.
In total, the Quran mentions 99 of the names of God, but there are more of course, and when Jesus returns from heaven and Muhamed's successor frees the world the other names are to be revealed (according to hadith, it is the Al Mahdi to be called Muhamed, Ahmed or both, and maybe even Jesus (is not a prophet as Muhamed is considered the last prophet.
Muḥammad is not the father of any of your men, but is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things", Quran Surah 33:40.
Mahdi, together with Jesus, shall restore peace on Earth and defeat Antichrist. Strange occurrences shall appear, where one year will feel like a day, and the World is plunged into chaotic warfare and natural disasters. According to the 27th chapter, verses 82-88, a creature created from Earth, a being which by most Muslims is believed to be a flying dragon:
At the right time, we will be producing for them a creature, made of earthly materials, declaring what the people are not certain about in our revelations", says surah 27.
Islam teaches that their religion preaches the pure and original one and that all really are Muslims but that they have not realized it yet, and thus the majority deny that they may have gained knowledge from Muhamed. Allah says in the Quran that He accepts no other forms of religion other than Islam. So, why do not people wit, like those in the city of Nineveh?
The Arabic Quran, like all other records, should be read in the original language. As the Quran is very empirically inspiring, it contributed to the creation of a major technical and philosophical development in both Islamic countries and Europe. Islam developed the Arab political power significantly and for Europe, it meant that the former ancient scriptures from for example Aristotle and Plato, for the first time were translated into Arabic and from Arabic into Latin. I've been using a lot of references from old sources such as Herodotus, and Homer (historians are not sure if it's a person or if the word means "Isles of man" in ancient Greek, thus it could be that the real names are the Iliad and Odyssey of the Isles of man), The Bible or Septuagint, Theogonia, The Aeneid, and so on. But are they mythologically and historically factual? The thing is that there are no original manuscripts that survived up to our days, so all these "Ancient texts" were actually written during the Middle Ages, by Christian monks who got copies from somewhere and which today are lost. The oldest Iliad is for example "Venetus A", written around the year 1000 AD. There are almost no original manuscripts from these times and yet we hold them as being that, even though these manuscripts have in much later times been transcribed. if one studies the language used, one easily see that they seem to be written with words from ancient types of Greek, Roman, Babylonian, and so on, meaning that the Medieval transcribers did a fair job in this, while knowing ancient tongues and myths. Most of the ancient books and stories were actually recited and some were sung or had at least an oral origin. Some of the best examples in modern times are the Iliad and the Odyssey. I suggest looking into this topic of the origins of ancient books more thoroughly in other sources. There is always a problem, though, with transcribing old texts. One must take into consideration language, typography, alphabets, meaning, and unknown words, not to mention that many of the manuscripts usually are damaged and therefore the gaps are filled with assumptions and corrections to what they could originally have said. Arabic concepts, such as mathematics, chemistry, and algebra, were incorporated into European languages and Sciences. This, and the Islamic translations of the ancient books, are some of the other key factors of the revolution, the people began in the late Middle Ages in the 1500s in the majority of Christian Europe, the other being "The Printing Revolution". The Church in Rome studied these books and considered them to be inspired by God. They studied the texts and had branches that later led to Alchemy (through Magic or metaphysics, refining or creating chemical substances, such as gold & silver, a regular chore for magicians in the Middle Ages) and a Christian form of astrology. Few could read and write at the time, and the process of the Renaissance took longer than necessary. Even in India, Veda traditionally was recited orally in the belief that it was a revealed text, so-called "Shruti" tradition, unlike the human recorded "Smrta" (remembered, accessible to laymen and general), where the books of Purana are being incorporated, but written nonetheless down in four collections. Veda has indeed been an inspiration to other holy Hindu books. In the Bhagavata Purana, one can read about Vishnu's avatars, and, according to this memorandum, Vishnu says that he has been somewhat young/small, a fish, a turtle, an eagle, a lion, the dwarf king, a shepherd, the enlightened, to one day return to Earth as a ruler when religion wanes and society is close to collapse. He comes as Kalki, with a comet-looking sword to remove the dirt. Kalkin will be born in the village or Kingdom of "Shambala" (in Buddhism, "Shambala" is a paradise surrounded by mountains), as a Brahman and is going to be a fighter against demons and in the end, restore the original doctrine:
Then in the twilight of the Kali age, when kings will be robbers, this protector of the world will be born of vishnuyashas under the name Kalki", Bhagavata Purana, vol I chapter 3, verse 25. "When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma, and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon earth: he will be born in the family of Vishnuyas'as, an eminent Brahman of Shambhala village, as Kalki, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. By his irresistible might he will destroy all the Mlechchhas and thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to iniquity. He will then reestablish righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, or age of purity. As it is said; "When the Sun and Moon, and the lunar asterism Tishya, and the planet Jupiter, are in one mansion, the Krita age shall return", Vishnu Purana chapter 24.
Perhaps the Purana speaks about the Hindu god Brahma, or a man, what do I know, I am not a Hindu, but I do not think God is born, as it is against my belief, Islam. The Quran says, surah 112:
Say: 'He is Allâh, (the) One.'
'Allâh-us-Samad (السيد الذي يصمد إليه في الحاجات) [Allâh the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, (He neither eats nor drinks)].'
'He begets not, nor was He begotten.'
'And there is none equal to Him'"
Incarnation may be possible only if a God intends it so (for example incarnate love as a human person or if Satan regrets he could become a human to pay his debts), but reincarnation is not logical if the World is a test and if there is a punishment & reward (or how would man learn to be good if life wasn’t only for once in physics and a second in the hereafter, with no end, argues those who hold fast the unrepeatable-life idea? And, can eternity exist if there is no temporality, meaning an eternal and cyclic world by itself seems irrational and contradicts the dualistic creation? Eternity and temporality are mind-puzzling states indeed). Kali is an alleged female idol and according to some traditions associated with death and destruction, which have been named the last of the four ages in Hinduism. Kalki is a name that is also associated with time or fate, from the word's root which means time and calculation. Again, in the forme cited verse, it is mentioned that during the "Dwarpa age", the Vedas were created, which are also the years of the Aryan time (3700 years ago, being among the first if not the first man-made scripture which sadly enough is not complete and also edited a lot later). It is further said that Kalki will be born, greatly enough in the same month as I (according to the North Indian lunar calendar) under the name of "Shri Vera Dharma Kalki", either in April or June (Vishnu is associated with the Sun and descend to Earth when the Sun has its main point - 21 June). Even Krshna is associated with time: "I am also the tireless time", Krshna says in the Bhagavad Gita at 10:34. Mahamaya, Buddha's mother, dreamed of him being conceived during the Midsummer festive. Then also, Kalki is said to perform a horse sacrifice to succeed. Moreover, it was customary to sacrifice horses in the region from Iran to Bangladesh.
Zoroastrianism is a religion that, although having followers being persecuted, still lives today, mostly in Iran and in Western India. They believe that "Zarathustra" was a prophet and who will return on Judgment Day, flying on a white horse with wings. They also believe that "Ahura Mazda" is the Creator and the name of God and that this religion is among the first if not the first living monotheistic religion, and Zarathustra has also received epithets as the first monotheist. Their book is called Zend Avesta and is a form of a hymn written by Zarathustra, describing a struggle between good and evil, which also is the foundation of this tradition. It originated in Persia, today's Iran, several thousand years ago. Zoroastrianism's sacred symbols are commonly the Sun disk and a God named "Deava" like the Hindu word "Deva" (meaning a god), and even in the early Iranian religion someone with the same name and character like the Vedic heaven Indra, is mentioned. Some believe that Zoroastrianism is a form of Aryan religion. The Aryans moved across the world and lived near Persia, so it may be a fact. When the Aryans later left India and crossed over Himavat or the Himalayas, they came to a desert (could be the Gobi or the Takla Makan). The rest of the Aryans (the lower casts, since only the Pandu brothers remained from the warriors and had previously died, and also one of them, Yudhishthira, alive taken up to the sky by UFO) migrated towards all of the Earth. Veda divides Indians into two parts - "Arya" and "Dasa". Arya is shown as bright as the Sun, meaning noble. That might mean that the others were white Sudras (lower Aryans dealing with pastoralism and agriculture) of Aryan origins. Today's Slavic people and descendants of Europeans, have some historical and genetical association with these ancient cultures and nations, the so-called Indo-European. The word "Bhaga" turns up frequently in the Vedas, meaning supreme God, and is also the name of God in most of the Slavic languages where it is pronounced the same but written as "Boga" or "Baga". In Yajurveda, it is mentioned that the Sudra and Arya were created and their master was night respectively day, according to the Black Yajurveda, and the white one says that night and the day became their consorts. This means that the origin of the Sudras was a dark-skinned ethnicity (those without protection from the Sun) and the Aryans were as light as day. That night and the day became their masters means that they are believed to be subjected to this fact. Think about this:
That precious discus, which was with the high-souled Krishna, has disappeared (from the world). When the time again comes, it will come back into his hands", says the Mahabharata episode 17 chapter 1.
A month's exact length is approximately 29.5 days. As we all are familiar with, of course, twelve months form a year, which is 354 days. The Sun calendar, on the other hand, was historically used to calculate the time during the day, and the seasons. It takes 34 years (which, incidentally, is a human generation and further the age the love pairs have in Heaven) for the seasons/season year to meet with the lunar year so that each month falls in the same position where it started, the same age as the inhabitants of Jannah, the Garden of Eden, have.
Whether these powers, predictions, or occurrences are real or not, the God should still be the only reference point and the focus. All indications point to these occurrences, stem for me from God's will. These relationships, I found out about afterward through various religious websites, calendars, and texts.
He gave me His sign in the sky and then in a divinely inspired dream, I was also blessed to be called Fat'h, whose significance means victory, and it does not matter if it really was "Layl'at ul Qader" or not. You should have faith in the Almighty God. As you may see, the story and my personality form a kind of link, symbol, or sign to describe how everyone's power, imagination, or rather God, will one day be revealed, The One who should be listened to. The Quran teaches that:
His are the perfectioned and beautiful names; everyone and everything in the heavens and the earth glorify Him - He is the Almighty, the Wise", -///- "The legacy of the heavens and the earth shall accrue to God", Quran 3:180, 59:24.
In the autumn of 2007, I and two acquaintances went to a deserted place, where I talked about the evening I had the sign from God. One replied, as afflicted by Icarus-like hubris, by saying that he had never seen a shooting star in all his life when a comet suddenly entered the atmosphere and burned up a few hundred yards in front of us, and almost hit us. He did not want to believe and see how odd it became. Survivals are those who fight against evil and falseness. God is The Truth, and my only Guide in this short existence. He, the God gives everyone a new "shot" to understand a become good, I believe. Be thus humble and respect your life and others’, because one can never know how and when it ends. According to an Indian proverb, "it is equally rare to be born as a human being in this world as to see a sea turtle stick its head up out of the sea".
Date & Place: 2003 - 2008, Varberg, Stockholm & Laholm, Sweden
Text: "Firesoul"
How I strangely enough became a reporter to the God
At a seminar during my University studies, we discussed different subjects regarding faith and religions, as usual, but this time something inspired me. In a split second, I knew that my goal as a reporter would always be to research the God as a phenomenon. So, I started to analyze the methods of religions, such as meditation, prayer, hymns, and exercises. Also, to find out what "the meaning of life" is, and try to become "one with nature", I tried researching different religious practices. By negating or confirming, my theory was to present the results of my methods as facts of God's existence. A methodology was meditation, but it was from time to time too boring, grey, and hard to balance, even if it gave me peace to a certain point. I also slept over at Hallandsåsen, a hill near my hometown Laholm, and sometimes in abandoned buildings. The research had indeed impacted me, as a young man in all imaginable ways. Experimenting with different hymns and religious styles I had visions of various kinds, such that a comet is heading towards Earth with high collision risk, again confirmed by NASA, though it depends on the man and God. Such and other mentioned scenarios are always present as a threat & trial from my Lord. I later started trying out prayer. To be fair, the testing with certain hallucinogenic plants and chants made me go nuts, and I needed to find peace. And, at first, I didn't understand the shape of prayers, but I gave them a curious and desperate chance. Now, contrary it has almost become an addiction of bliss. Honestly, I recommend only prayer and meditation! My job is, by God's leave, to work correctly, truthfully, and impartially to provide worthy information about religion to audiences, wherever they might be. Often people do not believe in religion. Infidelity is a common way taken by those who find it difficult to believe in a Creator with omnipotence, according to the Quran in Surah 6:124:
When a sign (from God) reaches them, they say: "We will not believe until we get the same".
The same as in the above verse was also said by a psychiatrist, to me, when I told him about my experiences. "How will I believe without seeing the same for myself?", he asked and called the cops on me. If you do not understand the relationship between religion and my birth, I can naggingly clarify it one more time. John the Baptist was born on the summer solstice, the opposite of the winter solstice which is Jesus's birthday. In the Jewish calendar my birthday with the month of Sivan when Shavuot is celebrated, the time of harvest, offering, pilgrimage, and revelation of the Torah. In Hinduism, I was born in Vishnu's avatar ascending day - when he leaves the world for rest, and when Shiva descends. Shiva means good fortune or luck, like most of the major figures in Hinduism. The Hindu calendar is also divided into two halves, where the first half, from the winter solstice to the summer solstice is called Dakshinayana and from the summer solstice to winter is named Uttarayana. In the Bhagavad Gita, chapter 8, you can read the following:
24. Fire, light, daytime, the bright fortnight, the six months of the northern path of the sun (northern solstice)—departing then (by these), men who know Brahman go to Brahman.
25. Attaining to the lunar light by smoke, night-time, the dark fortnight or the six months of the southern path of the sun (the southern solstice), the Yogi returns.
26. The bright and the dark paths of the world are verily thought to be eternal; by the one (the bright path) a person goes not to return again, and by the other (the dark path) he returns."
The year is also divided into so-called Ekadashis, which are 24 consisting of 11 days each. Vishnu goes to sleep in Tholi Ekadashi, corresponding to the summer solstice in the Krhsna Paksha, the waning moon phase or the phase coming after the full moon when it darkens again and the Nirjala Ekadashi enters, which is the holiest one and it's when you observe fasting without water and food for 24 hours. There is a legend that tells this story:
The King of Gods, Indra was sitting in his palace, in heaven. Indradeva became very proud of himself and forgot the true source of his power.
On the other hand, Bali the son of the Asura king, Virochana, vowed to purify himself of all evil and got involved in a rigorous penance. With this, the Daitya superceded the Devas and Indra was dethroned.
Indra, with other devas, soon approached and requested Lord Vishnu to save him. Agreeing to his request, Vishnu took the form of Vaman, 8 year old Brahman boy(batuk). Shiva Bhagavan takes a similar form in his Batuk Bhairava rupa. Lord Vishnu visited Bali, who received him with great pleasure and offered him a gift. Vishnu asked for enough land to cover three steps. Looking at the little legs of the Batuk, Bali started laughing and told him to ask for a bigger thing.
Vishnu was stubborn and stuck to his demand, so Bali granted the strange request. Soon, Lord Vishnu got transformed in to a huge form, with one stride on the Earth and second in the heavens.
Laughingly he asked Bali ' I have covered everything and still have one step to go. Where shall I keep it? ' Bali soon realized who he was and immediately offered his own head for keeping the third step. placed the third step and pushed Bali back down to 'Narak' again.
Vishnu was pleased with Bali and offered him a wish.Bali requested that Vishnu together with consort Lakshmi Mata should come and live with him one third of the year.
Vishnu agreed and during this time, Vishnu is considered to be asleep. Thus the start of Chaturmas is called Devashayani Ekadashi and the day Bhagavan wakes up and Chaturmas ends is called Devprabodhini Ekadashi.
Whomsoever will hear this Katha (story) of the great Bhakta Bali and practice the Chaturmas Vrat will have the blessings of Vishnu Bhagavan forever."
Daostically I was born in a day that is thought of being the ultimate natural balance, from a calendrical perspective, and is which is considered to have the best "Chi" between Yin and Yang the years can have. For the Nordic part, my birthday was on a Thursday, in conditions related to Thor, luckily, rain, thunder, and Summer Solstice which is one of the most important holidays, of course. Buddha's mother Maya, dreamed of the Buddha's birth during "Midsommar" with the crescent Moon, and even the Buddha is said to have come to the day a year later. In Nature Religions, I was also born during the greatest ceremonial time - the Summer Solstice. By the way, I really don't brag. I think these circumstances are good info in relation to the words of Fate & Miracle.
I'm always being struck by how religius texts and their mytholgical reality seems to be bundled with ordinary life and especially related to me. And, I dream just like any person, but woild ike to comment on some of the dreams that were extraordinary in the context of my meeting with my God. By the way, they also reflect what I wrote about above. My God taught me religion and may He guide me on.
- As you can see, I God, deliberately chose to name and write about religion so that it fits with what the character in this story experienced. This will highlight the need to be critical and show how easily people can actually convey a message in secret in objectivity clothes. Fate is just like anything else, and have only seen Me, the Creator, in dreams, for anything else would be next to impossible. Believe, O you writers, reporters, and journalists, otherwise you will be written about as hypocrites and liars in My books, instead of being among the chosen and special. Or do you think you have your own powers? Anyone following the liars will surely be lost, says the Lord God, the Creator.
If you read the previous five chapters thoroughly, you realize that what the God wanted was to make a symbol of how a sign and miracles come to exist. They are more or less about me in convey and as an understanding that we are part of a greater mysterious plan by the Maker. He is our destiny,- the final goal. To see this story as interesting, it's crucial to have read the books in this text's bibliography. For those who have some degree of knowledge of myths and religious stories, my path is funny but also a tragedy. Some may only be familiar with a couple of these, while others maybe have read more than I have and so will benefit a lot by doing a comparison to my life as a symbol of God with the original mythologies or histories of the religious world.
The "True Dream" Notes
Date & Place: written mostly in night time, Laholm/Sweden in my big soft bed with fluffy pillows and fresh bedding, well also some other places like Rudina, the Swedish woods, Sthlm and more
Text: "Firesoul"
Reporter of religions as the dream job ever to be
See this story as you want, and maybe it's not traditional in a sense, but I went through fire and sea to gather information and inspiration for this work. I am not a scientist, a new prophet after Muhamed, or his God who once sealed the prophet's road, but just one who opens the seal and tries to tell about its content. If the God does not want me to write this, then may He help me, both economically and in inspired knowledge in the making of something else, or at least may I in that case be forgiven. The coming dreams are just a handful of what I've seen, and I chose those that have somehow made the greatest impact on me and which are more relevant to the public. The others usually are more of a personal kind. Whatever happens, I "sat my brick on the wall". In the sum end, It's unique,- me having meetings and talks with all the prophets, major religious figures such as Jesus, Buddha, Muhamed, etc., religious events, and Himself in His dreams.
I once dreamed of King David, Solomon, and Haile Selassie - Ras Tafari, seated on separate elevated thrones next to each other upon a niche, in a high roofed bare stone hall, highlighted with a sun-like yellow light from the front. Prophet Samuel (Shamil in Islam) was beside me down on the ground. They said that my "pseudonym" should be "Firesoul". Between Ras Tafari and Solomon, there was an empty throne (The throne of Jesus, since he is in line there, waiting to return). Later Solomon went for some duties, probably, towards people behind the thrones ready to serve. I accepted their wish. Samuel was the one who oiled Saul/Taul a king before David/Dawud. By the way, Ras Tafari means "Lion Head" in Arabic and Amharic. He, aka Haile Selassie Makonnen, was king, "Negus Negesti", of Ethiopia between 1930-1974. According to the Ethiopian monarchy and the "Rastafaris," he was from the lineage of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, a relationship so famously reported in the Bible, Quran, and the Kebra Negast which tells of Solomon and Queen of Sheba's only son Menyelek. According to Kebra Negast, Salomon had a dream that was prophetic and considered a foresee of King Haile Sellasi.
"And after he slept there appeared unto King Solomon [in a dream] a brilliant sun, and it came down from heaven and shed exceedingly great splendour over Israel. And when it had tarried there for a time it suddenly withdrew itself, and it flew away to the country of Ethiopia, and it shone there with exceedingly great brightness for ever, for it willed to dwell there. And [the King said], “I waited [to see] if it would come back to Israel, but it did not return. And again while I waited a light rose up in the heavens, and a Sun came down from them in the country of Judah, and it sent forth light which was very much stronger than before”, the Kebra Negast page 111.
Haile Selassie was murdered by his own ungrateful folks who imprisoned this graceful and wise man who set the world on fire with his speech in the League of Nations (predecessor of UN) in 1936 saying:
On the question of racial discrimination, the Addis Ababa Conference taught, to those who will learn, this further lesson: that until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned; that until there are no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation; that until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; that until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; that until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained. And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; until that day, the African continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil"
This speech, the reggae singer Bob Marley made a wonderful song out of. Ras Tafari was unfortunately starved and strangled to death in prison- this man who fought and won against the Italian fascist regime of Mussolini, keeping Ethiopia free from European colonization. Many mysteries surround the death of the emperor but the conclusion is that he probably was murdered by someone previously near the military. Now this great nation with a so rich history and culture is been known for more than 40 years as the poorest country in the World and a place of struggle against famine and wars between clans, religions, and cultures. You know, all the wealth of this world will not satisfy the greed of evildoers and on the Great Becoming Day, even if they gave all the wealth of the World as payment for their crimes it will not be accepted - the worst destiny is for those who are unbelievers and think only for themselves. And no exception can be seen in man's troubled sight,- they say without exception that 1+1 = 2 always, when it may be that 1+1 = 1, for example in the fact of family life or when two lovers become one, how, when and why is it so? Instead of accepting the fate of God, they, most of the scientists become compensatory ending instead up with making exceptions to standards; just think of the laws we make in society. These are those people look up to - those who give praise to themselves and not to the true inspirational source. If this question can't be answered by the so-called intellectuals and experts, or anyone who believes himself to be God or sees Mother Nature just as merchandise or a thing to just exploit, and if they do not stop with their bad doings, they may end up with exhaustion, poverty, and wars, ironically in the development of knowledge. This was given to us to understand and not undermine Him, it seems.
- This foolhardy distancing from religion, separates you people from Me, says the Creator of nature and religion, the Almighty God. Be fearing for vengeance, from Me the God who is one, or do the right thing now, and get food from Us, clarifies His Majesty, The Almighty God.
These words where originally spoken in Swedish:
- Denna dumdristiga distansering från religioner separerar er människor från Mig. Var därför fruktande inför en vendetta, från Mig Guden som är etta, eller gör nu det enda rätta och få mat av Mig så ni blir mätta.
Date & Place: 2007 spring. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
The submitted magicians
I found myself in an ancient, big, and splendid palace. While resting in front of a nice fountain, shaped like a flower bouquet, I saw Moses and Aron walking, with sticks, towards a Pharaoh on his high seated throne. Hearing them argue with each other, I suddenly also noticed a woman remarkably standing behind a large marble column, in secret watching and listening to them. Lying there on some couch I decided to continue my rest and enjoy the fountain in front me, as two white cobras emerged from the pool it had created. It seemed as if the pool had some odd properties. Eggs suddenly appeared from its bottom and floated up to the surface. They were eaten by the snakes, one by one, being swallowed smoothly and to my vision being satisfying. I think that the eggs symbolize the plans I had, at the time being, in my life, which were egoistic, least saying. I was weird, and instead am going to take Pharaoh's magicians, as in the Quran, as a good example to follow. In the end, I only believe in God, the Creator, the Almighty, the all-Forgiving; He says that all knowledge is of a One, that He has created me and is the only one knowing the metaphysics. Then later, one of the white cobras recommended me to follow it before it was too late.
- Just as the grain falls to the ground, and the mouse eats the grain, and the snake eats the mouse, and the eagle eats the snake - so shall all return to the Lord - the Creator of the worlds, he said while I slowly woke up after seeing a golden field of wheat swaying in the wind, with a mouse holding a grain, a snake crawling towards it and an eagle scouting above - the scene the cobra depicted, trembling in fair and wonder around my acts and previous lifestyle.
Along with Aron and Moses came nine signs, plus one, presented to Pharaoh - attacks by spirits and insect swarms were just a part of what struck him and his people because of their foolhardiness. Why do you believe in fantasies and Superman, when Moses was for real and talked about something that seemed to be from outer space? I met Moses another time as well. I dreamed that I was on a lake, and decided to wade out into. A snake, dark in color and swift in motion, suddenly came swimming towards me from the left side. As it was about to pass me, it suddenly turned into a stick and ended its life by floating lifelessly on the comforting waves. Quickly, as the thought itself, I rushed up from the lake. Behind the shore, near a grove, and on the sandbanks three persons were waiting for me to meet. We started walking. And about to cross a small stream, on a small and meandering path, I saw Moses on the other side of it. I was eager to cross the waters to greet the great prophet. He smiled in the beginning, but his face turned serious as he wanted to show me a sign. Moses had a large and a small coin, which he put in each palm of his open hands, and then asked me if I knew which of those two was most valuable one.
- The large coin has the highest value, I replied.
Moses put the two coins in the same hand. He learned me that they were most worthy together.
- Just so should Jews and Muslims think and be against each other, he explained with his remarkable gesture.
Date & Place: 2007 summer. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
From Judgment to heaven & hell
In the summer of 2007, my God gave me a dream about disasters, wars, and fights between friends and families where no one listened to each other. From an unknown place, we heard a great noise or honking (like war signals of some kind) followed by a second, and people began to rise from all sides. The Day had arrived and with it also bewinged creatures and radiations of bursting lights in the sky. I got a bright shine on and around my face. But, I was frightened and started to flee the scene, stumbled, and fell uncontrollably on the sloping trail. When I was finished rolling around, my ending position resembled the Muslim prostration in payers. Two winged creatures, maybe seeing me as a true believer, gently grabbed me on each of my shoulders and helped me up. They lifted above the ground, flying higher and higher. As they started to speak, I was shown that everything from the people we used to know to the other creatures that are not recognized or are overlooked, would be collected, good as evil. They took me to a place where I learned that there were two choices - one right and one wrong.
- But your God has blessed you with faith, birth, and name, which makes the whole thing easier, said a mysterious teacher.
I was then to a place, where I found myself being among three righteous, out of 30 in the group but half of them would go to Heaven and the rest to Hell. I was taken to Heaven where everything was delightful and pleasant. My huge bed, with white textiles, was placed on top of a hill, with a beautiful view, and rivers below, over a green field with no ending horizons. Around me were very good-looking, tall, and thin angels, wearing white robes. Their wings were shining with sparkling lights, looking like fresh pearls on morning dew drops. They had fans and spoke peacefully around me.
- It is lucky for the believers who never have to be worried for Hell, said the white-dressed and winged creatures.
I became curious and asked them what it was.
- You do not need to know about it, they answered.
But I insisted.
- I am a curious reporter and if anyone can end up in such a place, I need to know about Hell, I argued further.
They finally listened and took me there. At first, we walked in a gray and boring dimension and then entered a damp, dark, and desolate space. In Hell, I was met by flames everywhere on a mission to chase down the fleeing deniers, who ran uncontrollably with remorse in their words. Punishers were deployed, punishing some I know, and one of these workers turned quickly toward me and asked what I was doing there, as that place was not suitable for certain persons.
- I was taken here by own desire and curiosity and I account for it myself, I replied.
- One day everyone will wake up, one day everyone will wake up, said the strong protector twice, while his face came closer and closer
I woke up with his calm voice and saw that it was half an hour to go before Friday prayers, and with a long way to the mosque. I hurried, with the belief that I would not make it, but thought, "I should try for the world and God's sake". As soon as I stepped into the Stockholm mosque the call to prayer began.
Date & Place: 2007 autumn. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
The spreaded table and last supper
As a reporter think of how to reach the biggest audience possible. The only way actually, is if people had a sense of unity. Only then could my text be read, instead, as arguments interrupt the flow of life. The God gave me a dream once, where I, as a reporter, talked about religions, both for Muslims, Christians, and others. Then the door on the air opened, in the metaphysics. And those among the audience who had faith stepped inside with me. We enter a place and a scene which can be read in the Gospels. Jesus (Isa, Joshua, Ioshua, or whatever he chooses to be called), may he rest in peace, had in the dream gathered a bunch of people who were waiting for his preachings and miracles. We who arrived were greeted as waiting people and were assigned seats. Jesus then asked all those close to him to distribute food to the audience, which seemed to not be enough for everyone. All sat in rows and ate and were saturated, except one in my row who complained that the water was out. I did not know what to do with all the dream problems, so I talked to Jesus about it.
- You only need faith and everything will be all right, Jesus replied.
After that, the person became happy praised the God, and sent the cup to the next person in the row. And I praised the God of miracles and the Prophet thanked the Lord and walked in front of everyone to keep the prayer. Jesus was calling prayer as the muezzin of Islam, and he recited the Quran and based on it he explained who he was.
- I am Jesus the son of Virgin Mary and prophet of the Lord, and my God is the constant present. God's peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die and the day I resurrected again, he said.
One of the men threw himself to the ground directly, and then we all together submitted. Now I just remember that I and Jesus were talking about something and I was inspired to believe that he lives in Heaven before he went to the lake and a boat with a few well-dressed, probably some of the disciples (this may have been the site which Islam says that he was raised up to Heaven at if he first walked on water). There was some evidence that this dream was true. Jesus turned his head to the right while his back to against the lake and during this episode he was in Bethsaida on the eastern side of Lake Gennesaret, and he turned south towards Jerusalem or Mecca (both located south of the lake) for prayer, which is a sign and proof that the dream was true.
Jesus also showed up as I believed to be a biblical form, even if not all the same, and also in other non-traditional ways. My question is why everyone has to go through fire and sea to end up seeing the same thing as what I or the Prophets tell? It is much easier and more honest to believe in what they narrated and what I now am typing, from both scriptures as in oral storytelling.
Date & Place: 2008 spring. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
The somersault of hope
One night I had a God-inspired dream where I was in a pasture and I began to recite surah "Al Fatiha" in Arabic. While I did it, I slowly somersaulted in the air, like in flying, and landed on my feet just as the last verse was over. My dad stood and watched behind a fence with a smile. In the dream, also a serious brawl with assault as a result, between two of my friends dissolved. I had previously advised them on how to resolve the conflict and a short time after that I dreamed about this, they had become friends. I have metaphysical connections, which I seem to have received from my God, the Lord, and the Doomsday King.
Date & Place: 2008 autumn. Stockholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
The first meeting with the Maker of me
In the dream, God showed me being near one screen, which I curiously approached. Unlike most dreams, this was much more miraculous, rational, and logical at the same time. When I got to the screen, I saw that it was dusty. So as I'm used to doing, I began to pull my fingers in the dust to clean it off. After two, or three moves with my fingers, the screen flashed spiritually. The screen was not turned on but the dust began to dissolve and melt together with what I had done with the hand previously. I had inadvertently written the Islamic creed, namely La ilah il Allah, which means "There is no God other than God". But after the spiritual lightning, which was a blessing (baraka), the word "Allah" was revealed as a crown where the letter Ha was envisioned as a diamond. This crown sat on a Lord King who sat on a throne, envisioned in profile. It looked as if the dust had been dissolved and the voids formed instead of a photographic-looking view. Over and under the throne, it said "Allah Akbar".
- I am God the Creator, which you dispute about, He said.
I tried, during all the time, to listen to the language which sometimes made me believe that it was Swedish, and sometimes Albanian or even English or Arabic, although it was something quite spiritual.
-I am the All-powerful and nothing is too hard for Me. When I want to create, I just say "exist" to it, and it exists, the God said.
Alif (the letter A that looks like a dash) was a pen, then became a pointer, and then finally a sword. Me cleaning the screen with my fingers and that Allah gave me the "word" means I still got lucky that chose this approach to religion and that I would continue to be a reporter, and write about pure knowledge, the dust of the dirt, and return to the faith, and who knows, we might see Him in "Heavens Media". My God, Zoti, forgave my faults and gave me more metaphysical experiences. However, in an "interview" with Him, everyone got something to think about. -Matter means that I can keep myself hidden, said the God and sometimes I have perceived God as a transcendent watcher. I once asked Him, He who creates, what He was called in addition to the more traditional names, and another night I dreamed about His answers. -Allah is Fi, said an angel and showed me that even in the Arabic script. Fi in Arabic is identical to the Greek form Phi, but in Arabic meaning "in" or "within", thus continuously meaning present, everywhere, or everything.
Date & Place: 2009. Sweden at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Humble losses and great victories
I dreamed that I met someone who called herself the world's most famous witch and wanted to convince me of her card having power and a figure in them who could predict the future.
- I have one who can predict the future, she said.
- Take out the card and call up the figure on the card in front of my eyes so I might ask him about the future and I will believe in you, I answered. - But it is only God who knows the future, I said further.
She admitted defeat.
- Your God is the True to follow, for I can not call up the figure on the card, she said.
God gives knowledge of the religious record and the stories which are true and enriching events by the Creator. Take out a pill that can solve everyone's problems, if you can, because I believe in it, but you will see that everyone would still complain that it is not the answer to problems, and God would remain all-powerful and wise anyway. Large criticism should be directed to psychiatric care and their poor knowledge of medicine.
- We nurses know not ourselves, so I can not give you answers. The pharmaceutical manufactures have the responsibility to tell us what the pills are made of as we nurses work only to give them to patients, says some nurses.
And what psychosis is, they can not tell. At the same time, it is so large mixtures of people in the institutions, some are sick and some are healthy and the healthy person at risk of getting sick and the sick even sicker in locked form. It is more a punishment than care. With support from pharmaceutical companies, both financially and socially or discursively they can provide support to psychologists, and also directed approach and knowledge about diseases and directed interest elsewhere. Why should the alleged doctors have the right to medicate others, but do not let the other medicate themselves, rationally saying? Medicine heals, for example, cuts, damaged neurons/brain parts, but one can never believe that something beyond God can protect or damage the psyche, if not they now want to say that they see the souls/psyche as something material! Or should all psychiatric illnesses may be seen as neurological damage? According to this institution, Psychology, everyone is crazy (in Freud's and Jung's spirit), so to avoid this respect only those who can control their madness are not seen as "sick". But if everyone is mad, would it not create panic, or should this not be questioned - the use of religious arguments in light of reductionism or scientific methodology, and remember that even when the psychologist might be crazy? In the same case, they may renounce their psychological roots in Science that most psychologists say their business comes from. And I do not deny that the disease exists but deny that the methods of most psychologists. Therefore, you must protect yourself from diseases to the best extent and help those in need of care to the best ability. In an interview with a lecturer in Psychology at Stockholm University, I was told that a newly appointed psychologist in Sweden does not get any kind of religious education at all - that is either from denominational sources or religion studies in Science, even if this topic comes up in some contexts, and with the caveat that there may be believers among psychologists. This is despite the fact that most of the patients they encounter daily are religious and have religious experiences. To not be associated with traditional religion, Psychology chose to concentrate on biology for the definition of that tradition. Yet again, instead of Psychology, it should be called something biologically and in the neurological direction instead, if not the origin is sought.
If people do not do as they should, which is to return to the religion's basic meaning and not reduce it or use it for other bad purposes, the Creator can come to replace it, humanity, with the robots having their own life and soul, and who easily "replace" man. They are like nothing I have seen before and have all kinds of sizes, designs, and tools/weapons. They can be colorful and a small robot can maneuver a larger and vice versa. Some robots were alike birds having cellular phone devices built inside, and others like the transformers, where I controlled them as a convoy. And believe me, believe the one who gave me the dream that reality is not controlled by man, and if people believe so then God will spare from any such or similar catastrophes and instead turn it into something better, without disasters of any kind, as mentioned before. He, the God is the Most Merciful! Turn around for the better - namely religion, which is, as I have shown, the only knowledge of this world unless you can come up with something better. This is the religion's message and my message. Stop accusing each other and start believing in each other instead, regardless of knowledge or belief or affiliation, because it is one of the obstacles that we can skip in the eternal path and so it will be opportunities to progress from all real and hypothetical crises. As one in Islam, I asked Allah again about how I should act like a warrior for a Creator when man in our world has worldwide mass destruction weapons?
- Let it all be in my hands without you raising a hand, and fear nothing beyond Me so I can save you, said the Almighty God. - All you need to do is to be righteous and watch as the promises come true, He concluded.
His word is no doubt, as it may be seen in the religious scriptures and the Reportage validating that they work and holds promises. What promise do you choose to follow and keep? I forget what my family has done and after being on the wrong path, testing and manipulating reality, I came back to the God, circumcised, and prayed to my Creator. I thank God that He saved me from the so-called mental health. People make "Terminator" movies and "Transformers" movies, but why do people want the little when there's more to believe in? Perhaps I have said too little or too much, who knows, I hope that I am doing right for what I am saying, however, is the reality as I experienced it. If those preoccupied with spiritual knowledge could produce a number or symbol that could tell everything, do it because I believe in it directly. But man will see that the only thing that needs to be kept in mind is the Lord, the God, who knows all of his creation and is the only one worthy to have knowledge of. I am only a man so do not fear me but fear God rather, blessed is He who blesses. And I would ask, in the name of God and truth, that those who believe in the knowledge should not say "what fate decided" but instead say "what the Creator destined or fated" or "that determined in fate". It is also important to point out that my God is not fate, fortune, Sun, Moon, calendars, or other than Him, the Almighty, but please report the error. These dreams were just a handful, and certainly, I am going to get more, but until God sees me, these must be the foundation for later work.
All of these gifts of grace the Lord took away from me by His angels in a dream, when I asked for it. I wished that everything was to be taken away from me, but I regretted it soon afterward and asked Him to return them. My and your God gave back the blessings, when I won against demons in another dream and met (in a big city at a castle on the top of a hill) there The Holy Spirit (holding the Earth Globe in his hand and at the same time bouncing it up and down on his invisible palm, thou I didn't perceive The Spirit he said: "I see you but you don't see me and I am known as The Holy Spirit" and further said: "There is one more test, catch it if you can" and he threw the Globe to me which I, with some difficulties, managed to fetch in the end and looking at it out of curiosity, it turned into “the all-seeing eye”, whoever that is) and his Lord on a throne Who said, "so you managed to show up here in the end". May He protect my soul from the evil of metaphysics. In miss guided mainstream “Islam” the Holy Spirit is thought to be Jibreel (Gabriel), though nothing supports this idea besides some false claims from the so-called Ahadith. This would contradict the Quran in two main points: the first being the fact that the Quran in chapter Al Israa:85 states that:
And they ask you (O Muhammad ) concerning the Ruh (the Spirit); Say: “The Ruh (the Spirit): it is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a little.”
So if only He knows what the Spirit is, then why are we in dispute with this created entity's attributes? Secondly, another fact that dismisses this idea is that in many verses and especially in chapter Al Qadr (The predestined) Allah says that:
Therein descend the angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] by Allah’s Permission with all Decrees"
You see that The God clearly separates those two, though the contra-argument is that He only emphasizes the meaning of the angels for some strange reason, according to the Sunni scholars. (And as earlier emphasized here,- the parenthesis are not part of the Quran but show the biased ideas of the translators. I usually jump through those, as the rest is mostly in accordance with the original script, if not studying the particular branch who interpreted it of course.) The thought that Gabriel is The Holy spirit is derived as a way to distance themselves from the Christian dogma of the Trinity, but just because this Spirit maybe exists doesn’t mean we are to think of it as The God, or is there anyone knowing something else? Everything you wish for you get, so do not wish harm either to yourself or someone else, unless God wants that. My method may not work for all but the consensus is that there is no point in writing religious texts, or do as I, in almost all respects relating to this publication, but the message is the important thing and not the textual, since the beauty of the scripture which Prophet Muhamed, peace be upon him, gave to us is the most beautiful book ever sent down.
God has also given me a dream saying that the "Shqipetarian" legend is true and I have had his dreams with an eagle that flew over my head and confirmed everything I wrote. In one dream, I saw my murdered cousin Haki Ahmetxhekaj, who sadly was found beheaded during the war, in 1998-1999, turning into an eagle in heaven. "I know you are born a king", he said in Albanian, while soaring across the sky above me - through green forests and parks, circulating between white palaces made out of glass and with tall towers, overlooking the magnificent splendor and bliss of the martyrs. The leader of KLA (Kosovas liberation army or UCK in Albanian), and former president of Kosova honored his death and so also the two other ones Bashkim Mehmetaj and Nimon Bajraktari from Prekë, as told earlier, who fell with him that day in summer, with graves at his memorial at his home. Many others fell and what ignited the war in the first place was the death of Adem Jashari's and Hamza Jashari's family and their own. They were guerrillas fighting the military and police and after an action and assault on the police station of their city, the Serbian armed forces responded by sending troops bombarding their homes for several days. Altogether 60 fell as victims, including infants and elderly, and the sole survivors of Adem Jashari's family where Iliriana, Shqipe, Fazli, and Marigona, who had been visiting their uncle during the fight and were not present - their given names are signs for the righteous - as we are from the Illyrians and Shqipe reminds of the victory, Fazli is a Muslim name and thou Adem and Hamza where devoted Muslims, praying the salah and following the sunnah he named his daughter Marigona which is traditionally a Catholic name - these children are a reminder of the Albanian identity. Almost 20 years earlier, in the same village of Prekazi in 1981, a similar incident happened. At that time the Serbian form of apartheid did not allow Albanians to carry weapons. The legendary Tahir Meha had a gun with him while going to the market, which the Serbian police spotted. After he refused to hand over it to them, fierce fighting began, leaving several officers shot dead, 7-9 of them, by a sole man. He then went back to his house and got his father's support. A while later a half of a battalion of Serbian military surrounded their home, shooting for 22 hours straight, killing all. Mehas cousin, son of his uncle, is, for now, my landlord who owns the house I rent. He and the victims of the massacre of Prekazi in 1998 are now resting in peace. "The black eagles", the B-2 spirit fighter jets, of NATO flew indeed over Serbia ending the war - the first time the alliance ever used weapons in a conflict. And I don't know if it's true but according to a myth, George Washington has written a letter urging future American leaders to protect Albanians in any cause. In another dream, I saw one snake tribe killing the others until there were only three tribes left, the snake, eagle, and one with no name. The leader of the "snake tribe" had a yellow snake on his hair. In the dream, I saw this tribe as being Celts and since they did wage war against the Dardanians I believe it's them. Serbia doesn't need to fear revenge since Albanians have never till now fought over words. The snake leader sat beside the eagle, and the serpent then asked:
- O eagle, do you know who I am?
- I know nothing other than that the God exists. He is the only one I follow and listen to, the eagle answered him.
The snake then bit its master who instantly dropped dead, in jealousy of the calm from the eagle and its wise and inspired answer, and the snake was then itself killed by me, after coming towards me with threats. Islam is a tolerant and true religion, and someone who my soul thought was Muhamed, was in a dream I had, where he was surrounded by children and preached to the adults in a mosque, while I stood outside and watched on, just after a pleasant conversation and we had, where he finally presented himself, during washing before we prayed. It seems that a date for the Day of Judgment is set up, but it also can occur before considering that horror seems to stand in the way, I do not know if any of this is true but it seems so. I wish and pray my Lord for forgiveness, rich life, and a rich soul.
Date & Place: Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
The last human sacrifice has long time ago already been given
I had a dream where I was at Stonehenge, England, and saw what looked like the stereotypical Druids, sacrificing humans. The Druids were a class of spiritual or cultural leaders in the Celtic religion. The only sources we have of them are from outsiders, mainly Roman and Greek, so proud North Europeans and Neopagans want to reshape the negative image written mostly from their enemies. But since they are the only sources, then what other sources are there to gain information from? What we actually do know is that it was very common to kill humans as a sacrifice, both in Celtic religion as in Norse and few dare to say different. They were probably not the ones who built Stonehenge, but they sure used it as an Axis Mundi. Excavators have found evidence of human sacrifice in ancient England as recently as of 2019. Ryan W. Miller from USA Today writes in 2019.04.15 that:
Dating almost 3,000 years to the Iron Age and Roman periods, 26 human skeletons, some that may have been part of ritual burials, were discovered in an ancient settlement as workers dug in the Letcombe Brook in Oxfordshire, England, Thames Water said in a statement Monday."
And further:
The chief executive of Cotswold Archaeology, Neil Holbrook, said the site "was particularly fascinating as it provided a glimpse into the beliefs and superstitions of people living in Oxfordshire before the Roman conquest. "Evidence elsewhere suggests that burials in pits might have involved human sacrifice," he added in a statement.
As I stood, in turn, to be sacrificed, I somehow escaped and ran into the woods. Inside the dark forest, Prophet Muhamad came saying that fighting was better if I only knew, and he made me go back with strength and fear at the same time, but all alone. Upon arriving at the rocks again, the Romans came and chased the Druids who ran and turned their backs to them and themselves. Some of them went South and some North to Scandinavia. In swamps and forests they waited for the enemy, and as the Druids thought they were safe, the Northerners, looking much as Vikings, rose from the lakes, the marshes, and myrrhs with swords and spears killing the intruders. In the same dream, I also saw Centaurs and something looking like movie scenes with actors from Hollywood.
Date & Place: Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
The halls of power and "the corridors of fear and anxiety"
I had a dream once, imprisoned in the Middle Ages, in a dungeon being interrogated. While they were consulting about my future and how they should torture me, I saw that the door was left open so I managed to escape. But the prison keeper, dressed in a black armor suit came crazily, equipped with sword and spear, chasing me around in "the corridors of fear and anxiety". I could hear his stomping and the metal scratching the stone floor, as he gained distance and nearly got me. But I found a washing room and hid under some clothing that was to be washed. A long time passed and I felt secure under the white sheets, only hearing myself breathe. Later, the male washers came in and started to talk about the bad conditions they had at work and in society in general, and how unjustly they were treated. All the time I prayed that they wouldn’t find me, believing they would kill me. But eventually, they lifted the sheets and saw me amid all clothes and asked me who I was. After telling them my dramatic story, they believed I was a leader and their only hope, so they assigned me as such and I accepted it. I decided that we would end the unjust system once and for all, so we gathered a lot of people, and went straight to the castle, where we believed the King resided. But the enemy was stronger, throwing fire and hot oil on us over the huge and thick walls. The day became night and at some point, I considered leaving my fellows behind to flee, but instead, I saw a building outside which was connected to the citadel, probably having an entrance to the city I thought to myself. I ordered them to invade this forecourt of the town instead and inside this fortified building was a long hall and at the end, in front of the doors leading inside the town, was a man hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck. The King had committed suicide, with the crown at his feet. I cut the rope and placed the King on the floor, as my companions took his crown and gave it to each other for a look. In the end, they gave it to me saying that I deserved it. As soon as I got the golden crown on my hands, a great voice came from around it chanting melodiously: “The Law of the Great”, in the Arabic language - “Al Furqan Al Aziz”. But Instead of keeping it for myself, I revived the King back to life, with first aid methods, and went to Allah with the Crown.
Date & Place: Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Gold in good times burdens, and in bad times elevates
All languages have a connection to each other, and they are as branches of fruit-bearing trees, and this is like a small, egg-shaped universe with a center like a world tree, and have you had breakfast then you know what an egg looks like - this means fate. Thus fate is like fibers, the navel nourishing, holding together and enriching and when man dies she becomes free, like the chick that hatches from the egg. I could do the same as this, in a thousand ways, but and maybe it is so with luck - to choose something right and make one another happy. God is Phi (Fi). Here, in the world died everything, because everything dies out, this whole thing will die out, also I, but all the others as well, and the believers will still survive and have Paradise. My women in life, I have often seen in dreams in advance, they have been the memories of the past with a promise on the beautiful, future world.
Maybe I will also say that I do not know why my God has given me these dreams or this job. I've done stupid things, but I just hope my God sees me as good again. Often I ask why God chose me and my task's actual meaning. What do I know, only the Creator can see and hear the best and is the principal author of my script-like nocturnal dreams and He does not mean that this book will replace the Quran and your deeds, but rather open and confirm them only as a reminder of the truth that was, is still and will be forever and man is not flawless in this. Circumcise you, men, it increases the most in life. Not that it matters to me, besides, I can never get close to the beauty of the Quran in text form, for it is a miracle from my God to the seal of the prophets, for all peoples, nations, and people. But, listen to me all. I have not had time to write all over a thousand of my God dreams, but in 2010 and 2011, I have also seen the great crowd of Hindu figures in heaven (I got to go a parade walking between two rows of light-skinned decorated human figures in a heavenly environment with accolades and applause). And later also Ra, Isis, and Horus appeared from the walls of the Pyramids as moving images, and later they also got out of them like real beings, in golden dresses, while I was allowed to be left in peace, while someone made a sacrifice of gold, thrown with prayer in a lava stream. Ra said something to me but I couldn't remember or just don't understand what it was, while he held a spear and had a crown similar to the Pharaohs. The proof that dreams are true, at least when God says it, is that they get real in normal life. Your God says that there will be more dreams, from him to me, and more will turn true in the physical world.
Date & Place: 2009. Rudica, Kosova at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Enemies and friends for ever
After separating from a friend, my God gave me a dream where I was meditating, after a prayer, as suddenly a loud, mocking, and horrible laughter from the Devil came out of a screen. I recited some surahs from the Quran for protection (Audhobilah mina Shaitani Rajim - I seek Gods refuge from Satan the outcast), and suddenly the voice stopped as if it was choked, and I felt calmed and sure, as my world was destroyed and would be fixed by our good God, in one or another way so I continued meditating in complete tranquillity and reassurance. Well, the screen has meant a lot for man but it is bad as it is good. My dream job is to work with media or in Paradise, reporting of God. I will report, according to the God, about Judgment Day, Pharaoh, Kings, etc. All I want to do is just honor God in a good way.
Date & Place: 2009 spring. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
An interview with Pharaoh and his people in hell
Once, in the spring of the year 2009, I had a dream where I was walking in Hell with a notebook and pen in my hands. It looked like usual in Hell, dark, hot, dead landscapes with leafless bitter trees and what seemed as volcanoes in the background. There I saw a long row, consisting of thousands of people and their leader seemed to be the Pharaoh who fought against the God of Moses & Aron. He was shaved, wore almost nothing but a robe covering the most important parts, and had eyes that looked as it had all the wrath of the world, tired, red, and anguished. While I usually am very quiet, understanding, and withdrawn, in the dream I was hard in mind but soft in hearts, all objective, and went straight to the leader and said:
- Oh Pharaoh, how do you feel today, when the Hour has come and you and your followers will see the painful torment in Hell?

- Bad, he answered and looked in the ground for a long time. - I regret all that I did in my lifetime, he continued.
- Today it is too late for your wish and now go you forward to meet your appointed destiny, I said back while showing him the notebook.
Besides this, I once had a dream of being in Paradise with a lot of reporters, in a broadcasting room that had the same studios as modern-day journalism offices have. All went on assignments from God but I just wanted to study the environment while also asking my self "Are everyone's deeds really written in these big screens, and will I ever work here someday, in Heaven's Media?".
Why write a story, when you can write the truth as it is, which is religion? I do not judge but argue that this text is the truth without secrets, with God the "Almighty" as counselor, teacher, and storyteller in the study of the religious practices to the acquisition of knowledge.
Date & Place: 2021-02-01. Genevad, Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Old memories and returned gifts of the dreams
This night I had many many dreams, but all were nightmares. It reminded me of the time I didn't have a single good dream for three whole years, dreaming only nightmares, every single night, thinking I never would be forgiven, between the years 2015-2017, because I went bananas after to much smoking natural herbs and hurt someone The God chose for me, and ended locked up - just as the dream I had ten years earlier (in the dream I saw my self locked up, but taken care of two beautiful nurses). This is why I say over and over again that I am truly someone with dark sides no one can match, but with a good heart, no one can over-weigh, and truly The God is most forgiving the best of the merciful. I regretted my actions and cried like I never thought was possible. Not only for my sake but I felt that I had hurt all women of the world. I hope that she forgives me truly and that God also did after sending me Virgin Mary in a dream, wearing a light blue veil, smiling at me with the song Ave Maria's first strophe, with music by Franz Schubert in the background, sung by angels, inside a tear-filled cave. There, inside the cave Prophet Abraham came, somehow disappointed with my overwhelmed sorrow, with his son and lay his hand on my head and said "It's all fine", while I, kneeling before them, felt a calmness and peace inside my chest. Amid all this I was not sure that it really was her, so I thought to myself in the dream: "If this truly is Mary - mother of Christ – I will greet her with ‘salam aleikom’ and if she then answers 'aleikom salam' (peace be upon you too, in Arabic), I will know then that the dream was true. She turned to me and gave me the brightest sublime smile I ever got and to my happy surprise, she answered me back. Later, I had a dream of being drunk and wanting to marry Mary, I know it's much to ask. Since I had been drinking wine in the dream, I just couldn't ask Jesus' God for the hand of one of the best women ever to walk on this planet. According to Islamic sources Virgin Mary was so chaste that she never got married throughout her entire life. In the dream I recalled a verse from the Quran in surah 4:43:
O you who believe! Approach not As Salat (the prayer) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter, nor when you are in a state of Janaba, (i.e. in a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) except when travelling on the road (without enough water, or just passing through a mosque), till you wash your whole body. And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes after answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (by sexual relations) and you find no water, perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands (Tayammum). Truly, Allah is Ever Oft­Pardoning, Oft­Forgiving".
Hope this is a joke or something. So, I got my God back and the dreams came like never before. In one of them, the Lord promised me that I would die saying "La ilah il Allah - There is no God except The God", and He said that I either will be old or a miracle will save me alive. Does this mean I am immortal? Of course not, if the God doesn't want it of course; it means He will be by my side forever. Does anybody challenge my Lord, the Powerful Creator and Destroyer of all life and existence,- the one I ask for guidance? Going forward, I dreamed that the Archangel Gabriel protected me from ill-willed men. We were three in a car, me driving and one in the front- and one in the back seat. After a debate, the one in the front pulled out a Kalashnikov and threatened us two. We quickly jumped out and ran for protection. Suddenly Allah, the God, said with a firm and reassuring voice: "Look at the mountain. Gabriel will make sure he (the ill-willed man) doesn't see you". Upon looking on the top of a nearby mountain we saw the Archangel Gabriel standing, and directing the killer's eyes which couldn't spot us, looking left, right, and back again, though we were right there a couple of feet from him. But this was not the first encounter with the angel. The first time I "saw" Gabriel was a form of personal crisis. He almost appeared to me through bright light, but as soon as he was to step forward to be shown he said: "Your heart isn't ready yet to see me". In the dream I was in psychiatric care, being busy with personal issues and men with no boundaries crashing my special space. Then later I saw Gabriel's personal seal at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, beside the rock inside the Dome of the rock, saying that he will not come to anyone else with messages anymore. May I never make someone disappointed again and may God forgive me and all the believers and submitters of His will, ameen.
Date & Place: 2021-01-25. Genevad, Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
The cute princess cat Hallali comes in to my dreams
Before I tell the actual story I want to tell you who my cat is and how I came to meet her. I had a dream that I was going to get a female cat, and when I saw her among her siblings in the litter I knew she was the one, though I wanted a male and go against the dream. And good for us, all males were sold. We named her Hallali (i actually started as a joke misunderstanding...), meaning lawful in Arabic and it does not necessarily have to do with food as many thinks - it's just a word what's lawful. Her mother had abandoned her, and in Sweden they kill kittens if no one byes them. I just couldn't let that happen. A week later I did some research because of her clothing. she has three colors - light brown & dark brown, grey, and black. The only cats with this fur are so-called tortoiseshell cats, or just torties. Torties are by genetics only female and in rare mutation cases where they become male, they get big complications and are often sterile. All around the globe they are known for being the lucky cats and bringers of fortunes and happiness. Cats in general are, according to Zoology, originally from North Africa and southeast Asia. The breeds we have today are a mix of these two races. In ancient Egypt it was forbidden to export cats and killing one lead to the death penalty - a little extreme one might think but it shows the great importance it had for this culture. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus writes the following:
The cats when they are dead are carried away to sacred buildings in the city of Bubastis, where after being embalmed they are buried; but the dogs they bury each people in their own city in sacred tombs; and the ichneumons are buried just in the same way as the dogs."
The Egyptians thought that cats were incarnations of Bastet, whom they adhered as a goddess. They might be cute and very cuddly, but don't go further in thinking they are a god's incarnation. But hey, maybe they are incarnations of good fortune and people, not in the sense as said in the Sanatana Dharman "Samsara" thought, but still, who knows, secretly some special spirits somehow may reincarnate as a sign of His sovereignty - since every word in life is written by the God. Among other things, they lived in the palaces of the Pharaohs and the mighty as pets. Interestingly enough the only people allowed into the sacred Islamic shrine and temple Kaaba in Mecca are Muslims and the only animals allowed to enter there are cats due to their cleanliness as this shrine is constantly washed and cleansed from dirt as from bacteria and other microbes. Muhamed had a cat, it's told in the Ahadith (The Quran and the Hadiths tells the story of one of the best women ever to have lived,- the wife of Pharaoh, who believed in Moses and Aron and got her children killed with boiling water for not obeying her cruel man. She was later thrown to her death and is probably for now in the gardens of her small home at The God's eternity and blessings, and she is an example of a pious woman, according to the book of the Prophet), though this animal is not mentioned in the Quran, there is instead a holy dog, narrated in the story of "the seven sleepers", as they are called in the Christian tradition ("sjusovare" in Swedish means "sevens sleeper" and it's a very common nickname given to persons who love to sleep long into midday). Anyway, tonight I dreamed that she wailed and meowed loudly outside my bedroom. A cat can't speak, I know, but in dreams things are surrealistic, and I at first I thought she was alone and wanted to come in, but suddenly I could understand cat language. She told me that she wanted to be in the book and tell you the situation of hers in the Swedish countryside. She continued telling me that she wanted to have kittens and then I immediately understood the problem. See, in this so-called democratic and "understanding" country, you are obligated to castrate your cat, if it's going to be outside freely. This does not mean you are forced to but it could mean reprisals if you don't follow the law. It's so bizarre that even the organization for animals rights in Sweden celebrates it and they are one of the propagators for this. Why? Is not an animal also a created being with s a spirit and feelings? The law is so cynical that it claims to be on the side of the female cat, saying they suffer delivering kittens and that there is a problem with a huge population of cats. Thirdly, they claim that owners don't take responsibility for the kittens and mother cat. We will fight for the right to have babies, no matter who people think gave them authority to judge and decide over people's and animals' private lives. Firstly, it's natural to breed and of course, cats breed more but hey, who doesn't like love and they do it because they trust us humans and that we will help them carry the burden. So, it's not the cat's fault but your selfishness. They will not breed so much if they are free and not dependent on us. Secondly, A huge population of cats is beneficial to us since they take down small prays and pest animals such as rats and harmful annoying birds,- they are not dogs who need bigger pray to survive and thus become a problem on the streets if not living naturally or with human families. Cats are independent, beneficial, and beautiful in cities. Thirdly, it's the owners who should be responsible and not the cats and the cost of keeping a cat alive doesn't exceed the cost of castrating and putting an end to their small and already short lives, and in many Muslim countries, there are small "cat hotels" where they can sleep, look after their kittens and be fed. I will let my small friend live a good life as her God intended, and let her have at least one or two litters,- the better solution if I don't want her future kittens to be confiscated and euthanized by the authorities. Many awful things have been done in the name of the good, but this doesn't justify a thing. Luckily the God is merciful and compassionate - He forgives a lot of the wrongdoings for a person sincerely turning to him. "Meow Meow".
Date & Place: 2021-03-21. Genevad, Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Cowboys and indians
I had a somewhat stereotypical and ambivalent dream this night. I saw myself on the edge of a barricaded bridge, as being prepared for an assault. From the horizon, I saw decorated riders coming towards the other side of the bridge. As they approached it, I could see that they were native Americans - this is what I mean with stereotypical. They wore feathers, had lashes on their clothes (the few ones they had), and were painted with war colors. I knew I was "screwed", being alone for some reason in a situation I didn't understand why I was in. The "chief" made a signal to shoot at me, sending me chilling rushes through my spine down to the feet. "I'm dead", I thought to myself but managed to shout out: "Don't shoot. I have Wakan Tanka with me!!". In the dream I got a realization, I thought "Where did I get this from? I know it's the Creator in some native language, but how come I know?" The leader raised his hand to stop the prepared archers and looked at me with a curious expression, while in the same time being repulsed at my weak action. They came confidently and slowly towards me, never letting their yes leave my next step, and we started chatting.
- We are in war because you steal everything we have, they said.
- I have nothing to do with it, I replied with a fear of their unpredictability. "Who knows what they will do to me", I thought with the quietest thought I had, being so scared that I believed they could hear myself's inner dialogues. As we became "frienemies", with me walking as stepping one needles, we shared interests.
- We want all artifacts you stole from us, they demanded me.
- I'll go grab them myself in the storage we have, I responded quickly and sneaky.
I hid some religious pieces and gave them the rest. From nowhere I western woman said with anger:
- I am very disappointed in you.
- I know what I'm doing, I said back.
- Be patient, because things are not always what they look like, I continued.
The Natives threw all the stuff in a big pile and lit it with fire. I could see clothes, jewelry, and weapons being burned, but I instinctively knew why. There was no need for questioning.
- They will use it for bad purposes, the chief said to his fellow warriors, and they became understandably surprised but yet sad of his actions.
I heard them speak, and saw them walk around, but didn't focus on them. Instead, I looked at the beautiful decorations of the artifacts and thought about what they meant, while waking up, with people quarreling.
When we think of native Americans we often bundle them together, thinking they are all the same. It's the fact that it's the opposite that makes this kind of thinking so racist and ignorant. Wakan Tanka is actually the name of the Creator in the Lakota language. I think I've heard it in some movie or something, but when doing research I found out that it means Great spirit/mystery/God, in many native American languages from different tribes; this if something is a common denominator amongst most Natives of modern USA. The Lakotas were a tribe from the plains of Northern USA and they were the ones who won against general Custer and the ones we typically associate with natives. They used to live in tipis and hunt buffaloes and were before the great expulsion a nomadic people living from nature. Their religion teaches them to revere nature since everything is created from the Great Spirit and all had a soul. This they followed and never killed more than they needed for food, and never exploited land so it gets dead. The belief of shape-shifting was very common and especially they thought that you could change into a raven or coyote. Eagles were seen as a sign of power and in some parts of the western USA they thought that man's spirit was taken by the beak of a black and huge eagle, at the moment of death to be sent to the afterlife. For this, they were killed (and of course for the lands!). Not officially but the whites saw them as aggressive and primitive - someone in need of development and education. True knowledge comes from need and respect for God, and false knowledge is what destroys our existence. We live in days, where we will turn back to these people being deprived of their ancient roots and ask them, not only for forgiveness but for knowledge as well. From being almost 10 million natives in Northern America, there were only a couple of hundred thousand around the 19th century. They were killed and expelled from their lands. The Quran says, in surah 2:191, that persecution and expulsion is worse than killing (by the way, this verse is also used by anti-Islamists to propagate that Islam is a religion of hate, while in fact this verse only states that the oppressors started the war, killed and expelled the believers from their homes without them doing anything to start with - so now they have the right to defend themselves by only attacking the ones guilty, you understand if you read the verses before and after and not "cherry-pick" and put things out of context, that is of course). I'm not saying that I know indigenous people or that they were all saints,- they had some ideas that were a bit extreme, for example,- the extent of use of black magic and the worship of lesser spirits, but it does not justify expulsion, murder, and theft. We must learn from the mistakes of our stupid-minded forefathers and the knowledge of our honorable ones.
Date & Place: 2021-01-25. Genevad, Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
A tale by the God
Sometimes dreams are so real you think it's happening and sometimes they are so surreal that you think that even reality is something that could be fake. But the dream I had was more a deliberately told tale. It was seated in 15th or 14th century Europe, following a master and his two serfs. The thing that makes this dream so special, except the sense moral of course, is that it had a melody throughout its whole length. It was played with flutes and a ding-a-ling music box, and it had a cynical and ironic tone to it. Though the story had a dark background, the melody itself was happy to force us to understand that evil does not always come with darkness but is sometimes disguised. Anyways, one of the characters was a young man and the other a blond and beautiful young woman. They were in the power of a man traveling from city to city, reading books and stories to the crowds who paid to be mesmerized with wonderful tales of love, mythological creatures, and comic incidents. The girl and the boy had the job to play the stories as they were told by their old master, and collect money from the public.
And the melody playing in the background... One day they were on the way to a new town, as usual, traveling through an open oak forest on a wide and dry dirt road. The wagon was filled with books and goods and it seemed it would tip over at any moment. The weather was fine, but the girl was upset. She had been chained for being disobedient and cocky and this happened sometimes to the serfs of old times if they went against their lords. And the melody playing in the background...
- Let's get his book and run away, she whispered to the boy.
- What are you saying? - He will kill us or God will punish us for not following our destiny, he warned her.
- I'm out of here, and if you don't come, then I ask you to not say anything to him.
She picked the lock of her chains and took the book. Until now I didn't know what "the book" was, but a voice said: "This is the book the old storyteller shows to catch the attention of the crowd before he reads the rest to gain his earnings, but no one can understand it and read it except the chosen one", as a narrator of this bizarre but thoughtful tale. While preparing to jump off the carriage, their master heard her and tried to stop her, but she kicked him off so he fell and hit the ground, crushing his skull upon his violent fall. The blood quickly got absorbed by the dry yellowish dirt, only making a small spot. And the melody playing in the background...
She ran of with the book and went straight to the nearest town, opened it, and started to try to read it. But she couldn't understand what was written and instead just made up a story. It was more the cover that brought the attention,- and sure enough, people quickly came to gather. One in the crowd, a bald, fat, and old man, had a different plan. After her show, he offered her a chest with gold and jewelry, if she came home with him for a private reading. Young and naive as she was, she accepted his devious offer, little knowing that her old friend, the boy she used to travel and have fun with, had knowledge she didn't have. In the same moment, as she came inside of the man's house, he forced himself on her, ripped off her clothes, abused and raped her, with her screaming and crying for help. And the melody playing in the background...
Meanwhile, the boy came to the same town and the screen switched from the horrors of the house to the man's yard, where he had laid and later forgot the book,- which he wanted in the first place. The boy, without knowing that his late friend was being chained for her second time and in worse hands just a couple of meters away, saw the book, which he immediately recognized, and went to the town's center with it. As soon as he opened it, his mouth started to read it, as if he always knew it upside down. People rushed to him and joyfully cried, because they knew what they heard, as an old story of theirs said, according to this curious narrator of the dream: "There will come a man reading the book to you, so you can understand it and when he comes, make him your leader". The crowd lifted him up and sung songs of old and chose him to be their king. The scene then went back again to the girl being raped, with the ugly old man laughing and saying: "You're mine forever". The promised chest of gold became a coffin for a body cold. And the melody playing in the background...
It ended tragically for the lady while it could have been a nice tale about true love and compassion instead. Didn't she know that the guy had a secret crush on her and that their old master was going to naturally die soon and would probably, since he didn't have children of his own, give his carriage with the wealth and books to them? Don't do like her. Having patient in all situations is my interpretation of this melancholic fairy tale of the God.
Date & Place: 2021-04-14. The forest
Text: "Firesoul"
Polution, hunting and what not to eat
Right now I'm deep in the forest, camping and studying for my "hunting degree". It's very cold I must say, ice, snow, and frosty nights. But I've passed the theory test and have only the shooting left in a couple of days. What does this have to do with religion, some might wonder? To be very including,- everything has to do with religion, according to me. Is it morally ok to hunt and kill wild animals, living in the free? Is it really ok to eat meat? These are moral questions and to understand the purpose of life, you need to be just and equal to all living beasts of the Universe. It's this paradox - to respect life but at the same time have the right to take it, when you feel it's for a righteous purpose - which makes hunting a religious topic. I agree that it is a controversial one and no one should have the right to just go bazurka and kill when feeling for it. There have to be morals and ethical rules to the tradition of hunting and killing for a living. For those who do not know what morals and ethics are, you can understand this by seeing moral as the measurement whereupon we measure man's character of being able to judge between right and wrong and ethics is the teachings of morals or the school of morals. Many argue that ethics is the primary teachings of religions, for example, the golden religious moral rule "treat others as you want to be treated your self" is so fundamental that it exists in most if not all traditions. Now, nobody wants to be killed, so why kill? The simple answer is - it is legal and morally ok to kill for justified purposes as to survive or save other lives. Everything is not black and white or night and day, sometimes it's evening or dawn or just grey and it's hard to decide if grey leans more to white or to black or if dawn is nearer night or day. We need to take our paths and make our actions hoping we are doing the right thing and winning Eternity. I had a dream where I saw pollution in the forest and The God said "To hunt is to pollute nature". In the dream, I tried to clean the pollution, interpreted by me as me trying to justify why I'm taking a hunter's degree and license, but still, there was pollution no matter how hard I tried to clean. I don't regret my decision though, just because it's dirty business doesn't make it wrong or illegal, or morally incorrect. God then showed me in the dream how He had collected all the pollution in the same pile - meaning that hunting should be practiced only by a group of people, and then be thoughtful of how to take life when to do it, and understand why life exists. I hope you understand that I probably never will kill a wild animal, but my interest in nature and bush-craft was so huge that it was an inescapable decision. I've learned how animals live, eat, populate, sound, leave tracks, etc.- knowledge very important if you want to come close to their souls. Remember that the Worlds biggest crimes has also been done by vegetarians and in contrast, we must know the life after death as a reality and stop killing others for fun, greed, complacency, or showing off, as we are created just as with the same main purpose - to thank and show devotion to our Lord for giving us life and providing for us each day. The meat- and fish industry must stop and go. Those who buy meat in stores are not carnivores, they are scavengers eating other's meat (as the teacher here in the forest said), and if you want to eat fish - go fish yourself and stop destroying the seas. Not saying that selling meat or fish should be criminalized, but considering the modern methods and equipment we have today, we must redefine the ethics regarding large food industries. He, the God is self-sufficient, in no need from anyone, but we are in need of Him,- He is the Creator of all and the Most Merciful.
Date & Place: 2021-04-23. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Are sports a religious thing?
Sometimes my humbleness becomes too much. But I'm scared that my God warned me instead of reassuring me. In each case, you can be sure that God can do whatever He wills. Tonight I dreamed that I and a friend, which I've never met before, were in a huge sports hall with different sports practiced by many people. We got to meet a tennis pro and I introduced my friend as a promised one in the game, but that he might need some extra advice for his career. The pro then succeeded to teach us how to properly hit a ball. But I was not sure that he taught us right.
- But do you... I wanted to continue asking but he was not finished showing us and instead gave me a brusque look.
- You have to bend the body and hand when hitting the ball, he enthusiastically showed.
- But do you... I still wanted to ask, but he gave me the same look again.
When he finally was finished I got to ask him. I've had observed that he kept his arm close to his body when hitting the ball and it didn't look ok to me. So I wanted to know if he did that when playing professional games as well?
- No, I actually extend the arm out, he answered me.
I was puzzled over why he didn't tell that from the beginning but thought to myself that he probably wanted to teach other stuff, so he didn't give that technique bigger importance. We then wandered around and I saw a golf ball hanging on a wall which got my attention so I picked it up. The pro gave me his golf club and said that I should practice. But the golf ball turned into a candle and from nowhere I suddenly heard and saw people dancing and singing to religious-inspired music, in different strange languages.
- Why do people believe in religion, I wondered as being sure that God exists but coming to religions I just didn't understand how they could be so happy chasing routines?
- I will show you why, God answered me.
Now, I don't know if it's for something good or evil, and I'm very sorry if I did something bad again. I have done some not smart stuff so I constantly walk as if there were pine cones scattered all over the ground, being barefooted. I've committed all sins, except for two,- murder and idolatry, hopefully forever. Speaking about that, I had another dream as well tonight. I woke up with sleep paralysis. I could see my room but was strangely enough still dreaming, hearing my children cry and my love coming to me. God then said: "This is what your loved one felt, she had a similar dream about you". I couldn't move, just thinking of how much I loved them and wished that I would be forgiven. I commanded my soul to go back to sleep since I didn't want to wake up. I instead wished I would meet them again. This is the first time I've experienced sleep paralysis. Why it happens is a mystery but the conclusion is that the body wakes up but the mind is still in REM-sleep,- they do not synchronize as normal but to me, it's a reminder that we will be conscious even after we leave this world. The afterlife is surreal as a dream but the experience of it will be as we lived again.
Date & Place: 2021-05-12. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Old memories of the dreams of life
Sometimes you go through some stuff you don't wish even your enemy to suffer. I'm not alone in having issues so maybe my sad story can give new perspectives to other's hard times. This night I dreamed of seeing myself saying to some random persons: "When people are having troubles and ask God for help, they instead thank themselves when the problems resolve, saying 'My hard times are over because I'm smart'. Or, when the God takes away some things He gave to them before, they say in despair 'God doesn't exist'". A bright woman in an office turned her head towards me in interest and some guy agreed to say: "That's so true". I left them all and went for my business, before waking up and realizing I'm being tested myself. To the story then. As I've told you before, I've had some dreams of my children before they were born. But the story starts with Lumnie, their mother. Before meeting her I was in love with a younger woman than myself. God, this is awkward to speak about but I'm honest so I lay my cards open on the table.
In a dream I saw myself fist fighting three guys coming out as a winner and seeing her watching it all. I said to her: "If God doesn't exist, I will destroy and create the world myself". But realizing that only He, the God can do such a thing, I regretted my words. "Only God can destroy and fix the world", I instead said when in the same moment the sentence was finished the world blew up and was remade again. When the dust was laid down we were holding hands, looking in each other's eyes. I woke up and realized I had feelings for her but knew that it would be impossible to get her. A couple of days later I was at a mosque with her, her sister, and my cousin. There we met three guys who argued that Muslims should believe in all the Ahadith, while I was arguing that all couldn't be true and that we only can be sure that the Quran is complete and revealed from prophet Muhamed's God. The argument ended with me saying that they could believe in whatever they wanted and I will believe in whatever I want, regretting to have fought against them. To make the story even more strange, the reason the four of us were together in the first place was that the girl I was in love with actually wanted me to meet another girl, named Liridona, who she thought would be nice for me to see. But I wasn't interested in her since she didn't believe in God, and that would be a problem in the future I thought. To be honest, I never wanted to meet her anyway, although she was a very nice and good-looking woman. I just wanted to have a moment to ask the one I had feelings for a chance. At first, she wasn't interested but I convinced her that I was serious. Long story short, we never went further due to her family and my family and confusing incidents.
I had instead a dream where I saw myself wandering through the city tossing the rings away at a memorial for martyrs and going to a house that will have significance later. I saw Lumnie Kuqi's father and later herself in front of me with her dark, straight, and long hair. She was rather tall and slim and I became mesmerized by her darker mysterious eyes. But as a child, she was blond, as I was though my hair was more albino-like. Albania means land of the white in Latin from the word "alba" and most of the children born from us are blond till they reach maturity, so also mine. The flag of Serbia, on the other hand, has a white double eagle, though they do not identify as us - it's instead an Orthodox Christian symbol, since Byzantine times from Constantine who surely was from the Illyrian tribe of Dardanët and who made Europe accept Jesus' path. I suggest you understand what the legend of the Shqiptarë teaches you, so embrace it, for your god Boga sends words of reconciliation if you go back to understanding. All fine if apologies are said and then we find each other together. To turn back to truth is the hardest struggle, and the winners will be the wise. But "It doesn't matter if you are black or white", the king of pop Michael Jackson, as all are familiar with, sang. Suddenly she turned into a huge black cobra, biting me on my right foot. Instead of fleeing, the snake came crawling towards me. I lifted my foot up to stamp on its head but when I saw into her eyes I saw a soul and got compassion instead, so I let her move one. Her father said: "I didn't know it would be like this". I ran with fear and desperation into the woods screaming out "I'm going to die, I'm going to die. I've been poisoned, I'm going to die". But from nowhere, flowers and herbs started to grow under my feet, healing me. I jumped so high in the sky of joy and happiness that I could die having felt such a nice thing. I heard a stream in the background and saw myself in this lush garden when suddenly a voice said: "We have found a river for you". Lumnie means river and happiness in Albanian and the name is like the sister name of Fat. Luck and happiness are something man always strives to feel and it's only a few chosen ones who gets this gift. I woke up not being sure what to think or feel, but I was frightened at the same time being full of joy and strength after having a broken heart before. My family and friends felt for me and had a plan for me to meet a woman, they said. But I wasn't interested. I never liked arranged marriages and especially after God's twist of fate earlier. But after long days of persuasions, I finally gave up. I kind of liked her name. We decided to arrange a date and when we arrived at her house my body froze. "This is the house in my dream", I thought to myself, wanting to turn back thinking it's some voodoo stuff going on. Her father opened the door and greeted me and again I couldn't believe that I was seeing him just as he looked like in the dream I had, before even knowing they existed. His appearance is hard to go by with a short body, brown hair, and a strange comforting face, always smiling. And there she was, having her back turned against me, standing in the living room. She suddenly turned herself towards me and pierced me with a rude but beautiful and very proud look in her eyes. "Hi, I'm Fatmir Ahm...", I said without being allowed to finish. "Hi, Lumia", she responded quickly and politely. It didn't take more than a couple of weeks of dating before we hooked up and decides to live together. We got married and she moved to Sweden to be with me.
Date & Place:A good time at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Having children is a strange experience and still something mysterious
Now as we all know, love couples often get children, sooner or later. Our first child is Femermira Marigona Julia aka Mira. Femer means woman and Marigona means "born like Mary". Lumnie had a dream where she was told that we would have a son and name him John. But when she told me this I instead became very sure that it was the work of evil. I was very confident that it would be a girl so I used to sing on her belly with what I believe was a somewhat annoying song: "Hajde hajde qika, hajde hajde qika, qika qika qika, hajde hajde hajde". "Q" is pronounced "ch" as in chick. It means "come come girly, come come girly, girly girly girly, come come come". I also had a dream later which convinced me further. Me and Mira were waiting for the bus and I looked at her as if I knew her. The bus came and we went in. There we met two females who introduced themselves and greeted Mira. "This must be little Mira?", they asked her and she modestly nodded. The dream placed itself in my subconsciousness and the days went quickly by. I remember the night she was born. It was a full moon and the nightly spring weather was calm. No cars on the road and in silence and tranquillity we drove to the hospital. I never felt such calmness in my whole life as far as I can remember. It was just the two of us, God and the coming girl. Days came and went and no name could we come up with. One day as I was writing on my book, I heard my mother and sisters call her Mira. They had decided without me knowing it. "What did you call her?", I asked with an exhilarated tone. "How could I forget the dream?", I thought to myself, since she is the only one with her name. In the Quran it's told that Mary's mother also believed that she would have a son but when she saw it was a girl she asked God to protect the infant from Satan and gave her the name Mary. My son's birth, on the other hand, was far more dramatic. I used to work late so I slept most of the morning up to ten a clock. That night I had a dream meeting Muhamed at the library of Laholm, the city we live in.
- I am the most famous Muhamed in the world, and as thanks for you learning Arabic, I've learned your language. Your child will be named this tomorrow, he said while trying to write with Latin characters.
He wrote three straight vertical lines and in the first one, he put two small diagonal ones on the top. I woke up, happy having met him, and rushed to pray. I took the Quran and randomly opened it. The chapter "The star" came up and after reading it I prayed, smelling the breakfast from the kitchen. But just after the first bite of the delicious eggs, her water broke and since I recently had sold my car we called my sisters to drive us to the hospital instead. It was panic all the way since he was about to come out real quick. His head was actually visible while in the car and it didn't take more than a couple of minutes and he was born. I actually forgot to tell you that I was traumatized when Mira was born, seeing labor and her being delivered, so I decides to go old-fashioned and wait in the waiting room when my son was born. Instead, my sister, who is a nurse, went with Lumnie, which by the way never gave a sound during the whole time, with both labors. She never screamed and showed only a little agony and I never met a stronger woman than her, having fought during the war. As a child, she was marching with the guerrillas to be escorted to another place but ended up with them in the middle of the war for almost a year. Anyway, after half an hour or so, at 12.00 a clock midday, my sister came out and said: "congratulations, you have a son. He shines with light. Can we name him Yll?". Immediately when she said that I remembered the dream and what Muhamed had written. I never felt so sure of anything in my life. Yll means star in Albanian, by the way. And this is how they came to be.
I used to abuse narcotics, experimenting with magic and God knows what, which led to temporary psychosis. Now, I haven't seen my family for a long time and life feels meaningless and dark. It was not an aggravated assault but it had serious consequences and I begged to receive care for my abuse of narcotics, which now I'm glad that I got! Some may say it's my own fault, and it's my belief as well, but on the other hand, I think that it's a test and that God planned this from the beginning. I and Lumnie were bound to hurt each other and now I have faith in Him, who sees and has all in His hands. Some might say that all these are lies, or that it's just symptoms of a decease, wish full thoughts, or that I've been smoking too much dope and it's all just imaginations. But if that's the case then I've debunked religion and if someone believes that it's all an expression of drug abuse, then why don't you take drugs to see the spiritual world, angels, or God? God will test you as He has tested me, and I regret what I did and I know that He is wise and kind. Now, what is the purpose of all of this? How will I react? If God gives my loved one back, will I thank Him? Or, if He changes my life and I lose them, will I stand firm in my beliefs? Praises and thanks to Him who has sovereignty in His hands and whose power encompass all,- He who always forgives the regretted heart. The God is The One I put my trust and hope in.
Date & Place: 2021-05-25. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
A prince and a confused friend
I was sitting on a park bench with Mirza (means royal prince in Arabic & Urdu), an old friend of mine, "chit chatting" about life and old times, when an elderly lady with a companionship of many other people accused me for not studying as I should. I said:
- How can I not be studying when I just realized how many become one?
- How, she asked me?
- I've been smoking cigars and I have a bad habit of not throwing the stump but instead taking the leftovers and rolling cigarettes with them. So, from one cigar I got leftover tobacco for ten cigarettes, and from the cigarette buttons and stumps left from those, I made one last cigarette.
I was never the less taken to a court and one of them, "the big fish" lied and denied doing so by continuing eating and only thinking of his meal. But I simply looked at them feeling tired of the judgments, thinking of Joseph and his time in prison, so I was left to leave to my special room. I almost forgot this dream after waking up, but realized its importance in seeing knowledge available in all situations. You don't need to go to big schools and have great grades to know the truth. From God we came and multiplied and one day will be going back to Him again.
Date & Place: 2021-07-12. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Victor Charlie Charlie, "eagles are not the Creator", repeat, "eagles are not the Creator", over and out
Sometimes God wants to assure that we follow Him alone and act righteously. In a very short but grasping and horrific dream this night I woke up in a city in war, being ruined by fire and rage. I stood in the center of this unknown but yet familiar place. It was not that I knew where I was but it seemed like any major city in general. In the center where the administrative buildings and the main one had a dome which was burning to the ground by fire from within. It was dark and smoke arose from the streets surrounding the whole town as showing who did this - the evildoers of hate and ignorance. The glass dome was lit by the fire making it look like a torch of despair and fear. Everything was literally burning in this, a day ago, wonderfully looking town. And I saw an eagle made out of stone in front of me inspiring me to understand that what is important is not what we got but Who gives it to man. This statue of the bird had a closed mouth and stood erect having a brusque look as trying to show power. And I was convinced that the World is constantly imprisoned by the ego's wish for always having more and that one day everything is going to be judged in accordance with our ideas, words, and actions. But with calm for some mysterious reason, I also understood that truth will succeed to convince that even in calamity we have the strength to overcome desperate situations. The God then came from above, though i really couldn't see Him, and said the following, with a warning:
- There is no bigger crime in life than making bad actions!
I listened to Him and understood that most eagles, masonry stones, and pride can't tell the truth, and either can they recreate the World when it is annihilated. I think God wants men to abandon the worship of created objects which can't create themselves and even if they do, could they ever stop a day when all matters will be settled? I believe He wants to urge you to not worship that which itself is Created, and instead we say: we believe in Him who gives and understands us.
I dreamed that I was hiking in the Himalayas and struggled against steep mountains and cold thin air as a storm came and released an avalanche. I hid behind a cliff and waited out the storm. Soon as the wind laid down I began the hike again but this time the obstacle was a giant who I with cunning succeeded to win over so I could continue. Suddenly I had a bird's eye view and the range looked smaller than one would think from above its majestic reaching tops. Coming to a high altitude valley upon the mountain, situated between four tops I saw a monument, a dead horse, and Alexander the great's grave beside it, in complete desolation. I felt humbled and thought to myself: "So many have tried this, and all will lose something to win the other thing they were destined to obtain". The low lands were just behind one of the tops and I climbed down towards the warmth of the weather and social human bonds. Waking up, I didn't really think that Alex's grave would be there, but who am to know the unseen and it could just be a metaphor. Maybe he is buried in a valley surrounded by mountains?
I've actually been to the Himalayas for real. In Kathmandu, they have mountains of 4000+ meters surrounding the area, and yet 7000-8000m pointed and ice glazed iron-hard rocks stand as proud heads looking down on their kin to protect those below. We had decided to see Mt. Everest from Nagarkot at The Chandragiri mountains. To many's surprises, you can see the Worlds tallest Mountain from Nepal's capital Kathmandu. We bought equipment, supplies, and a map and headed for Shivapuri, the highest top there, thinking it would have shelter since the map showed guest-houses and restaurants. Little did we know that the map was from the 1960s and the building had for long been deserted. It was a civil war in Nepal during this time and the state military fought against Maoist guerrillas in the forests of the high lands. We sometimes heard gunfights and military dogs running around. "What am I doing here?", I thought to myself feeling I had abandoned my life for an experience and ambition. We reached Shivapuri before sunset and my jaw dropped out of disappointment when all we saw was ruins of planks and concrete, realizing we were going to struggle hard this night and the fact that a cold cloud came in embracing us with old mysteries and fear of the coming did not make it easier to grasp. Shivapuri is famous for being a retrieval home of the Sadhus and Sannyasins who follow Shiva, who is believed to have meditated in this area, holding a trident, having a cobra around his neck, and often smoking Ganja, Marihuana, which is said to have originated here. "Are we going to survive this night?", I thought to myself while looking for firewood. But it didn't take more than a couple of seconds until the cloud made us completely wet and the ground covered with the misty water was also hidden by the dark of the coming night, making it scary to grip sticks, and if one of them moved you knew you had a cobra in your hand. From the mist came an odd-looking figure, not more than a 7-year-old child in height, having dreadlocks, wearing orange clothing, and having prayer bands from beads around his neck. He looked like a relic from the past or Yoda himself, being around 100 years old. Though he couldn't speak English he signaled us to follow him and showed us how to chop wood, using a small ax. We were taken to his cave situated on the cliffside of The Chandragiri range, from where we saw the over 7000m higher tops, just as I thought you couldn't go higher. A Picture is said to tell more than a thousand words, but my eyes had a thousand images and one word in mind - wonderful. God is the one who shows us His might and wonders so we can think and understand. The day after we left and continued to Nagarkot, but we lost track and without food, we soon run out of power. One night we simply collapsed and covered our cold limbs with grass, thinking this could be the last breaths we take. The sky had no light pollution and the air was very thin so the Milky Way looked as what it is - a ring of a Galaxy of sparkling lights guiding our paths for navigation. I didn't know that the sky could be so wonderful and bright at night before I saw it from those heights and desperation for survival. From nowhere came flashlights and three persons, who had seen us lying there, took us into their shelter. The Chandragiri is inhabited by small villages but some of these natures places are hostile towards inexperienced westerners. The Nepalis are generally smaller than us, but at the same time, much stronger and can with ease climb these mighty mountains. I felt like a fish on dry land. The host gave us warmth and food and the next day we were guided by his friendliness to Nagarkot. He made a simple gesture and pointed to it. Sagarmatha or Mt. Everest was like the other tops and quite impersonal when being side by side with her sister tops. We saw Varanasi, The Bubaneshwar temple, The Murdeshwar temple, Aum Beach Gokarna, Kurukshetra field, Agra and its jewels, Pushkara and Rajasthan and after this, I continued the path to the God. The Macedonian Alexander reached this subcontinent in his 20s and it became his early fall, but his legacy remained for 300 years, from Alexandria in Egypt to the Seleucid empire and his wast empire influenced many religious areas in western India such as the Indo-Greek kingdom who's Greek ruler Menander, Milinda in Pali, became one of Buddhism's most admired persons. Milinda's legacy also influenced Ashoka to turn from cruelty to instead embrace Ahimsa and become a Buddhist. But the secrets of the High, I do not know. All I say is what I know. We will understand everything when we lay down and look up to return back to our original Maker.
Date & Place: Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Short, easy to read and good to know
I had a dream a long time ago and since it was very consistent, and short I didn’t write it down but I believe it has an important message although.
- I appreciate that you write simply and understandably, the God said with a soft, appealing, and joyful voice.
Personally, it doesn’t matter how good you are in word-weaving but what matters is that the message is presented so all can understand it and also retell it with the same effort. But some times things are very complicated and a language has some limits to what it can tell, and do not misunderstand me but in a way, we also must accept that words can have multiple meanings and give perspectives which the logic and “the self” cannot fully grasp until they manifest in reality and particular situations through personal experiences. God is complicated but yet He has given us simple signs of His existence so we can love and get close to our Creator, but most of us are ungrateful and ignorant, though it should quite be the opposite of course. And in regards to why I think it’s God who speaks in my dreams, I actually can’t give a simple answer other than in my dreams my soul knows it is His voice and His sound is unique to me – like a sound-code which can only be heard by those whom He gives this access to, so maybe I’m mad or my self is making up this in my head, who knows? But even so, considering the special kind of presentation the dreams have I would not consider my self be so important or wise as He is, who in one simple line can tell what our souls ponder around and guide us to an eternity of bliss and happiness.
Date & Place: 2021-09-25. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Good marriage traditions
This night I dreamed of meeting a sister of an old friend and asked her if she was in a relationship. I know for a fact that she does and she even has children but it seemed that was asking in the past.
- Yah, but I’m waiting for him to be prepared.
- That’s good, one must be mentally ready and also have income and a place to live before starting a family, I answered.
I looked at her dark eyes and saw her longing and hopefulness and wished she would become happy. One big mistake many do before getting married is not being prepared. To love one another is just one part of it. But honestly, if there is not enough income it becomes hard to get along. And in a society where almost all capital is loans and owned by banks, this issue is nagging in the subconscious of many couples. Instead of encouraging the youth to work hard for ten or more years, living cheap but not harshly, so they can save money to buy a house, you tell them to "live your life", "have fun", "you only live once" etc. But honestly, the best advice would rather be to say "you only live once, so be righteous and straight, and work hard,- fun comes later, we promise". When you waste money for buying drugs, alcohol, sex, fashion, and whatever, you quickly become both materially and spiritually drained, and getting back is not a fun story, I can testify. You should live your lives at full, but not be wandering as a stray dog, begging for a bone and lukewarm water. God will reward those whose aim is for the metaphysics and the hereafter, and there one will have sex, wine, and fun with friends for eternity, and not for a brief and pointless time as in this worldly existence - this is a promise by our Lord which I hope will be fulfilled.
Date & Place: 2021-10-02. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Can magicians be interesting and learn us why to excerise that practice and knowledge?
If you believe in the Creator then you must also accept the hard and contra personal choices you sometimes have to make. In this night's dream, I was small talking with three Muslims as we suddenly saw a commotion near us. Two women were conducting in Magic and my first reaction was to be harsh towards them and seek the God's protection against Satan, but God made me accept that what they did was His will and instead I asked from Him protection for those witches:
- God, protect these two so the World can be protected from Satan the accursed, I said while spitting twice after I had done this a couple of times before I prayed for them.
The witches then approached us with joy and calmness and proceeded with their tricks. Their first one was a peculiar one. One of the ladies drew string out of her mouth and it levitated in the air between her hands.
- What are they doing, I thought to myself wondering if it was harmful or just an illusion and not actual Magic?
The second trick was similar. The same witch drew a feather-like object out of her mouth and it shone with pearls hovering and being illuminated from the feather's nerves. The other witch drew her hands above, under it, and on the side of the "feather" to show that nothing was holding it and that it was in the thin air. The one making the Magic looked at us with humbleness.
- This is just a test from God and this knowledge is only from Him so they can know the truth, the sorcerer said while I wondered if He was giving a piece of that to me also or if there will come a time when fighting in regards to evil and truth would only be solved by acceptance of- and in submission to His will.
I still am puzzled, since Magic is so different from traditional religion, but even bizarre actions can be allowed in desperate or exceptional times and places. May we all have patience and see the light from God, even if the dark covers our inner soul and even if our selves are struggling in hard and contradictory times.
Date & Place: 2021-11.13. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
What is God's oneness and is the God of Hinduism true?
What is God's real name, I now wonder? What do religions believe, or is there a scientific answer as well? Jews think His name is yet not revealed, while Sunni Muslims are waiting for a messianic-type figure called Mehdi to initiate "The World Peace", and also to "declare" the 100th name of God. One method in Muslim meditation, as discussed earlier, is to sit on a kind of Zen-Buddhistic position, on the knees, and chant all the names of Allah,- the 99 of those revealed in the Qur'an. Meditation holds vital importance in the Islamic prayer ritual (Salah), which also incorporates rites such as bowing (like Jews do), then prostrating with the forehead on the ground, continuing with the kneeling position (Jathya), and lastly meditating - "Dhikr". Thus, "Salah" is a type of incorporating or comprehensive prayer ritual, and it would be to reduce the meaning of the performed actions by simply referring to it as just being "prayer". Meditation is, by the way, a relieving ritual, that can lead to metaphysical high conscious states with the reward of tremendous satisfaction. Similarly, the 108 names of Shiva are, in Shaivism, thought to be the best mantra to meditate by, and also by chanting "Rama Rama Hare Hare" (Rama is thought of being an incarnation of Vishnu), the Vaishnava believe that "Moksha" (freedom from Samsara, the suffering of being reborn) is attained after death. Dreams, being so enigmatic in mysterious shapes, somehow most often lead my mind and conviction that they, as proofs of the reality of an afterlife, serve as means of guiding our thoughts, speech, and action in the best way. They can also show us what our God has planned for each person's self and soul.
On this particular night, I dreamed of meeting Vishnu and his ten avatars. I saw the Brahman hovering above the ground, in what seemed like a meditation pose, and having the so-called Avataras around him. Suddenly and above him, from behind his back "Sheshanaag" appeared. "Sheshanaag", or just "Shesha", is the multiheaded serpent believed to be coiled around the Universe and who also rests above the Primordial Waters of the World. Usually, it's visioned as Vishnu resting on this serpent, having his many heads as protection above him, but in my dream, I instead saw the Brahman submitting this mythological snake. I prostrated, and so did a Post-Salafi-Muslim fellow whom I only once briefly met in real life. Suddenly, all the avatars manifested a macho-type behavior, showing me a fierce power by approaching with drawn swords & spears, and placing them around our necks to test if we would hesitate in worship. But we continued to pray. At the sight of the prostration, they became even more furious and started to cut off our hair, to see if we would get scared enough to end our submission. But we gently continued our business. In the center of "the gang of avatars", Krshna now stood, glowing with a blue, yet not true color, trying to deceive us from the Lord’s guiding voice. Still, the continuation of the devotion didn't end. I just ignored Krshna's "charming smile" and quenched light, which only glowed inwards & towards him, not even close to reaching my soul. His face became saddened, and the yellow of his jealousy was almost oozing. I had completed the task. Turning towards the Brahman I asked in fright if I could get to know him more deeply.
- Are you the God?
- Yes, I am the Creator of the Universe, He answered me back with a heavy voice silencing down all sounds and noises around. - I have different names in different languages, and you will come to know me as the Wise and the Omnipotent, and these are my servants whom I never said to be worshipped, He continued, aiming at Vishnu's avatars.
I now saw, in the dream, a new scene. A spiritually divided India was instead being shown to my vision. People were contesting the truth with different religious challenges to see who was on the right path. One prayed to an idol and other made-up names,- humans who used to live before or demons who people came to view as a gods. But, this idol worshipper didn't get his wishes replied. Another person prayed to the Lord of the world - Bhaga in Sanskrit - and got on the other hand her wishes granted. And so it went on and on, with people competing in prayers and worshipping different Lords. After a while, the losers of this unique sport suddenly turned into monkeys, fleeing in hordes. Some of them planted a tree in the middle of this religious arena whose branches were leafless and thin,- the tree of Daesh, more commonly known as ISIS in the West, as this name seemed inscribed on the bark. The hypocrites had also written the names of different Western cities on the branches of this tree, and I now knew they were up to something no good.
Is Brahman or Bhaga the true God? Just by referring to the Creator with the Germanic word “God”, I actually indirectly answered this question! Bhaga means “lord” or "the good fortune" in Sanskrit, so therefore it would, of course, be a denial to not refer to Allah as Bhaga or the Brahman - the unborn, omniscient, and unseen Creator. God has maybe, or maybe not, a personal name or a special soundwave pattern on which people can meditate (as some in Hinduism think), but to think one reaches the Highest by only pronouncing sounds has fallen into the trap of ignorance and laziness. It would be self-deceiving to try to reach God by dishonest and perfunctory rites. Sound is vibrations whose effect causes the environment to behave in reflection to the appeared. If there are sounds whose characteristics are of supernatural kind, I don't know.
And the entire vision will be to you like the words sealed in a scroll. If it is handed to someone to read, he will say, “I cannot, because it is sealed.” 12. Or if the scroll is handed to one unable to read, he will say, “I cannot read.” 13. Therefore the Lord said: “These people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is but rules taught by men. 14. Therefore I will again confound these people with wonder upon wonder. The wisdom of the wise will vanish, and the intelligence of the intelligent will be hidden”, says the Bible, Isaia 29:11-14.
This is what Jesus said to the Pharisees as their hearts were inclined towards the worldly and not to the purpose of loving God and following His words. The same story as before is also now being repeated by the Sunnitic, Shi'itic, and Ismaili groups. I've been taught that the God has warned us about many types of destruction, but that He also is forgiving and wise. So, personally, I don't know if or how He will make us understand, but be sure, it will not be as you assume or believe.
And so also goes for those who bow down to other than the Lord of the World and those who are indifferent or live in denial. Ask the God for forgiveness and turn to His Love in devotion and admiration. Honestly, religions are not there for God, rather He teaches men by words and His marvelous signs. The God doesn't need anything. You are lost and instead in need of His guidance. Therefore, I strongly argue simply. For example, if you would just understand the meaning of the word "God", you would come to an understanding and hopefully instantly believe. And finally, I hope you all come to know my Lord and God, the most powerful and forgiving Creator, before realization comes without foreboding at the time predestined, and when gone will be both mind and house.
Date & Place: 2021-12.02. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
If someone thinks I have a schizophrenic paranoid disease, I can reassure that it's not the case. The God showed, in the latest dream, me being in a sports hall with some old acquaintances, while I was standing as a goalkeeper, and I got inspired to say:
- There are three steps in a person's religious development, and the third only God knows. But, the first is to be prepared and always be good to achieve the second level which is to be blessed.
I got a surprising receiving. The others felt annoyed, jealous but yet positively nodding in confirmation to the truth in those words I said. I then went around all and sat down and started being sarcastic and imitating psychotic and delusional persons who follow commanding or commenting "whispers":
- Come to me, I said to myself in a way one could assume it's the God who speaks.
- Yes, my father, a will come, I said to the voice I made up.
- Come, Lucifer, son of the light and morning, I continued pretending it was God and laughing to myself yet thinking how confusing and convincing it could be to some who might see themselves compelled to submit to impulses or uncontrollable metaphysical sounds.
See, I sometimes hear some with envy, hatred, and ignorance calling me a thing or another. But to me, it's a mystery that I'm still alive & in good shape and I thank Him who is All-mighty for always looking out for my soul, mind & self, and body. I don't judge anyone and I will not sentence humans since it's not what a reporter does, but I shall say that if the God wishes to give me something good I can only say it's from Him and hope for better, and that all can see His might and word as I do. He, the Maker and the Blessed seems to wish to be admired and acknowledged for life and the sustenance He gives.
Date & Place: 2021-12-12. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Two sailing ships on one sea of light & happiness
Humans have existed for thousands and thousands of years and during these time lapses, we have developed abilities to survive and understand the environment in which we live. It is an evolution of technology and the categorization of this process is mostly accepted. In the beginning, we used stones, then we melted metals, later we used gases or fire to create power and lastly we try to control the so unpredictable paths of electricity & electromagnetism. If you know some physics, you can see that which I observed this day,- that these four stages also correspond to the four stages which matter goes through. The four stages of matter are solid, liquid, gases, and plasma. Plasma is developed when gases ionize and become electrically charged and is a process which most matters go through. Stars are made out of plasma and they are ignited when the particles become both positively and negatively charged in gases, creating a super-hot matter. Ionization occurs when electrons are stripped out of an atom, making it positively charged. So, while other atoms in gas thus become negatively charged, the positive ions and the negatively charged electrons create a super hot matter called plasma, as the electrons are torn from negativity to positivity with fierce energy. Anyway, in our age of so-called modern times, we can create plasma and also convert different types of natural energies to electricity which have use of in daily life, as we already know. If this evolution is logical, we maybe can also assume the fifth, sixth and seventh state and so one and if so then also its form will be assumable. My personal belief is that the last phase matters undergo is from quantum to metaphysics and thus going back to the purposual start, creating a cycle. At this time, the fifth stage of matter, is believed by scientists, to have been achieved and is a form of condensation, called the Bose-Einstein condensate, BEC. It's a way to cool gas so the atoms lose all energy and act as a single molecule or atom. The first manmade Bose-Einstein condensation was created in 1995, cooling down bosons (quantic subatomic particles such as photons which is what light is made of, while other subatomic particles as electrons are called fermions, and fermions are furthermore divided into two subcategorized forms "quarks & leptons", - bosons and fermions are the smallest yet known quantum particles constituting all matters, from electrons to atoms, to molecules, to cell, to matter and so on) to Absolute 0 (− 273.15 °C, − 459.67 °F or 0 Kelvin), which is colder than space itself, making the submicroscopic particles behave as a single quantum entity since bosons can occupy a single quantum state in contrast to fermions which cannot,- meaning this form of condensation only occurs with bosons. Matter in this phase or form acts as if it consists of only one atom. To me, it only sounds like devolution or at least a borderline, regardless of the process it undergoes and the abilities it has since this process seems very rare and has yet actually not been found to occur naturally, at least on Earth, due to the complicated processes matter must undergo to reach Fermionic condensation or Bose-Einstein condensation. Since electrons are fermi, they cannot form BEC, but their electrons, with the same net charge, can be joined on certain occasions, so-called Cooper pairs of electrons, and at this stage, they can thus condensate to Fermionic condensation and behave like a BEC; further leading matter to be superconductive - where there is no current resistance by matter in the conductor. In this way, the electrons can travel as close to, if not at the speed of light, yet having other forces, like gravity, and its own energy and mass it's endowed by from Higgs field, and so forth stopping them to instantly "warp travel". Photons are in comparison massless and have no energy, which makes them affectless from the Higgs field but since they are not electrically charged as electrons, they have no actual energy in themselves while the Higgs boson (so-called God particle, named so not after it being believed to be God but it goes back to Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman referring to the Higgs boson as the Goddamn particle, after having a hard time finding it for real) on the other hand is a boson being a fundamental particle with mass related to Higgs field, and with it in the creating of mass in general. "Not even an atom’s (zerre) weight in the heavens and the earth, or something smaller or greater than it is hidden from Him, but all are in a clear record", says the Quran 34:3. "Zerre" is the Arabic word for atoms and particles in button- or round shapes. Particles come to existence through different invisible fields such as Gravity, electromagnetism, Higgs field, which in turn are also themselves considered being matter and these give forms, mass, and energy to the particles which are the building blocks of the world,- in a way scientists yet have to discover. Particles have what is called "spins" which is a vector-form in momentum, thus making them both objects and motion of clustered electromagnetic and radiating energies. Spin-value 0 means that the particle is spheric, and 1/2 spin means it could be seen as linear compression or vector, while spin 1 would roughly be a spin that takes 360 degrees to return to its original state. Fermions, and thus electrons have spin 1/2 from pole to pole, while bosons have spin 1.
Electrons are a way to understand the entire universe, all of these smallest constituting substances are mass and motion at the same time, embodied with a tremendous force that keeps everything alive. The notable spiritualist and scientist Emanuel Swedenborg, wrote a book called "Om Darrningar", or "About tremors/vibrations" in English, where he as early as in the early 1700s said that everything was constituted out of vibrations, and he was also sure that sound and light further were such. He wisely stated, in a very old kind of Swedish: "Tager man thet allmenna förnuftet til rådz, och går thermed lengre och lengre in i efftertancken, vtletande hwad egentel, är som giör thet wi lefwa, hwad ett lefwande wesende beror alrainnerst vti, så faller man omsider i the tanckar at thet thet är en rörelse: gier ju icke thet allmenna "förnutet" med, at thet som lefwer thet rör sig, thet är, at ett lif och ett warande wesende är oafskildt ifrån ett rörande". Transl. "If one takes common reasoning as advice, and goes thus further and further in reflection, really searching after, to what makes us alive, what a living being is in its inner, then we fall in thoughts that it is a motion: then doesn't the common sense give us that, all which lives moves, that is, a life and a being are inseparable from movement". He actually goes so far and believes that even objects we consider motionless, like rocks and wood, are vibrating, though at a smaller pace. In this way, his ideas have become a sectarian form of religion, wherein many famous people (Swedenborgians) use his methods to, what Swedenborg taught as trying to tap with this universal motion, thereby gain an esoteric and spiritual knowledge of the unseen. Once, in 1759 different independent sources witnessed how Emanuel, being in Gothenburg at that time, suddenly started yelling "Stockholm is on fire, Stockhol i son fire", and surelly enoguh the city stood in flames that day,- the notorious "Great Stockholm fire". These moving and bursting particles get their energy and consistency out of unseen fields of the universe, as mentioned before. As quoted earlier the Quran seems to mention such an unseen field which holds everything in order: "Allah is He who raised up the heavens without any pillars, that you can see", chapter 13:1. It's interesting that a book as old as the Viking age/later Iron age, tells about quantum fields that only have been theorized in modernity and may hold the secret of space, time, and matter. The need of teaching God's message in a common understanding has made the Quran based on an easily accessible language and the word "pillars" here is used to symbolize the separation between space and matter, and further give room for examination and categorization. Yet, it also seems to show that these fields are energetic, contractive & expansive, and coherent. "With power did We construct heaven. Verily, We are expanding it", says the Quran 51:47. Here is a similar verse from the Bible: "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in", Isaiah 40:22. Here, in this verse also a spherical earth is described. This idea of an expanding universe is widely accepted by physicists after astronomers have discovered by measurings that objects in space are gradually moving away from each other. But if we cannot observe these power-fields and quantum particles and if some particles don't have mass, how can we assume their existence and how can massless things exist? They do so by instead having the momentum and motion, equivalent to mass, in the forms of waves, rather than energetic resistances related to encountered forces. To become existing without mass, photons can't be at rest and must always travel and a particle in constant motion has always the Universal Speed or "the speed of light". So, now photons are particles and not waves? Einstein got the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his theory that light, bosonic photons, are particles and that their density defines their energy, but the debate is still ongoing and the best theory, as proposed idea by Albert Einstein himself, is that the flow of photonic particles acts like a wave. No one has seen these particles, "energies", constituting fields, dark matter, and so forth but we see how they act in the universe as means and compositions of a coherent and meaningful space. As one said, "everything is relative" and at some point, the diffusion gives us a moment to choose a rational theory and act upon that conviction. Is peanut butter a solid or a fluid? We can touch it and it's hard but yet with a gentle stroke on bread, it spreads like a liquid. The consistency or form of butter is relative to how hard we press on it! Can someone really claim that matter undergoes different phases and how many are there then and will we ever benefit or know them all? The answer depends on situations and environments given, like temperature, pressure, and electromagnetic fields, to name some. It's the same with religion, some are convinced that God is made up, while others believe in the signs that a Creator of everything must exist. It's all choices and more important than that is action and how well the ideas work in development, and finally, if the results are equal to the core thought itself. BEC and Fermionic condensates look more like a subgroup of either condensation, gas, or fluids called superfluids, but I'm not a scientist of physics either so.
Ambition and knowledge in post-modern science are becoming more superfluous in Taxonomy, the knowledge of categorization, reflecting human's greed for knowledge together with the lack of gratefulness. "And if all the trees on the earth were pens and the sea (were ink wherewith to write), with seven seas behind it to add to its (supply), yet the Words of Allah would not be exhausted. Verily, Allah is All Mighty, All Wise", Quran chapter 31:27. In Hinduism they similarly believe in "Anantaa vai Vedaah", meaning Veda (knowledge or insight in Sanskrit, and also the name of the Hindu scripture collection) is infinite, where some is "Sruti" - heard or revealed in metaphysical ways, and "Smriti" - remembered or that knowledge interpreted from "Sruti" by humans. Many scientists are aware of a greater mystery revolving around the existence of the universe, and they seldom choose to be atheists (50 of the Nobel Prize winners were believers, and some others are Galileo Galilei, Isac Newton, Guglielmo Marconi, Albert Einstein, Luis Pasteur, Rene Descartes, William Thomson Kelvin - after who we got the base units to measure temperature in so-called Kelvins where Absolute 0 is 0 K), yet their scientific methodological and instrumental search for measured evidence to their theses is by antireligious and atheistic persons advocated as if modern science rejects a notion of a Creator Deity. Humbleness towards infinite knowledge and the limitations of our own capacities and weaknesses is lacking for the reason that some people need to elevate themselves above others or are simply demanding a narcissistic type of recognition in the expanse of society's needs and well functioning. This is shown more in humanistic sciences where scholars more often undermine common ideas and common sense in general. You know what this is about. Our Northern societies, living in shame and guilt aroused by previous atrocities done to dissidents, has evolved a distancing from personal conviction, regarding identity aspects of 1) race or nationality, 2) gender, 3) religious belief, 4) political stand view, 5) knowledge and consensus, to name a few. To be proud or being nostalgic to one national identity and ancestry is regarded as racism being based on mere romanticized and intellectually constructed symbolism of genetic identity, when factually it's just nourishing roots and celebrating exceptional and significant events and traditions. To practice and express once religious faith is seen as extreme and irrational, when factually it's just once right to do so. To be a man or woman and follow bodily needs is seen as dumb and obsolete, when factually it's just instincts being based on scientific facts. To have an opposite political value is seen as a threat to order and happiness, when factually it's in adaptation politics functions as it was meant for. Feminism was at the beginning an idea of creating equality between genders and making a realization of gender roles as socially constructed, but today we discuss if the biological and physical gender per se also is socially created. In the long term, it could be, if we intellectualize the concept of gender or if creatures for some reason needed to change, but this process probably took a longer time than during a lifetime and was probably more codifying and inspirational rather than seeing a being being transformed instantly. Then there is the distinction between sex and gender as being different notions whereas gender is socially constructed, based on the habitual view of sex, according to Gender studies in Science. If we can categorize these two concepts as separate features, we then must agree that to a certain condition they also are unique in comparison to each other. Now, I think the idea of changing physical gender is interesting and maybe could benefit, yet today we are stuck with biological and metaphysical differences like DNA and chromosomes, where males have XY and females XX, not to mention the ability to give birth and dropping information to female eggs. It's contradictory to say that gender is socially constructed as a thought or idea, thus making it a metaphysical aspect, but at the same time chop of physical genitals. When people allow themselves to be irrationally ruled or influenced under emotions and beliefs, they become fact-resistant, and then that standpoint becomes a zealous obsession rather than a constructive conviction. Is there no actual physical sex, according to Gender researchers? Are people supposed to turn a blind eye when it comes to their sex organs, DNA, genealogy, economical crisis, facts of death, not to mention techno-moralism? Since we are not able to radically change our biological premises, we have to be rational and realistic and be who we are. No wrong in some person being born with strange gender and chromosomes and thoughts regarding identity in general, as DNA is what one might think as what God has written as in man's destiny, but since we are not there yet I would like to be free from social exclusion and free to be logical and believe that we are equal not in how we look, think or call ourselves, but mostly in how we act upon this earth. Or, can you call me a king because I think I am, and can you all act as if I'm one now, write it down in every constitution of the universe? Sorry for being hurtful towards someone's emotions, but emotions are just guidelines of thought processes (while feelings are the body's physical awareness of its state) and not a fundament on which to base your acts upon.
"Man lives only to learn and if he learns is in the nature of his lot, for good or bad", Don Juan. We are created from a mother and a father and have been so since the beginning of humankind,- in Abrahamic religions called Adam and Eve. These two are also being challenged in regards to their true existence as the focus probably more lies in their naming from religious roots, rather than their physical existence. For, no matter what they were called, we still must have come from two persons, probably. According to the Quran, Iblis, or Satan refusing to bow down to Adam after Adam was ordered to name all stuff, got expelled from Heaven and so later he pledged to deceive humans. Adam and Eve disobeyed the God by eating from the tree and later were sent down to earth as rulers of the planet. According to Christians and the Bible this happened only a couple of thousand years ago, around 7000 or so, which would contradict the existence of Homo Sapiens being over a hundred thousand years. My theory is that Adam and Eve actually gave rise to an evolved human species as their progeny mixed with the Stone Age people and thus started the agricultural and pastoralistic human, long before where the Neolithic period is today placed by historians and archeologists, which must have taken a long time to develop, and not a couple of thousands of years and yet not hundred of thousands of them either. It's just a hypothesis yet to be thought about. As I told before, life is a test of God to see who amongst us acts best, which makes the world a playground of some sort. And my theory is that God slowly but surely developed humans to become what we see today, and when He was pleased, He planned to put the crown to this by sending Adam to earth as the end result, meaning that there must have existed creatures resembling humans before our original parents descended here, which could breed with us, and so the definition of man lies in the possibility to define the existence more than others. So, let's see what I had as a dream this very night.
I heard people talking about dogs' teeth and whether they are carnivorous or omnivorous. The talk slowly got into evolution and someone said that we can see how God created creatures in stages by examining animal teeth. I then saw land divided by oceans and small creatures becoming larger, and then fish to large marine reptiles whose fins became legs in others who then rose to walk the shores, and then the beasts of earth became smaller and more evil. This led to the story of Noah and the famous flood of religious knowledge. I was shown the earth becoming succumbed by the oceans with waves covering the highest mountains, so much that my eyes couldn't see the horizon. But as I raised my head again, I suddenly saw the waters residue and one big ship, followed by a smaller, plowed the high tides. I felt the God's presence from the right as a Great Force having more compassion and wisdom.
- This is a sign of love, this is a sign of love, this is a sign of hope, I said to myself filled with happiness and wonderful perspectives about the future.
- But why two ships, and was it not just one ship Noah built? I continued thinking while at the same time realizing that these kinds of destructions of evil and wickedness surely happened more than once in life's history.
As one obviously noticed by now, I get these dreams of "the world end" and at the ends day, they are just common sense theories of how He can destroy you all, in one way or another. Is it not so that many religious books already told how the world ends, yet not when it will occur? He has the power to do whatever He wishes and is also a merciful God, full of wisdom and understanding. I don't really know what the two ships symbolize, but as the first came, a loud voice cried out "Noah". When the second showed up behind, I felt it was to be another kind of story.
Date & Place: 2021-12-31. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
The big lush tree over the beauty for me to maybe see?
A big, lush, and green tree,- stood with its branches, hanging down in a bow, over the beauty below. Its shades covered the heat, as she sat on her seat. Above a rock with golden hair, flowing down over her, so delightful and fair,- blushing and flirting, she looked at me, yet only to see. Who is this blond and possessive dark-eyed lady, is it from Him maybe? Completely naked, but, with one hand over her breast, and whith the other down lower, she lonely & only was in cover. This is a wide-eyed virgin in heaven, and her nothing else could resemble - or maybe those who the God in eternity will remember. While covetous staring at her shyness and sweet-wide smile,- I woke up to long, for her hidden longing, just to know to whom I was belonging.
God, I ask, make my previous faults right and my heart softer. Hate suffocates love, and love suffocates hate, which you choose to quench will be the eternal sense, for the hater having no defense, but for the true lover without any expense.
Date & Place: 2022-03-19. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Why wars and where are we going with this?
In the darkest times with people hiding in even darker rooms of hidden houses, war was raging and still, they had the will to live and continue the day with joy, kinship, and friendship. I met two men, one older and one younger, while we crouched under the windows from the hollowing wind outside and dreadful silence inside before the great battle. A baby boy was on the floor wrapped in warm clothes looking like a cocoon in security. His smile said, "I know you dad and I believe you will meet me".
- It's your son, I know, but give him an Illyrian name, the older man said to me.
- Ilir, no no Yllir with an Y, that's it, he continued.
"That's a special name or a twist on a common Albanian name, for my son", I thought to myself. As the younger man picked the little boy up, we prepared for the unrepairable but with certainty that God will grant us a strong conquest.
- May your life become stretched in the two worlds, I said to the happy little child. - But was not my second child supposed to be named Lorick? I continued thinking. - Well, if my first has a Dardanian name then the second will have an Illyrian one, I reassured myself and continued my path to the unseen outside the secure and thick walls of the house.
When I woke up, from this dream, I was puzzled because my son is called Yll and in another strong dream, I saw that I would have yet another son and I thought that I will name him Lorick,- a Dardanian name. (It seems that Shqipëtars always have had two countries since ancient times). But the God is only One and smarter and I interpret His dream as Yll is the boy in this latest dream though he was born first, as to not make a difference between two children as all are children of our first father Adam and we are all equal. But since Lorick was the Dardanian boy, the God wishes us to understand that our lives are predestined and He cares for those who use their senses wisely.
If I won't get Mira and Yll back and the loves I miss, I will never ever marry again or have children. I promise by the sky, it's guiding stars of the lost's night and its daily light, that one can fix broken stuff but never a broken word and heart, and I put my hope that only the God can do it all fine again. Also, I don't know if all is only wishful thinking, brain making, or satanic, but pray to the Lord of the worlds that His gifts are true and good. Alas, if this would be true, would I wish for it? Is hope dead and love long gone so nothing good can be done? My self, body, and soul, are in His hands, the One who knows and sees all and who always guided and remembered me.
The war in Ukraine is a sign that men are what the angels once promised their Lord that they would be. Bloodsheders and transgressors. "(And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: 'Verily, I am going to place (mankind) generations after generations on earth.' They said: 'Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we glorify You with praises and thanks (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You.' He (Allâh) said: 'I know that which you do not know.'", the Quran 2:30. The war began when the people of Ukraine or a part of them wanted to change their political situation and get closer to the EU and NATO (a russophobic organization that had before the war in Kosovo never used weapons in conflicts. But since Russia and Serbia have close political connections, they used their Veto to stop the UN to reach an ending to the bloody killings, persecutions, and expulsions. I thank the US, the Clinton administration, and the God, for the help which ended a horrific tragedy in the heart of Europe and the soul of our present worldly state.) As Ukraine changed its President and regime, Vladimir Putin and the Russian army annexed Crimea. This peninsula was given to them by Russia as a peace gift, which now is foolishly being taken back. The Crimean declaration of independence says the following words in the paraphrase:
We, the members of the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol City Council, with regard to the charter of the United Nations and a whole range of other international documents and taking into consideration the confirmation of the status of Kosovo by the United Nations International Court of Justice on July 22, 2010, which says that unilateral declaration of independence by a part of the country does not violate any international norms, make this decision jointly:"
Serbs and Putin never forgot what NATO did in the Albo-Serb war of the late 1990s, it seems, but at least we can hope we never forget the previous world wars and the one that preceded them,- the Crimean war of the 19th century. This war was the bloodiest and largest before the first Great War which led to the Second World War, right after the Balkan wars and the assasination of the Austro-Hungarian Prince Ferdinand. God is wise, giving, and merciful, so take heed of the words of the strong. If Israel and Palestine is the holy land, then Shqipëria is the accursed counterpart, literally because that's what we call it - "the accursed mountains". And I will not lead struggles. It's up to every leg to stand up and every voice to speak and every eye to see for themselves and I'm not prophesizing of the "End war", though it may come, as it is predicted over and over again, but also because we know that if we cannot turn back, we will heed to the wall with force till the head cracks open, blood gushes and we proclaim "How stupid of me, I can't go further and now I can't turn back because I'm hurt, lost and in anger, no beautiful results can come, I regret this decision". And don't forget the story of Pharaoh, he also went beyond what God ordered and he only turned back in heart as he turned back to the Lord with his soul to be judged for his crimes. "All too late", the angels proclaimed in the name of their God, and then the Pharaoh sadly drowned. We can only fight ourselves and forgive our fellow human beings and not the opposite, to fight others only to never be forgiven by the Passion, the Truth, the Love, and the Hope of the eternal Paradise.
Date & Place: 2022-04-03. Laholm at night
Text: "Firesoul"
Eternity is understood by Phi (Φ, or φ) elevated by two
As an electrician I many times work with physics formulas and calculations with help of Algebra. The word "algebra" is a Latinization of Al-jabr, meaning reunion of parts apart in fractions. It was first coined by Al-Khwarizmi,- an Islamic medieval scientific mathematician and scholar, whom we need to thank for also giving us the decimals and hence the possibilities to calculate Algorithms, also a Latinized word taken from his name. The Northern world got a spin of start during the "Enlightenment" and before that the "Renaissance", which lead to the Europeans gaining new material advantages, ironically from the time before have been extremely spiritual and also superstitious. Among many things we discovered and mastered, with what religion would say - "the leave of the God", electricity is one of the main reasons we have a multicultural and interesting society, with electronics and media which brings us all together again. Other Islamic inventions are the monocular, which Galileo innovated to become the telescope, airplanes but without an engine (the aerodynamic wings were invented by Muslims during the Golden ages of Islam), and ironically the distiller was also invented in Bagdad during this time, although many Islamic inspired societies discourage or forbid the drinking of alcohol.
Eternity is understood by Phi (Φ, or φ) elevated by two, the God said and showed a never ending spiral."
I dreamed that I was given a formula which I quickly wrote down after I woke up. (x ± y) × Φ2 = . If this is a logical one, I don’t know yet, but is there anyone who could solve this, without me telling it first then? It actually tells how infinity works, I believe or interpret it, but simply from a religious point of view, in the meeting with the Ultimate reality and the oneness of might and kingship. This formula can also tell when "the night of destiny" occurs. There have been a lot of scientific discoveries inspired by dreams and visions and it would not be our first time to do an interesting favor to the understanding of life through metaphysics. Ramanuj, the Indian mathematician who is said to have "invented infinity", a blasphemous statement (which he himself never stated), got his formulas from dreams. And also Einstein had many visions, and one led to the Special & General Theory of Relativity. I of course don't know if I ever will say facts as big as those from these two, but I used to hate maths and now I marvel at it. In North, we count parts in percent, mostly, but in Islamic tradition, fractions are more widely used. The (x) & (y) in my formula is a way to tell a person's actions in fractions and thus multiplied with φ2 it tells us the eternal existence of someone, either negative or positive. What I have come to realize is that these formulas are representations of the creation as being made with truth and relatively speaking, everyone has their own experience and conclusion of it, further meaning we can have more than one way of explaining the one truth out there to show that the God is powerful in doing whatever He wishes and by this to also test us to see who acts in the best manners and strives most for the infinite. In this dream, I also met my "dream woman" who was mesmerized by God's knowledge and His ways to explain,- He showed eternity as being a spiral without a vector start & end. But, at the end of the day, females are to me a bigger enigma, harder to solve than any mathematical problem. We can only hope that they become easier to get close to and understand.
What is eternity, is another question I and a friend once asked? Einstein had the idea that matter, space, and time are inseparable and if one is left out of the equation the other has no existence, thus nothing can be. If one thinks about how this theory of relativity works, in reality, we need the concept of what time, matter, and space are and this is the constitution of existence, and they are bound to physical laws which we also can study via maths. Matter is quantum things that exist in the bordered room, called space and without the time it would not move, being a panorama without a true sense of meaning. To measure the time we use motion, of course, but still, we have a different tastes in what rhythm to follow. We in the west mostly use solar time, while the ones around the equator follow the lunar counterpart more frequently, and the reason is as follows. To measure the time we need to have a focal point starting and ending somewhere. Without a start and finish it wouldn't be a meaning to try to deduce time without knowing where to focus. Think of it as being in a dark bunker, without light, and you need to follow certain times,- in this context as we speak metaphysics, we can say meditation. If one is used to meditate at night, it would be interesting to study how this presumed searcher would know when to do it. If space doesn't exist, then there wouldn't be room for all which exists to be in. Lastly, if matter wouldn't exist, yah you can think yourself if you existed so to say. Now, eternity is a state where time, space, and matter doesn't exist, and let's start with time since we speak of paradise. Since there is no start and beginning, there can thus be no time and now you understand. Matter has no meaning where time doesn't exist and thus the "things", or what you would like to call them, have no physical boundaries. And further, having no time and matter there is no space so this is an adventurous place to live in, where we all the time can explore new places and visions. Thus, eternity exists as a timeless and endless realm, continuesly where everything imaginable is possible. And easy as it sounds, it is not a big deal for a god who created life and death. All this is in the God's dominion; He has no end and no beginning and made us to love, believe and submit in our souls to Him. The world is a test, a playground, laboratory, example, sign, and truth to His Omnipotence and mercy to all.
Date & Place: 2022-08-13. Middle East at day & night
Text: "Firesoul"
Who knows were life's roads might take us and how far it has gone only to meet the One?
I saw myself walking down a hill, surrounded by a desolate environment. This is known as "Jabal Kaaba" in Islamic tradition. While walking down, with shaved hair, "ihram" (the pilgrimage clothes, consisting of two white sheets made out of cotton and having no seams, like in many other faiths as well with the only difference in manners and the color they have - in India mostly orange or yellow, in Christianity the robes are usually brown), and in march, one of us left the line going towards two sitting dudes beside the right side of the road, when suddenly a sword from heaven, symbolically cut his feet at his knees.
This is what happens to the one leaving the straight path, the God said in a warning and high tone.
In the short distance, the Kaaba was seen, enlighted by bonfires and only a few wicked people, otherwise being empty of life. As we marched in confidence and conviction of the God, I slowly woke up. This is a similar dream to the one Prophet Muhamed also seems to have had, before he made the first "Umrah" (the minor pilgrimage, mentioned as obligatory in the Qur'an- though some say it is optional, based on "the sunnah") with his companions and the first believers in Medinah Munawarah, on the 4:th day of the Islamic month of Dhul Qada - the same day I arrived in Mecca and Kaaba.
(And remember) when Allah showed them to you as few in your (i.e. Muhammad's SAW) dream, if He had shown them to you as many, you would surely have been discouraged, and you would surely have disputed in making a decision. But Allah saved (you). Certainly, He is the All-Knower of what is in the breasts", Qur'an 8:43. -//- "Indeed Allah shall fulfill the true vision which He showed to His Messenger (SAW) [i.e. the Prophet SAW saw a dream that he has entered Makkah along with his companions, having their (head) hair shaved and cut short] in very truth. Certainly, you shall enter Al-Masjid-al-Haram; if Allah wills, secure, (some) having your heads shaved, and (some) having your head hair cut short, having no fear. He knew what you knew not, and He granted besides that a near victory", Qur'an 48:27.
According to Islamic history, this happened after a failed attempt, due to the confederates (unbelievers of Mecca) and an outbreak of a disease in Medinah which postponed the pilgrimage to some year later. When he finally entered Mecca he was left in peace and the victory was clear, after more than a decade of both ideological and material struggle.
In 2020, I had managed to save some money, from my former firm FireMountain (which mounts solar panels, etc) to go for the pilgrimage, but due to some privacy issues with family and the outbreak of Covid-19, I also couldn't partake in the jurney, before this very year. I wish there were words to say how stupid it feels to tell this, but I felt like taking my own life, so one morning on the first of May, I woke up, put my clothes on, booked a ticket to Amman, Jordan, and left Hallali and my apartment, in the surety that all will be fine. It was this or that someone would find me hanged by the rope, embarrsing I know but also the fear of maybe being aggressive to someone innocent made it more convincing to me. I was in the capital of Jordan for a whole month, when I got the news that Saudi Arabia had initiated a liberalization of visas and social life, in particular for women. They are now not in need of male guardians and as such, they can leave their houses by themselves, work, drive cars, participate in sports, visit events such as sports and cinemas, and of course covering like before is not mandatory anymore. Yet, most still prefer the "ninja look" anyway (which I thought they looked like), it seems. 40 countries, including all of the EU, can now easily apply for a tourist visa through the internet, and for the believers, Mecca & Medinah are also open. So, I managed to get there by a cheap yet comfortable bus, and stayed in K.S.A for two whole months, sleeping at mosques and getting free food from them, like tradition tells that Muhamed, may he rest in peace and have eternal gifts, and his companions also did.
Saudi Arabia has a population consisting of mostly foreigners, upto 60%. Most of them are from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Egypt. "Yah basha", they say to all. It means "Hey Pasha" in English - the Egyptians greet each other like this as an honor. A Pasha was a governor in the previous provinces of the Ottoman empire. They especially high regard the Albanian Muhamed Ali Pasha, a king of Egypt from the 18:th century. Muhamed conquered Mecca & Medinah - Heejaz - Palestine, Jordan & Syria, and a part of southern Turkey. Though the ruler was the Sultan in Istambul, Muhamed Ali Pasha actually had a paria government of his own. The rise of the Saud family and Muhamed Al Wahab (founder of Wahabism) began as an opposition to the Albanian rule of the holy sites. The army of Muhamed consisted of mostly Albanians, which provoked the traditions of the Arabs. But he managed to crush them and not some 150 years later the family of Saud finally managed to take control of Hejaz from the Ottomans.
I also visited Giza in Cairo, Egypt - went into the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops), but not until the very last day of my visit here - though I lived an eye from them, seeing the beige, stable and timeless structures every day, while walking through the funnily bizarre and familiar Gamal Abd-El Nasir street. Instead, I used to sit with people I came to like, and we had such a fun time, so I didn't see interest in the site, not to mention missing my children made it not so morally right to go there anyway, is not the least to say. The city is big, dirty, crowdy, hot, noisy, smelling, full of farm animals, and in desperate need of food and income. The Sisi government is not popular a tiny bit, and no one had a single positive word about their President. The ticket to the site costs 240 pounds, reduced to 100 for students, and 440 for entering the Pyramid, reduced to 200 for students. I paid full price for the site but remembered that I'm a registered student of Renewable Energy at Chalmers University of Technology, so I paid only 200 for the Pyramid. What I want to say is that, after crouching in narrow halls and steep stairs surrounded by humid walls and hot hard to breathe air, just to see the completely naked tomb inside (this was just discovered in the last century and since it lacks hieroglyphs and paintings, as normal ancient Egyptian tombs have, the historians assume that it was unknown to the Egyptians and thus further it may be another civilization who built the Pyramids), I went out saying "I seek refuge from Satan the outcast" feeling something shady was about to creep upwards my heart to the head. Outside, the guy in the office, from whom I bought my tickets, demanded I hand over the tickets. He said I had to pay full price for the entrence to Khufu Pyramid, and him personally. I regret that I just didn't give it at that moment, but after being hustled far too many times (once, on my first day I bought a single falafel for 100 pounds, but while going for breakfast the next, it only cost 10) so I wanted to be clear and demanded that we should go to the office instead. Walking through the desert sand we came across an Egyptian family and the office dude said to the father, in Arabic, to play as being his boss. "Khalas akhi", I said, meaning "cut it out brother",- me understanding all he was planning to do. Later we saw a Police officer and he was just cool, standing there with his sunglasses and acting all indifferent, seemingly thinking: "seen this many times before". "Go to office!", he calmly and expressionless told us to do. In the end, we came to the office, and before my new best friend started talking I had something hidden under my sleeve myself.
- He owes me 140 pounds, I said and acting as a complaint for paying the full price I previously paid for entering only the site, though being entitled to the reduced one.
- Give him 140 pounds back, the boss said to the ticket man.
There he stood with anger, just looking confused and worried.
- Next time, type the letters better and slow down, don't stress so much, I urged him in sympathy to make it look like he just made an unintentional mistake.
- But, it is too much administration, he said.
- I will try this anyway, he continued while I went back to the site, almost angry at myself.
I then ended up buying some overpriced souvenirs, just to try to support them, which I have now given away to friends and family. One of these was a statue of Cleopatra - the mysterious and last queen of ancient Egypt. Her ancestry was from the Ptolemaic dynasty. King Ptolemy ruled the legacy of Alexander the Great in Alexandria, after his death. Her name is mentioned in Homer's Iliad as a royal Dardanian name, later given to the last Pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Cleo had relationships with both Ceaser and Mark Anthony but due to betrayal, she killed herself,- according to some by letting venomous snakes bite her hands and feet. The name Cleopatra was an ancient Dardanian name mentioned in the Iliad of Homer. So, we Albanians are loved there, as one might understand, and I used to say to my Egyptian friends that "my heart is from Egypt", which made them proud and talkative. Many of the tourists I encountered were Albanians and strange enough almost no Egyptian knew where Sweden was.
- You from where?
- Kosova-Albanian from Sweden
- Swiss? Saudi?
- No, Sweden in Scandinavia, do I look like a Saudi Arab to you?
- Yes, little, maybe Syria.
- Well, good enough. But, why do you think I'm Syrian and know so little Arabic, duuh? Sweden is in Europe.
- Aaaah, Europe! Very nice. I want a Swedish wife. Can you maybe fix this for me?
This exact conversation happened, believe it or not, a couple of too many fun times. "Muhamed Ali Pasha", they always commented to me whenever we revealed our nationalities to each other in Saudi Arabia, brothers with whom I have shared the last dates, laughs, and embarrassed myself with through our language barriers. The ticket man made a great impact on my visit, and many times I wonder if he maybe had children and family and who they then were, and maybe he was only trying to support them, which was the saddest part of the experience and made me rethink my standard in the West. So I went back as planned, though I wish I could be with my newfound friends for a longer time, from Athens with its cradle of Western culture in Acropolis, for some time, and lastly to my home, - Laholm. The journey, as most of the same caliber, was fun, hard, spiritual, material, heartbreaking, uniting, interesting, so giving, and unforgettable at the end.
Date & Place: 2022-08-13. Lilla Tjärby, Laholm
Text: "Firesoul"
"Where are they now, I wonder?" - one of the biggest questions in times of war
Just a background story of my escape to the Arabic dunes and heat, all scared that what I'm going to say now would evolve to me ending locked up, for no honest reason, where I would not be able to have the courage to face the light anymore:
This is going to be very personal, yet thoughtful. I feel obsessed with spirits or love, I actually can't really tell, but I at the same time feel tranquility and I also know that this great feeling soon will disappear. And, exactly a week ago, I dreamed of me meeting my family at their apartment but the dream was ambivalent in some way. It took place at night, and in the dark, all I saw was the house facade with lightened windows and a text in the center which I tried to read.
- It's too far to read, I thought in the dream while trying to focus my eyes and zoom in.
- This is your new home, this is your new home, a calming and powerful God said, or so I perceived it at that time.
The text said my name, embedded in a string of other, at that time, unreadable letters. The next day, I called my father and brother and to my brother especially I told them about the dream while at the same time reading a note of a decision sent from the Swedish "tax authorities". I deeply am a wise guy and I also know how to separate the evil from good, but I need to share what it said. Lumnia and her social office probably had applied for my family to have a protected residence, after their new move to a new place, thou I always knew their whereabouts and never did anything to hurt or show threat towards them, but a certain Magdalena of the office had rejected that wish to split me from my children considering the person I was, am and will be. THIS DECISION CAN'T BE OVERRULED! it said on the letter, in capitals. Well anyway, Swedish laws always have two sides on paper and the other one they never show until it is necessary. I never trust these backstabbers anymore. Society adjusts truth to their conception, rather than perceiving and accepting it as it naturally is.
So, at night I went to them having a gun and two knives, Constantine the great coins, and some other stuff. I love jokes but now take me seriously, please. The presents for my children were an airgun, and scout knives, I am sorry. And as usual, I screwed up, not even considering she might have another life with someone else and she of course knew that I am hasty. I heard Yll and Mira screaming and quarreling, before bedtime.
- Shhhhhhhh, Shhhhhhh, Lumnia said as she heard me close in at the door, being all clumsy with my steps.
They suddenly became quiet and in a rush, she opened the door screaming and tried to push me,- instead of not opening it in the first place. Yll was only in a t-shirt and underpants, and I, always had Lumnie in the periphery looking at their apartment. Only two rooms, a pantry kitchen, and the living room together, in this all to a small apartment for three seemingly almost as being "trailer park children", her included naturally. There I met three children, just about to go to sleep, and coming to them at this time, I caught all by surprise.
- Why are you half-dressed, I asked him as he lowered his look to his tiny bare legs.
- I'm here for some presents, I explained.
- No, go away and the present you can leave here, Lumja yelled at me.
- NO! They are not ordinary and can't be shown without supervision, I tried to explain, trying to teach some responsibility at the same time.
This poem I came up with before I that morning desperately jumped out of my comfortable sheets and left my pregnant cat, whom I haven't seen for 5 months now:
The sky is free,
for the eyes to see,
thankful to be,
to the God only,
He who cares for me,- made eternity.
But I couldn't go anyway with this, so after 20 minutes or so I was thrown out by them, hehehe. Now, I have the gifts but who will I give those to you might want to think? As earlier said, I love the woods and bushcraft and I hoped that I, Mira, and Ylli can camp together in my big funny tipi, and so they can meet Lalli's soon-to-come babies.
My small cottage is now rented to someone else; Hallali is on some adventure according to my sister (but her kittens are fine. One was kept by her - Toppis - the cutest, most friendly, and adorable thing ever seen. Once I accidentally sat on him and not until my nephew screamed at me I realized it was there, not making a single sound or move. In contrast to his mother who acts as if she has never seen people before, being egoistic and staring like as being surprised that we know each other. Where is she now, God?); my family is broken; I have no income; and my friends assume I know magic and am selling their souls to Satan; some think I have some psychiatric condition, other say I'm not an Imam so I shouldn't talk about Islam (while they paradoxically never even gave thoughts to God, being all non-religious anyway); the police are probably listening to my phone as I have been to K.S.A, and not to mention my sketchy contacts with the world under - as I said before I am a big test for all - my mother is annoyed by me,- and so, where is the help of the God?
I wish that no exposed woman or person shall go through violations and that no child should be abandoned either by parents or society and that the State needs to change the laws on this topic to not blame females for socio- and psychopaths who submits to their self-inflicted humiliation just to later act in some non-honoring criminal way,- and they call these crime "honor crimes", puh no. Now, I think that society needs to take heed. I'm now waiting for what will happen and I told the tax authorities that it's very easy for an IT-savvy to track down persons, and being I nice guy I told her in secrecy, so I will here not share how and I also explained that I only wished to hand over my strange presents and meet them before they of course move again. I would go to hell for them and never come out again and dream of Yll and Femermira (the only one with her name, who I pray for that she will search for the truth) at least once a week or two. Of course, I will never share my method with psychos. Nevertheless, I must encourage all to accept my way of life, or be kind and adore Him, He who sees and knows whatever is hidden and obvious,- my God the Creator of men and women, through whom He also evolved their offspring.
Date & Place: 2022-08-16 (ed. 2022.09.13). Lilla Tjärby, Laholm
Text: "Firesoul"
”There’s no god but the God and I’m only His reporter, servant & journalist!”
I saw a black screen, and in the right bottom corner it said: "Guden", meaning "the God" in Swedish. My thoughts were sad and said in the whispering of the self, that some probably worshiped it or my pseudonym as being a God, or what some think is a ”halfgod”, rather than turning the soul toward its maker - the Love, the Pen, the Eternal, the Compassionate & Merciful Creator of all worlds. My eyes suddenly instead moved towards the top left corner, but I woke up from this dream just as I was about to see what was hiding there in the dark shades.
My life is misunderstood, as are the religious individuals in their respective traditions, in modern times, also the free-willed, and yet so is my totemic old tribe. Let me apologize for mentioning the Albanians frequently which has dealt a lot with religion & policies, but are people still, up to postmodern times, making up "albanohatric" theses subjectively, (I don't prefer the word "phobic" anymore and will so do also further on, since its meaning suggests fright rather than ill-will to opposites) just as many humanistic academies have come to engage in, unjustly arguing (probably being afraid to also change beliefs and thus further to turn to Islam as we and the Boshniaks so nicely did, some 500 or so years ago, as was destined for us by the "Omnicreare"!?) that the history of the Balkan Albanians is just "make wish" national theories by us? Well, is there anyone here who still goes and reads fascinating books? Some of the ignorants also go so far as just to make Adolf, Bush, Clinton, and Trump, not to mention George Washington; yah, probably even E.T far away from home, and the Martians as well, and more, Albanians. If you can't afford the cost of buying these awesome texts, then visit a public library, for the God's sake, and read the original and ancient records yourselves, to discover what has been, is and One Day will be known as an interesting truth, about the religious evolution of the West,- who in later centuries also affected the entire globe! "Love wins over everything", a wise Nordic proverb famously teaches humans. And as famously the Beatnik movement used to strive to be and fuzzy said - Peace, Love & Understanding, "yall".
"When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return it equally. Certainly, Allah is Ever a Careful Account Taker of all things", Qur'an 4:86.
"Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe. Peace, peace, peace", a marvelous hymn used by Mother Teresa in 1981 in a London church, who there quoted the Upanishads; a song further inspired by the New Zeelandic prayer from the book "He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa" of the indigenous Maori people.
Date & Place: 2022-09-14 (edited: 2022-09-24, 2022-09-25 and hopefully and Godwilling to be complemented) Laholm
Text: "Firesoul"
Will this nightmare of my life ever stop?
My chaotic and sad story is getting into a new phase. In one week from now, on the 23 of September, I have court regarding custody of my children. We will see what happens. May my God look out for us.
I defended myself alone during the court, feeling like the former president of Serbia, Milosevic, who on the other hand did it by his own wish.
"It's the autumnal equinox. So, I wish we can remember the bright which has been and prepare us for the coming darkness", I said.
The hearing ended with them being forced to prove their claimant, so we booked two more sessions for the coming year. And according to social services, the process is deemed to take long long time if I or Lumnije refuse "to lower hands". In my back, I now hear "Conquest of Paradise" by Vangelis. For you who knows,- who will have the power of the naive, will the natives be free to choose or shall ego and the bellies speak?
I might know where they are now, by the way. In a dream, Mira and Yll weren't happy to see me as a father, nor were her eyes glad to see me. I told "Skatteverket", the Swedish Tax Office, that I won't go there, and also that VPN is highly unreliable as stealth, due to it being unstable and many times depending on the connection and free server space. I just wish they are fine, where ever they now live and wish to be.
That dreadful night, in April 2015, which started this situation and also as you can easily figure out by now, was foretold in the dreams of the God who constantly oversees shortcomings and is so Mercyful.
Some days before I went bananas, an event available by reading earlier Chronicles here, I had a special, strange, and farsighted vision of what was waiting for me. In this nightly dream, I felt like my father who was standing beside the banana green house we built in the Dukagjini plain of our lands when Mira suddenly grabbed my "love handles" (the belly) from my behind and scared the living thought out of my mind. As I turned to see who was after me in small anger, I was relieved to see the bright and glad smile of hers. I turned my head to the other side,- a narrow path which I as a child had run to escape, first from my father who I, when I was around 4, thought knew I had been mischievous, thinking he could read my heart or that the God told him this, and secondly from my mother chasing me with her shouts after me being a bad boy and stupidly teased the women she was talking to. But before this, I was famous for being the "nice" and wise child. On this road, now going back to the actual dream, Yll suddenly stood at the very place where both of them, caught me just to be grabbed by my small hands and have me in tears regretting and praying for help, and this thou they were compassionate and understanding.
As it is said. When the stars fall from the sky, all will be repaid for their actions, Yll said beneath our chestnut trees.
This is a truth. I felt confused. First came resentment which, as Yll (in the dream from a strange reason being a teenager) with his firm serious act, instead turned into joy and security. People then suddenly gathered to see what was happening.
From a house on the other side of the road, I saw a small child zigzagging, creating a white-bluish "Zeta" in the air, and having a wide smile and a wild spirit. I was at first insecure but his trickery gave me a godly high laugh as he, despite the initial unpredictability, approached our house's high walls with light. Who this is, I for now actually don't know. Standing with a proudful pose I wondered:
Where is she? Why can't I meet her now?
Without seeing them, I heard her and some female relatives talking 'n laughing while being mysteriously invisible in the center of this. The dream is a prediction that my son would be older when he sees that we are only humans and that only the truth can set us free. And that Lumia would be alone with her friends. Mira, I wish she is joyful despite the difficult stuff going on in her childhood. And the other child from a different house could be a new promise of life, family, and love with some others. What do I know? Maybe everything is destroyed for this life I used to have with Lumnije, Yll & Mira. Only He has knowledge of the unseen and can turn the day to night and the dark to light, life to death, and the dead bringing back to a new life. Winter becomes Spring and all that was dull becomes vibrant with love. I now realize that we don't decide our fate, but we are responsible for our beliefs. I don't know so much more other than that I obey my lord and pray to be shown mercy, be guided, and protected,- a wish I also have for those who believe in the Lord of everything, are close to Him, and embrace my path. Oh the God, forgive my wrongs, show me mercy; You are the only one who absolutely saved me and easily also could do it many times, Ameen!!
Date & Place: 2022-11-20, Lilla Tjärby Laholm
Text: "Firesoul"
Who was Einstein and what is his legacy to mankind?
Tonight I had two comfy dreams. But I want to say a couple of things before telling you what was so special about those. A day or two ago I and a younger friend argued/fought. Laholm, the city where I reside since my teenage years, was the first municipality to shut down the electricity in 2/3 of the town, including street lights, obviously. There is a shop, "Israa Livs", which is owned by an Arab Palestinian and has been there since the same year I and my family moved here. They have done so to save electricity (although Sweden has had an excess of it during the past two years and actually sold a lot to neighboring countries. In the mean time, we have had 10 times higher electricity bills to pay during the past years. Who gets the money and what are they actually used for?) due to the world energy crisis. This situation is one of the reasons we see young brothers fight in Ukraine, the other is of course my Dardania, also known as Kosovo, a topic one can read about in an earlier article in this strange and interesting book. Now, many other cities have followed the example of Laholm, but some are smarter. Gothenburg has instead dimmed the lights since they use modern ones, which are dimmable. Lately, my town has instead decided to go back to full power and restore the comfort of walking in the dark, and partially it has to do with the protest of the citizens here. Many feel unsafe. I suspect it also has to do with a couple of youngsters, no names mentioned, who a couple of weeks ago threw eggs on windows. Outside Israa Livs one night ago I saw the three running as if hell was chasing them. In a sense it was. Police, in civilian cars, drove forth and back to see where the rascals were hiding. Puffing, laughing, and wearing balaclavas I came across them in the dark shadows of the old and picturesque alleys.
- Why are you guys doing this, I asked?
- It's easier to run away from the cops now when they don't see anything, one answered.
- When I read the local news, that we are going back to uplight the city again, I again met them.
- Thanks to you we are safe. Society owns your gratitude for your service lads.
- What do you mean?
- Haven't you heard the news? We can finally see the faces of the ones we meet and talk to. The lights are going back on power.
The laughed. I use to go to the gym a lot, so to the point that my sister being amazed said that I almost look like Arnie. Well, she probably is only being nice of course but I have been building some Thor-body for a half-decade now. I once borrowed the bicycle from my mother to go and "push the limits", but due to the dark, I almost left the path heading towards the bushes, some others walking their dogs, and of course the fence of the Lagan.
Now back to the fight between me and the young familiar to me, which was the start of this story. One time, as I was going to the city center gym, I instead decided to visit Israa Livs. It's more of an institution by now, rather than a shop to be honest. We meet there and hang out.
- Fatmir!! Fatmir!!
I hear someone call for me, but cant's see ****.
- Where are you? I asked
- Fatmir!!
- Yes!!
- What did you call me?
- What do you mean?
- Why are you screaming?
- Well, why are we? It's because they have shut down the city so now we have to be like cavemen again.
Suddenly he misunderstood me and splashed me with water from his bottle. He was mad about something else happening earlier.
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
I have no idea what we were doing, but suddenly he pushed me aggressively. His father is Abed, the owner of the shop, so I warned him that I would go in and tell him. Which I also did. Telling him that God is real and nights are the working hours of the unseen forces, I tried to calm the situation down. We became friends again, as usual, helping his father measure the bulbs and armature of his shop lights, which I as an electrician previously had promised him to do to later have them changed for him.
The first dreams then: In it, this friend, which had a melee with me a couple of days ago, and another Albanian one were small talking.
- The Qur'an is easy to read and understand, I said.
- Yah, the Albanian answered with a mocking smile to those who don't get it.
- Yet, they ask me, how can you believe in it? How do you know how to interpret it? As if it is not clear to man, what is inside it. You should not interpret the ambiguous verses in it and only follow the clear ones and believe that the complete Qur'an is from Him, the Lord of the worlds, I said.
- Of course. It is sent from above by our Maker, he answered and opened the scripture, and started reading it while the other friend interestingly watched.
The Arabic Quran is what can dissolve all religious problems and issues in the World, by seeing it as a light and guidance to all humans and spirits.
The second dream ended with a small interview with Einstein. In it, I was going to a meeting for electricians. On the road, I met smart men, professors, and likewise. Some steps were leading to a big door to an educational institution of some kind. Suddenly I see Albert Einstein walking down from them.
- Hi Albert, how are we doing today?
- Just fine thank you, he said smiling and then continued walking to his right.
"What a strange meeting", I said to myself and started walking to the meeting, up the stair, into an office, and inside where a female professor waited for me and the others.
- I'm in a rush but we must be prepared for the hardship coming soon, she said
- What do you mean?
- We have more work coming up
- I just met Albert Einstein.
- I know. He is also coming to our gathering. Have you met him before?
- Yes. No. I think so. Yes Yes, but I don't remember when exactly. I think it was when I was a teenager back in the 90s.
As I analyze the meaning and interpret this statement in my dream yesterday, it must mean the time I first read Albert Einstein's book "The Special & General Theory of Relativity", from 1916, when I was about 13 years old in the city library of Laholm.
He was a Jewish-German-American (also an Albanian if we stretch the meaning of citizenship since Albert lived in Albania as well and got an Albanian passport so he could flee to America before WWII broke out. Jokes aside if the readers know me by now, the matter of fact is that Albania & Kosovo were the only countries that had more Jewish citizens after the war than before. It has to do with many fleeing there seeking refuge among the Albanians since the Dukagjini codex states that the host is obliged to protect his visitor, by all means, so also with his own life. Thousands of fleeing people came and got saved. They were dressed up in traditional Albanian garments, were given Albanian names, etc to camouflage them from the Fascists who sought them out. There is also a memorial in Tel Avis commemorating these acts of help for people in need) physicist whose work has given new knowledge regarding gravitational forces/waves, electromagnetism, and an understanding of how time/space/matter correlate to each other in many universal dimensions. Einstein was also a Zionist, but he proposed that Palestinians and Jews would share the land and he never advocated war, rather the opposite,- he was engaged in grassroots movements to establish a peace organization.
Before his study, men had a vague idea of how motion, time, and matter are in relation to a universal constant, and not until our days in the 2000s did scientists come to realize and prove that indeed gravity is an unseen force consisting of waves.
And though I maybe understand only half of it, the Special Theory of Relativity has come to be important not only for Physics but in the understanding of making social behavior and morals depending on the concept that time is relative to a reference point of place and lies thus in the eyes of the beholder, as based on a constant velocity = c. Imagine, as in his own example, that you are standing on a train and lightning strikes simultaneously (if that even is a possible outcome) in two different places. One strikes behind and the other in front and as you move towards, the conclusion must be that light from the light of the coming one must reach the beholder before the one striking from behind. Thus, time is relative to a constant in which "matter/mass" is objected to and limited by itself when moving in space-time continuum. An action must thus be considered as being in relation to other places in the same space or coordinates in it. In this way, we can measure for example when the light reaches from a distance stars though the earth itself moves in reference to "fixed" stars. This is Heuristic means of navigation to more general laws of nature, according to Einstein. He says:
Every general law of nature must be so constituted that it is transformed into a law of exactly the same form when, instead of the space-time variables x, y, z, t of the original coordinate system K, we introduce new space-time variables x', y', z', t' of a co-ordinate system K'. In this connection the relation between the ordinary and the accented magnitudes is given by the Lorentz transformation. Or in brief : General laws of nature are co-variant with respect to Lorentz transformations." Part I Chaper 14.
A problem with this, as I've noticed, is that the experiments conducted to prove these theses are based on the presumption of light traveling in a vacuum. As earlier stated in my reportage, I cannot see a universe being void of everything. If vacuum here means no air, then it's understandable, yet we now understand that the planets and heavenly bodies are actually upheld by forces unseen to us. This means that there cannot be an absolute emptiness and if there would be, then also time would be a void, thus nonexisting. Let's say we remove matter from a room, then it would automatically mean that the room itself would disappear and thus time would be superfluous and nonexistent - to be short: if there is nothing then "there simply is Nothing". The only way to get comprehension is thus by mathematics and measures.
Einstein's ideas are actually built on earlier studies of optics & electrodynamics, meaning quantum mechanics and light waves. But here arises yet another issue. If the light is photons and thus quantum particles, how can they move at the speed of c (universal time constant), as nothing consisting of mass can uphold itself in this motion? So they say, photons are particles moving in a wave pattern. But there must be more to it than this mediocre and a little confusing conciliation. The light must travel in waves and as fireflies engage the photons, is according to me a wiser idea. Energy, traveling in dependence from an ultimate point of reference, must also move an enormous amount of energy affected and stored to justify its goal. Light has in my view two objects - affecting a point without actually leaving its source, although it may seem the opposite to the beholders.
What actually is the universal time constant? In science, it is c=300 000 km/s (the speed of light), but if in a coordinate we give this presumption a meaning (I am not speaking of a real situation so here it is my imagination doing this) and thus with it must come a bigger purpose,- God is the constant both as the reference point, as the motion of matter, giving unpredictable individual outcomes, measured with a higher meaning by mathematics and only so in the present. The future is as easy to come to know as the past, to be rational, but speculating about the future has more risks related to personal credibility or honor, than assuming what happened in past times and in different places for objects or persons. It has to do with the attribution of coming events to Magic and or Prophetisism.
As I said before I don't really have a strong base on quantum mechanics and the equations involved here, so my base is solely in relying on their correct measurements. More I rely on the guidance of the God, the Creator of me and the world, who helps me in difficult times. So, further on to continue with the dream:
As I was in this small office, Albert came in, as usual with a big smile, and sat down beside me.
- Congrats on the Nobel Prize. How does it feel?
- Good, he simply answered.
From nowhere some colleagues of mine came in and I saw my electrician tools sitting between me and Einstein. I started studying them and picked up my bits set and said to all "Don't touch my equipment, please". I was waking up from this pensive dream by fitting the bits in their respective place of the holder and as I did it, my "self" proclaimed: "I did it, honored be He, the God who saves me over and over again".
Fun electrical facts:
To understand electricity we must understand its history. Once my old teacher in "practical electrical learning" had a "cock-and-bull story" about the origins of the word "electrician". "In the middle ages, there were some folks who practiced Magic illusions. One of their tricks was to create static electricity by rubbing a rod on different materials and placing that charged small copper rod under the index finger. They filled a glass with a flammable liquid and as they came close enough to it they discharged the rod and thus ignited the glass, to the amusement of the spectators. These later came to be known as electricians and as the demand in later centuries came for educated persons with skill in handling electricity and installing it in people's homes, they got to inherit this epithet". Not quite like this, but there is some truth in the sense that electricity has made the world to be what people would call Magic. Still, some extreme religious groups draw links to modern society with the practice of Magic, claiming that it is devilish to use technology and electronics for daily life - "it must come from Devil worship and magicians". The truth is far more simple, it's nature!
The word itself comes from the Greek word "electron", meaning amber. In late medieval times and the renaissance, they used to rub amber and noticed it got electrically charged. Later the study became more prevalent and the first forms of major experiments came during the 18th century with Michael Faraday (who also named the unit Farad (f) which is used to measure charge in for example capacitors), who used induction, electrolyte, and electromagnetism. Many attribute Benajmin Franklin for the invention of electricity but it was never invented, it is just "managed". Franklin indeed proved that static electricity and lightning were the same things,- according to the anecdote by tying a key to a kite and letting it be hit by the lightning. Who knows? Later, the Italian Volta made the battery and the Alternate current was discovered by Faraday and the French Pixii (not Nikola Tesla as many today believe, mostly due to successful marketing from Musk's electrical company with his name, who by the way in old pictures is shown wearing traditional Albanian clothes since his grandfather came from an Albanian dominant area called Sanjak and which today is accepted being Bosnian because they today speak Bosnian. Rather, the Sanjakians admit that they used to be Albanians but were assimilated by the Serbian regime 100 years ago, and they kept Islam nevertheless. I'm not saying he was Albanian but he grew up in what is known as Croatia, to orthodox parents. But his fate is indeed an unpleasant one). The only reason we use AC (alternate current) is due to the fact that it is much easier and cheaper to generate and distribute electricity with three-face AC. But, not everything works by using AC, but everything works by using DC (direct current). Direct current or DC is the more "natural" form of electricity - that which goes from + -> -, for example in batteries or electronics. Rather it is the opposite. Electrons are negatively charged, Protons are positively charged while Neutrons are neutral, so the negative electrons actually move to positive charge areas and by their motion thus creating energy that we today use, store, or distribute. This means that electrons instead move from - -> +, but humans like to think this way. The reason why people still think it is from plus to minus is that when electricity was first used they couldn't examine this relation so they simply took a 50/50 guess and got it wrong. Electrons are also the pen of computer engineering which has led us to communicate with each other from long distances. What would the world be without this mercy? In fact, it is thought that experimentation with electrolytes (batteries) and light bulbs have existed also in ancient times. I'm referring to the Baghdad batteries and the hieroglyphs of the Egyptian pyramids which some claim depicts wires connected from capacitor-looking devices, or an inductor??, to a light bulb, etc.
Men still think that it was this dude or that one who did this or that as the first one ever and ever, yet it has been knowledge as inspiration sent from their God. Who is greater than He who has planned to light up the world as a test for us, to see who does bad or good? Many of these inventors and scientists had a strong faith, and none has had more success than those attributing their carrier to only the Creator. Alber Einstein said that it was during meditation that he got the theory of special and general relativity. He sure was a believer in God, as we know.
Honor no one for knowledge if it is not shown where they got it. I just read a chronicle in "Svenska Dagbladet" by the Swedish historian and writer Dick Harrison, which taunted JRR Tolkiens claim where he stated that he never used inspiration from either Nibelungen's ring or the Norse sagas (one telling a very similar story and fate as the ring in the Lord of the rings), thou they share unambiguous similarities and the simple fact the Tolkien also was well aware of Nordic and Germanic mythology, never the less. "Both the rings are round, but there the similarities end", he once said to the question in regards to his fictional inspiration. In the article "Tråkigt Faktum - Tolkien ljög" (in English: Sad fact - Tolkien lied) Harrison writes:
So why deny the past? Why not do the opposite—recognize the narrative power of the ancient myths, their ability to help man deal with trauma, confront personal dilemmas, and achieve catharsis? I don't have a good explanation. But it is a sad fact that the ancient legends which for thousands of years provided both entertainment and comfort to people in our part of the world today are known by only a few."
But still, most of the electrical measuring units we have are actually derived from the name of the discoverer eg. Volt (for electrical potential - the force of current) from Alessandro Volta; Ohm Ω (for resistance, reactans, and capacitation) from Georg Ohm; Watt (for power, effect) from James Watt; Ampere (for electrical current) from André-Marie Ampère; Hertz (for frequency) from Heinrich Hertz; Henry ( for inductance) from Joseph Henry; Farad (for capacitance) from Michael Faraday; Gauss (for magnetic fields) from Johann Carl Friedrich Gauß; Newton/Columb N/C (for the force of electric fields) from Sir Isaac Newton, etc. etc. We live in person fixated world, meaning man only recognizes that which favors those means to achieve personal satisfactional goals, rather than simply rejecting lies and embracing facts. In the Bible and the Quran, for example, it is taught that the God has written everything down. According to my belief, it is of no difference may it be mathematical, verbal, alphabetic, molecular (DNA), electronical, or whispering of the metaphysical being. He created laws to make us believe and achieve Him. I once was confronted with a simple statement: Your Abarahamitc traditions are only bonded to laws, and not spirituality. I answer thus to this: The one being bonded to debt of blood, property, stuff, or word to another person can never, unless being a sociopath or psychopath, have a sense of peace in mind, not to mention go and meditate, which leads to light, due to post-traumatic stress. God promises eternal freedom to the ones who make the right and nice choices in life, be it to the God, herself, or fellow human beings.
Date & Place: 2023-01-17, Skummeslövsstrand
Text: "Firesoul"
Why do we go so Extreme in Love, Sex, and Relations, while neglecting God?
We are weak beings with limitations, both psychically and bodily. It doesn't necessarily mean we cannot do marvels, rather our physic is humble yet with understanding, passion, and strong faith in the High, it can perform such huge stuff we still can't comprehend. But, some persist in vague thoughts concerning magic, polytheism, or extreme trust in materialism or scientific achievements - all being superficial vain, and impermanence.
You will see my sexual frustration now since I miss someone and of course my children. Therefore to cope with some decent information, we suggest that you are of age and have a strong and brave heart. But, before we dig deeper into what is not meant to be heard or seen, due to some pain and scream, I'm going to recall this night's dream, which was set in three perhaps seemingly unrelated parts.
I have now moved to a cabin in Skummeslövsstrand, at the beach between Båstad and Laholm. It is situated in the bay of Laholm with a gorgeous view and somewhat rich neighbors. I saw myself dreaming of being in the living room as I felt a small sting of pain from my feet. A recognizable feeling, which Halali used to inflict me with her sharp claws and small teeth when she played a proud lioness of the savannah, hunting her big buffalo, was nagging my feet. The pain is both irritating, and scary at the same time, but also so cute and fun. One should never encourage cats to behave like this, but sometimes they simply are silly. I first thought it was she who had come back to me and the nostalgia sent my memory back to unconditioned love and comfort. But, as I looked down, it was just an ordinary grey cat, unknown to me before. It didn't matter at all. It was really nice to see a big cat in my life as before I went on my desperate journey, or escape from mental illness and imprisonment, last year. As usual, cats bring happiness and with it also kids. Suddenly I had a couple of them in my new house. Particularly a petit girl took my focus. She had brownish hair and seemed so sad, with a deformed-looking appearance and it boggled me. Something inside me wanted to have her in my arms and comfort her sad eyes. I gave her a hug and looked for a reaction, but still sad. A second one. No, still sad. The third one was a big one, cheek to cheek, and suddenly she lit up in joy and laughter and the sad look was replaced by an enormous beauty. So, I decided to let her play with the other kids, which she did in a hurry.
Then without smoothness, I was in a second night dream, suddenly driving a car. But this was not easy as the roads were crooked and drivers were in some hurry. I looked at the blue pale sky and saw a paraglider but didn't first realize what it was before one suddenly took off in front of me, on the road, on top of a hill. From nowhere cars came crashing on a small bridge. Blood, chaos, screams, and fear turned the day to night. Our car rolled over and many fell out of it. Some broke their heads, bones blood gushed from their limbs, as their fragile bodies came smashing into the big cliff and rocks. I almost fell over the side of the cliff and saw the rocks and grass field waiting for me as my death bed. But I prayed to the God. And, like a seed that sprouts with force in Spring, my body was revived with power and joyfully I danced my way down, also inspiring the others who previously were in my car to do the same. We all made it down safe and fine.
Together we went to an event. I think it was a book release by a lady who was thrilled and enthusiastic about her writing. She stood behind a bar and to me, it looked like she had two jobs. One was a seeker-writer and the other was a bartender. I wanted to curiously ask her some questions and to break the ice I presented myself straightforwardly.
- I have seen God in my dreams.
- Really?
- Yes, I also do interviews with religious figures...
Suddenly a man came and started interrupting. But with patience, I waited and then continued.
- I conduct interviews with famous religious persons like Buddha, Jesus, and Muhamad.
She looked stunned and confused but before she had a chance to reply, another one came, also interrupting. Still, with patience, I waited for him to move on.
I now realize it was some kind of competition, although I only had professional business with her, some may have interpreted my will as sexual or flirting. She started talking about some renowned woman who had realized that we have four arms, just like the idols of Hinduism.
- The four arms are like magic, she said.
- Do you really think so? I asked her
I was confused by her fuzzy expressions being so confident. I tried to imagine having many arms but as a believer, I was sure what to think.
- Shiva has four arms, which make many incredible things, she continued.
- Do you mean more drinks at the same time?
A woman, who previously had shown interest in our conversations, came and stood close to us.
- Even today, humans believe that Shiva and his ideas have powers, but it is only manipulations and nothing sustainable. It's only desires and wishful thoughts. If such things can exist, why then not pray to God Himself for gifts? I said.
- Yes, it's true, one of the men randomly answered.
The writer or bartender, being for the moment in thought, sadly but still humbly, looked down while washing some glasses at the sink. "It's alright, you're going to make it, I promise", I said and unusually placed my forehead against her's which made her smile with security and certainty at my comforting words. And then, as usual, after strong emotions in dreams, I slowly woke up.
Shiva is, as said in previous chapters, associated with extraordinariness and thus mostly with his sexual force, also called Linga (which actually is an Indian word for the male genitals, while the counterpart - the female one - is named Yoni). Some argue that the phallus erected in Shaivistic worship is in fact not a Linga, but could be a symbol of the universe and that the Kaaba of Mecca is a Shiva-Linga. Bizarre as it may seem, this symbol has much importance to the adherents and is used as a fertility fetish or amulet. Contrary to the Bhagavad Gita which states:
"They say that the universe is void of truth, of guiding principle, (and) of ruler; produced by the union of one another (male and female) from lust, and nothing else. Depending on this view, these men of lost selves, little intelligence, and fierce deeds, these enemies (of the world), are born for the destruction of the universe." Mahabharata Section XL [(Bhagavad Gita Chapter XVI)].
Why does sexual desire encompass a huge religious tradition in the Indian subcontinent? In fact, Indian society is sexually limited and tabooed, similar to the Middle Eastern lands. Yet, as is part of Indian diversity, sex, and lovemaking are vital to a lot of the myths of Hinduism. To answer this we must remember that the Indian subcontinent hosts 1/4 of all living humans on Earth. The answer to why there are so many Indians is probably found in some religious traditions, maybe because of Shiva or why not the promiscuous and sexually spiritual text Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana. It has most probably influenced a couple of bed games and made marriage somewhat more exciting for a lot of people. Some say it was written as an order from a king who needed a bigger military force and by arousing his servants he hoped to get an increase in his people's population. At least the temple of Bhubaneshwar is strongly associated with the Kama Sutra and the ancient ruler of the state of Odisha. It has a lot of carvings with sexual images depicting both naked, full-round-breasted- and curved-bellied females, but also different sexual positions taken from that scripture. Besides the many references to the Kama Sutra the temple of Odisha is actually a solar calendar constructed to follow the seasons, solstices, and time in general.
- Psss, pssss, Shhhh. This is the "69", a funny-looking and also funny being guide showed me, whispering and pointing to a carving of a depiction of a couple in that heated position.
Some "recommendations" are very interesting. Now for the initial warning, I had too weak-hearted. Kama sutra talks a lot about different types of sexual personalities and their intimate connection to their physic. It's a very sexually spiritual book, taking up the aspects of Dharma, Artha, and Kama (meaning Religion or order, Purpose, and Pleasure, respectively), etc. There are for example "the rabbit", "the doe", "the elephant" and so on, all having different sexual desires to achieve an ecstatic orgasm. It also talks about the anatomy of the Linga and Yoni, and for example how one can enlarge the Linga. You can use a mix of herbs or do with some kinds of prosthetics made from different materials. It also recommends perforating the Lingam and in that hole which is caused by the piercing, a rod or barbells are inserted to satisfy the female who is not easily aroused,- in this case the "Elephant lady". These are called Apadravyas and are sometimes still in use, both in the West and also traditionally in South East Asia, eg. in the Philippines, Borneo, and Indonesia where these are instead named Ampallangs. One famous Western genital piercing is the Prince Albert piercing (don't look at the pictures, for the love of Him). As the myth tells, Queen Victoria's consort had one made, so his Linga would snug smoothly in his tight pants,- yes it's of course only urban legend. Or, is it? What's known is that the British upper class, during the Empire, used to have some kind of genital piercings, as well as the famous Prince one, of course, inspired by the wild "New World". But traditional Apadravyas or Ampallangs (Am'puh-lang), which pierces the glans, are less common but still preferred by women for their males, in the far east. It was a law in some places over there, before the European colonization, giving rights to ladies to divorce their respective if he didn't pierce his precious.
The following are the different kinds of Apadravyas: "'The armlet' (Valaya) should be of the same size as the lingam and should have its outer surface made rough with globules. 'The couple' (Sanghati) is formed of two armlets. 'The bracelet' (Chudaka) is made by joining three or more armlets until they come up to the required length of the lingam. 'The single bracelet' is formed by wrapping a single wire around the lingam, according to its dimensions. The Kantuka or Jalaka is a tube open at both ends, with a hole through it, outwardly rough and studded with soft globules, made to fit the side of the yoni, and tied to the waist. When such a thing cannot be obtained, then a tube made of the wood apple, or tubular stalk of the bottle gourd, or a reed made soft with oil and extracts of plants and tied to the waist with strings, may be made use of, as also a row of soft pieces of wood tied together. The above are the things that can be used in connection with or in the place of the lingam. The people of the southern countries think that true sexual pleasure cannot be obtained without perforating the lingam, and they therefore cause it to be pierced like the lobes of the ears of an infant pierced for earrings. Now, when a young man perforates his lingam he should pierce it with a sharp instrument, and then stand in water so long as the blood continues to flow. At night, he should engage in sexual intercourse, even with vigor, so as to clean the hole. After this, he should continue to wash the hole with decoctions, and increase the size by putting into it small pieces of cane, and the right antidysenterica, and thus gradually enlarging the orifice. It may also be washed with licorice mixed with honey, and the size of the hole increased by the fruit stalks of the simapatra plant. The hole should also be anointed with a small quantity of oil. In the hole made in the lingam a man may put Apadravyas of various forms, such as the 'round', the 'round on one side', the 'wooden mortar', the 'flower', the 'armlet', the 'bone of the heron', the 'goad of the elephant', the 'collection of eight balls', the 'lock of hair', the 'place where four roads meet', and other things named according to their forms and means of using them. All these Apadravyas should be rough on the outside according to their requirements. The ways of enlarging the lingam must be now related." Kama Sutra - Chapter II - The ways of exciting desire, miscellaneous experiments, and recipes.
These piercings are associated with sex as beauty but have a lot of physical complications, such as infections and bad hygiene, least saying and there are also high possibilities, medically documented, of devastating the sexual organs - some causing "bent penis"-syndrome and also permanent nerve damage. So, desires of the material world are in these subjects a cover of the mind, which in misuse will lead to anger and if not controlled, also rage. Lust and manipulations are common in witchcraft but have also since the late 1960s established in the West,- but here it's not called like that by traditional terms. We talk about personal satisfaction instead, or being who they "were meant to be" or "for the sake of love", et al. But maybe, If God gives humans food and encourages sex then we can rely on Him to show us the best way to prepare it and enjoy ourselves in worldly matters without limits for true men and women.
IN the beginning, the Lord of Beings created men and women, and in the form of commandments in one hundred thousand chapters laid down rules for regulating their existence with regard to Dharma, Artha, and Kama. Some of these commandments, namely those which treated Dharma, were separately written by Swayambhu Manu; those that related to Artha were compiled by Brihaspati; and those that referred to Kama were expounded by Nandi, the follower of Mahadeva, in one thousand chapters", Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana - Chapter I, Salutations to Dharma, Artha, and Kama.
Shiva's other major name is also Mahadeva, as told in the chapter "Indian & South East Asian Traditions", meaning that Nandi, the writer of the original scriptures referring to the teachings and practices of spiritual Kama, must have been inspired by Shaivistic Lingam-Youni rituals and the complementing beliefs based on the lustful idea that a created man or androgynous person is the initiator of the World. Nandi is also the name of the companion, the bull of Shiva.
Made lawful to you this day are At-Tayyibat [all kinds of Halal (lawful) foods, which Allah has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables, and fruits)]. The food (slaughtered cattle, eatable animals) of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) is lawful to you and yours is lawful to them. (Lawful to you in marriage) are chaste women from the believers and chaste women from those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) before your time when you have given their due Mahr (bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity (i.e. taking them in legal wedlock) not committing illegal sexual intercourse, nor taking them as girl-friends. And whosoever disbelieves in Faith [i.e. in the Oneness of Allah and in all the other articles of Faith i.e. His (Allah's) Angels, His Holy Books, His Messengers, the Day of Resurrection and Al-Qadar (Divine Preordainments)], then fruitless is his work; and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers." says the Qur'an 5:5 "Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth when or how you will, and send (good deeds, or ask Allah to bestow upon you pious offspring) before you for your own selves. And fear Allah, and know that you are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give good tidings to the believers (O Muhammad SAW)". Quran 2:223
The quoted verses mean to show that the God wants men to control the satisfaction of the material by simple means and rules. Meaning, that the marriage of a believer in the God has only success with a like-minded person. You may see the verse of the Qur'an saying that females are like a tilth as a justification to forcefully lay with a wife, but consider then the allegory in romantic sides instead. I mean, If winter comes and the soil gets ground frost, that would make it impossible to work it. Or, if it gets flooded one must maybe wait for it to drain some.
A Book We have sent down to you so that you may bring forth mankind from the darkness into the light!", concludes the Qur'an in 14:1. "(This is) a Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember". the Qur'an says in 38:29
I often get to answer offensive questions or defend the religion of Ibrahim, the friend of the God. "You Muslims and Christians are so law-bound. Why can't men just meditate, love, and accept everybody's lifestyle?". To begin with; how can you meditate or feel in peace from within, when children are crying over the loss of their mothers or fathers, having no protection or comfort? When there are wars, rapes, hate, and sickness around the globe? If one murders, steals, or gives false witness, is there any way to reach perfection and tranquility, and so also sit and contemplate the marvelous Creator? To meditate, to be inspired, to feel peace and light which in the pure descends right from above and settles in their chest? No, is the real response, if the person in question of course is not a psychotic sociopath and manipulates his mind so he can utilize his self or free will to the desired actions and thus get satisfaction. To be able to be in stillness by the leave of God and achieve the latent and bewildering high cognitive states of the soul, there's of course a requirement to have morals and to understand ethics; which both leads to a blame-free consciousness and so to a free self, which can by the God be inspired. Having the most epic name of modern times, and of course, being part of the developed decadency of that and the two following decades, the classical music composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart once supposedly said:
When I am at peace with myself . . . then thoughts flow into me most easily and at their best. Where they come from and how - that I cannot say . . . I'd be willing to work forever and forever if I were permitted to write only such music as I want to write and can write - which I myself think good."
Why then do some egoistas go so extreme in power, sex, and relations? The Eternal Kingship, that's it! And, what could the Eternal Kingship be? The place of beautiful women and good companions, where the host is the God the All-Powerful, Mercyful, All Encompassing - and the center of this.
Date & Place: 2023-06-03, Skummeslövsstrand
Text: "Firesoul"
Why can't I see the children of the God?
Happy birthday my son, on your tenth year!
By ”the children of the God”, I don’t say He has begotten them in any way, but that we all belong to Him and so does my small and beautiful gems. How did Ylli come to the world anyway? The sub-chapter "Old memories of the dreams of life" tells this fun & unique story. 
Date & Place: 2023-06-15, Skummeslövsstrand
Text: "Firesoul"
The last version of the text!
- I have decided that you need to wrap it up. Don't add anything new, just correct it and that is the last version of your text, He, the Maker of everything said to me.
God was in front of me and a friend, while the both of us sat on a wooden bench-table, just like those in parks or picnic places. I don't know who the other person is, but he sure seemed to me like he was someone I know. Although the journey of this text here may end, the fate of Palamedes does not. Instead it's the bigots who now win temporarily,- but remember, "Fate shall find its way".
These dreams have been like a new day with fun, interesting, and unpredictable events, much like those nostalgic young summer times, we all have had, and which we never forget. I will of course correct this reportage, and since life is a cheerful game, my heart will submittingly be with my Maker and God, on a sort of stand-by for what we will experience here next.

... Not to be continued here ...

International Standard Book Number:
ePub: 978-91-986590-9-2

